✶ 38: tsukishima - painkiller

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tsukishima despised being compared to hinata. in his eyes, they were just too different to be brought up in the same sentence and he might even insist that he's the complete opposite of him with numerous (well prepared) reasons.

they were two completely different people and he wouldn't change that for the world— but if one thing's for sure, tsukishima certainly wouldn't mind taking a bit of hinata's impressive energy capacity.

the way hinata would run miles and miles without breaking a sweat will forever astound him, not that he'd ever actually admit it, but the thought was unfortunately there.

"tired?" your voice pulls tsukishima away from his thoughts, blinking again before he sees you in his peripheral vision and he sighs.

you hand him a water bottle, your bracelets dangling as you did and he's trying to forget how sweaty he must've looked in front of you.

he didn't know what was worse; their team losing four matches in a row or the fact that the punishment for all of those were a long dash towards a steep uphill.

he nods as he takes the bottle from your hands, wiping the sweat trickling from his forehead with the back of his wrist and he finally lets out a breath of relief.

he looks up at you, his voice timid, "exhausted."

"oh yeah, i can tell," you grin, looking around the grassy steep karasuno has been running on and you almost felt like laughing at the sudden cue of everyone else's excessive panting.

you give him a shrug as he returns the bottle your way, his glasses glinting along the surface and you smile, "i'm sure you'll win the next one."

"we will?" he snorts, a playful bounce lacing his wordy tone.

"well i mean," you laugh, "you better."

he grins at your remark— something you've only seen him do once when kageyama fell on his face— but this one felt a bit more different than that.

he sighs, "i guess we'll win the next one."

"woah," you beam. "i don't think i've ever seen this from you— can you say that again for the camera?"

and suddenly tsukishima wasn't so envious of hinata's energy capacity anymore.

he indulges himself in your rambling and he decides that he doesn't mind feeling exhausted as long as you're there cheering him on.

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