The Grand King and Queen [Oik...

By mangoezhoez

322K 14.1K 5.5K

Oikawa's sister... the great Oikawa Tooru, and his little sister. To get out of his shadows you went out to f... More

1. You Should've gone to Shiratorizawa
2. Meat buns
3. Novice
4. Gungun Yogurt >> Yakult
5. The Flower Pot
6. Dorming
8. First Practice
9. Oikawa Cuisine
10. Onigiri with da bros~
11. Oversleeping
12. Hacking the vending machine.
13. Hell week but it's training
14. Interhigh
15. Interhigh - Quarterfinals
16. Interhigh - 2
17. Interhigh - Semifinals
18. Interhigh - finals
19. Next Time
20. Off days
21. Super glue
22. The White Knee Pad
23. Caltan
24. Interhigh Nationals
25. Interview
26. Day Two
27. Nationals - Quarterfinals
28. Nationals - semis
29. Beef
30. Party at Aunt Miya's
31. Pond Duel
32. Sick Days
33. Training Camp
34. Training camp - 2
35. Training Camp - 3
36. Oikawa
37. Hyogo
38. Sleepover
39. Love Letters
40. Mani no Pedi
41. Luck
42. Prodigy
43. Let's Get It
44. Thank You
45. Engawa
46. Deal?
47. Lights
48. New Year
49. All-Japan
50. Shark(ie)
51. 113
52. Polaroid
53. Sugar Cubes
54. Onita
55. Iwaki
56. Wanaka
57. Pretty Girl
58. Young Miss
59. Deal.
60. Date Auction
61. Strong
62. Cherry Blossom Tears
63. Peculiar Meetings
64. Seijoh
65. Mija
66. Shoji Screens
67. Practice
68. Doki Doki
69. Intrusive Thoughts
70. Choco Milk
71. Wise Words
72. Fingers
73. Weekend in Tokyo
74. Feisty
75. Favorite
76. Weirdo(s)
77. Like and Subscribe
78. I <3 You
79. Questions
80. Interview
81. Training Camp
82. Dragon
83. King
84. Spooky
85. "Coaching"
86. Athletic Festival
87. Flower Field
88. Friendly Rival
89. W's
90. Party Hardy
91. Class Inspection
92. Sister
93. The Competition (?)
94. Training Camp
95. Kanari
96. Bars
97. Minegishi Minami
98. Call
99. The End

7. The Intersection

7K 293 82
By mangoezhoez

"One, two, three! Smile!"


"One more one more!"


Your mom put her phone down and looked over the photos she had taken.

"I bet you blinked again Tōru-nii"

"I bet the light covered your face little bunny"

"I bet your hair came out a mess"

"I bet your wing liner came out like a blob"

"I bet your-"

"Okaaaay! Now a goofy one"

"If you give me bunny ears again I swear to all the entities out there-"


You spread your legs out and leaned forward, arms stretched out in front of you, your left palm on the bottom and right palm on top forming a sort of mouth with your hands. You topped it off with a smile.


Tōru's pose had been his usual finger guns with a smug expression.

"Cute!" Your mom said as she giggled like a school girl when checking over the photos.

"Okay, now finish your breakfast and brush your teeth!" She told you as she ushered you inside.

First days were always like this, your mom would wake you up an hour earlier than your alarm and usher you to get ready so she can take pictures.

You ate some pancakes that Fumiko had cooked. You're technically supposed to start dorming today but your mom convinced you to go back home for dinner after practice.

You said your goodbyes before heading to the front door.

You still had half an hour until classes actually started and Shiratorizawa is a ten minute walk away, you wanted to get there earlier because of a tendency you had to be late on the first day of every school day. Before you finished fully closing the front gate a voice called out, "Little bunny! Wait for me" You looked back up to the front doors, seeing the guy multiple girls fawn over clumsily put on his shoes with a piece of toast between his teeth.

He's eating bread after eating pancakes?

You opened the gate as he ran towards it, "You walking me too school great king?"

He scoffed, taking the bread out of his mouth, "Only because Mamma is making me."

"Aren't our schools in different directions?"

"Mmm, after that one intersection by the convenience store they are." He nodded as he broke the toast he was eating in half, offering you a piece.

"So you're just walking me to the intersection?"

He stuffed his piece of toast into his mouth and shrugged as you took the piece he had been offering.

You walked in comfortable silence, eating the toast, or in Tōru's case trying not to choke because of how fast he stuffed it into his mouth.

You reached the corner that Iwaizumi always waits at. He joined your comfortable walk after a short nod and a slap to the back which, surprisingly, helped Tōru stop choking.

"Are you dorming today or are you sleeping at your parents?"

Hajime asked once Tōru had color back on his face.

"I'm going back for dinner but Mamma will most likely make up some excuse or drag dinner on for longer so that I can stay the night." You shrugged.

"What time does your practice end?"

"Around six I think"

"Tōru, if we run we might be able to catch her at school."

"Or we can wait for her at the intersection"

"How far is Shiratorizawa from the intersection?"

"A couple blocks, it's closer than Aoba Johsai."

The intersection is the one where the convenience store is at. If you turn left and walk for three blocks you'll get to Shiratorizawa. If you turn right and walk a little over eight blocks you'll get to Aoba Johsai. It's kind of funny how close the two schools are. If Shiratorizawa weren't a boarding school there'd surely be a lot more Shiratorizawa students on your walks to school.

Kitagawa Daiichi is about twenty blocks down right, so it makes sense why so many students go to Aoba Johsai instead of Shiratorizawa.

You didn't want to be late for your first day so you decided to skip the onigiri, maybe I'll be late tomorrow for coming to get some instead.

You continued walking as you stared back at the shop longingly.

"Do you want to stop and get some oni-"

"No" You snapped your head towards Tōru, "I can't be late again!"

You turned left, "It'll be quick little bunny. Plus aren't we always late for our first days anyways?"

"Yes we are Tōru-nii! That's why I can't be late on my first day of my first year!"

"You were late on the first day of your first year in junior high" He shrugged, "It's basically our tradition at this point."

"Yea but I won't have you and Haji-san to bust me out of being late this time."

"Fine fine, we won't stop for onigiri."

He grumbled as you hummed at him in response, getting extra excited once Shiratorizawa came into view. You stopped a block away before you smoothed down your purple skirt as Tōru stepped in front of you and fixed your bow, along with a couple of stray hairs that had gone up with the light wind. He finished it off with a kiss on your forehead before ushering you towards the gates.

Once you had reached the gates you looked back and waved them off before entering the gates to the school. So much for just walking me to the intersection, You snorted to yourself thinking back on the conversation you had shared with your brother minutes earlier.

You arrived a solid fifteen minutes early and found your class relatively quickly. There wasn't a seating chart yet so you sat on the window seat on the second to last row.
Since you weren't used to arriving early you didn't know what to do, and it wasn't like you knew anyone yet. You had also chosen to sit in the area that was less crowded so there wasn't anyone around you. Your hands shot up to grip your hair but stopped midway.

No. Tōru-nii helped me with my hair this morning, I can't mess it up when classes haven't even officially started.

Instead you opted to put your head down and "rest your eyes".
You could bother one of the twins. Suna and Kenma are most likely to respond faster though, that is, if Kenma decided to pause his games to answer you back. Suna seems to be the best option.

Where'd I even leave my phone?

"Is this seat taken?"

You looked up to see the copper haired and brown eyed guy which you had met on the day of the open house.

"Ah, Shirabu-san. No it's not, go ahead"

You told him as you sat up and motioned for him to sit.

He pulled out the chair and sat down, "Thank you Oikawa-san"

You nodded.

How do I start conversations? Normally people start them with me, and I can't introduce myself because I already did. Ughh but if I don't talk there's only gonna be awkward silence, and I can't lose my first friend here. He's also in my class so I should try and get along-

Shirabu lifted a finger to knead between your brows "Oikawa-san?"


You turned towards him and he pulled his finger away. "You're furrowing your brows."

"Ahh thank you!" heat rose to your face as Shirabu chuckled.

"Do you perhaps play volleyball? Or related to someone who does?"

I bet he knows of my brother - just another fanboy I guess. You sighed internally, "Yea I play volleyball and so does my brother."

"What position do you play?"

"Outside hitter or wing spiker, however it is you call them"

He hummed, "then is your brother a setter?"

There it is, he knows about my brother.

Not much of a surprise, people have always come up to me and asked about my brothers likes and dislikes, some have even asked me about his weaknesses. Very creepy of them.

"Yup, the one and only Oikawa Tōru."

His eyes widened a bit, "So you are the Oikawa siblings!" he said with more shock than you had expected. "Oikawa siblings?"

"Your brother was mentioned in volleyball monthly last week! They were saying he's a promising setter who won the best setter award his last year of junior high."

Volleyball monthly? I wonder why Tōru wasn't freaking out about it.

"Ah- this might be weird, but I'm a setter myself and he's one of the setters I look up too."

Guess that makes sense.

"I read about you on the newspaper a couple weeks back when you won the Miyagi tournament too."

You had forgotten about that.. You answered a couple questions from some woman that day, you didn't really think much of it since you were the captain of the team that had just won. Though you didn't expect the woman to work for the newspaper, neither did you expect her to actually put in everything you had said. One being the answer to what your favorite snack was, you don't even know why but you said milk bread. All your friends who read that didn't drop it for a while, Matsukawa even went as far as to buy you milk bread every day.
I hate milk bread.

"Many papers referred to you and your brother as the Oikawa siblings, and said that both of you were players to look forward to this year at interhigh"

I don't remember that part of the newspaper.

"I couldn't watch the game in person, but your chart numbers were amazing. You really proved yourself as the ace, Oikawa-san"

You made a couple service aces that day, but that's as far as your memory for that game goes.

"Thanks" You gave him the brightest smile you could muster. One of your fake smile specialties.

"Are you joining the boys volleyball club Shirabu-san?" He nodded.

"Are you?" You nodded.

"Did you pass the test or did you get entry through volleyball?"

Harsh. Though I guess many athletes get entry through their sport. Makes sense, that test was terribly hard, for no reason.

He saw as your eyes slightly widened but stayed silent.

"I did, we're in the same class for a reason Shirabu-san"

He smirked and was about to answer when your homeroom teacher walked in.

What a bold fellow.

"Your seats will stay as they are now, as long as they aren't disruptive they'll stay as such until the end of the year."

Your teacher ended her greeting before starting the lesson.


I wonder if running through the halls is against the school rules.

Breaking the rules on the first day, what an Oikawa.

You mentally patted yourself on the back as you ran outside the building looking for the dorms.

The dorms.


Good job dumbass you ran so you'd be early but you don't even know where your bloody dorm is.

You groaned out loud, receiving a few looks from the students passing by.

There should be some type of sign around here that helps me find the dorms right?

You looked left and right but there were no signs to be found.

You would've checked the little pamphlet they had given you but you had conveniently left it inside your dorm.

Another groan escaped your lips only to be stopped midway by the sounds of footsteps and a high pitched voice coming from behind, "little bunny-chan~!"

You turned around to be met by your red haired senpai accompanied by Ushijima and the ashy blonde from last time.

You looked up and deadpanned at him, "please don't call me that Tendō-san"

"Oh but how could I not! It's such a -"

"Are you lost?"

The ashy blonde asked, receiving a glare from Tendō for interrupting him.

Your deadpan expression fell and was replaced with an embarrassed one.

"Is it obvious?"

You asked nervously.

He thought to himself for a moment, "If you count the looking around and loud groaning then yes." He shrugged with a slight smirk painting his lips. Your face burned as your hands came up to cover it.

"Don't worry Oika-chan~! We only noticed because we had been looking at you for a couple minutes now."


"That makes us sound like weirdos Tendō" The ashy blond face palmed.

"But it's true." Ushjima spoke up, "we came out of the building back there and little Oikawa was in our vision range, and as we walked over we saw her looking around as if she were lost."

The ashy blond sighed before looking back at you, "We can help you go to the gym if that's what you're looking for."

You let out a nervous giggle, "I actually don't know where the dorms are."

"Hah? But Y/N-chan, I thought the first years moved in two days ago?" Tendō asked, leaning forward.

"Don't call her by her name when you don't know her that well idiot." the blond scolded Tendō.

"We can show you, it's by the boys dorms anyways."

Ushijima said in the midst of the other two's bickering.

"But there's like three different buildings for the boys dorms Ushijima-san."

"We're separated depending on the club you're in. Since you're in volleyball you'll be in the building closest to the gyms along with other clubs who also use the gyms. There's two buildings by the gyms, one for girls and the other for boys, so they're by the other."

"Ahh, in that case I'd really appreciate your help Ushijima-san!" You beamed up at him and swore you saw him give you a little smile.

"Let's go"

He turned around and started walking as you followed.

"Eh? Oika-chan, Wakatoshi-kun wait for me~!"

You are now a first year in senior high!!
All the second years in the manga/ anime like Shirabu, Kawanishi, Tanaka, Noya, etc. Are the same age as you and again, this is set before cannon world actually starts, so you're all first years right now. Tooru's a second year!

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