Chapter 13

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Recap:"Ok I think we can get everyone in here now." Lily put her hands on her hips in satisfaction. We got everyone and drove to my house.
"So let's go get cleaned up." We ran in, rushing towards the many bathrooms in my house. We all got showered, brushed our hair, and discarded of the cheap products from CVS. We all changed into new clothes, and went to the TV room.
"I say let's start with Call-Of-Duty." This coming from Lily, it surprised us all. She usually wasn't into violence, or video games for the matter.
"Let's call Ashley." I said and took my phone out of the jeans I had just put on. I told her to get her butt over her, and she said she would be here in five minutes.
"I'm here! Now why is it that I'm here?" Ashley yelled, signaling her arrival.
"Some famous people moved next door from here, and one of them almost died." Ida explained it leaving out almost every detail possible.
"Omg spill!" Ashley wanted to know, so I told her the whole account of these last six days.
"If we had thought to tell you we would have." Serena hugged Ashley.
"It's ok. I would have been really mad if it was. O2l tho." We all laughed. We decided to do our nails, and talk about things, but mostly college. What we will do when we get out of it, our courses, stuff like that. It was so soothing being in my house will pretty much every girl I knew. We played games, did hair and nails, talked, watched YouTube. I had a 70" plasma TV, and it had built in wi-fi so we could all watch YouTube on one screen. We watched a lot of people. We watched at least one of everyone of our favorite people.
"Thatcherjoe now!" Ashley pleaded, even though she didn't need to. I love Thatcherjoe, he is my favorite vlogger besides Tyler Oakley and Mathias. Plus he plays games. We watched a few challenges, and then it was about 1:00 in the morning so we went to bed.
Ashley woke me up at 8:45 and dragged me outside.
"What the hell are we doing?" The light nearly blinded me. She looked very serious.
"I got us tickets to LA." She held them up. Sure enough three tickets, leaving from the airport in two days.
"Omg!" I hugged her. "Why is there three?" I asked.
"I knew I would bring you, because it's been our dream for a while. But I felt empty so I wanted to bring someone else, I'm just not sure who yet." She was beaming, I don't blame her.
"Why Sunday?" I asked, it was weird she wanted to go at the end of the weekend.
"Because I have sources that say some of our favorite Youtubers are all coming together to create a giant collab." She squealed.
"Are. You. Serious." I couldn't believe it. First Sean, Aaron, Mark, and Felix move here, and now I'm going to LA to meet my idols.
"Completely." We hugged and I ran inside, and packed a suitcase.
"What are you doing?" Serena asked, standing in my bedroom doorway.
"Nothing." I replied.
"Really? It looks like you are going somewhere." She sneered.
"Well I am, but not right now." I snapped.
"Geez calm it." She said. "I know where you are going." She walked out.
"God." I said aloud. I kept packing. I really hope there are certain people there, that I've been dying to meet since I was 12.

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