✶ 17: kuroo - tokyo tower

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"come to tokyo with me," kuroo tells you, hovering slightly as he stood next to your seat. his arms pulling you close, and he feels you let out a breath the second your back presses against his chest. you were warm.

you hum, barely looking up from the book in your hands and you say, "i'd love to go with you." your sentence hangs, and he knows you've got more to say.

your boyfriend frowns, "but?"

"but i've seen your schedule," you tell him, "and you are swamped, i'll be a total distraction."

he huffs, pulling away from your touch and he crosses his arms dramatically in front of you, pouting even more when you only slightly react to his expression.

he scoffs, "you give yourself too much credit, you won't distract me, you know."

"hm," you raise a brow, "i won't?"

"i — well — no?" he sounds unsure, and you laugh at how even he found himself confused with that. he was always too sweet with you.

you hum again, "we'll go to tokyo when you're less busy."

begrudgingly, kuroo nods, opting to drop the topic for now, but it's important to understand that he certainly won't stop asking until you finally agree to come with him.

and that's how he finds himself hovering over you— again. barely paying attention to the suspicious glance you kept giving him, as he's more trying to find a better segué to try and bring up the prior question.

"go away." you tell him, quite sick of the way he's been basically attached to your hip all day.

kuroo frowns, "not until you agree to come to tokyo with me."

"we talked about this," you say, unsure of why he was even pressing in the first place.

he replies quick, as if he's been practicing what to say to you, "i'll clear out my schedule, it isn't that important anyways."

"and bringing me to tokyo is?" you grin, setting your book down and for the first time all day, you look back at him properly, "why?"

"i just really want you to see it," he smiles, thinking about his town, his school, his home, all the things he'd like to share with you, "total paradise."

he chortles, joking, "i have pamphlets, wanna see? i also memorized the tourist ads about it if you really wanna be convinced."

"you think you're funny." you roll your eyes playfully, smiling, "i've been to tokyo before."

he grins, "not with me, you haven't."

you think, wondering what could he possibly have in mind that wills him so much to bring you there. you know it's his hometown, the place he practically grew up in, and you smile, putting the two together.

your eyes gentle, "doesn't your dad live in tokyo?"

he looks at you— unfazed, but you see the way he gulps, hands fiddling with his shirt and he looks nervous.

"do you want me to ask him to move?" he scoffs, crossing his arms, and he laughs when you throw a pillow at him.

all that aside, kuroo smiles, his glance warm and sincere, and he walks closer to you, steps brisk, quick to get to where you were.

"i want you to meet him," he tells you, warm, soft, gentle— "he would love you."

you know how important this must've been to him, seeing as how he took all day trying to convince you to do it, you sigh, heart so full.

you nod, "okay."

"you're coming to tokyo with me?" he asks, though he already knows your answer.

you shoot him a grin, "i still want to see the pamphlets."

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