40. Two new comers

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We moved into the outpost. I stuck between the king and Carol where the group slowly rounded the corner.
Carol shoots at a man and he drops behind a car as everyone fires at him.
The king holds his hand up and we stop for a second as the man throws a grenade.
"Drop!" I shout and pull Carol behind me.

"Protect the king!" Wakes me up as the ringing doesn't stop.
"Protect yourselves!" The king shouts back as I slowly rise to my feet. Grabbing my knife i take out an incoming walker.
I turn and do the same with the next one as the dust slowly vanishes.
"Anyone see where he went?" Carol asks as I try to find my core balance.
"If he tells everyone we're here it's over before it started" she says as I walk over.
"It is not and we won't. For we together will find him and end him. We will finish what we begun. Trust the king" he says as smack the side of my head trying to get rid of the ring.

"Outpost is north though the woods"
"As it is surely his course, it is ours" the king says.
"Return to the staging area and await the other when they land and if they haven't release shiva form her cage. Well leave a trail for you and she will know enemies. Remain in these environments and stay not 10 minutes behind. Go!" He commands
"Onto foe and compound then to certain victory!" He shouts.

"Did you catch a word of that?" I ask Carol.
She nods and I stare bewildered.
"Was he speaking fast or was my brain slow?" I ask as we follow him.
"I think it was a mixture of both" she jokes.
"Haha. That's a fake laugh" I say rubbing my head.

"What befell this creature?" The king asks the weird walker that just met Jerry's axe.
Jerry gives him a look as I shake my head.
"I meant before" he says and I smile.
"Compounds not far off if he made it they will be ready" Carol informs us.
"Two possibilities, just one fact" the king chants.

"And what's that?" Carol asks.
"We shall be ready regardless" he says making Carol mad.
"What's about to happen isnt just some walkers alright?" She says.
"Yes and yet I smile" he says as I walk past the two.

"Hey is This blood of the wasted?" A man asks.
"Wasted?" I repeat.
"Walkers then" he says and I shake my head.
"No this is from a living being. Not that long ago either" I say as the king and Carol joins us.
"We hit him" Carol says smiling.
"He's moving slow" I confirm.

We watched him run or a bridge and the long signals us to stop.
"stop. Our friends are here" he says as shiva takes him down.
"And their it is. Our certain victory. I'm not glad for his death, not for anyone's" he says.
"I know" Carol says as Jerry picks up the radio.

"We're on the move. Taking active measures, just hold down"
"We will not retreat" the king determines.
"They know we're coming" a man argues.
"Yes they do" he says lifting his sword up and smiles.
He swipes up the radio and starts talking:
"Their coming. Coming for us right now. A powerful force, a bloodthirsty rouge and unrelenting cut throats. That want nothing more then out destruction and yet I smile and yet carols smiling" he says as Carol cuts in.
"They probably have the numbers but we have strategy" she says and I nod.

"Yes we do! Yes we do!" He repeats.
"We split in two teams. One goes around and one straight. We can catch them off guard easily" I explain and he nods.
"We have our plan!" The king shouts as we split and move out.
We walk to a clearing before whistling erupts in the small area were in. We put our hands up and wait for a second before our other team mows them down. We lift up our weapons and finish off some others.
"We move onward!" He shouts with joy.

We snook up behind a car knowing that they are all in a crowd infront of us.
We look to the king for a signal before open firing on the people.
They all fall down dead when a person starts counting everyone.
"Everyone's accounted for" he announces.
"Ezekiel?" Carol asks.
"Not one!" The king replies with joy as he smiles at Carol.
Ohhh I see it now
" we need to clear the compound" she states.
"Your counsel your plan" he says.
"We're gonna go take a look" she says as we walk over.

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