Rusger Oneshots

By Emo_warrior365

238K 6K 13.9K

One thing I noticed in this fandom. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH RUSGER. and I'm probably not a good choice to do this... More

some stuff first: How to navigate
You just never learn, do you?
When can we meet again?
An easily flustered boyfriend
A Jealous Commie
Meet you at Hell's Moon?
Friends, Lovers or Brothers
When can we meet again? (part 2)
1.1k(and counting) reads special
Bed Head
A Demon and A Werewolf
A Demon and a Werewolf (part 2.)
2.3k(and counting omg) Special
The German Harem
Artworks!!!(6.5k Reads Special)
Let me Go
...hOw ThE HeCk dID tHiS gEt 10k+ ReAdS
When It's that Time of the Month
Incorrect Quotes part 2(10.9k read special)
Lasst uns feiern!!(Let us party!!)
See, this is What happens, when you get drunk in a Bad mood
Voting time :D
Schlaf ein (Go to Sleep)
Tangled up in You
A Blessing despite the Curse
Ice Skating with You
I got tagged :3
Incorrect Quotes part 3 (20k+ special)
Midnight snack
Vote for your Poison
Happy Valentine's day, meine liebe
tagged again (plus IncQ)
The Boathouse
Sing me to sleep
Harem Shenanigans 1.
Be Gay Do Drugs
32k Reads Special
Hallway Meeting
Harem Shenanigans 2.
Q and A (40k reads special)
First Watch
Soft Movie Night
One Sick Commie
One Sick Commie (part 2.)
The 50th Oneshot
Public Affection is not allowed in Hogwarts
Falling in-(love with you)-to the Ocean
Harem Shenanigans 3.
The German Harem (part 2.)
Lazy Sunday (Morning)
Lazy Sunday (Afternoon)
Lazy Sunday (Night)
Safe and Sound
My R
My R (part 2.)
Nightmares and Reality
Kidnapping a Demon leads to Getting Murdered
Our Scars Make Us Stronger
Happy 'birthday', Deutschland!
Oktoberfest is cancelled and Ger is sad
RusGer's Love Song
'Tis the month of Autumn
Countryhumans but in Among Us
How to Keep a Demon in your House
Halloween Special
Bedtime snuggling for the soft feels
Kidnapping Both A Demon And A Werewolf Leads To-
Angsty Whump for the Soul
Snow day
New Year's Eve!
National Cuddle Up Day
Demon's Guilt
Adorable Little Nerdy Nerd
Paper Airplane (Valentine's Day Special)
Wholesome Nesting and Cuddles
Office Problem
Bleeding Out
Kiss It All Better
Patching Up Our Broken Pieces
No Thoughts Just Airborne
Who had the Worst day?
Cuddling Undercover
Crystalized Meth
Say you won't Let Go
Say you won't Let Go (part 2.)
A needlessly long car drive and ice cream
The 100th Oneshot
Family Gathering
Bouquets of Flowers (Valentine's Day Special)
A Little Thunderstorm
Abandoned Hospital
Childhood: Soviet Union Edition
Pack Nesting
Birthday Wishes
Worst Nightmares: Germany
Worst Nightmares: Russia
Minishots in a Oneshot
Cute Animals
Knowledge: Assignment
Knowledge: Self Defense
Christmas Eve
Tell me a Love Story
Berlin 1993
Handmade Gifts (Valentine's Day Special)
You were all my Family
Big Brother
Impromptu Dances
The 120th Oneshot
One Bed
Minishots in a Oneshot (part 2.)
5 Days to Christmas!
Hand Holding (Valentine's Day Special)

Cute Pregnancy Fluff Moments

1.8K 44 64
By Emo_warrior365

Wheeee a oneshot :DDD

Yeah I don't know what that title is either. How can I name a actual book if I can't even name a oneshot- 

not to mention a book cover-

Thank you Worksoncoffee for the request!! It was just perfect for a good dose of fluff <3 

And also UserExeNotFound I know you've requested some lesbian rusger before, its not your request but I thought you might like to have this-

Quick question for everyone reading: Do you guys prefer short paragraphs, or long paragraphs?(I used long paragraphs in this oneshot to test it out) Lemme know! And thank you! 

Keeping this short because it is 10 pm here already! I'm going to bed! I hope you guys enjoy this!


Germany woke up feeling hungry, and rubbed her eyes slowly. The sun was bright behind the curtains already, but it was the weekend, the one time in a week she got to sleep in, and she was going to sleep in. However, the baby inside her seemed to disagree.

She turned over to lay down on her back after a whole night of sleeping on her side, spitting out a strand of hair that was caught in her mouth and huffing when she felt blood circulating through her numb arm again. A slight pressure in her abdomen made her groan sleepily and turned her head down to glance blearily at it under the blanket. It came again, and she groaned again before turning back over to her previous position, yawning and grabbing at the glasses beside her.

There was a fluttering sensation that quickly settled down in her belly, making her smile, and then a growl that followed it almost immediately. Germany sighed and pulled off the carefully tucked blanket around her body, swinging her legs down the bed. A bit too fast, and she winced as a bout of dizziness hit her. Right, no sudden movements. She took a deep breath and rubbed her temples with her fingers, then gave her stomach an apologetical pat.  

Germany looked down at it curiously and put her hands gently over the small bump underneath her loose black sleeping shirt. Both her palms could fit snugly around it now, her fingers crossing over her slightly protruding belly button. A faint fluttering underneath her skin made her smile again, followed by a tiny, barely-there nudge against her right palm. 

"Hello baby," She said softly, continuing to keep her hands around her child. They had definitely grown since the last time she checked, where her hands still fitted loosely around the tiny bump. "Did you sleep well?" Another fluttering, making her grin. An urgent need to go to the toilet made her finally get up, slower this time. Germany held on to the frame of their bed for support, the other hand on her stomach protectively. She continued whispering to her baby, smiling at every tiny response she got, and quickly washed her face with cool water to wake herself up. Her wife must be waiting for her downstairs already.

A smell of frying eggs made her stomach growl loudly again, and a excited fluttering started up underneath it. "Your мама must be cooking again." Germany grinned, and quickened her pace down the stairs, letting her hunger urge her on.

She darted straight into the kitchen, making a sound of enjoyment at the absolutely delightful smells of breakfast greeted her. But they were not quite so tempting to make her sit down and wait for her food, instead she opened the fridge and locked on to the sight that greeted her immediately, an opened packet of those processed cheeses that came in squared slices and were each wrapped in plastic.

"Cravings?" A smooth voice spoke up behind her, then followed by two arms slipping in between her arms and hugging her gently. Germany hummed and unwrapped one of the slices, taking a bite of the slice of cheese and groaning in pleasure. "Aren't those things 'not authentic' and 'a disgrace to the cheese empire'?" 

"Shut up and let me and your kid live our lives." She snickered, taking another bite off the corner of the square and turning her head to look at her lovely wife. Russia had a big smile on her face, framed by wisps of white hair that had escaped the messy bun on top of her head. "Gimme some-" She said quietly, leaning over Germany's shoulder.

"Russland!" Germany shouted when she bit off almost all of it in one bite, and cackled through a mouthful of cheese. She slapped her gently on her quickly retreating arm, still holding on to the tiny scrap that was left in her hand. Russia grinned and ran back to the stove, chewing the cheese as she pushed the eggs around the pan and flipped them one by one. "You're up early, did our little one wake you?" 

"No, I was hungry." She said, taking another slice of cheese and holding it protectively closer to herself in her hands, walking to where her wife was standing. Russia smiled and leaned down to peck her lightly on the lips, then looked down at the small bump hiding underneath her loose shirt. 

She gestured for Germany to sit down at the table, letting her eyes linger on her belly before going back to their meal. Germany's plate was loaded up with eggs and toast, very different from her diet during the first trimester, when she was hit with morning sickness almost every morning. Now, she was constantly hungry to make up for what she had suffered during then.

She set the plate down in front of her, and got a happy chirp in thanks when Germany picked up her fork to start eating immediately. "Remember to chew~" Russia teased as she watched her, getting a small glare before she slowed down slightly, and pushed her black hair away from her face to take a breath before going back to eating. 

They finished up quickly, chatting idly, and cleared up the kitchen together, thankfully not from burned marks or horrendous messes this time. Germany gave her wife a sweet well-done kiss for preparing breakfast and not burning down the kitchen, smiling cheekily before going back upstairs to shower. 

Russia flushed red and let her have the last word, grinning like a love struck teen as she looked at her form, loving the softer curves that had been brought on along with her pregnancy and her rounder ass. She loved it, as much as she loved her previously lean, sharp figure. However, she would dare to say that Germany filled out her pencil skirt better than before now-

Picking up the remote, Russia turned on the TV to watch the international morning news, while skimming her own territory's news on her phone. It was boring waiting for her wife, and she wasn't ready to do any politic paperwork so early in the morning, so lazing around seemed to be the right option. 

She was halfway through the TV news program when a certain pregnant German dropped down next to her on the couch, laptop in hand. Russia took one brief glance at her, looked back at the TV, quickly turned back to take another look, and if she was drinking something right at this moment, she was have done a dramatic spit all over the floor.

Germany was...looking the most pregnant she had ever seen her. Her shoulder length hair was in a low messy bun, just brushing the back of her neck, a usual hairstyle she often wore during her relax times. But it was the pale pastel purple hoodie and black sweatpants that made her gape in surprise, a red blush creeping up her cheeks again. The hoodie got most of her attention, it looked really comfortable, maybe cotton or wool, but the fact that it was loose around her slender arms, and yet hugging the rest of her body just right made her stare, taking in the curves and that clearly pronounced bump at her stomach.

"What? Is something wrong?" Germany said, snapping her out of her daze. She looked weirdly at Russia again and went back to typing on her laptop, feeling a small flutter of movement in her abdomen. She held back a smile when Russia sputtered in embarrassment and pretended to play with her phone for a moment. "Umm...w-where did you get that?" 

Germany tapped her chin and shrugged, making Russia let out a strangled noise of flusterness. "I don't know, maybe that time I went shopping myself after work." She said vaguely, letting a sliver of a grin slip out. She decided to indulge her wife, and turned her eyes to look at her, soft golden hitting ice blue. 

"Plus, the baby and I want to feel comfy today~" She let a hand slide off the keyboard and down to her stomach, giving the bump a gentle rub through the soft material of the hoodie. Russia groaned in surrender and scooted over, curling up to Germany's side. "I love you so muchh..." She drawled out, buried her face into Germany's bosom. The pregnant country squeaked in surprise and held her laptop tight, trying not to blush when Russia poked her in the side, and then hum happily in the absence of a bra strap.  

She looked down at her wife and tried not to grin as she put her hands on her belly gently, and lifted her face up to smile happily at her. "I love you both so much." Russia repeated again softly before closing the gap between their lips, kissing her quickly then letting go. She teased her like that a few more times before Germany growled impatiently and kissed her hard, gently biting her bottom lip between her teeth. Russia hummed again and lifted up her hands to cup her soft cheeks, smoothing over the cheekbones with her thumbs.

They parted soon after to let Germany catch her breath, one hand over her stomach. Russia smiled and took the opportunity to take away her laptop, putting it on the table. The smile turned into a grin as she listened to Germany's whines, and her feeble attempts to get it back. "Russland I need to work-" 

"Is it urgent?"

"...No but-"

Russia playfully tugged at the hoodie's hood and pulled it over her head, laughing at how adorable she looked. "Then relax for a day, you're pregnant-" She teased, batting at the strings that hung from the hood. Germany would have usually taken offence at that, saying that being five months pregnant didn't mean she couldn't work or do anything she usually would, but then a small movement in her abdomen made her pause and close her mouth. Seems like their baby wanted to side with their мама today. 

The little flutters of movement didn't stop, and she gently placed her hand over it, near the right side of her stomach. Russia watched curiously, her ice blue eyes shining with pride. "You can touch too you know." Germany teased softly, glancing up at her before going back down to stare at the small bump, a faint smile on her face as a small pressure rested against her palm before going away again. 

Russia readjusted their position slightly so that her wife was leaning against her instead, and wrapped her left arm around her shoulders to give her a warm side hug. Germany sighed in enjoyment and tucked her legs underneath her on the couch, curling into her personal space heater, while still exposing the bump toward her. Russia carefully reached out her hand, brushing the purple fabric with her fingers first before putting her whole palm against the firm bulge underneath.

Their baby wasn't moving around as much now, seeming sensing that it was not their mother touching them and instead someone else less experienced. Germany hummed and gently rubbed the other side of the bump, getting their baby's attention. Even though by now they could see what their baby's gender was, they wanted it to be a surprise. There was a small fluttering closer to Germany's hand, but Russia felt it as well, and her mouth turned in a surprised 'o'. She copied her actions, and got a tiny movement as a reward, making her smile widely while Germany giggled. "You're so adorable-"

"Who? Me or the baby?" Russia grinned, keeping her hand still and just momentarily feeling how the bump underneath her palm. Germany leant forward and kissed her lightly on the lips, smiling happily. "Both of you~"

"Try putting your hand directly. People say babies respond better to skin on skin contact." She said again, rolling up the bottom of her hoodie to expose yellow-golden skin, and placed her hand at the same spot from before. The bump seemed to be even bigger like this, nothing hidden under articles of clothing, and Russia gazed in awe, admiring for a moment how much had changed.

Gingerly, she rested her palm down on the warm skin, repeating the small rub from just now, and gasped as a small ripple could be seen through the skin. "Woah! They actually moved!"

"I know. They've been really active today." Germany smiled, gently putting the tips of her fingers at where the ripple was seen. There was another movement inside her that made her smile wider, and gestured for Russia's other hand. "Press here, and keep talking." She said, guiding Russia's hand to rest where her own hand had been a minute ago, and held on reassuringly, rubbing the back of her rough knuckles with her smoother thumb. 

Russia looked down at the firm bump and tried to find words to say, feeling the warmth coming from it radiating through her palms. "H-Hi baby~" She stammered out nervously, looking at her wife for reassurance. Germany nodded for her to keep going, tilting her head up to place a comforting kiss on her cheek.

"...I hope you're not giving your mami a hard time." She said the first thing that came into her mind, and smiled as Germany laughed softly, making her belly shift slightly. "We love you a lot, you know? And we can't wait to meet you in a few months time..." She murmured softly, rubbing gently across her abdomen.

Germany's breath suddenly hitched after the baby jerked inside her. "What? Did I do something wrong? Are you okay?" Russia scrambled up, looking at her with concern. "I'm fine, Russland-" She breathed out, a look of surprise on her face. "Do whatever you just did again."

She looked at her in confusion, but after confirming that she or the baby wasn't hurt in any way, Russia gently rubbed the small bump again, caressing the spots where she felt the fluttering came from each time when she continued to talk in a hushed voice, staring as there was another bigger shift inside Germany's womb, and a hard pressure hit her palm again.

"What was that?" She asked softly, her voice concerned yet curious when she looked up at her wife. "I think...that was a kick." Germany said with a wide smile creeping up her face, her eyes shining with emotion as she looked back at her.

Russia looked down at the bump and started to smile in pride. "You didn't tell me they started to kick already. When did they start?" She said, trying not to think about why her wife didn't tell her about this amazing news. "Just a second ago." She answered back quietly, her hand tightening over hers. Russia stared at her in shock.

"You mean..."

"That was their first kick-" Germany smiled fully, and gripped her hand. She looked down at her bump, where their baby had started moving again, making it feel like there were butterflies in her stomach. Russia let out a short, happy laugh, her other hand still on her belly and feeling those little flutters. 

She leaned in to kiss Germany passionately, cupping the back of her head gently to deepen the kiss. Her wife kissed back just as excitedly, letting the purple hood slowly slip down her head as she tilted her chin to the left, sliding her top lip in between the two warm ones. It ended sooner than they would have liked, but it was worth it to see Russia's glimmering eyes that look like diamonds of the palest blue, and Germany's flushed cheeks that just reminded her that she was here, and alive.

 "What did I ever do to deserve you~" Russia mumbled softly as she buried her face in Germany's neck, nuzzling the soft material of her hoodie. "You were just yourself, and I love you-" She murmured back, resting her chin on top of her head. 

"Aw..." Soon they were kissing again, sharing the warmth between their two pairs of lips, partly periodically only to take in air. Russia let her hands roam, sliding up under the bottom of the hoodie and smoothing her palms over the rest of Germany's torso, avoiding her sensitive breasts for now. 

The baby suddenly kicked again, making them jolt apart in surprise, and then laughed. She moved her hands back to the bump, rubbing gentle circles around the sides while continuing to kiss her wife. She could kiss her whenever she wanted now, the rings on their fingers justified so, but of course with a baby in the picture in a few months, it'll be a bit weird to get a good make out in, so she was taking advantage of every moment they got.

Germany ended their session with a satisfying, lingering kiss that kept a buzz in her lips for a while, feeling their precious little one moving excitedly inside her. Soaking up all the attention their other mother was lavishing on them now, cooing softly and getting them to respond by rubbing the places where they kicked. 

She let them have their moment for a few more minutes before tapping Russia's shoulder, demanding attention of her own. Russia had the decency to grin sheepishly and peck her cheek, after giving so many kisses to her belly. "Would you like me to fetch you something, my lady?" She said dutifully, a smile on her face.

"Food?" Germany hummed, feeling her stomach grumble in agreement even though they just had breakfast an hour ago. Russia nodded quickly and gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder before standing up and going to the kitchen to rummage around for her snacks.

Germany smiled, feeling her cheeks warm from just that simple touch of love, and hugged their baby through her bump. They kicked against her hand gently once more before settling down, maybe for a short nap. This was the life she wanted, her wife with her, and now with their baby, they were really a family now. 


Thank you for reading till the end! I hope you have a good morning/rest of the day/evening/night! :D

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