Chapter 22

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"Screw this I'll go find her." Phil said walking down the hall.
Livella's POV
The Tyler Oakley was giving me a tour of LA. We chatted, and he showed me around.
"Oh no." I pointed at Phil, who was about a block away.
"It's Phil!" Tyler was about to yell and wave at him.
"No, I'm trying to get away from Phil." I pulled him into a shop.
"You should have just said some thing!" Tyler smiled. He pulled out two pairs of sunglasses, and handed one to me.
"Won't the hair give us away?" I put them on.
"Not where we are going!" He pulled me by my wrist to the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
"No way!" I almost screeched.
"Yes, way." He said, looking at me. We took selfies together, and took pictures with some of the stones in the walk way.
"Well I have had a really good day!" I said. It was about 7:00.
"Yeah! Wait, do you want to have dinner?" He turned back to me.
"I wish, but I really should get back." I smiled, giving him back his sunglasses.
"Keep them! Okay! I'll see you around!" He waved, and we turned our separate ways. I pulled out my phone to realize that when we were taking pictures, he put his number in my phone as the 'Queen'. I walked back to the hotel. Dan was leaning against the wall outside. Shoot.
"Where the hell were you?" He grabbed my shoulders.
"Staying away from here." I shoved him off.
"With who?" He asked walking with me to the elevator. "And Phil still isn't back." He glared at me. I just looked straight ahead.
"Tyler Oakley. And if you two are such good friends, just call him." I sneered. He left to call him, and I stepped into the elevator.
"We were so worried!" Ashley scrambled off the bed. I ignored her. I slipped on my Beats, and listened to FOB until I fell asleep. In the morning I woke up to an empty hotel room.
"Are you guys in there?" I asked at Dan's door. I had taken a shower, and changed into a My Chemical Romance shirt and jeans. No answer. I knocked on everybody's door. They were all gone. I tweeted: I've lost two 6' man child's can anybody find them?.
The tweets rolled in, but one caught my eye. @tyleroakley: YASSS, both of them are at Starbucks. @Livella: thanks!
"Hi!" Someone said from behind me. I spun around. My beanie almost fell off.
"Are you a fan?" I asked.
"Yeah, could I take a photo?" They asked. I took a selfie with them. I went to Starbucks. I saw Phil and Dan in the back corner. I hit Dan's head lightly.
"Would you be so gracious to tell me where everyone is?" I leaned over slightly.

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