Chapter 14

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Recap:"God." I said aloud. I kept packing. I really hope there are certain people there, that I've been dying to meet since I knew about them.
It is Saturday, the day before we leave to LA. I am so giddy for this trip. I can't sit still. After the sleep-over we went to the hospital to tell Felix we would be coming 1 or 2 times a week. We told him Ashley and I are going to LA and that we wouldn't be at the hospital this week. Ashley and I are currently sitting on my couch watching old videos from various Youtubers.
"Why'd you pick this exact flight on Sunday?" I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.
"You will see. Look, I know the past week has been, stressful. But this vacation is absolutely not a trip to be sad on. A guy literally died for you. But once again you and I are left boy-less. You will know why I booked this exact flight from New York." She said without even looking from the TV, which was playing Marcus Butler's helium balloon challenge.
"I'm trusting you." I laughed. College was starting again in a week. We should make the fun last before its back to days of classes and homework.
Ashley spent the night at my house, to make it easier in the morning. Her sister Morgan would be coming as well, but Ashley said Morgan was just coming to see LA. Morgan didn't want to have anything to do with this trip. I was fine with that, I don't really get along with her anyway.
"Ashley. Ashley. ASHLEY!" I tried to wake her up, and she only stirred when I yelled. "Gosh that girl can sleep." It was 5:30, but we needed to wake up this early, because NYC is about five hours away.
"I want to go back to bed." She whined as she got dressed.
"Well you can sleep in the car." Morgan was driving us, and she was coming in a few minutes to pick us up. I don't have a car, because I'm a 10 minute walk out of town, and I can take the bus to college. I used to have a car, but one day it just quit, so I scrapped it. I will get a car when I need it, just not right now. Usually I work as a waitress, but I took all my vacation time and used it for this winter break. Ha, something good came out of it this year.
"Get in the car!" Morgan had her head out of her sunroof, and she was dressed in clothes obviously not meant for winter. It was cold and snowy, but I'm not going to tell her what not to wear.
"I know we are going to someplace warm and sunny, but that is five hours and a plane ride away." Ashley said as Morgan closed the sunroof.
"I don't really care." Morgan said and backed up from my house. My house is a simmer house used by my parents when they come back here. They pay the bills, until I graduate and get my own place.
It felt like five years, riding in silence, but when we got to the airport there was more people then I bargained for. I had no idea why people would be leaving at the end of winter break, but then I realized that they weren't getting on a flight, they were mobbing someone who was.
"No. Freaking. Way." I said, handing my passport to the security dude.
"Yes. Liv this is real. They just got off the plane from London. They are transferring to a flight to LA." Ashley guided me as I looked above the crowd. The security platform was higher than the waiting area, and I could see right over them. We made it through security, and went to go sit down, getting a seat right behind the row they are in.
"I am in so much denial. I never want to wake up!" I said fangirling. Morgan proceeded to pinch me, and I slapped her.
"Flight 276 now boarding. Flight 276 now boarding." We heard the loudspeaker, and jumped up running to the gate. I felt bad that they had to fight through crowds of people to get to the gate. But something seemed off. We were the only ones going towards the gate. Well this might be awkward if we are the only ones on the plane. They couldn't even get to the gate, they were surrounded.
"HEY! DON'T YOU REALIZE THESE PEOPLE HAVE A FLIGHT TO CATCH? LET THEM THROUGH!" I yelled standing on a chair. Everyone looked up and receded.
"Thanks." I heard someone say. I wasn't sure who it was.
"Don't mention it. And I think you were all hoping for a peaceful, fan-free plane ride but we know who you are." I said as I walked backwards examining them.
"Hi." Was all Ashley could manage. Morgan just rolled her eyes.
"Well maybe we could get to know each other!" Zoe, or Zoella said as she stepped on the plane.
"I can't believe you!" I whispered in Ashley's ear, pulling her to the side.
"I thought it was just Joe and Zoe! I knew they were coming, but not on this flight!" Ashley was near fainting. We boarded the plane, and sat wherever we wanted, it was only our group and theirs.
"Well I'm Livella, but you can call me Liv. And this is Ashley." I motioned to her. I couldn't believe we were on a plane with Joe Sugg, Marcus Butler, Caspar Lee, Alfie Deyes, Zoe Sugg, and Jim Chapman. I'm freaking out!
"Nice to meet you." Caspar stood over the seat to see us.
"Be quiet, please I just want sleep." Joe reclined his seat and turned over. Then the lady came out, announced the rules and stuff, then left. The plane started off.
"What exactly will we be doing in LA?" I asked. I really hope Ashley didn't book the same hotel as these guys. I don't know how we would pull that off as a 'coincidence'.
"I've pulled a few strings, so we are going to be there for the big collab." She said it like it was no big deal, and she plugged her earbuds in. I was on the outside, Ashley had the window seat and Morgan was sitting in the front, away from everyone.
"I really love your videos." I decided to talk to Zoe.
"Thanks! Hey what's your Twitter?" Zoe pulled out her phone.
"Really? It's ~livella2222~" I said as she typed it in.
"How does it feel to meet a bunch of famous people?" She asked.
"It's really something. It's kind of weird though. Apparently we are also have some backstage action with your collab." I said. Shoot I shouldn't have said I knew about that.
"How do you know about that?" She asked.
"Ashley's brother does editing for some Youtubers in LA. I'm not sure who, but it must be someone you guys are doing a video with." I said. It wasn't a lie, Ashley's brother was an editor. But I don't know how she knew about this collab.
"Oh. Well you probably know a lot about me, so I want to know about you. After all, we might be hanging out a lot in the next week." She smiled.

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