Foreword by the Author

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Welcome, gentle reader!  This story is called His Warrior Queen, and it is a Haikyuu fanfiction featuring an original character and Tsukishima Kei.  If you would prefer it feature you and Tsukki, well, feel free to replace Ogawa Nakano and her attributes with whatever you'd like your name and attributes to be.

I make no claims about the quality of the writing.  I do hope you enjoy it, but honestly, I'm not a professional author of novels or anything, so there's that.  I'm writing it down mostly to get it out of my head, and because someone dear to me suggested I try this.  I've written fanfiction before...a loooong time ago...but never in a public forum like this where anyone could read it. (the last time I did this, the only medium available to me was old fashioned paper and pen!).  So...hey, please be kind.  If you don't enjoy the story...please do go find one you do enjoy.  

Some housekeeping issues:

* I am a music addict.  I love music, and it drives my life in lots of ways.  The chapter titles will be song titles or lyrics, so if you can guess the song they are from - you get 1000 points!  Of course, everything here is made up and the points don't matter, so there's that then.  

* I generally write in the third person, but sometimes, some things are better expressed in a particular person's point of view.  I will be chapter consistent.  If a character's name appears in the chapter title (ex: Daichi: You Better) then that means the entire chapter will be written in that person's point of view.  If there's no name in the chapter title, it will all be in the third person.

* I will generally use italics to indicate someone's thoughts or things seen in a dream.  The context will be made clear in the writing (I hope!).  

* I will sometimes use bold to indicate a strong emphasis on a word, usually a spoken word.

* My native language is English (American English, to be exact) and I know little to nothing of Japanese culture and custom.  I do my research, and will try to make things I use as accurate as possible, but...if I fail, do forgive me.  In general, I will avoid using aspects of Japanese language or culture unless I'm reasonably sure I'm using them correctly.  

* I've watched the anime, but not yet read the manga.  I will follow the timeline as I know it from the show, but will not rehash the entire series - these events take place in and around what is happening in the anime. I will not change anything canon knowingly, though I may add things  as needed.  If I include dialog direct from the anime it will come from the English dub version (whenever available) but I don't plan to do that too much.  I will do my best to try to represent the canon characters as accurately as I can, but I didn't create them, so I'm not as inside their heads as Haruichi Furudate would be.  Forgive me if sometimes I don't get them as accurately as I want.  Headcanons are inevitable, please indulge me.  UPDATE September 16, 2021: So I guess I'm having fun, because here I am about to write the Shiratorizawa game chapter, which represents the entirety of Season 3, which is the last season dubbed at this point. ARGH! Please dub faster! And please come out with Season 5! :D So...despite my best efforts, little changes from canon are creeping in, things that seem inconsistent with what is shown in the anime. It's not awful, but it's there. I love the way that this story is unfolding, and will not be attempting to correct any of this. But I want you to know, and to know that I'm aware. I hope you'll find the changes both minor and acceptable for the sake of this story.  UPDATE: October 2, 2022: Well, at last, I've run out of anime source material.  They've announced the two final movies, but I've not seen a date for the release of them.  So...beginning with the game against Nekoma, I'll be using the manga (translated into English) as my source material.  Things will likely go even slower than they've been going up to this point.  But I promise, I will not abandon this story.  I will see Tsukki and Nakano through to the ending I have planned.

* I will deal with some mature themes here.  If a chapter contains something that might be considered a trigger (I do plan on some talk of suicide, for example) there will be a (TW) mark after the chapter title (ex: Daichi: You Better (TW)).  I don't plan on a whole lot of "lemons" as it seems to be called here - only what is relevant to the story.  So...sorry about that if that's what you were hoping for.  UPDATE April 28, 2021: So, things have gotten a bit more lemony (lemonier?  Is that a word?) than I thought they might.  Still not to the level of what can easily be found on here, but still.  So...yeah, just thought I'd mention that.  UPDATE June 13, 2021: I've added a brief description of why the (TW) mark is added to certain chapters right at the very top of the chapter.  Also, yeah, this is kinda sorta becoming very coming of age/sexual awakening/smutish...but Wattpad isn't letting me add those tags to the story.  So...enjoy the very slowly developing sex life of our main character and our favorite middle blocker.

* Finally, please be aware that I own nothing besides a deranged imagination.  I don't own any of the images or music used in the story, I don't own anything having to do with Haikyuu (other than a lot of merch) and I certainly make no claims on any of this stuff.  I'm just a weird lady with an overactive imagination and a little too much time on her hands. 

While I do intend to make this clear in the story as well, since I've got your attention I figured I'd let you know that we're going to start about a month into the new school year at Karasuno.  Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi have all joined the team, and so has Coach Ukai.  Ukai has only recently started - they've not yet had the Golden Week training camp.  

Well, there you have it.  I'm probably crazy for doing this, but hey, sometimes, you just gotta do something a little crazy.  I hope it's at least kinda fun to read.  How often will chapters come out?  I cannot make promises.  I'm hoping to write every couple of days, but as has been often said, hope is just the first step on the long road to disappointment.  Seriously, I will try not to go too long between updates, but life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans, ya know?


His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now