Chapter 2

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"Ah but I am so let's get to know each other." I lightheartedly punched his arm, and he blushed. He seemed more awestruck than me.
We started to walk down the road towards town laughing, chating, and getting to know one another. I found out his favorite color was green, and he found out I was from Ireland. As we made our way to a tiny cafe, waking people up while we did so, we realized it was close to 6:00 and I dragged him into the cafe. We both ordered coffee, and no one recognized him. It was just me and Sean, not a fan girl and Jacksepticeye.
We started back after delicious coffees and decided that if no one was up we would ink pewds face and scare the shit out of Mark.
"We have to stop and get sharpies at my house." I said making a plan in my head.
"I've got the nerd guns stashed in a bush." Sean was devious when it came to pranks. He obviously had a complex plan, and backup plans as well.
We went into my house and found my sharpie kit, and made sure we had the essential colors. We then proceeded to the backyard of his new house and armed ourselves each with a nerfgun and a water gun as well.
"Livella, first you go to Felix room, second door on the left in the main hall. He is a deep sleeper so do what you want and then come out, if he wakes up just hide in the closet and tell me mission compromised." He handed me a Walkie talkie. "I'll stand watch and make sure Mark and Aaron don't wake up.
"Got it, ink his face and move on." I nodded to show I could comprehend his plan.
"Then come out and we move down the hall. Yami's room is across from Mark's. I storm Mark, you storm Yami." He looked at me for confirmation.
"Yes sir! Do we shoot first or water Gun?" I said with a grin, meeting my idols, that was one thing. But pranking them? This is my dreams spilling off of pages in my diary!
"Whichever one seems more appropriate." And with that I put my bag full of sharpies over my shoulder and we started for the door. Sean unlocked as quiet as he could and I started down the hall, just as I was opening pewds door, I heard his heavy breathing, a sure sign he was fast asleep. I turned the knob and crept in. I started to set the bag down and get to work.
"Morning! I see Sean has taken a liking to you!" Pewds said it as he opened his eyes.
"Holy Jesus! Pewdiepie! Ummmmm keep it down. Oh this plan was supposed to work." I said as I shook my head.
"I will let you draw on my precious face, only if you will go on a date with me. Deal?" He gave me a trademark smile I couldn't resist.
"Oh fine. But as far as you are concerned you were asleep when I did this. Clear?" I asked making sure he knew this was only for Sean's sake.
"Crystal." He replied.
"Do the others know our plan?" I asked not even sure how he knew.
"No only me." Then he held still so I could draw a cry mask on his face.
"Done, now to, ahem, wake up everyone else. I stood up, and he fake-sleeped as I left. I looked to Sean and we moved down the hall all sneaky like.
I barged in trying to be scary, but Yami didn't even stir. He looked so innocent, I almost felt bad as I sprayed him at the exact moment I heard Mark holler.
"Now what the hell was that for?" He asked lightly.
"Your mine you bastard!" I heard Mark yell as Sean sprinted away from him.
"Ask Sean it was his idea." I looked at my feet, because Yami wasn't mad, just disappointed, like a father would look if his daughter did something she wasn't supposed to. "sorry" was all I could muster before I ran and tackled Mark before he could catch Sean.
"Eat feathers Markiplier!" I hollered as I smothered his face with a pillow. He looked confused as to why there was a girl in his house. But went along and chased me anyway.
"In your dreeeeaaaaams!" He chased me to the top floor, where I surrendered.
"I-I- I give up!" I threw my hands in the air to show defeat.
"Quit acting like middle schoolers!" Yami said, rubbing his eyes. He was making waffles in the clutter of nerf darts, water, and down from the ripped pillows. I looked at the mess, my jaw dropping as Felix walked out in a leotard with a fluffy pink tutu. I face-palmed, and decided to introduce myself to Markiplier, who had lost his glasses, and Yami who was using salt instead of sugar in the waffles.
"Ummm I'm Livella, but call me Liv. I already know who you are."
"Yes we know who you are as well." Mark said searching for his glasses.
"Oh shit. I ruined the waffles." Yami looked truly disappointed. But no one payed attention to Felix who was off prancing in lala land.
"I know a great breakfast place?" Sean nodded and so did Mark, and no one wanted the salty waffles, so I went outside while everyone except pewds, who seemed emotionally compromised got dressed.

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