Sweetheart (kuroo x reader) πŸ˜‰

By Andrea227227

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Kuroo x reader Kenma intoduces you to his new team and you take a liking to the captain kuroo tetsuro (you ar... More



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By Andrea227227

You looked back at the boys. They were staring like hawks.

"If I'm going to do it, I don't want you all watching!" You yell while pointing your finger towards the door.

"You better do it." Yamamoto smirked as he walked out of the door grabbing many of the other boys along with him. You and kuroo were the only ones left in the room.

"Are we seriously going to do this?" You put your hand on your forehead while you shook it.

"You.. don't have to." Kuroo said with a tint of sadness in his voice. "I didn't even know they'd think of such a fucked up dare. It's okay if you aren't comfortable."

"No kuroo. It's just that... To be honest, I'm nervous." You whisper as you look towards the ground.

"It's just us. And were dating. Remember? Prove to those boys you're not a pussy." He smiled as he adjusted his gaze towards you. "You don't have to."

You were still sitting in his lap, but you didn't know exactly what to do or whether he would enjoy it. He noticed you were nervous before flipping your body to make you face him. You were still sitting in his lap. You crossed your legs around his waist as he laughed.

"Here." He gently removed your legs from crossing his waist and lied down with you sitting directly on top of his lower half.

"All you have to do is move around a little. That'll be enough." He smiled before reaching one hand out to hold yours. "I won't tell you what to do. It's up to you."

You nervously grabbed his hand. He used the other to grab your thigh.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine!" He reassured you.

You closed your eyes before moving your hips side to side on top of him. You felt kuroos body shake for a quick second underneath you.

"It feels good." He grunted quietly.

You covered your mouth as you heard him grunt. His voice was so deep and hot.

"Is that fine?" You ask slowly getting up from his body.

"Wait." He grabs your hand making you stay in place back on his lap. "One more time. Please." He whispered.

He got his back off of the ground and hugged you. You were sitting in his lap facing him. You looked away in embarrassment as he asked you to do it once more.

"Close your eyes." You said feeling nervous he was staring into your eyes.

He gently closed his eyes before giving a gentle smile. You held lightly onto his shoulders as you moved your hips back and forth, side to side.

You let out a little noise, like reaction to the feeling from the action.

"Kuroo.. I.." You were stumbling on your words.

"It's okay." He slowly opened his eyes to see your flushed red face. "You did great." He whispered before caressing his hand through your hair.

"Let's get them back in here." He pointed to the door. You nodded as you stood up from his lap heading towards the door. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He said as he quietly stood up walking towards the bathroom.

You blushed, why is he always going to the damn bathroom? You pulled yourself together as you opened the door. The boys basically had their faces against the door to hear what was happening.

They shot back as you opened the door.

"Come back in." You whispered practically pulling them back into the room.

"Did y'all fuck?" Yamamoto smirked.

"No!" You practically yell. "Please shut up I did what you dared me to do. Now let's please forget about it." You sighed.

"So where's kuroo?" Lev questioned.

"Bathroom." You whisper.

The boys practically squealed. They knew what he was doing.

You waited patiently and nervous for kuroo to return.

He walked out of the bathroom and walked back towards the circle. He sat beside you grabbing onto your hand.

"Stop smirking dickheads. You made my girlfriend uncomfortable." Kuroo hissed at the boys.

You gave kuroo a smile before he relaxed. You held his hand as you spun the bottle. The game continued until every person went at least once.

It was almost dark and you still hadn't eaten dinner.

There was a small restaurant at the bottom floor of the little hotel. You and the boys had both agreed to go down to eat. Kuroo had grabbed your hand as you walked together down to the restaurant.

It wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. It was decorated nicely and there were many tables. A woman brought you to a big table surrounded by chairs, just enough for the whole team. The boys all sat down before kuroo pulled out a chair.

"Here." He whispered as you sat on the chair. He lightly pushed it in so you were close to the table. He sat in the chair right next to you before pulling out the menu and showing it to you.

You were in the mood for a pizza. Again. You pointed at the option of a margarita pizza and pointed to it as you looked up at kuroo.

"Again? But you had pizza for lunch." He looked confused.

You couldn't explain it, but you craved pizza again. You nodded

"Would you like to share a whole?" He asked checking the size.

"Sure." You smiled as he pointed to the medium.

"4 slices each? I'll eat whatever is left over if you can't finish it all." He smiled as you nod.

You gently grabbed onto his free hand thanking him for being so kind. The food arrived and you and kuroo shared your pizza. You ate 3 slices and he ate 5. Kuroo didn't like the crust, so you took them and ate them yourself. The crust was like the best part, and you couldn't let him just leave it.

He pet your hair lightly as you took the crust after he was done with the pizza to eat it. The boys seemed to be interested in how the two of you were bonded so well considering the relationship just began. Kuroo and you had always been really close, and even when you weren't in a relationship, people thought you were, and stayed away because they probably thought he was talking to you or trying to get with you. You never ate his leftover food though, you often tried his food, but never shared a whole mean. you'd be way to nervous. But now that you were in a relationship with him, you were a little more comfortable.

You both split the price for the meal and paid, as you left with kuroo and the rest of the team.

Tomorrow, the boys had 2 games to play, and you wanted to make sure they got sleep.

You entered after the rest before clapping your hands together aggressively. "Alright boys there's a game tomorrow so I want y'all to go to bed!" You directed.

The boys began to chuckle before agreeing and getting ready for bed. You had dinner fairly late, at 9:00 pm and it was now 10:30. The boys had a game at 9:00 am and they couldn't waste time.

"Take your showers and go to bed." You told them once again, noticing the room smelt bad.

"Why don't you and kuroo shower together right now?" Yamamoto teased.

You blushed before kuroo spoke. "Be quiet idiot. You're the one that smells like shit so you should shower first." He hissed at the boy.

"So defensive jeez." Yamamoto rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face before taking off his shirt while walking towards the bathroom.

"Thanks kuroo." You whispered lightly placing your hand on his chest.

He nodded before picking you up bridal style.

"HUH? PUT ME DOWN!" You yelled as he walked around the room with you in his arms. He placed you gently down on your mattress before putting up the dividers.

"Sorry (y/n). You looked so cute lecturing them." He smiled before lying next to you.

You sighed before laying your head next to his chest.

"You know why I kept having to go to the bathroom right after we hang out? Like on the bus and just now?" He asked looking up at the ceiling.

"I don't want to know." You laughed nervously.

"Sorry, about making you uncomfortable about it. I just can't help how cute you are sweetheart." He rubbed his finger against your cheek.

"I'm not uncomfortable. I'm actually happy. I'm happy you like me. And I'm happy we're together now." You smile into the boys chest too embarrassed to look at him on the eyes.

"I have to change into my pj's. Do you mind looking away?" You said getting up walking towards your bag.

Kuroo nodded. "Tempting. But I won't look, promise."

You watch as he closes his eyes looking the opposite direction.

You quickly strip and put on an oversized shirt and baggy shorts. It was much more comfortable compared to your clothes before. You shoved your older clothes into the bottom of the bag and got your clothes ready for tomorrow

"Okay I'm done now," you said as kuroo slowly turned his head opening his eyes.

"Cute," he said quietly as he reached his hand towards you.

"What about you. You have to change too. You can't sleep in that." You questioned pulling off the blanket from the mattress revealing kuroo in the clothes he'd been wearing the whole day.

"Fine." He said as he sat up.

You watched as he took of his shirt and pants and threw it onto his bag.

"There. Happy?" He sighed laying back down.

"Your gonna sleep like that? In your boxers and nothing else?" You said face slightly turning red.

"Is there something wrong? I saw you staring at my chest before, don't you want this?" He smiled before pulling you down next to him.

You turned your body away as far away as it could from his on the mattress.

You felt a hand touch yours once again. You turned to kuroo. He looked kind of sad.

"Why are you so far from me?" He sighed.

You nervously scooted closer and closer to the shirtless boy.

Just then, he stood up. "Alright we have to get ready for bed now that Yamamoto is done." He said as he reached his hand down to help you up.

You rolled your eyes as you grabbed his hand. He walked with you into the bathroom before locking the door behind him.

"Why'd you lock the door?" You said turning towards the door to leave, while your hands were shaking of nervousness.

"I'm not going to do anything to you. I just don't want the other guys to walk in or some stupid shit they'd do." He said as he leant over the sink and grabbed his toothbrush.

He stood back, so you could grab yours as well. All of your tooth brushes were in little holders based on who you slept next to. You leant over the counter before feeling something against your lower half. You stood straight properly with the toothbrush in hand and turned towards kuroo.

"Kuroo what was that?" You said giving the boy a straight face.

Kuroo gave a little nervous smile before looking at the ceiling. "What was what?"

"You pressed your body against my ass when I leant over the sink to grab my toothbrush. What was that all about?" You said crossing your arms and shifting your weight against one side.

"Sorry sweetheart, I didn't think you'd be mad." He grabbed the tooth paste before squeezing some onto his toothbrush.

"I'm not mad. But it's just too much." You said as you grabbed the tooth paste from him squeezing it on your toothbrush. You let your toothbrush run under the water before putting it in your mouth. Kuroo did the same. You held his hand with one and used the other to continue brushing, and kuroo did the same. After about 2 minutes of brushing, you filled up a cup full of water and drank, and spit it out in the sink. You handed kuroo the cup, and he did the same.

"You're done, right? You can leave if you want." You said pointing towards the locked door.

"No I wanna wait for you."

Although he was done in the bathroom, he stayed as you used products on your face. You removed your makeup and rubbed moisturizer into your skin. Once you were finished, you filled your hand full of water and splashed it against your face, and wiped it with a face towel.

Kuroo was waiting patiently behind you the whole time. Once you were finished, you turned around to let kuroo know you were finished. You were still embarrassed he was in nothing but his boxers, but you pulled through by looking only at his face.

That is, until kuroo lift your chin to give you a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Kuroo you're killing me right now." You whispered as a silent sigh escaped your lips.

"What do you mean?" He whispered back with a little smile on his face. He knew what he was doing.

You poked his chest before he let out a little whelp. "Kuroo our relationship just started. So please, let's take our time." You said pressing your forehead into his shoulder. He held you into a tight hug against the wall.

"I'll wait however long you want." He whispered into your ear before letting go of the hug and giving you a kiss on the forehead. You felt more comfortable now that he understood what you were feeling. It's not like you didn't want kuroo, but it was all happening too soon. You wanted to feel safe and comfortable when you did things with him, but right now, you aren't ready.

He looked sad.

At the same time, it was kuroos last year. He was a third year and you understood how sad he must be to leave Nekoma and the team, and even you. You hoped you'd stay together with him even after he graduates, but instead of worrying about the future, all you cared about was your relationship with him now. You backed away from kuroo.

"Kuroo, when you graduate, are you going to leave me?" You said with a sad tone.

"What makes you think that? It doesn't matter where we are, I still like you." He said giving you a reassuring smile.

You nodded returning his smile. Kuroo lightly grabbed onto your waist before you got onto your tippy toes to give him a kiss.

"Let's go to bed now. You have a game tomorrow, remember?" You said grabbing his hand. He smiled as you unlocked the door and walked out.

Kenma was waiting by the door.  He gave a quick smirk.

"And what were you two doing in there?" He looked at kuroo then down to you.

"Nothing. We were just brushing our teeth." Kuroo answered before you.

"Nothing, hmmm. Then why is kuroo in nothing but his boxers?" Kenma said pointing to the boys lower half.

"What a guy can't sleep in his boxers?" Kuroo rolled his eyes before grabbing onto your hand tighter than before and bringing you back to your mattress.

The dividers were up, and the boys couldn't see the two of you.

"Thanks. Kuroo." You whispered as you sat down on the mattress getting comfortable.

"No problem. You want me to put on some clothes? I really want to sleep cuddling you." He said as he lightly held onto his shoulder with the opposite arm.

"No. I don't mind. I'll still cuddle next to you, even if you're just wearing that." You smiled as you blushed.

He lied down and moved closer to your body. He held his arm on your pillow and you rested your head on his arm. He pulled you closer and you felt him wrap his leg in between yours. You placed both hands up to your chest, and next to his. You felt his other hand wrap around your back. His body was warm and his skin next to yours made you nervous yet safe.

You closed your eyes and felt kuroo hold you close, as you drifted to sleep.

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