K-5 (Full)

נכתב על ידי LeslieHowell021

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When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can so... עוד

Rise Of The Mages (Part 1)
Rise Of The Mages (Part 2)
Mage Temper
New Friend, Old Enemy
Iron Donna
Reptile Brains
Beware of Sapphire
The Darkness
Panic at the Fortress
Nano Attack!
It Came From The Haunting Building
Mage or Monster
New Boys In Town
Alien Agenda
The Pulverizer and Sandra!
Lizard Terminator
Donna's Gambit
Enemy Of My Enemy
Kuro's Partnership
Sandra Returns
Operation: Detention Breakout
Showdown (Part 1)
Showdown (Part 2)
Mutation Situation
Invasion of the Bats
Sandra Unleashed!
Talia Gets Sonically
Target: Casey Jones
Samara and Destroy
The Good, The Bad, And Casey Jones
The Kraang Conspiracy
Rosa Galicia
Phantom Upgraded
Of Golem and Women
The Manhattan Project (Part 1)
The Manhattan Project (Part 2)
Accel and Mages
Donna's Nevermore
Newtralized and Nebulous!
The Wrath of Tigress
Legendary Kuraun
Project EVE
Vengance Will Be Mine
A Chinatown Ghost Story
Into Dimension X
The Invasion (Part 1)
The Invasion (Part 2)
Deep Within The Woods
A Fierce Dagger
Buried Secrets
Invasion Of The Punkz Catz
In Dreams
Race With The Demon!
Powers of the Shagon
Spirit Journey
Return To New York
Wolf Hunt
The Crystal and the Luck
Battle For New York (Part 1)
Battle For New York (Part 2)
Casey Jones Vs The Underworld
The Witch Avenger
Clash of the Amazons
Meet Verona Salamander
The Deadly Bite
Mages In Time
Tales of the Mages
Attack of the Mega Shade!
The Venus Doom
The Fourblind Trap
Aliens Seen In New York!
Annihilation Earth (Part 1)
Annihilation Earth (Part 2)
Beyond the Majestic Universe
The Planet of Hegemon
The Crazy World Of Gerti
The Plant Mistress Jade!
Riddle Of The Ancient Sword
Journey To The Center Of Talia's Mind
The Lab of Mosaic
The War In Dimension X
The Ghostly Gaean
Trans-Dimensional K-5
Wrath of the Hydnora
The Evil Of The Witches Seven
The Ever-Lasting Battle
Earth's Last Stand
City At War
Broken Foot and Broken Shadow
The Saiba Lacerta
Mage Gangland
Fleura du Mal
Lady Shadestrike
Darkest Plight
The Power Inside Them
Kùbào VS the Scientists
The Tale of Tigress
Scroll Of The Demodragon
The Forgotten Mage
The Hearts Of Evil
End Times
When Worlds Collide (Part 1)
When Worlds Collide (Part 2)
The Wëather Witćh
Špirit Journëy
Thë Whitë Taišša
Lone Mage And Cubs
The Wasteland Warrior
The Impossible Desert
The Curse Of Saskia McTavish
The Crypt of Lucine
The Victoria Experiment
Monsters Among Us!
Wanted: Jinx And Crystallia
The Shadow Walks Again!
The Big Blowout
K-5: Loud House (Part 1)
K-5: Loud House (Part 2)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 1)
Hogwarts Adventure (Part 2)
The Key To The Lost Treasure
The Jewel Of The Great Power
Legend of the Dark Son
A K-5 Christmas Caper
Mages Forever (Part 1)
Mages Forever (Part 2)
Upcoming Books

Follow the Ice

35 1 0
נכתב על ידי LeslieHowell021

In the city alleyway, the K-5 and Norbit began searching the city for the missing mutagen canisters. But unfortunately, Ariana's newly created Ooze Compact has been keeping a slow process during the search.

"Ariana, did you find any canister yet?" Camilla asked. "I'm getting bored by the second."

"I've got a reading! The DNA container is up a tall roof." Ariana reported, adjusting her purple compact tracker with wide eyes.

The team swiftly climbed the building to the roof and eventually found the DNA container next to the billboard.

"Here is the container." Norbit said.

"Found it!" Talia cheered as she picked up the mutagen canister in her hands.

"We only have about sixty-three containers left." Ariana reminded.

"Do we have to find all of the mutagen containers?" Camilla asked in frustration.

"Yeah, this is no fun at all." Talia complained.

"I hate to admit it, but it is kinda boring." Ezra said.

"Look, we have to find them before the Shadow Clan and the Kraang gets them first." Kirana said. She put on a smile on her face and pointed her finger at the archway designed in a beautiful Chinese architecture. "And besides, we should play a fun game near a Chinese-looking building. How about a little Power Play?"

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra nodded their heads in agreement and excitement since they haven't been able to do Power Play since they were little kids. The only thing that they don't notice is that they were being watched by Kuro, who was spying on them with her binoculars from the other side of the rooftop.

"So they're going after the mutagen containers as well." Kuro thought with a sly grin. "It's going to be more fun to fight them all over again."


After the mages and robot arrived at the exact location, they looked down at the empty streets and looked up at the full moon. Kirana walked her feet across the wire to defend her territory with great balance. But without knowing, her four younger siblings were secretly talking about their mischievous plan. Then, Kirana stood between the wires as she was ready to fight her siblings when she summoned a stream of water in her hands.

"I'm going to defend my domain, ok? Now, the only way you can get pass me is to use traditional elemental fighting. Got it?" Kirana explained.

"Whatever you say, Kirana." Camilla said. "Let's just go this."

Ezra went up first to start the training and Kirana grinned with her powers out and ready, but instead Ezra summoned a lightning bolt to make him float above the ground.

"Ezra, use your feet." Kirana told her brother.

Kirana charged but Ezra jumped off the bolt and landed on the other side.

"I'm a king." Ezra smirked.

Talia was next and Kirana got ready to fight, but Talia took out her earphones and puts them on her ears as the music begins to play and she started to dance on the wire.

"Talia, what are you doing?" Kirana asked.

Talia ignored her oldest sister as she was in the zone of the music. Kirana charged forward to attack, but Talia used her amazing dance moves as her fighting style and jumped over Kirana to land safely onto the other side with Ezra.

"Hey! That's not fair! That's not a real fight!" Kirana complained.

Kirana turned around got into her stance with a confident smirk as Ariana was the third to step up to fight. Ariana's mathematical skills were determining her mindset to win when she brought out six shuriken made of earth. She threw the six shuriken that hit different corners at different angles around Kirana, forcing her to dodge and block to the point of exhaustion. Kirana then looked over to see that Ariana had made quickly to the other side as the purple mage kunoichi and the orange mage kunoichi high fived each other with their arm around each other while the teal mage ninja looked at the last remaining sibling.

Then, Camilla was the last one to face up with the blue mystic kunoichi.

"Are you going to play tricks on me too?" Kirana asked in annoyance

"What are you talking about?" Camilla grinned sarcastically.

That's when Camilla threw up a ball of fire directly to Kirana. Kirana blocked with a water shield, but Camilla quickly kicked her older sister out of the wires, causing Kirana to fall down hard to the ground. Angered, Kirana got up and watched her four younger siblings and robot friend cheering in victory.

"You guys aren't supposed to train like this." Kirana said sternly. "And I know this was your stupid idea, Camilla! Why do you always never take my training seriously?"

"Hey, we should train our way and you train your way." Camilla said. "The whole point is to make it to the Dragon Gate anyway we can, right? So, we did it."

Before Camilla took her leave with Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit following after her, Kirana looked upset as her eyes narrowed in anger. She couldn't control the calm, silent feelings inside and decided to speak up.

"Why do you four do this to me?" Kirana yelled.

Camilla, Ariana, Talia, and Ezra immediately halted and spun around back to their oldest sister with shocking looks on their faces as if they never seen their oldest sister this angry before. Talia nudged Ariana with her arm to point her finger at Kirana's chest area, where a bright blue spade glowing birthmark appeared out of nowhere. Ezra looked at Kirana's birthmark with confusion while Norbit was scanning for anything suspicious.

"You heard me!" Kirana shouted. "Why do you four treat me this way? Why do all of you never listen to me? What are you four trying to prove?"

"To prove that we are better than you!" Camilla snapped.

"Well, guess what?" Kirana snapped, feeling her anger growing by the second. "You're NOT!"

Kirana suddenly waved her arm in a swift motion and expected a water-based attack will come out of her hand. But unfortunately, it didn't happen. Instead, she shot out sharp icicles dangerously upon the ground. Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit stepped back in terror to avoid the sudden attack. Kirana could feel her face go shock in fear as she doesn't know what kind of power caused her to unleash it.

"It was not water." Norbit said.

"Ice?" Ariana gasped.

"What the heck?" Camilla questioned, facing back to Kirana.

"A new power?" Talia whispered.

"Kirana..." Ezra spoke softly.

Without knowing what to do, Kirana ran away from her team and went back to the Crete Fortress on her own, leaving her siblings and friend still standing in shock.


In the Crete Fortress, Kirana was pacing back and forth in a nervous matter inside the dojo. She couldn't believe how she released some sort of ultimate power towards her younger siblings. She didn't mean to harm them purposely, but they did deserve it. Ariana and Talia were always acting like followers when Camilla always has her right to make her point. To Kirana, it's just not fair! Ezra was only having fun and didn't mean to upset his oldest sister. Trying not to release anything negative in her mind, she continued to pace back and forth across the bamboo floor with her arms crossed over her chest in fear with her blue spade birthmark still glowing brightly.

"Keep it together, Kirana." Kirana mumbled to herself as she was trying to calm herself down. "Keep it together and control it."

Suddenly, icy sharp spikes began to emerge from the ground and slithered down the walls all around the dojo. Kirana looked around to notice the ice shards took over the dojo with pure fear in her eyes.

That's when Sage walked out of her room and looked at the ice-covered dojo in shock before facing her oldest daughter to notice that the blue spade birthmark continues to glow.

"Kirana, what's going on?" Sage asked.

"Mother, I'm scared!" Kirana whimpered in fright. "I'm not feeling my water powers anymore! Everything's covered in ice! It's getting stronger through my emotions!"

"You have to calm down. Getting upset only makes it worse." Sage said softy.

Sage tried to comfort her oldest daughter, but Kirana stopped her from doing so.

"No, Mother! Don't touch me!" Kirana refused. "I don't want to hurt you."

Sage looked at Kirana with a sad face and unleashed a gust of white energy to destroy the ice shards around the dojo, restoring the place back to normal.

"Explain." Sage said, walking closer to Kirana.

Breathing deeply, Kirana told everything to her mother from the beginning about how her sisters always treat her disrespectfully, except her younger brother and robot friend, and then accidentally exposed her new powers at them in anger, but she was totally unaware of her birthmark on her chest appearing up the whole time.

"The whole reason that your birthmark shows up is because of your new power and it has sealed your water powers within it." Sage explained. "But for now, you can't control water anymore. Nevertheless, I do sense that you can only use your aura reading."

"My new power?" Kirana echoed.

"Your new power is ice." Sage explained. "That ability is beautiful but very dangerous that must be controlled."

"But, I can't control it!" Kirana shouted in fear. "I don't know how!"

"Sure you can." Sage said firmly. "You have to believe in yourself. You are always the calmest child I've had for a daughter."

"But what if my new power affects the skills of being the leader?" Kirana asked with a frown. "Maybe I shouldn't be leading the team."

"The main question you should be thinking is how can your siblings appreciate you if you don't have self-confidence within you?" Sage commented.

That question quickly struck through Kirana's head, but she still continues to wonder if she's ready to control her new powers for her future mission or not.


Inside the room of Scarlett's dojo, Kuro sat on the bamboo floor and fixated on a torn photo of his father Caesar. His mother told him that she and Caesar were together and Sage was the only one who caused the immerse fire that killed him. But ever since his alternate memories began to surge through his mind, he will do everything to uncover about the real truth.

Suddenly, Kuro sensed that he wasn't alone in the dojo. A trio of Shadow ninjas was approaching slowly behind him and charged forward to challenge him into a fight. Kuro swiftly dodged each weapon attack and shot out several bolts of dark energy at each ninja for a while, but he ended up pinned hardly to the ground when one of the ninjas grabbed him by the arm.

"Enough!" Lady Shade commanded as she walked into the room.

The Shadow Ninjas released Kuro from their grasps and bowed to their mistress.

"The Kraang have created these Shadow Droids to become deadly." Lady Shade said slyly. "They had proven their work."

"But I thought they would finish me off." Kuro gasped. "But you won't let them do that to me, right, Mother?"

"I'm leaving to Japan to attend urgent business." Lady Shade informed, ignoring Kuro's question. "In the meantime, you will not make a move with the K-5 while I return."

"What? But I have..." Kuro protested.

"Disobedience comes with a stiff penalty and do not forget that." Lady Shade said as her hand engulfed in blazing black energy.

"Even for your son?" Kuro questioned.

"Especially for my son." Lady Shade replied harshly as she took her leave out of the dojo.

That left Kuro's eyes narrowed in fury, but that doesn't stop him for doing against his mother's wishes.


Meanwhile, the Shadow Sirens were chasing after the Kraang riding in its small metallic hovercraft that was flying over the stone pillars. But Leia jumped in front of the Kraang to keep it from flying even further away.

"Now, why are you running away?" Leia asked coldly.

Kale jumped behind the flying Kraang and crouched down to his knees.

"That's right." Kale smiled happily. "We promise we'll take very good care of you."

The Kraang flew away from the duo for the first chance it got, but Leia and Kale flew next to it.

"Run away all you want, but we got our eyes on you." Leia and Kale said mischievously.

"Watch where you going, you alien freak." Amora said sneakily. She released a beam of dark energy at the Kraang in a sadistic way. "That must have hurt a lot."

The Kraang crashed into the ground as the trio surrounded it, leaving the alien screeching for help.

"Let's give him an alien makeover." Kale suggested in victory.

Before Amora and Leia have other plans for the Kraang, a large circular shadow formed below their feet. They became very confused as they gazed at the shadow, which appears to take its shape into a masculine form. Before the trio could react, the shadow revealed himself to be Kuro.

"Quit fooling around with that alien scum." Kuro scolded. "Mother left to Japan and put me in charge of the Shadow Clan now. Now, I've chosen Amora to help me on my mission."

"I'd be honored to join you, brother." Amora smiled evilly as she took a respectful bow.

"Good luck with your mission." Leia and Kale said with a wave.


Meanwhile, the K-5 were in the Sonicruiser on another mutagen hunt through the streets of New York City. Kirana was sitting on her seat inside the vehicle just staring at her hands in silence. She must keep her powers under control while still being angry at her sisters at the same time, but she must not expose her anger to the extreme. But Talia broke the silence.

"Kirana, if you're not mad at us, I'll give my comic book to you." Talia offered, holding a comic book in her hand in front of her older sister's face.

"I'm not mad." Kirana said, pushing the comic from her face. "I just think you girls need to be a little better at following my orders."

"Aw, it's too bad I can't play my violin while I drive." Camilla said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes on the road.

Out of nowhere, Ariana stopped her older sister just in time for things not to get the conservation worse.

"Stop the Sonicruiser!" Ariana exclaimed, holding her purple mutagen compact tracker in her hand. "The scanner has picked up another mutagen canister!"

Camilla abruptly stopped the Sonicruiser in front of an abandoned building.

"Let's be careful next time." Ezra groaned in pain.

"I agree." Norbit said.

The K-5 and Norbit opped out of the vehicle and walked toward the basement entrance. Then, Ariana's compact began to beep faster.

"We're close, guys. The signal is coming from the basement." Ariana stated, staring at her compact for any mutagen signals.

"Let's not make a sound or move until..." Kirana ordered.

But it was too late for Kirana to finish her orders when her sisters already went inside the basement entry.

"You were gonna say 'I give orders', weren't you?" Ezra asked.

Kirana nodded at her younger brother.

"Well, we might as well go after them." Ezra sighed.

Kirana groaned in annoyance and followed after them with Ezra and Norbit. Kirana, Camilla, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit were following close behind Ariana with her tracker into a room full of boxes and crates lined up in piles everywhere. They searched around the room for the mutagen canister, but Ariana lost signal on finding it. Talia took a turn to the middle of the room and found a mutagen canister with joy as she was running to it. Ezra caught that at his sight.

"Talia, don't!" Ezra shouted, trying to stop his older sister from picking up the canister.

Too late! When Talia picked the canister up from the ground, there was a wire attached to it that caused the exits to be shut down. The team looked up to see Kuro and Amora suddenly showed up on top of the box crate and then noticed that the Shadow Ninjas were surrounding them with their gauntlet weapons ready.

"Sup, Kirana." Kuro smirked. "Miss me?"

"I hope we get to have some fun tonight." Amora smiled cruelly. "And the robot is here for us to play with."

"I have to admit. Your evil ninja friend is getting really good at setting death traps on us these days." Ariana remarked to Kirana.

"Heh, it's just Shadow soldiers. This will be easy as pie." Camilla said, cracking her knuckles hard.

"We'll see about that." Amora smirked.

Norbit quickly summoned his armor suit and got into his fighting stance.

Then, the K-5 and Norbit charged forward to fight against the Shadow Ninjas and Amora while Kuro was sitting on stacking boxes to watch the battle in amusement. Camilla won against the Shadow Ninjas by delivering a barrage of fire punches, but Amora swiftly kicked her stomach that sent her flying into Ariana and Talia, which then made them lose the fight. Even the Shadow Ninjas were no match for them. Norbit used his blasters at the Shadow Ninjas but they managed to knock him next to Camilla, Ariana, and Talia. Ezra jumped in to help but he was knocked down next to Norbit. Then, Amora turned her attention to Kirana and fired a beam of dark energy at her. But Kirana blocked the attack by creating an ice wall that caught everyone's attention, mostly Kuro and Amora. Amora shook her head to shot out another dark energy beam and Kirana quickly summoned a powerful shield of ice before shooting five blasts of ice to trap the dark mage kunoichi in an ice spiked cage against the wall. Everyone watched Kirana lifting her hands with ice crackling on them and aimed her new power at Amora as she was ready to kill the evil mage kunoichi once and for all.

"Kirana, stop what we're doing!" Kuro screamed, jumping off the boxes and running to grab Kirana's arms tightly. "Don't be the monster of destruction!"

Kirana immediately snapped out of rage and stared deeply at Kuro as her face became frightened. She moved away from Kuro and ran towards the small elevator shaft.

"Everybody fall back!" Kirana shouted.

"Kirana's right!" Ezra said. "Let's go!"

"We need to go, now." Norbit said.

"No way!" Camilla yelled out in anger. "I'll never run away from a fight!"

That's when Camilla got knocked to the ground by Amora's swift dark energy punches and kicks.

"I can't see why." Amora mocked.

"Alright, let's go." Camilla suggested.

Camilla, Ariana, and Talia ran after Kirana, Ezra, and Norbit out of the building and climbed to the elevator shaft on the ropes as fast as they can, but the squad of the Shadow Ninjas following after them. One of the Shadow Droids grabbed Norbit by his ankle and wouldn't let go, making the robot companion have difficulty to free himself. But Norbit quickly released a strong blast from his arm at the Shadow Ninja, causing it to crash to the ground below.

That caught Ariana's attention as she looked down to discover that the Shadow Ninja was static in various directions of its limbs.

"Those ninjas are robots?!" Ariana exclaimed surprisingly.

"No wonder they got armored up." Talia said as she saw the Shadow soldier's eyes started to glow in neon pink.

Camilla opened the elevator exit and climbed up to the shaft. Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit climbed out safely. Kirana was the only one to climb up to the exit. Camilla looked down and held out her hand to grab Kirana. Shockingly, another Shadow Ninja had grabbed the blue mage kunoichi by the leg. Then, more Shadow Ninjas grabbed Kirana by the limbs, causing the rope snap from all the weight of many people hanging onto. Screaming, Kirana fell down into the darkness along with the Shadow Ninjas.

"Kirana!" Camilla screamed.


Back at the Crete Fortress, the team sat on the couch with guilt because they don't know what to do since Kirana has been captured by the Shadow Ninjas. Camilla was deeply broken about losing the oldest sister and leader more than Ariana, Talia, and Ezra. If the sisters had just listened to her, Kirana would be home safe and sound with them.

"I can't believe Kuro and Amora took Kirana." Ariana said.

"I just don't know how to explain this to our mother." Talia said with a frown.

"About what?" Sage asked, walking into the living room.

"Kirana is captured by Kuro and Amora." Camilla explained.

"I knew it would come to this." Sage said firmly. "This is all because Kuro believes that I killed someone that he truly cared about."

"But that's not true, right?" Ezra asked.

"No. It's...complicated." Sage replied. Her voice then became serious. "But you five must to go and rescue Kirana, no matter what."


Meanwhile, Kirana was trapped inside a large hexagonal cage hanging on a rope from the ceiling in the Scarlett dojo with boredom and humiliation. Underneath, the Shadow Ninjas were surrounding her in a circle formation.

"Now, this is just beautiful." Kirana groaned bitterly to herself. "My day has gone from bad to worse. Hooray for me."

"Just imagine that my sirens and I could make a small fortune." Amora laughed. "By selling you to a science lab and the headline would be called Teenage Mage Kunoichi Found in the City."

Kirana rolled her eyes in annoyance as she felt aggravated about her capture when Amora started laughing at her cruel words.

"Besides, you deserve everything you're getting since you betrayed my brother Kuro last time." Amora said coldly. "Don't you love it? My new robotic Shadow Droids follow me and my brother's orders at all times."

Kirana looked down from the cage and watched a squad of robotic Shadow Ninjas sitting on the floor with respect and silence to their mistress.

"No arguing, no prodding. They do whatever I want. Cool, right?" Amora continued.

"Yeah, real convenient." Kirana said dryly.

Just then, Kuro walked in the dojo with a firm look on his face, causing Amora to move away from the cage and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You and the robots could leave." Kuro spoke firmly. "The prisoner and I need some time to talk."

"Yes, brother." Amora said with a nod.

Amora gave Kirana one last smirk before she and the robotic Shadow Ninjas walked out of the dojo.

"So she's your sister, huh?" Kirana asked.

"As well as the leader of Shadow Sirens." Kuro replied, crossing his arms over his chest. "But I prefer Leia and Kale over her anyway. They have been in my life as my siblings since my childhood." His face became serious with pain. "Besides, I never got to know my father because your mother took him away from me."

"Sage?" Kirana echoed. Then, her voice became serious in a firm tone in her voice. "But that's a lie. And even if she did, I would forgive her."

"True, but when I met you and your siblings together in that Kraang Worldwide Project, I've starting to have flashbacks to my life in Japan with my father, except that you and your mother were there too." Kuro explained. "For some reason, I don't know who I can trust anymore."

"Kuro, listen to me." Kirana said softly. "I know in your heart that my mother Sage would never hurt your father. You have to believe me."

"I hope so." Kuro said. "Because I feel that you are the only one that understands me."

Kirana released a warm smile. Even though he's working with the Shadow Clan, he still has a good heart.

Then, the Shadow Sirens walked into the dojo unexpectedly.

"Kuro, we have a guest from the Foot Clan that wants to meet you." Amora informed.

Kuro's siblings opened the dojo doors and a teenage human kunoichi walked her way to the room. Behind her were four robotic Foot Clan ninjas holding a familiar mutant with chains. The kunoichi is approximately the same height as Kuro. She has dark black hair that is dyed blonde in the back with angled bob cut and two notable strands of her hair falls over her ears, brown eyes with bright red eyeliner on the top of her eyelids, several black earrings, and wore a distinctive black and silver armored ninja outfit. Both Kirana and the human kunoichi's eyes widened in shock and surprise as if they knew each other from before.

"Karai!" Kirana exclaimed.

"Hello, Kirana." Karai greeted with a smirk.

"Wait a minute, you're part of the Foot Clan?" Kirana asked in shock.

"I'm surprised you haven't noticed yet." Karai grinned. "I've been part of the Foot Clan since I was born and when we were best friends back in Japan as kids. After all, Shredder is my father."

"What?" Kirana gasped in fear. "You're Shredder's daughter?"

"Of course." Karai replied.

"But why are you doing this?" Kirana demanded.

"Understand this, Kirana!" Karai snapped. "We're enemies now! I never got to know my mother because your mother is an ally to the one who took her away from me."

"What?! If he's a friend of my mom, then he would never hurt an innocent!" Kirana yelled. "I thought you were my friend, Karai! I thought you were better than that! But I see I was wrong."

"You're being trained by a great ninja sorceress, who's the enemy of my father. So get this to your brain. You and I are done, no longer friends anymore!" Karai yelled back.

Karai, Kuro, Amora, Leia, and Kale noticed Kirana wasn't saying a word after that.

"What's the matter? Did I strike a nerve out of you?" Karai smirked.

Suddenly, a flurry of snow was starting to blow faster around Kirana in a swirling pattern. Everyone, except for the Foot Bots and the Shadow Droids, backed away from the blue mage kunoichi's new powers. Kirana can feel her mixed emotions stirring up in her mind, but she doesn't care anymore.

"I can't believe this." Kirana thought sadly. "Karai wants to destroy my family and my friends! I can't...I can't...!"

Kirana's emotions of sadness and anger were so strong and powerful that she sucked the small blizzard into herself. Her eyes blazed in rage and turned to glare at Karai. With an outrageous scream, Kirana released a powerful icy wave that hit Karai right in the chest and send her crashing to the wall. Karai took a sharp breath as Kuro helped her up off the ground. Karai watched Kirana staring back in anger as she never thought what power her former friend could wield.

"What's wrong, Karai?" Kirana mocked angrily. "Don't like to be beaten by your old friend?"

"Say what you want!" Karai spat. "The Foot Clan and the Shadow Clan will destroy you and your family, including the Turtles."

Kirana gasped when she heard the word "Turtles" because she knows that Leonardo is one of them, but she remained focused on Karai.

"How?" Kirana snapped, feeling her icy powers coursing through her veins. "What power do you have to stop them? To stop me? And I will stop the clans from hurting the ones I care for."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Amora said, constructing a dark energy shuriken from her hand. "I've been teaching the Shadow Droids new skills, but now let's take it up a notch."

Amora threw the dark energy shuriken at the rope holding up the cage, setting Kirana out of the cage with a fall to the floor.

"Shadow Droids, take her down." Amora ordered.

Getting up off the floor, Kirana was forced to fight off over a couple dozen of the Shadow Droids with her ice powers. A group of Shadow Droids started to circle the blue mage kunoichi with weapons ready. Kirana charged forward to twirl her upside-down body and attacks the robotic ninjas with her legs covered in solid ice like rapid helicopter blades. This continued for what seemed like minutes. A couple of Shadow Droids would try to attack Kirana, who always blocked them with ice and attacked back with many ice-based abilities to them.

"You spend years learning a fighting style, but those robots learn it in seconds from you. Fighting just improves their skills." Amora explained, watching the fight with amusement.

"Just like my Foot Bots." Karai said.

"You can say that." Amora grinned.

"I like you already." Karai grinned back.

Karai, Kuro, Amora, Leia, and Kale continue to watch the battle between Kirana and the Shadow Droids. Then, suddenly, Kirana was then slowly, yet easily outmatched as the Shadow Droids restrained her down to the floor as mere bait for her siblings and robot friend.

"Get her ready for bait." Kuro ordered firmly.

"The Foot Bots and I are leaving as well for our plans with our bait." Karai said. "We'll see each other soon."

The Shadow Droids obeyed Kuro's orders and dragged Kirana out of the dojo. Amora and Karai watched the blue mage kunoichi with smiles on their faces while Kuro felt guilt for the whole thing.


Back to the city, the four mages and robot companion arrived at the location after Ariana searched for Kirana's location from her computer in her lab at the Crete Fortress. They reached to the dojo that used to belong to Scarlett von Lake from the rooftops and stopped underneath a small water tower to scope out the area.

"We can't sneak in. There are a lot of security cameras." Ariana said to the team. "The entire roof is hacked with surveillance."

"Don't worry, I got this." Camilla grinned. She concentrated on her magical powers for a spell. "Dobutsu: Chorui!"

As Camilla casted, a bright bolt of red energy formed between her hands and released many energy bolts constructing themselves as birds to land and distract the cameras. Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit quickly snuck in through the window before Camilla gave the magical birds thumbs up and joined her team. The mage closed the door and stood in the shadows on the ceiling until they reached to the oldest sister. They looked down to see Kirana tied up to a chair with chains and a duct tape covered her mouth. The blue mage kunoichi slowly looked up at the ceiling and her eyes widened in panic to see her team while screaming through the duct tape. Camilla, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit took out the two Shadow Droids with speed and stealth as Ariana went to untie Kirana, who was still screaming behind the tape.

"We can't understand what you're saying, Kirana." Ariana said, pulling the tape off of her oldest sister.

"Guys, it's a trap!" Kirana warned.

Suddenly, a squad of Shadow Droids entered the dojo surrounding the team. Behind them were Kuro and Amora standing on top of a desk when the slide door went open.

"Going somewhere?" Amora said evilly.

"You got two choices, demons: Let us go or walk away from this inside a punching bag." Camilla said threateningly, freeing Kirana from the chains with her flaming finger.

"Sorry, Camilla. We can't let you go." Amora replied. "We just need you all for bait."

"She wants Mother." Kirana said to her younger siblings.

"Your mother will eventually track you here and when Sage shows up, she'll know what it's like to truly suffer." Kuro added with pretentious vengeance.

"Shadow Droids, restrain the mages and robot!" Amora ordered.

Unfortunately, the Shadow Droids were proven to be too advanced for the team to fight against, but the K-5 continued to fight back. Then, the mages and robot were quickly outmatched after Amora explained that their robots can learn every fighting style in seconds from them.

That gave Kirana a quick idea when she stood in front of Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit as she was ready to protect them.

"If I order you to run away, will you girls listen to me this time?" Kirana asked, glancing over at her younger sisters.

"Heck to the yeah!" They answered with a quick nod.

"Then let's go!" Kirana ordered.

Kirana jumped high to the ceiling and headed out of the opening window to leave through the roof while Camilla, Ariana, Talia, Ezra, and Norbit followed after their oldest sister from behind.

"Don't let them escape!" Kuro ordered the Shadow Droids.


The K-5 quickly escaped out through the dojo with the Shadow Droids in hot pursuit.

"They are on our trail." Norbit said.

"All of our moves are useless against them, Kirana." Ezra said.

"They know every move we can make, every fighting style and skill." Kirana said. She then realized something that gave her an idea. "Guys, remember power play?"

"Yeah!" Camilla replied.

"Uh-huh!" Ariana responded.

"What's your point?" Talia yelled.

Then, the team looked behind to see the Shadow Droids already made their way out of the dojo and followed after them. Kirana spun around to run forward and swiftly attacked one of the Shadow Droids with a strong ice blast, leaving her younger siblings and robot friend recognizing what they have to do. The K-5 and Norbit all went separate directions to take care of the Shadow Droids in their own way of unpredictability.

"Oh, I get it now." Ariana said. "We have to be unpredictable."

Ariana grinned as she began making fast mathematical calculations to determine the exact spots where they should strike the robots with her earth-based shuriken. After she found it and knew that the Shadow Droids was chasing after her, Ariana threw six earth shuriken that hit different corners at the wall in different angles around the Shadow Droids, destroying them one by one and left them lying in a broken pile of metal.

"I always have a very excellent shot." Ariana smirked.

Ezra summoned five flying lightning bolts for him to ride on and knocked out five Shadow Droids and soared in the air.

"This is awesome!" Ezra shouted.

Talia grinned slyly as she charged forward to begin dancing towards the Shadow Droids and used her crazy fighting style dance moves to defeat them one by one.

"Oh yeah, baby!" Talia cheered. "Try and steal those moves!"

Norbit used his blaster to hit a few Shadow Droids and surprised them with an air attack from his rocket boosters.

"My fighting database seems to be more affective." Norbit said to himself.

Camilla charged forward to ram towards the incoming Shadow Droids with brute force from her fists and slammed brutally the last two robots hard to the wall.

"I feel pretty good by this." Camilla smirked.

Meanwhile, Amora spun her dark energy-engulfed legs upside down while in mid-air to hit Kirana several times, but Kirana swiftly back away by doing backflips and then rapidly kicked the dark mage kunoichi with a flurry of kicks before her last kick launched Amora into the air to her defeat before releasing a powerful stream of ice to freeze the dark mage kunoichi in hard ice. Then, Kuro came after Kirana and fight against her in a one-on-one battle until the blue mage kunoichi jumped backward to go upward and hit the black mage ninja with a powerful icy kick, causing Kuro to fall hard on to a sidewalk in defeat.

"Why are you doing this?" Kirana asked firmly. "I thought you were better than this."

"You don't understand." Kuro said. "I'm confused. I don't know the difference between right and wrong anymore."

"Don't say that. Just because you have mix-up memories doesn't mean you don't have any other choices." Kirana explained softly. "Lady Shade is lying to you. My mother Sage would never hurt an innocent. But if you don't agree with me, then your grudge is with me and stay away from my family and my friends." She jumped high on the rooftop and took one gaze back at Kuro below. "Trust me, Kuro."

Kirana left out of the Kuro's sight as the black mage ninja stared at her blankly.

When Kirana ran back to her team, they began to flee from a few Shadow Droids that were chasing after them. Then, Kirana took out a black ninja smoke bomb and threw it to the ground as the team vanished out of sight since the robots have already figured out all of their "unpredictable" moves.


Back at the Crete Fortress, Talia was playing the pinball game machine and setting up the highest score while Ariana, Ezra, Norbit, Kirana, and Camilla watched her play from behind.

"Yeah!" Talia cheered happily. "You see that? New high score, ladies and gentlemen."

"That is great scoring, Talia." Norbit commented.

"Dibs!" Ezra said. "I'm next."

"Kirana, you want to play after Ezra?" Ariana asked.

"Nah, go ahead, guys. I'm cool." Kirana replied.

Kirana and Camilla walked away from the four to the center of the living room. Camilla made sure that the others weren't paying attention to them as she quickly pulled her older sister into a tight but warm sisterly hug, leaving Kirana silently speechless for a minute.

"It's good to have you back, Kirana." Camilla said sincerely. "I mean it, sister."

"Thanks, Camilla." Kirana smiled, hugging her younger sister.


Meanwhile, Kirana was walking her way to the dojo. She recalled what Kuro said to her about Sage taking his father away from him a long time ago, but she doesn't believe that statement is true and she must ask her mother the question herself. Kirana took a deep breath and sat next to her meditating mother on the mat.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Mother." Kirana said. "I need to ask you some questions about Kuro."

"It is late, Kirana." Sage said calmly as she levitated herself from the floor and landed on her feet. "These questions will have to wait for another time."

"He said you took his father away from him." Kirana explained, not leaving the dojo until she gets answers from her mother. "I know it's not true, right?"

"No, it is not true." Sage responded firmly. "But the truth is almost as difficult."

"Please, mother. Tell me. Trust me." Kirana pleaded. "Kuro told me that his memories are beginning to alter his state of mind. He's becoming more confused than before. I need the truth."

Sage sighed, but she knows that Kirana was right. She turned around and walked close to her oldest daughter.

"Long ago, when I've lost my husband and my son, I cast a spell to lock up your own memories about Kuro when you and your sisters were very young." Sage explained.

Kirana froze as she couldn't feel the beat of her heart or hear the sounds of her sisters in the living room as if everything just stopped for a second.

"Kuro...is my son." Sage said firmly.

"So that means...!" Kirana gasped sharply.

"Kuro is Shori." Sage said.

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