Chapter 11

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Recap:"I know that we just moved here." He twiddled his thumbs. "But I think we are all moving back to where we came from."
"Have you all agreed." I didn't want them to leave. They couldn't.
"No, I don't know if Felix or Aaron are staying, but I think I am going to leave." He looked melancholy.
"No. You can't leave. I know things are awkward. But bear with us." Ida and Yami will date if I know her. And Lily and Felix could be saying they wanted to be each other's as we spoke.
"Why should I stay?" He looked away, he was tearing up.
"Because now that you're here, I don't know if I will be able to live without you." I started to cry.
"Shhh don't cry." He enveloped me in a hug.
"You could in-roll to college." I hugged him.
"I never said I was staying." He gave me a solemn, devilish grin.
"You won't leave me here with my same 'ol boring life will you?" I pouted.
"I never said I was leaving either." He let me go and I looked down. He put his thumb under my chin, forcing me to look in his eyes.
"Please stay." I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I guess." He laughed. Lily walked up beaming, and she broke the moment.
"Well hello, here is all the natural light they've been depriving us of." She just walked up and hugged me so I patted her back. Sean went in the waiting room once again.
"He asked me for a date." She was still beaming.
"Well? What did you say?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes of course!" I smiled and hugged her. We walked back in the waiting room to see Aaron stuttering to Ida in the corner. She smiled mouthed "yes" under the tears and hugged him. Jeez love fest. I needed a break. So I went to the hospital gift shop.
"Why is everything so expensive?" I muttered to myself.
"Can I help you?" A lady eyed me. I was looking at bracelets for Ida, Lily and I. Cheesy, I know. But we were middle schoolers at heart and I wanted friendship bracelets.
"Yes. Do you have any sets of three?" I asked and pointed at what I was looking at.
"I could throw in an extra of the set, if you like. You look like you've had a rough few days.
"Yes, it has been stressful." I picked up my choice and headed to the counter. The girl looked no older than I was, and she was doing me a huge favor.
"Thank you!" She smiled.
"Thank you too." I giggled and went back into the elevator. I started to think of my dad's shifts, he must have been called in last night, so he would still be coming in at four. I wanted to replace the pudding before he got back. So I turned around and went outside.
I waited only five minutes before the bus came and I hopped on. It would be a fifteen minute drive. I looked out the window at the town I had grown up in.
"Next stop Hannafords." I made my way to the front and got out. I went in bought three things of pudding, payed and left. I decided to walk back. I checked my phone. 3:47 plenty of time to get back and put the jello in the fridge. All I had was a bag of jello and bracelets. I made it back around 3:55.
I walked into the break room to see my dad opening the fridge. He shut it and whipped around. I handed him some jello. He eyed me suspiciously.
"We ate it, so I just went to the store to buy more." I said while restocking the fridge.
"That's okay" he said and ate his pudding. I left and went to the waiting room.
"Where have you been?" All of my girlfriends flocked to me.
"Hannafords." I took out the bag with the bracelets. They ooed and ahhed. They were pretty, a crystal heart, with "BFF" engraved on the stone.
"Thank you Liv!" They hugged me and the guys rolled their eyes.
"What do men ever share anything sentimental?" I teased fixing the clasp on Lily's wrist, Ida doing mine, and Lily doing her's.
"Yes, we share socks." Aaron joked. We all cracked up. And I sat on a couch, on which Max was on the arm. I decided to fall asleep so I laid down with my head on the rather uncomfortable pillow.

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