The Grand King and Queen [Oik...

By mangoezhoez

322K 14.1K 5.5K

Oikawa's sister... the great Oikawa Tooru, and his little sister. To get out of his shadows you went out to f... More

1. You Should've gone to Shiratorizawa
2. Meat buns
3. Novice
4. Gungun Yogurt >> Yakult
5. The Flower Pot
6. Dorming
7. The Intersection
8. First Practice
9. Oikawa Cuisine
10. Onigiri with da bros~
11. Oversleeping
12. Hacking the vending machine.
13. Hell week but it's training
15. Interhigh - Quarterfinals
16. Interhigh - 2
17. Interhigh - Semifinals
18. Interhigh - finals
19. Next Time
20. Off days
21. Super glue
22. The White Knee Pad
23. Caltan
24. Interhigh Nationals
25. Interview
26. Day Two
27. Nationals - Quarterfinals
28. Nationals - semis
29. Beef
30. Party at Aunt Miya's
31. Pond Duel
32. Sick Days
33. Training Camp
34. Training camp - 2
35. Training Camp - 3
36. Oikawa
37. Hyogo
38. Sleepover
39. Love Letters
40. Mani no Pedi
41. Luck
42. Prodigy
43. Let's Get It
44. Thank You
45. Engawa
46. Deal?
47. Lights
48. New Year
49. All-Japan
50. Shark(ie)
51. 113
52. Polaroid
53. Sugar Cubes
54. Onita
55. Iwaki
56. Wanaka
57. Pretty Girl
58. Young Miss
59. Deal.
60. Date Auction
61. Strong
62. Cherry Blossom Tears
63. Peculiar Meetings
64. Seijoh
65. Mija
66. Shoji Screens
67. Practice
68. Doki Doki
69. Intrusive Thoughts
70. Choco Milk
71. Wise Words
72. Fingers
73. Weekend in Tokyo
74. Feisty
75. Favorite
76. Weirdo(s)
77. Like and Subscribe
78. I <3 You
79. Questions
80. Interview
81. Training Camp
82. Dragon
83. King
84. Spooky
85. "Coaching"
86. Athletic Festival
87. Flower Field
88. Friendly Rival
89. W's
90. Party Hardy
91. Class Inspection
92. Sister
93. The Competition (?)
94. Training Camp
95. Kanari
96. Bars
97. Minegishi Minami
98. Call
99. The End

14. Interhigh

5.4K 236 86
By mangoezhoez

Qualifiers started today. Shiratorizawa didn't have a game until after noon, unlike Tooru's being one of the first ones. Both the boys and girls clubs were welcome to watch from earlier but didn't have to meet up with the team until a little after the time Tooru's game was scheduled to end.

You stuffed all your game gear into your sports bag, the tracksuit garnered too much attention. Especially when you're cheering for the rivals.

Either way, today you wore some jeans with one of Tooru's extra tracksuit zip ups hiding your jersey underneath it. He insisted saying that simply wearing white wasn't enough Aoba Johsai spirit.

You came alone given that Tobio was busy with his own qualifiers and your Shiratorizawa friends would, 'rather be caught dead than seen supporting their rival team' as said by Shirabu. Others simply had to study and do some work before the games started.

You sat far away from the Aoba Johsai cheering section. Many of them recognized you as 'the girl that's always with Oikawa and Iwaizumi'. Their fangirls probably think you're one of them.


You'd much rather not have to deal with such girls today. You also didn't know the cheers so it'd be awkward to be the only quiet one.

The whistle blew, signaling the start of the game. Aoba Johsai was against Tokonami High.

For the past couple of years they have always been knocked out in the first or second round, so you didn't really know much about them. Tough luck having to go against a powerhouse school their first game though.

You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket as the two teams got into positions.

Imma call you

You were about to respond until your screen flashed Suna's name.

"Are you watching the first matches?"
Rintarou's monotone voice asked, sounds of volleyballs bouncing off the floor and limbs heard in the background.

You hummed, "are you?"
"Yea, Atsumu wanted to come taunt Kaisei."

He hummed, "That's the team that always loses to Inarizaki in finals."

"Hah? But Atsumu hasn't even played an official match against them. Who's he gonna taunt?"

You heard some shuffling until Osamu's voice cut through.

"There's this scrub he hated in middle school. And the scrub went to Kaisei, so he came to taunt him."

"Makes sense."
You looked at the scoreboard. You hadn't been talking for long but Aoba Johsai had secured the lead.


Tooru set the ball to Iwaizumi who shot one of the cross shots he had been practicing.
"I'm guessing yer watchin' yer brother's match aren't ya?"

"You're right. Though the team they're up against doesn't seem to have much of a chance. Makes me feel sorta bad."

More shuffling was heard before Atsumu's voice boomed through.

"It ain't yer fault that the other team is scrubby Y/N-chan!"

You giggled.
"Nah, it just doesn't make for a very exciting match."

You smirked as you observed Tooru get ready for his serve.

"Yer a mean one, ain't ya?"
Osamu said, muffled complaints most likely from Atsumu heard in the background.

"Your acting like your other half doesn't have the personality of sewage water."

Osamu and Rintarou laughed as Atsumu's whines were muffled in the background.

"Wait hold on-"
You told them as you dropped your phone into your pocket and cupped your hands around your mouth.

"Nice! Tooru!"
You yelled at the top of your lungs, hoping he'd hear you over all the other cheering.

He looked over in your direction and gave you a big smile, a real one you noted as you could see his eyes smiling in the distance.

You gave him a thumbs up before he turned his attention back to the ball they had passed to him. You sat down and brought your phone back up to your ear.

"Nice Tooru~" you heard Atsumu say with a high pitched obnoxious voice.

"'Samu, punch him for me would you?"
Osamu hummed before you heard him punch Atsumu. Followed by Atsumu's whines of 'why do you listen to Y/N but not me?' and 'I'm older, scrub!'


You heard Rintarou sigh as the sounds of volleyballs changed into muffled voices.

"Ah, Rinrin!"
"I think I'm getting a touch screen for my birthday."

"Are you actually?" you hummed "Well Kaa-san said she'd buy it for me as my birthday present."

He let out an airy laugh, "I look forward to seeing your face-"
He was cut off by what you'd like to think where girls, going off their high pitched excited voices.

"Are you Suna Rintarou?!"
One asked.

You heard Rintarou sigh.
"Are you Suna-"

"I heard you the first time."
He let out a short sigh.
"But no, I'm not."

You giggled a bit at the blank tone Rintarou had used to deny that he was himself.

"Hah? But you look exactly like him!" you heard as another girl whined out.

"I get that alot, but no. I'm Oikawa R.."
"Ryu, say Oikawa Ryu."

You whispered to him, not knowing if he was still holding the phone up to his ear.
"Oikawa Ryu. I'm Oikawa Ryu."


You heard as the two girls sighed and said a string of apologies before Suna spoke up again.

"No problem. Oikawa Ryu~" you giggled, trying to ignore the blush that had made its way to your cheeks.

"I think Oikawa Rintarou would sound better though." He said between a yawn, causing you to turn into a blushing mess. Hiding yourself with your palms so as to not let others see you.


"S-Suna Y/N doesn't sound half bad either."
You managed to stutter out, being brought back to your senses after making eye contact with Makki on the sidelines.

You smiled at him shily before noticing that Rintarou hadn't said anything.

"Oh um, Kaneko-chan?... yea..." you nodded at a non existent Kaneko.

"Hey Ri- Suna, I have to go. Talk to you later." You said before immediately hanging up, not letting him answer.

You put your phone back into your pocket before sighing as you bent down to rest your elbows on your knees.

Dumbass Y/N dumbass

You told yourself, mimicking all the times Tobio called you that.
You stayed looking at your shoes for a while. Waiting for the embarrassment to die down along with the heat that had made itself to your face.

You stood up and walked towards the railing to see Makki's spike bounce off of one of the opponents arms.

24- 9

You saw as Tooru stepped back from the end line for his approach.
The whistle blew at the same time your phone started vibrating, indicating a call.
You mindlessly answered looking as Tooru jumped up for his serve.


The ball bounced off the opponent's court, Tooru had aimed to one of the blind spots their defense had left open.

His aim is killer

The ref blew his whistle signifying the end of the first set.
No-touch service ace.

"You're right."

You were brought back to the call you had just answered.
"Suna Y/N doesn't sound half bad either."


Before you could say anything else he had hung up. You stared down at Rintarou's name flashing on your screen.

"Sunarin! There ya are, we've been lookin' for ya."
Atsumu said as he ran towards Rintarou, Osamu following close behind.

"Where'd ya go? We were-HAH? Are ya blushin'?"

Atsumu raised his voice with an amused look to which Rintarou returned with a bewildered one.

"Am not. Might need to go get your eyes checked. It'd be bad if Inarizaki's setter has horrible vision." Rintarou snarled at the blond twin as he walked past them, making his way back to the place where Inarizaki was supposed to start warming up.

"Nah, I can see it too Suna."
Osamu said as he followed.
"Guess it's a twin thing then."

Rintarou shrugged, receiving a scoff from both Osamu and Atsumu who had caught up to them. Setting off an argument between the two.

Rintarou would've normally chipped in making the argument turn into a full out fist fight for him to record it then send it to you, like he always had after the guild had gotten closer.

But he was too busy trying to keep his face from turning into a tomato.
He walked off trying to maintain his indifferent look and calm down his pounding heart.

Aoba Johsai had won the game in straight sets.
As Tooru was doing his last stretches you ran to the bathroom to finish putting on your uniform.

You had to go to the gym a couple blocks away so Tooru said he'd walk you.
Walk since he doesn't have his driver's license yet. You looked at your phone for the time.


The boys club should be getting here by now.
You walked out the bathroom, having swapped the Aoba Johsai tracksuit for the Shiratorizawa one.

Tooru should be done by now, I'll just text him to see where he's at.

You brought your phone out and opened your messages.


Good luck.

Thanks! How was your game?

We won.

Nice nice !!
I gotta go but see you later?

See you.

Quit with the periods Tobio :(

Sorry :|
Seen 12:13 pm


We're already outside
Hurry up or you'll be late!

Seen 12:15

You were about to put your phone away when you heard someone yell, "Heads!"


You looked up to see a volleyball in front of your face, second before it hit you right in the nose.

You could've reacted faster if you knew the bloody ball was coming at you.
That damn bloody ball.
Bloody ball.

You glared down at the ball on the floor and noticed drops of a dark red staining it's blue and yellow stripes. You felt something glide down from your nose. You reached up to wipe it off only to see it had been a drop of blood.

You turned up to glare at the guy that had yelled out 'heads'. His face was drained of color with his eyes enlarged. He wore a number 13, but you couldn't recognize where his jersey was from.

"Shira-Shiratorizawa." he mumbled.

Your face flushed with anger as you brought your hand not covered in blood up to push your hair out of the way.

"WHO-" before you could yell out profanities you felt a big palm rest on your shoulder. You looked up to see Ushijima giving you one of his rare small smiles while handing you a handkerchief, causing your expression to soften.

You thanked him while grabbing it to wipe the blood off the back of your hand and the drops that were threatening to fall. You looked around to see that it wasn't just Ushijima, if not the whole team behind you.

You smiled at them before turning back to glare at the guy who had just spiked a volleyball into your face.


"What type of idiot spikes a ball in the middle of the hallway."

You looked over to see an enraged Shirabu making his way towards the now shivering number thirteen.

"Now now Kenjirou~" Tendou cut in, putting an arm over the second year.
"Let's calm down shall we?" he chirped as Shirabu clicked his tongue and crossed his arms.

They had seen your Shiratorizawa track suit from far away and were about to say hi when they saw you look up from your phone only to be struck by a volleyball. They rushed over to you, more so after seeing drops of blood stain the floor beneath you.

"He is right though." Tendou hummed as he turned over to look at the volleyball player.
"Who spikes a ball in the middle of a hallway?" Tendou asked as he leaned in closer to him.
The boy's eyes bulged out as he bowed down saying a string of apologies.

Tendou hummed and was about to continue when Reon cut in.

"We should go before coach Washijou comes looking for us."

"Oikawa should also get a move on, doesn't your game start in half an hour?" Semi added as he stepped forward .

"You're right Semi-san!" you hurriedly excused yourself before running towards the exit, ready to be nagged at by Tooru.

The team waved you off before turning their attention back to the boy.

"Hibiya High?" Semi asked as he looked over the guy's jersey.

"That's the team we're playing right now." Ushijima added as he began walking to the gym entrance. Reon following close behind.

"It'd be unfortunate if you got a spike to the face, hmmm" Tendou whispered in the boys ear as he followed Ushijima and Reon. The rest of the team following behind. Kawanishi and Shirabu shooting a spine chilling glare at the boy.

"I'm here!"

You said as you ran up to a bickering Tooru and Hajime.

"What took you so long, bunny?" Tooru asked as he took your bag and threw it over his shoulder walking down the sidewalk.

"It's already twelve twenty...why's there blood on your face?" Hajime stopped walking as Tooru whipped around, cupping your cheeks in his palms as he pulled you closer.

"Did you fight?" Tooru asked as he moved your face in multiple directions to better inspect it from all angles. You shook your head answering his question as he hummed and let your face go.

"You only bled from your nose, so it doesn't seem totally bad." Tooru sighed as he began walking while looking for something in his backpack.

"Are you sure you can play? I mean- Iwa-chan, water?- what if your nose starts bleeding again?" he took out a handkerchief and poured some of the water Hajime had handed him on it. He stopped walking again as he pinched your cheeks with one hand and used the other to wipe off the dry blood.

"How'd you even get hit?"
"They shpiked a volleyball at my fashe." you mumbled out between Tooru's grip on your cheeks.

"What type of idiot-" he said as he let go of your face and started walking again, putting his handkerchief back in his bag before sighing.

"I'm fine Tooru." you giggled as you grabbed his and Hajime's wrist and pulled them along.
"Let's hurry! I'm already late as it is." you smiled at them as they caught up to you and smiled back.

You put your hands back into your tracksuits jacket and felt the handkerchief you had borrowed from Ushjima.

I doubt blood's easy to wash off. I'll have to try and wash it as best as I can.

You sighed.

Maybe I'll even embroider him one, kaa-chan taught me for a reason.

You hummed to yourself as you arrived at the gym.

Interhigh game one. Let's get this bread.

You clutched one of your fists.

Wait ew, let's get this bread? I sound like Atsumu.

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