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Chapter 07. Viking

Josh was thinking who this guy was. And why had he drank his amazing tea. That guy was still standing on the same spot, staring at Josh. He put the cup down and stood in front of Josh, extending his hand.

"I'm Doug. You must be Josh. I live here."

"Yeah I'm Josh. Nice to meet you?", it came out more like a question which was not what Josh had intended.

The Doug guy pulled down his mask and lifted his helmet. He placed it on the counter near the door. He was stunning, Josh thought. Muscled body, blond shoulder length hair. He looked like a viking if they existed now. He looked like Thor, Josh thought and smiled to himself.

"Move over," Doug said heading towards the couch.

"Yeah sure."

"Well, that tea was real good. Make some more and bring some snacks for me."

"Yeah sure," Josh said. He didn't know why he was entertaining this guy. He could have just said 'no' but he didn't.

Doug raised an eyebrow, "Don't you say anything but 'yeah sure' ?"

"I- uh..."

"Leave it. I'll be back in few minutes. Don't forget the tea and the snacks."

Josh nodded saying nothing. Josh thought if he was some kind of bully, a bad boy. He got up and made some tea and put some snacks in a plate. He returned to the living room with a cup in one hand and the plate in other. He handed the cup to Doug who was already sitting on the couch. He had changed and his hair was tied up in a bun. He drank the tea slowly this time.

"What do you do?," he asked Josh.

"I just earned a scholarship in NYIP. And I work in the library nearby."

"Oh, a studious one, are you? You work for Mrs. Jogers the one who likes cookies?"


"What do you do?", Josh took the risk of asking this guy a question which definitely could get him killed, he thought to himself.

"Me? I don't do anything. I am a biker who just seems to get in trouble for riding his own bike and minding his own business.Well, for earning money I work in the café down the street. Do visit with your pals sometime. They serve really good coffee and pizzas."

"Definitely," he didn't know what else he should say and was saved by well, another question.

"So, why did you move in here? Moved in from different state, this place is near to college, wanted to run away from family, orphan, want to live near your girlfriend or boyfriend, just for change, serious matter at home, serial killer has you as the next target, you being a serial killer or a detective, running away cause you are being followed by cops or well girls or boys or both..."

"Wait!! Nothing like that. I just wanted to be independent. So my mom and dad let me choose a place so that I can get to live by myself. That's it," he lied. He didn't want to tell the truth, at least not now. He didn't want to tell this guy who apparently was a total stranger about his personal life. And telling a stranger about your personal life the second time was not something Josh wanted to do.

"Not for girlfriend?"

"I don't have a girlfriend."


"Nope. I'm straight."

"Well, I definitely moved here for that reason. My parents didn't like me biking around and they hated when I used to bring girls and boys over to my place, so I thought why not move out and help them. They hated the idea at first but then I promised that I'd visit them and they agreed. Not that I've visited them. But I do call them."

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