Billionaire's Untamed

By _MidnightDreamer01_

297K 13.1K 1.3K

This is a spin-off/ Sequal of Mr. Billionaire's love. PREVIEW: Xander Crawford has his mother pestering him t... More

|| Chapter 1 ||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 3||
||Chapter 4||
||Chapter 5||
||Chapter 6||
||Chapter 7||
||Chapter 8||
||Chapter 9||
||Chapter 10||
||Chapter 11||
||Chapter 12||
||Chapter 13||
|| Chapter 14||
||Chapter 15||
||Chapter 16||
||Chapter 17||
||Chapter 18||
||Chapter 19||
||Chapter 20||
||Chapter 21||
||Chapter 22||
||Chapter 23||
||Chapte 24||
||Chapter 25||
||Chapter 25.1||
||Chapter 26||
||Chapter 27||
||Chapter 28||
||Chapter 29||
||Chapter 31||
||Chapter 32||
||Chapter 33||
||Chapter 34||
||Chapter 35||
||Chapter 36||
||Chapter 37||
||Chapter 38||
||Chapter 39||
||Chapter 40||

||Chapter 30||

7.5K 306 39
By _MidnightDreamer01_

~The worst thing about betrayal is to know that it's done by someone you trusted the most.~


"That's when I took the help of Drake. He is my high school friend. I trust him." 

As soon as we finished showering, Xander fired multiple questions at me and I finally told him everything from the start. When did it begin, about all those texts and roses I received. 

He looked beyond furious while scrolling through my phone. "This man knows your workplace, your home, possibly even more than that. How could you not tell me? What if he did something to you? Have you ever thought about that?" 

"I did, that's why I asked for Drake's help. They are looking through now." I sighed. "I-I just didn't wanna involve you in this. This might get serious."

"That is exactly why I should be involved, Alex. Do you know how serious this can be?"

"Trust me, I know. This isn't my first time." I roll my eyes but stopped midway, realizing what I just said.


"What?" Xander's voice raises an octave as he jumps up from his seat.

"Sshh... Calm down." I hold his hand and pulls him back down. 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks.

I scratch my head. "Well, it kinda happened to me in the past. Once."

"What? How? I mean d-do you know who did-" He paused, his eyebrows furrowed and then raises. "It was that guy we met at the diner, isn't it? That florist's fiance?" Damn, he is smart.

I nod, slowly, answering his question. "Fuck, I knew it. I knew something was weird with that guy. I didn't like the way he stared at you. I am pretty sure, he is still into you." He stood up and started pacing around. "Jesus, I can't believe we dined with your stalker. And you didn't even tell me. Why did you go ahead with dinner even after you saw him? Are you crazy?" 

"No, I just didn't want you or Nina to get suspicious," I replied. "And we don't know for sure, that he is the one this time. I mean he told me he loves his fiancee and is totally over me and even begged me not to tell her anything. He kinda seemed genuine this time." I blurt out.

"He TOLD you this? When?" Xander stopped pacing and raises his eyebrows.

Double Shit.

"Well, uh... George asked me to take care of a special client and it turns out to be him," I said, carefully. 

Xander stared at me like I have grown multiple heads. "You... are... going to work with your stalker?" He speaks slowly as if trying to comprehend what he was saying.

I sighed. "We don't know that for-" I was cut off by a shrill voice. "Have you completely lost your mind?" I flinched back. "Oh, my God, I cannot believe this. Can't you fucking see how perfectly he planned all of this? He even got you thinking that this is a mere coincidence."

"I don't know, Xander. It might be a coincidence. He looked genuinely surprised. He said he didn't know I worked there."

"And you believed that?" He yelled. "Is he that genius of an actor, or are you that stupid?"

I glare at him. "I am not stupid. I am not saying I believe him, I am just saying that there is a chance that he actually changed."

He closes his eyes and breathes out. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to burst like that." He sits beside me and holds my hand. "It just annoys me that you trust him so much and I don't understand why?"

"I-I don't trust him. I just don't wanna this to be true." I look down at my hands. "It's hard for me, Xander," I say in a mere whisper.

"I know. I understand." He pulls me close and pecks my forehead. "It's ok, we will get through this. I will get the best investigators and he will be in prison in no time. And it will be much easier since he has a previous record."

I stiffen and pull away from his embrace. "Ummm... yeah, about that..." I started. Xander stares at me. "Please tell me you filed a report against him."

"I did." I gulped and continued, avoiding his eyes. "But, you see, his father came and begged us to dissolve the restraining order. I mean really begged, like on his knees, and trust me he was way too proud of a man to do that. He asked me to do that since Logan's future will be ruined if he had any priors."

"And you agreed?" Xander gapes at me. "Are you crazy? Your parents? Did they agreed to this too?"

I shook my head. "Not at first but his father came quite frequently. He even made Logan apologize." Before Xander could comment on this I continued. "EVEN... then I wasn't going to agree. I swear, I wanted to see him in prison and never get out."

"But then his father once met me alone and told me that if Logan got arrested, they will hire a great lawyer and would reduce his time in jail. He would only have to serve a few months in prison and pay some fine and he will be out in no time." I looked at Xander. "I mean I will go through a lifetime of trauma this is what he serves? That was not fair."

"That's why, when Mr. Jones promised that if I dissolve the case he would take him far away from me and my friends and that he would make sure Logan never see me again, I agreed." I bite my lower lip and gulped.

"I-I know this sounds ridiculous now, but I was 17 then, Xander and I was so freaking scared. I thought about what Mr. Jones said and at that time it felt so much safer to know I would never have to see him again. So, I forced my parents to agree. I just wanted him to go far, far away from me and his father was promising me that..."

Xander groans. "That bastard... he manipulated you, Alex."

"Maybe. But that was the best option for me at that time." I countered.

"What now? How will he keep his promise? He is dead." Xander sighs and stares at me. "Drake said he didn't believe Mr. Jones killed himself. Do you still think it's all a coincidence? His father died, Logan came back all of a sudden and happens to be everywhere you go?"

"I know, Xander. And somewhere in the back of my mind, I also know that he is the one. But I... I just want to believe that this is some stupid prank. I don't wanna go through all those things like last time." I sighed, massaging my forehead.

"But you, trying to believe something doesn't change the facts that are right in front of us," Xander argued.

My eyes waters knowing that he was right. He sighs and rubs my arms. "Would you tell me about him? I wanna know how far he can go." He asks.

I nod, preparing myself to tell him about Logan. "Well, we met in high school. Dick and I saved him from getting bullied in freshman year, and since then we three and Trisha were joined to hip. Most of our classes were the same, we used to eat lunch together. He was one of our best friends. He was like any other normal kid. No one ever noticed anything different about him." I shrug.

"Around the senior year, every guy I dated would ignore me after just one date, some left school, and some...." I glance at Xander before carefully saying the next few dreaded words. "Some would end up in the hospital." 

Xander's eyebrows shot up. "Hospital?"

"With minor injuries, nothing serious, just a few scratches, here and there. It was starting to get suspicious. Rumors spread that I was into some voodoo shit, and people started to distance themselves from me. I felt lonely, even though Logan, Dick, and Trisha never left my side, my confidence was starting to shake a little. I was a very social person, you know and then all of a sudden everyone just started to ignore me. They were scared to talk to me. It was really depressing."

"At that time, Logan was a big support, he was always there for me when I felt down. He would always cheer me up, by making bad puns and jokes, just to make me laugh and I did. He made me really happy."  I chuckled, shaking my head. "You know, I never suspected anything when he used to magically appear in places where I went to when I felt sad. He somehow used to know where I will be all the time and I still didn't doubt him at all. Thinking about that makes me feel really dumb."

"That's not dumb, Alex, you just trusted him too much," Xander assured.

"I did." The smile fell off my face. "You know at that time I thought he was my soulmate and I actually started liking him." I took a quick peek at a frowning Xander and continued. "I told Trisha about my feelings and literally the next day he asked me out. I said yes. We went out just once. He took me to the restaurant that I really wanted to go to and ordered the food that I loved. It was like he read all my thoughts, which at that time, my tiny little head assumed that we were meant to be." I shook my head, disappointed in myself. "He was a perfect gentleman and I really like it, I fell for it. Everything was going great. He asked for another date and I said yes... but we never got the chance." 

"A couple of days after our first date, Dick, Drake, and some other of my friends went to Logan's house for a literature project. They noticed he was behaving a little weird and wouldn't let them enter his room. They thought he was hiding porn or some dirty book, so to tease him they snuck into his room. That's when they saw all of those... stuff," I said.

"What stuff?" He asked, confused.

"Well, I didn't see that myself since Dick and my parents wouldn't allow me to see anything, but I heard them talk and snuck a look into the pictures they clicked of his room. It was..." I wouldn't lie, it gave me years of nightmares. "Uh... it was pretty shocking," I admitted.

"His room was full of my pics, and it wasn't recent, he was doing it from the freshman year. He had photos of me from everywhere. I mean all the family dinners, photography session with cousins, dinner dates, shopping with friends, me playing, dancing, even when I used to walk home alone at night." I licked my dried lips and continued. "He had a detailed report of everything I did or was about to do, whom I met, what I ate, when did I sleep... every single thing. Not just photos, he used to listen to me through a microphone which he hid in my backpack." I look down at my shaking hands and breathe out. 

My inside was shivering from those horrible memories, but I continued. "Police found that he contacted a few local thugs and paid them to beat up the guys I went out with. When asked he justified by saying it was for my own good. Those guys were not good enough for me and were just using me. They would hurt me and that's why he did it. It was his way of protecting me from those guys." I shake my head when I remembered hearing all these from the police.

"There... was a journal, that he kept all records of mine and had his thoughts written on it." I licked my lips, again and went silent for a few seconds trying to collect my thoughts.

"Hey, it's ok if you don't wanna talk right now," Xander whispered in concern.

"No, I am ok." I shook my head and breath out. "I read it. I read the journal, Xander. It was awful. He planned it all. He was the one that started the rumors around the school about me because he wanted everyone to stay away from me. He wanted to make me alone so when he stays by me, I will be grateful and I would only be his. And the worst part is that it was actually working."

Xander scrunched up his face. "That's insane."

"Yes. It was." I nod, agreeing. "After listening and seeing everything I realized something that I had never noticed before. I realized how I always used to accidentally meet him everywhere I go. How he always knew what I wanted and how I was feeling. It was quite scary to think that he lured me into his trap and I was falling in, so stupidly. And I thought I was smart for my age." I scoffed.

"After that incident, I kinda changed. I stopped talking to people or making new friends. I doubted every single person I met. I always used to look back when walking alone. I couldn't eat or play outside for the fear that someone might be looking at me or taking pictures of me. I double-checked everything I bought. I still do that sometimes. It was just... a really, really bad phase of my life. I don't want to go through that again. It took me quite long to overcome that. I don't think I can do this again." I clench my eyes shut as my breathing starts to get heavy.

Xander noticed that and hugged me. "Ssh... it's ok, it's ok. Don't talk anymore." He whispered slowly, shaking me back and forth. "I am here. Don't worry."

I took several breaths to calm myself. "I was scared, Xander, I was so fucking scared." I whimpered, curling into his embrace.

"I know, baby. I know." He shook me back and forth and kisses my head.

"Don't worry, I won't let him or anyone come near you this time. I promise." He promised.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 

I open my eyes and found Xander missing from my side. I pull myself up on my arms and look around the room. I immediately spot him near the window, looking outside while talking on the phone. 

I don't know when I fell asleep last night. It was quite draining to get all those stuff out. But I feel relaxed and more confidant now.

I focused my attention back on Xander and took my sweet time to check out his back, he was dressed in sweats and a grey t-shirt. He turns to the right and the light that fell on his face made it look more angelically hot -- if that's a thing. Further adding to my torment he weaves his hand through his thick brunette hair and I fall back on the bed groaning. 

Is he trying to kill me?

His face snapped to me when he heard me groan and I just pass him a big smile. 

His frown deepens. 

What? Do I look hideous?

I open my front camera and check myself. Well, I look normal, like I usually do in the morning, hair all messed up, puffed eyes, and a few red sleeping marks on my face. Trust me, this is the most normal look. He has seen me in my worst and still stayed. I applaud him for that.

"Make that two." I heard him say into the phone, staring at me. "Yes, I want two." He repeated. He listened to whatever the person on the other end saying and hummed. "Tomorrow? Ok, but make sure you sent your best." He hummed and hanged up. 

"What was that about?" I ask. 

"I got something for you." He sits beside me and leans to peck my lips. I groan and backs away. I don't like kissing without brushing. It's gross, but he thinks it's ok. Ew.

"Like a gift?" I asked again. 

"Well, you can say that I guess." He shrugs. "But I am not sure if you will like it though." 

I narrow my eyes at him. "Why would you buy me something that I don't like?"

"Because it's important." He countered.

"How do you know it's important if I don't like that?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I just know." He shrugs.

I frown. "Is it something really fancy or expensive? Like diamond or-" He shook his head in no. "Nothing like that."

"Then what is it?" I questioned, growing curious.

"Well, they are..." He paused, thinking. "More... live-like?"

"Live-like?" I thought for some time and then clapped my hands together getting excited. "Oh, Oh, is it a cat or a dog." He shook his head. "Rabbit? Hamster? Fish? Tortoise?" I huffed, crossing my arms in the middle of my chest when he said no to everything. "What is it then?"

"You will meet them tomorrow." 

"But-" I was cut off by a knock on our room's door. Eva peeked inside. "Good morning." She grins making her beautiful face glow up even more.

"Good morning, Eva." We greeted her and called her inside.

"It's ok. Mom sent me to inform you about breakfast. Come down fast. We have to go meet Austin too." She informs.

Oh, right. I haven't met Austin yet. 

"We will be down in 10 mins," Xander says and Eva nods before leaving.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 

"Is it some kind of bird?" I asked him while he pulls my chair out and slides it back for me to sit. "Thanks," I whisper after sitting comfortably.

After breakfast this morning, everyone got ready and then we went to the hospital to meet Austin. He looked really old, older than the last time I saw him. His body was thinner and his cheeks were sucked inside his mouth. He welcomed me with a wide warm smile and we talked for some time. Xander looked a lot happier and composed than he was before. 

After an hour or so, impatient Emerald and Eva told us to move so they could have a chance to talk to him before he has to rest again. After promising to come back, Xander and I left for lunch.

He chuckles. "No. And stop that. It's not a pet."

"Then what is it?" I asked. That bitch just shrugged, smirking. 

I narrow my eyes at him. "You are having fun seeing me like this, aren't you?"

He nods. "Very."

Before I can punch his gut out, our server came to his rescue and took our orders. 

My phone dinged with a notification and I checked it. It was some credit card stuff so I just let it be. When I look up at Xander, he looked tense. "What?"

He shook his head. "Did he text you anything after that?"

"No, nothing yet." I sighed. I should've known he didn't look fine after that talk last night. He looked anxious and frustrated. I asked him about it, but he said it was nothing and asked me to sleep. Too tired to argue, I just curled up in his arms and slept like a baby. 

"Would you tell me what's going on inside your head?" I asked, placing my hand above his on the table.

"That guy... Logan. Something about him is bugging me." He sighs, confessing.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?" 

"I don't know. It's just feeling you know, it bothers me that he came back after so many years and with a fiancee, pretending to be a nice guy for some reason. It's unsettling. I know he is up to something... something really big and I don't like that." His lips purse in detest.

"Calm down, nothing's gonna happen. I am here." I say, caressing his hands.

He frowns and then shakes his head. "Right, let talk about something else. It will only stress us more if keep thinking about it." 

I nod, agreeing, and lean onto the table with a wide grin. "So, I nearly punched Karina at the office..." I started and Xander raised both of his eyebrows in surprise. "What?"

My grin got bigger, and I started telling him about that day when I got super angry in the office. Well, excluding the Logan part, cause I already told him about it yesterday, and I didn't want to go into that again.


I watched outside the window to look at the beautiful sea while waiting for Xander to eat together. He has been getting endless calls after switching on his phone. 

My phone ring and it was Trisha. "Hey, babe. What's up?" I grinned. It's been 3 days since I talked to her. "Oh, you were supposed to come tonight, right? I'm sorry I almost forgot." 

"Eh, no worries, we aren't coming today anyway. We have decided to stay here for a couple more days." She informs.

"Really? That's great. Is Rome that beautiful?"

"Absolutely Gorgeous!" She shrieked before pausing. "Damn, I almost forgot the reason I called you."

I gasp dramatically. "Now you need a reason to call me? I am hurt." 

When she didn't say anything, I knew she was rolling her eyes. "Stop it, it's really urgent."

"What is it?" I questioned, startled. Did she found out about Logan? They will freak out if they did. I don't wanna ruin their honeymoon.

"How's Mr. Holland?" She asks, making me sigh in relief. "I heard he collapsed. I try to call Mr. Crawford but his phone was busy."

"Yeah, don't worry, he doing much better," I assured her. I told her what the doctor said and we talked for a while about her trip before she had to go.

"I've to go now, but I will send you all the photos right away!" She yells, excitedly. I laugh. We say our goodbyes and I love you's before hanging up.

"Who was it?" Xander asked, sitting back in his chair. "Trisha called to check in and asked about Austin."

"Oh. Are they alright there? I got an email for an extended vacation yesterday."

"Yeah, she told me they were staying there for a few more days. Apparently, Rome is 'Absolutely Gorgeous'." I shrieked the last part mimicking her. Xander chuckled. "Are you jealous?"

"Hell Yes! I wanna go too!" I whined, pouting.

"You never went to Rome?" He asks and I shake my head. "Never."

"Do you wanna go?"

"Of course!" I grin, nodding rapidly. He chuckles. "Ok... When do you wanna go? I can take you there. Anywhere you want."

"Anywhere?" My eyes widen in delight. He nods, matching my smile. "Anywhere."

Oo... I can think of some nice places. 

"I can literally see the wheels moving inside your head." He laughs, taking my hands in his and places a kiss over it. 

My heart turns into mush.

My phone beeped multiple times. Xander frowns but I wave my hands, asking him to stop worrying. "It must be Trish. She told me she would send some of her holiday pictures-" My smile dropped when I saw the messages.

It wasn't Trish.

"Alex." Xander's voice grew deeper. I sighed, showing him my phone. "He knows."

Are you trying to make me jealous, my love?

If you are, then congratulations, you succeeded. I am fucking jealous. 

I already told you I hate seeing him with you. Why do you keep defying me?

Why do you have to go to Boston? It's his fucking problem!

Don't do this to me, you are hurting me. 

What the hell? He never spammed me like this. 

"Fuck... He is crazy." Xander snatches the phone away from me.

I blinked rapidly as everything was getting blurry. "Hey, hey, baby. It's ok." Xander moves his chair by my side and hugs my shivering body. I latch onto his body like my life depends on it. "He knows I am here and he also knows why? This was what I was afraid of. I ended up dragging you into this mess." I grit out in anger.

"You didn't drag me, Alex. I am here because I want to." He kissed my forehead. "Don't worry, I am not leaving." 

My head started to hurt and my breathes shortens, it was getting difficult to breathe. "Ssh... it's ok. Take deep breathes." I try to inhale through my mouth. "Slow, deep breathes." 

After a minute or two, my breathing became steady. "Are you ok?"

"Yes." I breathe out. He nods and asks. "Do you wanna go back?" 

I nod. "Yes, please."

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 

I heard a knock on our door. "Honey, are you ok?" Aubree peeked in before coming inside. "I heard you weren't feeling good. So, I bought this." She showed the plate which had two generous pieces of cake. "This is my specialty. Carrot cake."

I sat up in the bed, chuckling. "Thank you. You didn't have to do that." I said out of courtesy but was very eager to taste that delicious looking cake.

She waves her hand, passing me the plate. "Stop with all those formalities already. You should just ask me anything you need." She says. "Thank you." I nod, gratefully.

"How are you feeling now?" She asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"I am alright. That restaurant's food didn't settle well with me." I lied, feeling guilty.

"Yeah, the diner's near the hospital aren't that good. But there's an amazing restaurant called Secret Garden, you should try the food there. It's AMAZING!" She licked her lips, making me chuckle. Now, I notice how similar Aubree and Eva look. Both are incredibly beautiful and foodie.

"You know what? I am gonna take you there tomorrow." She snaps her finger, nodding her head in determination.

"Sure, I would love that." I grin.

After a few seconds of silence, Aubree spoke up again. "Is Xander treating you alright?"

I was surprised by the sudden question. "Um...Yeah. I mean yes, he treats me real good."

She sighs. "Oh, that's good to hear. He usually comes across as rude and conceited, so, I thought..."

"Well, he did seem like that at first." I blurt out. My eyes widen in shock. Fuck, I should tape my mouth. "I mean, he was a little, you know... but when I got to know him, I realized how humble and great he was. He is a great man." I explained.

She shook her head. "That's exactly what I was worried about. He usually behaves just like his father used to. You know, as they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Really? But Mr. Crawford looks really chill."

"Oh, trust me, he does now. That's all my effect." She rolls her eyes. "You should've seen him 32 years ago. He was a typical, stuck up, rich brat who thought the world revolves around his ass." She rolls her eyes making me look at her in surprise. "And you showed him it doesn't?" I questioned.

"Well, kind of." She shrugs.

I chuckle, curious to know how they met. "How did you guys met?"

"In a club." She smiles. "He apparently made a bet with Kiera that he could get any girl in the club that he wants to sleep with." My eyebrows shot up in surprise. I cannot see Nolan saying or doing this. That's kind of offending. 

Seeing my expression, Aubree nods. "I know what you are thinking. When I found out about that, I thought that too and I was furious."

"So, then what happened?"

She turns to face me completely and crossed her legs, ready to tell her story. "Well, it turned out to be an unfortunate day for him since Kiera chose me. We had quite a banter and I dumped him right on the site." She smirks. I knew she was a badass.

"You remember that?"

"Clear as a day." She smiles, adorably. "Oh, I hated him at first, although he was- still is -gorgeous, so, I was attracted to him too, but I didn't tell him that. He came to the cafe where I used to work and the attraction started to grow, even though I still didn't like him that much. One day, they- I mean Nolan and all his friends came to the cafe and I accidentally spilled the drinks on him, it was a hot drink."

My face scrunched imagining Nolan's situation. It must have hurt. She chuckles, continuing. "He got furious and asked me to pay for it."

"What?" I couldn't help but yell out.

"Yes, he FORCED me to pay, and when I said I didn't have the money, he asked me to work for him." I frowned, confused. Why would he do that? 

"I was confused as to why he was doing that to me. I mean he was rich and he could buy thousands of suits." She shrugs. "I later found out that he saw my boss harass me that day and acted on impulse. He offered me the job to take me out of there." She says, making me gasp.

That's so cute!

"My boss's son was a jerk. He used to make passes at me and other female workers too, all the sexual jokes, catcalling, and stuff. It was bad." She sighs. "Nolan even went on to buy that cafe and threw him out. I didn't know about that at first but Jordan- my boss's son- once came to beg for my forgiveness and told me to ask Nolan to take him out of the blacklist. He was unemployed and no one wanted to offer him a job because of Nolan." 

I nod. "I agree with Mr. Crawford on this one. People like him shouldn't work. They create an unsafe environment for women and people in general." I shrug.

"I agree, but he had a family. His father wasn't well and he may not be a good person but he was a good son." She shrugs. Wah, such a naive woman. "So, I asked Nolan about this and he offered him a job. Jordan later waited tables in his own cafe. It was pretty satisfying to watch him getting yelled at by customer and his boss at his own cafe." She smirks. 

"That's evil and I like it," I said, laughing with Aubree.

"After that, we spend a lot of time together. I kinda got used to him. He made me face my fears and protected me when needed. He is an incredible man and a passionate lover. What more can a girl want?" She shrugs.

"True that." I laughed. What she said earlier was actually true - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 

"Now that's a happily ever after." I sigh, dreamily.

"Not always." She said. I frowned. "What?"

"It's not always rainbows and sunshine when you are in a relationship. We had our fair share of hurdles that we had to pass. Would you believe if I tell you we almost broke up?"

I shook my head. "We did. Men usually have such a zest to protect their loved ones, that they sometimes forget they aren't the only one in a relationship. Nolan was like that and he did some things-- apparently to protect me-- that he shouldn't have and it almost broke us apart. But somehow we mend our conflicts and move forward." She sighs. "What I am trying to say here is... you guys may come across such similar situations, and my advice is to talk it out before lashing out at each other. You guys need to remind each other constantly that whatever happens, you are in this together."

I stayed silent not knowing what to say. "I am telling you this because I like you, Alex. I like that my son chose you and you chose him. You are the best thing that happened to him in a very long time and this might sound a little selfish but I don't wanna see you breaking up." She says, smiling up at me. "Don't worry, I am not trying to pressurize you. Even if you break up, I won't hold it against you." She taps my cheeks when she saw my worried expression. "You are so adorable that I want you to be a part of our family. Everybody loves you here." 

"Thanks." I blushed.

"You're most welcome, dear." She smiles.

I somehow felt relieved hearing her say that.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 

"Xander I am leaving," I call out while staring myself at the mirror. I got a call from Jade this morning that we have an emergency meeting with William and Co., our plywood supplier and I need to be there. So, I was getting ready to go back to New York.

"Wait." Xander comes out of the washroom. "Not now. Wait for a few more minutes."

"Why?" I asked.

"You will know in a minute." He says just as the phone starts to ring. "Oh, they are here."


"Your gift. Now, let's go." He held my hands and dragged me downstairs towards their garage. 

"You know, I can't drive, right?" I roll my eyes at Xander. He nods. "I know."

"So, why are we- Woah." Startled, I jumped back, holding Xander's hands. Two men dressed in all black came in front of us out of nowhere. Fuck, they scared me.

"Who are you?" I asked them, confused. They glance at Xander and I followed them. 

I raise my eyebrow at him. "Xander, who are they?"

He scratched the back of his head. "They are your bodyguards."

Oh, Fuck me!

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