Billionaire's Untamed

By _MidnightDreamer01_

297K 13.1K 1.3K

This is a spin-off/ Sequal of Mr. Billionaire's love. PREVIEW: Xander Crawford has his mother pestering him t... More

|| Chapter 1 ||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 3||
||Chapter 4||
||Chapter 5||
||Chapter 6||
||Chapter 7||
||Chapter 8||
||Chapter 9||
||Chapter 10||
||Chapter 11||
||Chapter 12||
||Chapter 13||
|| Chapter 14||
||Chapter 15||
||Chapter 16||
||Chapter 17||
||Chapter 18||
||Chapter 19||
||Chapter 20||
||Chapter 21||
||Chapter 22||
||Chapter 23||
||Chapte 24||
||Chapter 25||
||Chapter 25.1||
||Chapter 26||
||Chapter 27||
||Chapter 28||
||Chapter 29||
||Chapter 30||
||Chapter 31||
||Chapter 32||
||Chapter 33||
||Chapter 34||
||Chapter 35||
||Chapter 36||
||Chapter 37||
||Chapter 38||
||Chapter 39||
||Chapter 40||


10.2K 401 150
By _MidnightDreamer01_

~And they lived happily ever after.~


2 years later.

A lone tear escaped my closed eyes when I felt the cement grave under my palms. 

The raindrops falling on my shoulder were soaking my suit jacket, but I couldn't care less. I swat all the leaves and dirt off the grave and kept the flower bouquet in the middle. "I miss you." I croaked out as my throat started to choke up. "I will always love you the most." It's been months since I last visited here. I miss him terribly.

A hand dropped on my shoulder and I look up to see her smiling down at me, covering us both with an umbrella. "He is in a much better place. Trust me, he must be enjoying with all the beautiful ladies up there." 

I chuckle, nodding my head in agreement. "He was quite a charmer."

"I agree." She nods. "If only I was a few years older." She tsked, sighing, making me frown. I narrow my eyes at her and scoff. "No, you are mine. Mine Only!" I stood up, wrapping my hands around her waist possessively.

"Of course, baby." She leans into me, giggling.

I took the umbrella out of her hand, holding it firmly in mine as we both look down at the grave.

In the loving memories of Austin Holland.

It's been exactly a year and a half since Grandpa passed away. I am still having a hard time believing that he isn't here with us anymore.

"I miss him so much," I whispered as my chest did a painful thud. "I know baby. We all do." Alex rubs my arm, placing a kiss on my chest. 

It still feels like yesterday when I used to eagerly wait for the summer holidays to go to his house. He would play with me all sorts of games, everything I asked him to. We used to have so much fun. I miss those days.

A small stifled yawn beside me caught my attention. "Are you tired, babe? Why didn't you tell me? Why are you standing up? Didn't I tell you to stay inside the car? Are you feeling-" She cuts me up with a slap on my mouth. "Don't start again. I swear to god, I will kill you." She glares at me. 

I pout. "But..."

"I said Don't..." She shakes her head. "And for your information, I was sitting inside the car and saw those raindrops. I didn't want you to soak and get sick again. I can't handle the sick you in this condition." She pointed at her 6month's old belly.

Yep, we are pregnant. I was BLOWN away when she broke the news to me. I wanted to have a baby for so long but didn't wanna force her into anything. Then 6 months ago, out of nowhere, she told me that she was ready to start a family and two weeks later, she was pregnant.

Yes, I was THAT eager.

"Well, Mrs. Crawford, I am just scared because it's our first pregnancy. I don't want to do anything to hurt our babies." I argued.

Oh, did I forget to mention our wedding?

Well, 3 months after that kidnapping incident, I proposed to her and fortunately, she said yes. We got married within a month and went on a month-long honeymooning. Had a lot and a LOT of sex. It has been bliss since then.

Oh, and if you are wondering about Logan, let me tell you that he was worst in shooting, thank god for that. He shot like a meter away from us and thankfully no one got hurt. He got caught and prosecuted for what he did and will be gone for a very, very long time. Phew!

Nina on the other hand got her sentences cut short but is still going to serve some more time since she was involved too. She will out in a few months.

"If you don't want my help, then suit yourself in the rain." She snarls, snatching the umbrella from my hand, and walks away with it. I swear her mood swings were going crazy with each passing month.

"Babe, don't walk too fast!" I yelled behind her and in return, she increased her pace, walking quicker.

"Ah, this woman!" I breathe out, annoyed. She never listens to me. "I'll come to see you later, grandpa. Love you! Bye!" I said goodbye to Grandpa and ran behind her. "Babe, slow down, wait for -" I  paused and laughed out when she flipped her middle finger at me.

With pregnancy hormones, she has become twice the trouble she already was.


"Babe, mom asked-" I paused to stare at Alex in confusion.

She was sitting on the bed with one hand in the Nacho tub, another holding her phone while her face was scowling at her stomach. "No." She hissed, looking intently at her protruded belly. "I said no, we don't eat that."

I sighed, pondering whether I should ask her what happened or just leave the room silently before she notices me. Hmmm... what should I do?

Being the good boy, that I am, I chose death -- I mean the former. 

"What did the baby do now?" I finally asked and went to sit beside her. I palmed her big stomach feeling the baby's movements underneath it. 

I can't believe I am actually having a baby and that too with Alex. Who would have thought that my once fake girlfriend would be sitting on my bed with my baby in her belly and ring on her finger?

Life sure is unpredictable.

"I don't think this is my baby." Alex stares at me seriously with a deep frown.

"What?" I choked on my own spit when I heard her. 

"Look at this." She shows me her phone screen. It was some insta feed about cooking mashed potatoes.

"I-It's mashed p-potatoes?" I spoke hesitantly. I don't want her to turn Godzilla on me again.

"It's not just mashed potatoes. It's mashed potatoes with onion and...." She gulps, looking pretty scared. "And... PEAS." Her eyes waters. "The Baby wants to eat peas and I don't eat peas! This is not my baby." 

"Aa..." I was actually speechless. How do you answer that?

Just then her belly gurgled. She glared down at her belly. "Shut it. I am not putting that thing in my mouth." She hissed.

Surprisingly, her stomach gurgled again. It almost sounded like it was arguing back. Alex gasped. "Don't talk back to your mother you piece of peanut. I said no peas means NO PEAS. That's it."

There was a second of silence. Alex smirked at her victory only be gurgled at louder.

I burst out laughing, rolling on our bed. That was so precious. "Oh... god..." I said between laughs. "I... can't breathe."

Alex kicks me off the bed. "Next time you have the baby!" She yells at me before storming out of the room.


"I am so sorry, Alexis. I swear, I will make it up to you." She whispers to herself.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her drama. "It's not a sin, Alex. Relax."

"It is for me. I have hated peas all my life, and just because of this little piece of peanut, I am breaking the promise I made to myself." She dramatically sighs.

I smiled, forcing myself not to roll his eyes. She loses her shit when I do that. "Just eat it."


"Honey, I made it at 2 am. Please, for god sakes, eat it." I was so close to a cry out. 

I woke up in the middle of the night and found Alex missing from the bed. I checked our bathroom and all the nearer rooms, but she was nowhere to be found. I panicked and nearly called the police when I heard someone sniffling in the kitchen.

It was Alex. 

Her tearful eyes were staring down at the pack of frozen peas like they were her biggest enemy as well as first love.

On asking, she confessed she couldn't sleep because of the mashed potatoes thing. I told her I will make her that in the morning and she should sleep, but when has she ever listened to me? She gave me the ultimate puppy eyes and that pouty expression that she knows I can't resist, so I ended up making her mashed potatoes with onions and peas at 2 in the morning!

"Baby eat it," I pleaded, breathing out. She pursed her lips, making a disgusted face before taking a tiny bite. 

Her facial expression relaxes instantly and her eyebrows shot up as she let out a loud moan of appreciation. "This is so good." She took another bigger bite greedily. "Why have I never tried this before? This is so freaking delicious." She stares at me for a split second before devouring her mashed potatoes like she hasn't eaten for years. "SO GOOD." She groaned. 

Shaking my head, I took a seat opposite of her to just stare at her. I have no idea how I got so lucky. She looks so heart-achingly beautiful. Being pregnant suits her. She gained a lot of weight, her boobs and ass got bigger, and I am loving it. She looks so darn cute and sexy at the same time. It's getting really challenging lately to keep my hands off her. 

I chuckled, leaning in to wipe the side of her mouth. "Slow down, babe, it's all yours." 

She looks at me sheepishly, passing me a childish grin. "Sowry..." She says with a mouth full of food. 

Life couldn't get better.


I turn around, tapping the bed near me to cuddle Xander, but he wasn't there. I peeked through one opened eye and looked around the room. He wasn't in the room either.

"Xander?" My voice came out hoarse. I cleared my throat and called his name louder. Still no reply.

Where is he?

Pushing myself up on the bed, I sat up and watched the time. Wow, I just wanted to take a nap but ended up sleeping for an hour. I looked down at myself and sighed, annoyed. I ruined my dress for the party tonight. 

We are having a Gender reveal party tonight. Nothing fancy, just a family and friends dinner.

My stomach growled. "Calm down you both. We will get to eat delicious food in a few minutes. So, don't annoy your mother now." I yawned, patting the huge bulge.

Yep, we are having twins. 

I am gonna be a mom. I can't believe I am actually doing this. Hell, I can't even believe I am married, that too to Xander! Wow, it just seems like yesterday when we were fighting over the fake girlfriend contract. 

And look at us now. We fell in love, fought a psycho, got married, and now this. 

It still feels like a dream. An amazing dream that I never want to wake up from.

I sigh, closing my eyes and reminisce that day I told him I was pregnant. Thousands of emotions passed through his face in just a mere second before he dropped to the ground and hugged my belly. He cried like a little baby and thanked me million times. It was the most beautiful and life-changing day in our life.

Ah, I miss him. 

Picking up the phone, I dialed his number. My eyebrows furrow when I heard his phone ringing in front of our room, followed by him entering through the door. 

"Look who's here?" The love of my life chuckles with my little bundle of happiness in his arms.

"Ah, my baby." I shriek, opening my arms wide.

He shimmies out of Xander's arms and ran towards me with his tiny feet. "Alex!" He jumps on the bed and crawls his way to my arms. 

"How's my favorite godson doing?" I asked, kissing his chubby cheeks. He looks so adorable. A perfect mix of Trish and Dick.

"Awesome!" He squeals, pushing his shiny curly hair out of his face. 

"Haw, you finally learned the word!" I high-fived him. It took me 4 whole days to teach him this single word. 

"Yes!" He nods, grinning widely.

"Nico, you forgot the gift." Xander passes him a rolled-up paper with a bow on it.

"Oh!" He slaps his forehead, taking the 'gift' from Xander's hand. "I almost forgot. Thank you." He dazzles him with a toothy grin. Nico absolutely loves Xander, sometimes more than his own father. I can't blame him, Xander is marvelous with kids.

"Is this for me, Nico?" I asked.

He nods, handing me the paper. "I made this for you." He grins, showing me his dimples. My heart!

"Thank you, baby." I awed, trying to open the paper. He slapped my hands. "No, not right now. You will open it at the party."

"At the party?" I asked, confused, and then stare at Xander, questioningly.

He shrugs. "I don't know. Trisha asked us to bring this downstairs. He was too excited to show you this." Xander chuckles, ruffling Nico's hair. 

Nico frowns, pulling himself away. "Uncle, My hair!" He huffs and jumps down the bed.

"Nico, don't jump like that." I scold him. 

"I am fine." He said while checking himself in the mirror. "My hair all ruined." He pouts at Xander.

We laugh at his cute pouty face. "Come on here buddy, let's get your hair done quickly." Xander picks him up.

"Baby, get ready, everyone's waiting for you downstairs." He leans to kiss my lips.

I kissed him back and breathes out when he pulls away. "Ok."


"Now open my gift!!" Nico yells at the top of his lungs making everyone laugh.

Apparently, he made something that will reveal the gender of my babies.

"Ok, is everyone ready?" I asked. Everyone looked edgy and super excited except for Trisha and Dick, who held a mischievous expression because they were the only ones who knew about the gender of the babies.

"Open up." Aubree high pitched shriek made me laugh. She was holding Nolan's hand, who looked like he was in pain, and asking Aubree to lose her grip.

Biting my lips, I slowly removed the ribbon. "Dude, just do it faster," Jace yells.

"We are waiting here!" Jade and Gabby agree with him.

I rolled my eyes at their excitement, opening the paper, and froze. Oh god.

It had a beautiful picture of a family with one girl and a boy. We are having a girl and a boy!

My lips trembled and tears flow out of my eyes as I hold the picture to my chest, crying. Xander held me in his arms, trying to blink his tears away. Realizing everyone else was waiting, I turn the picture towards them. "We are having a boy and a girl." 

"Hell, YES!" Everyone roared in cheers, congratulating us and each other too.

I look at everyone and saw tears in their eyes. Hell, Emerald, Eva, and Trisha were full-blown wailing out while holding each other, and their husbands were trying to calm them down.

The Crawford and Cooper clan were getting excited about being uncles, aunts, and grandparents.

It was such a blissful sight to see. 

I felt a pair of lips on the top of my head and look upward. Xander was smiling down at me with tearful eyes. "We are really gonna be parents." His voice was starting to break. "I am gonna be a dad." His dazed eyes fell on my belly and his hands stroke it gently. "Oh, god. I am gonna be a dad." He breaths out as if he realized it just now.

The corner of my mouth curls up in an adoring smile as I place both of my hands on his cheeks to wipe his tears that finally streamed down his eyes. "Yes, baby. We are gonna be parents in 3 months." I squeal.

"Thank you for coming into my life." He began leaning down towards me.

"Well, you forced me, so, I didn't really have a choice." I raise my eyebrow at him.

 He pauses for a second before chuckling. "Sorry. I meant to thank myself to have forced you."

"Yeah, me too." I smile, pulling him down for a kiss.

My heart burst with joy when our lips touch. It wasn't the usual sensual kiss but it was something that made me feel secure and loved. I couldn't help but think how lucky I am to have lived such blissful life, to have such a loving and supporting group of friends and family, and most importantly to have such a beautiful life partner. 

"I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life together with you," Xander whispered against my lips.

I grinned, staring into the blue eyes that I fell in love with. "Same baby same."

Life couldn't get better. 

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 💜 THE END 💜 ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~

AND it's a wrap... 

I hope this book has met your expectation.

I can't believe I won't be writing about Alex and Xander anymore. I am gonna miss them so much! This is so damn hard!😢

Anyway, I would like to thank you all. This book would not have been possible without you guys... my lovely, amazing readers, SO a BIG hug from my side. UUMMMAAAHHH!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Your encouraging comments gave me the push to write more and I finally was able to complete my 2nd BOOK. 

SO, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your constant love and support.❤🤞😍

Don't forget to Vote. Comment. Share.

SEe YOu GUYs... Until We Meet Again~

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