The Broken Billonaire's Wife

By orex366

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"If you are not going to take a sip of that whiskey what's your poison then?" He asked. Staring at the brown... More

Prologue : Therapy session
Chapter 1: A day from Hell
Chapter 2: Cry Baby
CHAPTER 3: Wish I killed him
CHAPTER 4 : Hypocrite
CHAPTER 5 : Stalker
CHAPTER 6: Kiss and Run
CHAPTER 7: Who is the therapist?
Chapter 8: Nigerian Mothers
Chapter 9: Ice cream mix
Chapter 10: Midnight call
Chapter 11: Brothers
Chapter 12: Meeting Pamela
Chapter 13: Date night; Our Song
Chapter 14: Under the stars
Family Members
From their POV
Chapter 15: Scam
Chapter 16 : Where is Lizzy?
Chapter 17: Listening to Andrew
Chapter 18: Swallowing her face
Chapter 19 : His silence
Chapter 20: Stopping his heart
Chapter 21: The Naija Way (1)
Chapter 22: The Naija Way(2)
Chapter 23: Mummy Issues
Chapter 24: Meeting Tiara
Chapter 25: Seeds of Jealousy
Chapter 26: Revelations
Chapter 27: Money matters
Chapter 28: My home
Chapter 29: Hidden papers
Chapter 30: Therapist turned friend
Chapter 31: Pregnancy Scare
Chapter 32: Cracks in the wall
Chapter 33: Baggage
Chapter 34: Miniature Version
Chapter 35: Foundations
Chapter 36: Hold me tight
Chapter 37: Letter to my lover
Chapter 38: Freaky and a surprise
Chapter 39: Emergency
Chapter 40: Finding Lilly
Chapter 41: Mixed feelings
Chapter 42: Lucky Charm
Chapter 43: Love is a choice
Chapter 44: Load and Shoot
Chapter 45: Lizzy and Lily
Chapter 46 : Police Brutality
Chapter 47: How to make him fall
Chapter 48: Truly, madly, deeply.
Chapter 49: Revenge prank
Chapter 50: Birthday surprise
Chapter 51: Los Angeles
Chapter 52: Family Dinner
Chapter 53: Pandora's box
Chapter 54: Threats
Chapter 55: Lie to me
Chapter 56: You're Under arrest
Chapter 58: Too tired
Chapter 59: Chaos
Chapter 60: Hope's claw
Chapter 61: The voice from within
Chapter 62: Walking out of love
Chapter 63: Picking the pieces
CHAPTER 64: Miles Apart
Chapter 65: Jobless Liz
Chapter 66: Healing
Chapter 67: Confrontations
chapter 68: Reunion and sappy friendships
Chapter 69: After
Chapter 70: Break me
Chapter 71: Grief and it's stages
Chapter 72: Pregnancy hormones
Chapter 73: Stillness and hugs
Chapter 74: Marriage counselling.
Chapter 75: Blue Balls
Chapter 76: Thirteen reasons why

Chapter 57: No one left

356 93 74
By orex366


"Elizabeth Matthews right?" The detective asked with a gentle unsure smile.

Liz who schooled all her features into a cold mask gave a clipped yes in response.

"Are you sure of what you are saying?" The detective asked for the fifth time staring at the frail women with empty, glassy eyes.

"Yes," Liz confirmed. "I was down in the kitchen making hot cocoa and suddenly began to have migraines and flashes of what happened which is how I remembered then I felt a sharp migraine pain and I slumped."

At least it's part of the story.

"Are you in an abusive marriage?" The detective asked confused at why she was lying for him.

"No." Liz answered and licked her dry lips.

"Do you know that without a favourable statement from you, we may not have a case?"

"Yes I do." Nodding repeatedly.

"Is that why you came in here to lie to us? Your therapist insists that you told her the opposite was case." He leaned forward trying to be more intimidating but Liz wasn't changing her mind.

"Actually, what I say to my therapist is confidential and she has no right to reveal it except if I was a danger to myself or others which I'm not. Wherever this case leads to, you also can't make me testify against my husband especially under the fifth amendment laws. So, you'll need real proof beyond who said this and that." Liz tried hard to make sure her voice didn't crack or waiver.

"Oh, I see you know your laws."

"Yes I do. We learn laws applicable to our profession."

The detective stared at her for while then got up and walked out in his place Doctor Grayson entered and Liz could literally feel the strength leave her with the look of disappointment in her face.

"Why are lying? Even knowing how this makes me look like a fool."

"I'm sorry." Liz said honestly, "I really am. I know we have never crossed the healthy boundaries of Therapist to Patient but I owe you so much. Its not my intention to make you look like a fool but you're asking me to choose. Will I testify knowing it will hurt my husband? At the same time you listening to me has pulled me out the darkest times of my life. Between your ego and his mistake I'll be the victim and I'm begging you to drop it."

"Can't you see that I want to protect you too?" She shook her head sadly.

"I know but you can't. The deal has been done." This wasn't something she could protect her from.

"I still do not trust that all my patient files are safe."

"Then trust me. Its all I'm asking you to do. You don't have to trust him but me."

Liz knew what she was about to say and she was barely holding on already yet she waited to hear it.

"I can't be your doctor anymore."

"I understand." Liz bowed her head in front of her mentor, her friend, her guide. She understood that the sacred link between patient and doctor trust between them was broken.

"Take care Elizabeth. Please take care of yourself ." The door closed behind Doctor Grayson and Liz shivered in the warm investigation room.

She was all alone now. Every main pillar was ripped off.

Liz didn't cry, she didn't shout slowly she just felt disconnected from all.

She sat there even when they told her Jason was going to be released. Liz said nothing choosing instead to reminisce on fifteen years of solid counselling and friendship.

She was all alone now.


"Why are you crying?" Jadesola's mom asked her giving her the bad eye as she looked her over and over. Up to down like a bad piece of meat and hissed loudly.

"I really don't understand why you are here crying a river."

"Darling stop it." Her husband begged.

"What did I do?" She hissed again, "I'm just asking why she is moving up and down crying like she has a reason to."

"Mum," Jade called for sympathy.

"Gbenu e soun omokomo!"

"Are you the one in the hospital? Or you are the one that was arrested? What's all the crocodile tears for? You better clean your eyes or move from beside me because if I slap you, your tear gland will dry up instantly. Raise your chest in the air proudly and acknowledge the stupid effects of what you have done." She hissed again probably for the fifth time and got up to pace.

Everyone was tense even little Lily who didn't know much knew something was wrong. Lily got up from her mothers laps and went towards her grandmother who was sitting down now on the edge of the couch. 

Everyone watched the little girl with her cornrows climb the couch her grandmother was on and hugged her grandmother. Since she she was standing on the couch and had height advantage she patted her grandmothers head gently in a way to pacify her and it made every one emotional.

Children see, feel and know much more than we give them credit for.

"My sweet girl" her grandmother cooed hugging lily to her and breathing deeply. Even in mannerisms Lily acted like Jason too much which warmed her heart.

The sound of a car driving in had alerted everyone and they rushed outside.

Liz and Xav alighted from the car but without Jason.

Liz had asked to leave immediately she was ready while Jason had to be processed out and she didn't wait.

Xav was surprised that Liz didn't even wait to see Jason before leaving.

Liz had barely spoke to Xav through the drive back home except when she had asked politely if he could take her to an ice cream parlor.

He took her to the best spot to cheer her up and she got the different flavors she wanted alongside velvet cake.

After Jason was arrested Liz had asked to be discharged. It was her choice and they couldn't hold her after all she wasn't a danger to herself or the society which was the prerequisite for putting her under psych hold. He had driven her down to the station at her insistence.

What he didn't get was that she had chosen to ride back with him instead of Jason and Asher who joined them at the station.

Everyone looked elated that she was home showering Liz with hugs but she had stood ramrod straight not bothering to hug them back and it made everyone nervous.

"Are you okay?" Jason's mom had a genuine look of concern as she asked holding Liz hand.

Liz nodded and curled the corner of her lips in a gesture that looked like a smile but felt too empty. She then let her eyes wander to rest on Tiara and she felt so much bitterness swirling inside her.

She had treated Tiara with as much acceptance as she could. Even opened her home and heart to her daughter and this is what she got in return.

"Mummy two" Lily who was late to the party shouted and launched herself at Liz.

Liz felt her eyes water seeing the little girl wrap her arms around her thighs in an attempt to hug her. Lily had called her mum and she didn't know why it brought so much tears.

She thought she was done crying she thought she had no more tears to give.

Liz wanted to hug the little girl back. They say the sin of the father shouldn't be on the children but Liz couldn't bring herself to.

Its weird how its harder in reality than theory. Life is more of gray areas than just plain black and white.

Its harder to separate what she was feeling for Lily's parent from Lily herself.

So she bent to the little girls level with tears streaming down her face and tried hard to smile.

"Hey Lily berry," Liz kissed the little girls forehead and made her decision this was goodbye.

The little girl was confused at the tears and it shone in her mismatched eyes the perfect replica of her dads.

"Are you sad?" Lily asked innocently wiping the tears off Liz's face with her tiny fingers.

Liz nodded in affirmation and wiped her tears. She was tired of hurting, she really just wanted it all to stop.

"Don't be sad mummy two." Lily threw her hands over Liz neck and hugged her patting her gently on the back.

Liz tried hard to control her tears. This hurt knowing that she had come to love this tiny girl that wasn't hers.

After a while Liz ended the embrace and pulled Lily's cheek playfully. "I'm fine now Lily berry, your hugs made every thing better."

Lily giggled sweetly proud of herself and Liz went up.

Everyone was emotional seeing them together even  Tiara.


"You're free to go," the police man that spoke was different from the one interrogating him earlier.

Asher had dropped everything and arrived almost immediately they got to the station. He was the perfect stonewall between the police and Jason.

All that was on Jason's mind was Liz. Everything was so much of a complicated mess right now.

"You're free to go." The man shouted even louder.

How? Why?

Just few minutes ago they where threatening handing over the case to the cyber crime division of the FBI making it a federal case but now he was free.

"The case was dropped." Since there was no more handcuffs on him which Asher had removed when he got to the station.

"Why?" Jason asked shocked. He was guilty even though it was a crime he didn't think about when he did it, he was guilty.

This right here felt like Karma. Getting information was easily on of the easiest things he did but now he was seeing the effect on someone he loved.

Just because you can don't mean you should. Lol

When he got to where he was supposed to be processed out which included signing some documents and retrieving his personal items like his phone, wrist watch and wallet. This was where he heard from Asher that Liz came.

"Liz was here?" He stuttered surprised and felt hope bloom in his chest.

If she came it must mean she cares right?

"Yes. She left with Xavier already."

She didn't even wait to see me.

Hope was crashing down almost as quick as it bloomed.

The news the doctor gave him earlier was still heavy on his mind.

The drive back home was quiet. Jason kept fiddling with his phone wondering whether to text her or not.

He kept switching on his screen and killing it over and over. The picture of Liz on their first date kept popping up every time he did that.

Liz had looked so childish and it was the first kind of body contact he offered. Jason was kissing her dimple spot as she smiled lips full of Ice cream mixture that he had never heard of in his life.

Somehow Jason smiled. It was a sad smile as he suddenly became very emotional.

They were happy. They looked so happy and in love.

He ran his fingers over the picture on the screen and finally killed the screen. Jason threw his head over the head rest and sighed. It was a very heavy sound that it made Asher worry.

"Did you do it?" Asher finally asked, his thick bass voice booming in the car.

Jason didn't open his eyes he just nodded in response.

Asher didn't say anything in reply. He probably already knew Jason did it and just asked for confirmation.

After a while, he spoke up.

"She's going to get over it. She came to the station and lied for you it must mean something. Have a little faith." Asher finished and rubbed his shoulder then returned both hands to the wheels.

Faith was all he had right now.

Faith and a big bowl of remorse,  fatigue sprinkled with worry over the future.

Immediately Asher packed in front of the house Jason could feel his heart begin to pick pace.

Asher had to go home so he didn't go in and Jason entered alone.

"Where is she?" Jason asked the moment he entered the house and assured everyone he was fine.

"Liz went up. She said she was tired." Judith answered and Jason nodded in acknowledgment and made his way up.

He would entertain their worry and well wishes tomorrow right now its been fifteen hours since he last saw Liz.

He came to a standstill in front of his room door and rested his head on the wooden door. Jason breathed deeply trying to gather his thoughts and emotions then opened the door.

His heart was beating loudly as he searched for her with his eyes.

The room was empty and so was the bedroom but the closet door was wide open and he took heavy steps towards there.

Like a child repeating old habits Liz was sitting Yoga style on the floor with a tube of ice cream in her laps. She took a huge scoop and had her attention fixed on the tube of Ice cream mix.

Jason suddenly felt his throat go dry, he didn't know what to say.

Liz raised her head for a split second to stare at him and Jason froze in fear. Something had changed he could feel it deep inside his bones.

This woman sitting here reminded him of the one he had crashed into at the airport. Eyes so empty it was almost lifeless. It was also glassy like the iris were coated with sheen of tears that didn't dare fall.  She had stared back at him the day he crashed into her like she was bored.

Jason dug his palm into the pocket of his jean as they were beginning to feel clammy. It was almost like there was a permanent knot in his stomach that didn't want to unwind.

The closet was almost empty since he didn't really stay here anymore only empty hangers hanging over her head.

His hands itched to push away the lock of hair that fell across her face backward or to just touch her.

Jason had a strong urge to hug her, to bury his head in her laps and tell her he was sorry instead he sat beside her on the floor feeling miserable.

"You should shower you stink," Liz said so casually without raising her head from her ice cream to look at him when he sat beside her.

I'm back babiesssssss

Almost everyone said Liz is pregnant. I'll reveal it when I'm ready sha, you guys should calm down.

Also, don't you think they are all being harsh towards Jadesola?

I hope you're not just shouting this relationship is toxic. I  really hope you're taking mental notes of their mistakes. Because it wasn't even Lily that made them so complicated to be honest.

How's your heart doing so far?

The next chapter is really wild mehn.

Please vote for my story. Please comment, please add to your reading list if you haven't and follow me too.

See you soon.


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