Chapter 25

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Recap:"I'm staying until I finish my degree, and then I'm moving to London!" She blurted. I covered my mouth with my hands.
"I'm really happy for you." I hugged her. She deserves better than what she has now.
"And Joe and I ate officially back together!" She exclaimed.
"I figured." I flopped on the other bed. Huh. One of my friends was moving. my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket. It was Sean.
"Where the hell have you been?" He yelled through the phone. I am so pissed at him. I don't even know why.
"Why the fuck do you want to know?" I spat, crossing my arms.
"Because I want to ask you a question. and I want to ask you in person." he said rather cooly.
"We'll be back in a few days. Bye Sean." and I hung up.
"Sean?" Ashley cocked her head.
"Long story." I rolled my eyes.
"We have time!" She said.
"So, as you know, pewdiepie Mark and Jacksepticeye moved next door to me. so, they all had a crush on me. and after a huge turn of events, Sean said he liked me but he needed time." I practically breathed the last part.
"Whoah girl, I know exactly what you need." she paused.
"Don't you dare say a mocha-frappachino-cappuccino-alpaccino-Honda civic-teriyaki chicken-palino." I put my hand over her mouth.
"I was going to say a Netflix marathon, but that to!" She laughed.

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