Ace: Seven Deadly Sins Fanfic...

By Sollunar_Eclipse

68.1K 1.7K 245

Ace, a girl from the Hidden Reaper Race comes to Earth, encountered by the Seven Deadly Sins and Meliodas him... More

Vol. 1: Flashbacks (Part I)
Flashback (Part II)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors Part
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Vol 2: Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Vol III: Aftermath
Authors Part
Vol. III Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Sorry Guys!


97 3 0
By Sollunar_Eclipse

"We're facing two powerful demons, two reapers, an unknown race and a Jinoy. If anything, we'd be taking on Queen Orion and her other reaper ally but we need four more to counter against her team. We need to make smart choices because a team full of Reapers isnt exactly smart," Namiko said, pacing around my room.

I pulled on my outfit and breathed in deeply, grabbing my scythe. "We also need people who can work well together, quickly adapt and be ready and prepared for battle. Plus, I havent been out these walls in so long...let's try selecting a person from one of our allies, maybe," I replied, glancing at my tiara. "Would be a chance to use my diplomacy to go to our allies anyways."

I grabbed my cloak and teleported us to the royal stables. "Horse drawn carriage or a ridden animal?" Namiko asked as I looked at the beautiful animals we had there.
"Ridden would be more incognito-C...Cerion! Where's he at?" I replied, looking around.
"Possibly hiding from me...he doesnt like me, ya know," Namiko sighed. I looked down.
"Its gonna take way too long to find him...let's get the best animals and we need to go," I said, wrapping grips on my hands. My eyes wandered onto the eyes of the Mudracer: a lizard like beast, extremely fast and durable compared to most beasts. It's what Cerion is mixed with. I grazed over the beautiful scales of this creature and smiled. "You will do, my friend," I said, gently patting its side. Quick, agile, loyal, brave and smart are it's best features but it is so quick to anger. Kind of like a Reaper!

"You sure you can handle that, Ace? That beast is somewhat dangerous."

I smiled as I hopped on the saddled back of the Mudracer. "Ahaha, I laugh in the face of danger. Plus, this Mudracer and I have already connected our link. Choose your ride, Namiko. You're not riding with me, cousin," I said, stretching and cracking my knuckles.

She smirked, shook her head and hopped on her chosen beast, a female Mudracer.

We rode off through the gates of the Reaper Empire and I looked down. "What races have you had in mind?" I asked quietly. Namiko looked away. "I've been thinking a Satuban is best for the unpredictable enemy that we may have to face. Satubans, as I've witnessed, are unpredictable in battle. You never know what's up their sleeves," she explained.

I nodded. "Smart. We need to go to Satuba then," I told her, crossing my arms. "Northeast of here." I checked the map in the pocket on the saddle. Satuba in the Northeast, Oliuna in the South East, Castalii in the Southwest and Darkione in the Northwest.

"YA!" Namiko said, riding towards Satuba. I looked down. "Namiko, theres this feeling over me, I dont like it. I feel like your in danger and-" Namiko immediately stopped and looked back with eyes filled with hope. "Little Reaper, I'm fine. If not then I'll be okay," she replied, smiling. Suddenly, her eyes widened. She covered her mouth and got off her beast.

"Namiko, what is it?"

She turned away from me and I heard a loud ringing noise that made my ears hurt. "Ah...w-what is that?" Turning around, she had the same mark over her eye like Nuava did. How was she back under her mother's control if she is nowhere nearby? The animals or myself or possibly Namiko wouldve sensed it by now...Unless that wasnt the case. Could Orion's ally be capable of long distanced magic or is it a sensing type of magic?

The fist of Namiko was implanted into the ground as she attempted to hit me. "Namiko! Stop!" I said, dodging the blow and ejecting myself from the beast. There was no use of talking. She stared at me, eyes cold and dead and raced towards me. I didnt want to hurt her. I blocked the hits and jumped back. The abilities I have can kill her and I dont want that.

I dodged her hits, knowing I cant continue doing this forever. I grabbed her face and threw her into the ground. "Namiko, I need you to snap out of it. We got a mission we need to complete," I said, still trying to reach her but it was no use. I stepped back and she grabbed my shirt and threw me into the dirt. I balled up my fists and teleported behind her, hitting her into a nearby boulder.
With great force, she tackled me and pinned me into the ground. I wasnt trying to hurt her, just keep her at bay. She growled and punched, using Binding Light which pulsated through her now corrupted Reaper Mark's.

"Need help?"

The male voice startled both me and Namiko as she started smelling the air in the area.

"She's corrupted obviously. If you require assistance, I can help but I suggest you take it since I can sense you dont have any Anti-Magical Abilities," he explained.

I rolled my eyes.

"Are you gonna help me or just be there talking?!"

The male figure stepped out of the trees and smirked. "She looks like a brainless pup," he said as Namiko tilted her head and let out a berserk screech. Immediately, he landed a punch to her ribcage. I sat up. "Don't hurt her!" He smirked. "I'm not hurting her. I needed to daze her. Calm down, peasant."

P-Peasant? Did this fool call me a peasant?

I calmed down our rides and watched the boy and Namiko. He extended his hand as she rushed to him. "Break!" The male said, powerful magic seeping from his hand and onto Namiko. She immediately stopped and the magic coursed through her veins, causing the Corruption to break off of her. She collapsed and suddenly, I saw a red string hang from her head.

"Hey, what's that?" I asked, getting close to Namiko.

"A Red String of Fate. I'll get rid of it right away," he said, slightly tapping the magical string and it was no more.

He stood up. "Are you peasants alright?"

I grabbed one of his pointed ears. Hard. "Peasant?! I'll have you know that I am the Princess of this Realm, daughter of the Grand Reaper, Grimm himself. Mind your tongue, child," I said, letting him go. "You're a Satuban, correct?"

He looked off. "I am. The prince in fact. You should be grateful I decided to walk at this time or else you'd be in trouble, miss-"

"Princess Ace. Don't think you saved me," I replied, putting a knocked out Namiko on her Mudracer. "Can you lead me to Satuba, little prince?"

"You were obviously holding back because you didnt want to hurt her. I've been watching the entire fight," he said. "and its Prince Balin. I'll take you to Satuba."

I smiled. "Finally. Something helpful."

He glared playfully. "I definitely helped you earlier. Don't be ungrateful, Reaper."

Leading us to Satuba, I glanced at him. Beautiful long and silky black hair, gray eyes with serious intent, red bandana and pierced Satuban ears with no markings. "You really are the Prince," I muttered, looking down as I realized where I was: Satuba.

"You must be here for a serious matter if Grimm sent his daughter outside the walls of the Reaper Empire," Balin said, walking backwards as we went to the busy streets of his kingdom.

"I wasnt sent by my father but you are right, there is a serious matter we need to discuss with the king and queen of Satuba," I replied, as we made it to the steps of his home. The guards eyed us and Balin gave them the look. Yeah, that look and the guards eased up.

"I can arrange a meeting with my parents but I suggest you take your Mudracers to the stables and allow this woman to rest here," he said, carrying her over his shoulder. "She's Satuban also?"

I sighed. "Half Satuban, Half Valkyrie Reaper. You could smell it?"

Balin laughed. "Satubans have a deeper connection to the Realm and wildlife than even your Nature Reapers do. We also come with enhanced smell, sight, accuracy and speed. But doll, with me? I can determine your race from scent, power level, and even corruption. I have anti-magical properties along with some slight magical abilities. For example, I can undo small to medium curses and disable magical power with else."

Must've been what Namiko meant when she said they were unpredictable. "You love talking about yourself huh?"

He placed Namikos limp body onto a bed. "All she needs is rest and she'll be fine. I'll continue having the finest healers to constantly check on her. And no, I was explaining my abilities."

I nodded and we walked outside. "Now, why are you here?" My eyes widened as the words left his lips. He crossed his arms and bent down to my face. "Jinoy got your tongue?"

I sighed. "Theres a threat to both the Reaper Realm and Earth Realm. More towards the Five Kingdoms. Queen Orion, my aunt and Namiko's mother is that threat. Shes a powerful reaper who is building an army to take the five empires. To take her on, along with her squad, I thought it would be best to acquire the assistance of the Reaper Empire's allies since this not only threatens our rule but the rules of the other kingdoms," I said, looking down. "That's why we were on our way here. Tracking down the strongest fighters we need to stop her."

Balin listened and tilted his head. "Do you think I fit into that category?"

I sighed. "I'm not sure yet. Training should tell...or a demonstration of your skills."

"Havent you already had one, little flower? Watching me cut the infamous Red Strings of Fate from your cousin wasnt enough?"

"I cant just take you though. You're the prince of Satuba, plus your parents may or may not allow it," I replied, folding my arms. He rolled his eyes. "I'll convince them easily. By the way, Father said that he's ready to see you. If you're true to your word, you may spend the night since it's getting late here. It's not safe in the night to travel," Balin said leading me back inside the palace.
"And if you're wondering, Father has a physic link. He's both a telepath and has telekenesis."

I sighed and looked down. I felt so out of place here. I grabbed my arms. I've never felt so out of place. Maybe because I've never left the walls of my Empire. But I loved it. Truly.

Soon, I was led to the throne room, passing by the room Namiko was resting in. Balin placed his hand on my shoulder. "She'll be fine. Look, they're using healing lilies, amplified with the finest healing magic. She'll be alright," he reassured me, smiling brightly.

I sighed and found myself in the throne room with the King and Queen of Satuba as my audience.
Prince Balin stood beside me and smiled at his parents. "Father, Mother, this is Princess Ace Grimm of the Reaper Empire. Daughter of King Grimm and the Valkyrie Queen Marigold. She has come here for a dire mission," he introduced.

The King of Satuba raised his hand and allowed me to speak.

"King Fayte and Queen Esmeralda, thank you for having me in your empire. Theres a threat to both this Realm and Earth's Realm. More towards the Five Kingdoms. The banished former Valkyrie Queen Orion, my aunt and Namiko's mother is that threat. Shes an extremely powerful reaper who is building an army to take the five empires. To take her on, along with her army, I believe it best to acquire the assistance of the Reaper Empire's allies since this not only threatens our rule but the rules of the other kingdoms," I said, looking confident and standing my ground. I've never spoken to another queen or done as much diplomatic things as this.

"How do we know you can be trusted?" Queen Esmeralda asked, holding her husband's hand.

"Queen Esmeralda. I give you my word. I an not working with my aunt and I don't want anything to do with her. I wouldn't have came here if I was against my own allies," I replied, trying to be as respectful as possible.

"Mother, I believe I am able to assist this princess on her quest. It would be a great experience for me and it can build the bonds between the kingdoms. For example, it builds trust between the Reaper Empire and the Satuba Empire," Balin said, stepping up.

"There are more warriors that can go with her, I will not lose my son," King Fayte spoke, standing up.

"I'm the only one that can break the Red Strings of Fate since I'm the only Satuban with anti-magic and magical abilities that can completely stop magical power. Queen Orion can use the Red Strings of Fate and that's how she created her army, Father. I can do it," Balin responded, tightening his bandages.

The queen and king sighed for a moment and thought. "Please. Me not going is putting Satuba in danger," Balin pleaded.

"You may go," his mother said, softly. "But, take your best armor along with your Leviathan, Balin. Please be careful and Princess Grimm, protect my son."

I bowed in gratitude. "Thank you for your time," I replied.

Balin led me to Namiko's room and he sat down, face-palming. "Well, that went well," I said, smiling. He smirked. "Whatever you believe 'well' means," Balin replied.

"We should sleep. Its getting late," I said, laying on the floor.

"That doesn't mean a princess gets to sleep on the floor. Your room can be right beside hers. Mother would punish me if I'd let a woman sleep on the floor," Balin said, picking me up.

I growled. "Stop! Put me down!" I whined, hitting him a bit. Balin laughed hysterically. Made me think of Ban and Yakima...

Ban at least should be fine, but Yakima...I know he's in pain. The faster I get this team together, the faster I can save Yakima and make sure the Sins are safe without the interaction of Orion and her army. They have their own problems to deal with anyways...


*Yakima's POV*

My mind is vision taken over. I looked around, trapped in my broken and tormented mind. I was chained up in red strings.

"Ace..." I cracked, the name echoing through my mind. I was genuinely worried about her. I could only watch what I could see through my eyes and I hated it.


My brother was enraged with me again. I smirked. "He was such...a baby," I said, tilting my head and hanging it low.

What am I doing now? Oh that woman again...

In my vision, I could see Queen Orion towering over me. She was with that woman Xarsi. I growled in my mind as Xarsi began to experiment on my brother. His screams pained me as I tugged on my strings that were chaining me.

"Stop it," I mummbled aloud. The two women looked at me with widened eyes.

"Repeat that, mutt?" Xarsi said, grabbing my face. The red Strings burned me as I tried to speak. Immediately, I screamed in pain.

My body burned from those strings as they kept me tied to a pole in the middle of my mind. Someone like myself should NOT be bound and tied like this...

"Ace..." I mummbled, looking up in the pitch black of my own mind. I was trapped inside my mind...I've been trapped before though in Ace's but there was always someone else. I used to hate her thinking she did this to me and trapped me inside her but...she didn't. She wanted to free me but now that our bond is completely broken and I'm "freed" feels even worse than being the Demon Kings guard dog.

I looked down and sighed. Don't hate me anymore than you already so Akira...

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