The Broken Billonaire's Wife

By orex366

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"If you are not going to take a sip of that whiskey what's your poison then?" He asked. Staring at the brown... More

Prologue : Therapy session
Chapter 1: A day from Hell
Chapter 2: Cry Baby
CHAPTER 3: Wish I killed him
CHAPTER 4 : Hypocrite
CHAPTER 5 : Stalker
CHAPTER 6: Kiss and Run
CHAPTER 7: Who is the therapist?
Chapter 8: Nigerian Mothers
Chapter 9: Ice cream mix
Chapter 10: Midnight call
Chapter 11: Brothers
Chapter 12: Meeting Pamela
Chapter 13: Date night; Our Song
Chapter 14: Under the stars
Family Members
From their POV
Chapter 15: Scam
Chapter 16 : Where is Lizzy?
Chapter 17: Listening to Andrew
Chapter 18: Swallowing her face
Chapter 19 : His silence
Chapter 20: Stopping his heart
Chapter 21: The Naija Way (1)
Chapter 22: The Naija Way(2)
Chapter 23: Mummy Issues
Chapter 24: Meeting Tiara
Chapter 25: Seeds of Jealousy
Chapter 26: Revelations
Chapter 27: Money matters
Chapter 28: My home
Chapter 29: Hidden papers
Chapter 30: Therapist turned friend
Chapter 31: Pregnancy Scare
Chapter 32: Cracks in the wall
Chapter 33: Baggage
Chapter 34: Miniature Version
Chapter 35: Foundations
Chapter 36: Hold me tight
Chapter 37: Letter to my lover
Chapter 38: Freaky and a surprise
Chapter 39: Emergency
Chapter 40: Finding Lilly
Chapter 41: Mixed feelings
Chapter 42: Lucky Charm
Chapter 43: Love is a choice
Chapter 44: Load and Shoot
Chapter 45: Lizzy and Lily
Chapter 46 : Police Brutality
Chapter 47: How to make him fall
Chapter 48: Truly, madly, deeply.
Chapter 49: Revenge prank
Chapter 50: Birthday surprise
Chapter 51: Los Angeles
Chapter 52: Family Dinner
Chapter 54: Threats
Chapter 55: Lie to me
Chapter 56: You're Under arrest
Chapter 57: No one left
Chapter 58: Too tired
Chapter 59: Chaos
Chapter 60: Hope's claw
Chapter 61: The voice from within
Chapter 62: Walking out of love
Chapter 63: Picking the pieces
CHAPTER 64: Miles Apart
Chapter 65: Jobless Liz
Chapter 66: Healing
Chapter 67: Confrontations
chapter 68: Reunion and sappy friendships
Chapter 69: After
Chapter 70: Break me
Chapter 71: Grief and it's stages
Chapter 72: Pregnancy hormones
Chapter 73: Stillness and hugs
Chapter 74: Marriage counselling.
Chapter 75: Blue Balls
Chapter 76: Thirteen reasons why

Chapter 53: Pandora's box

293 88 60
By orex366

Advise from author try to hold you heart as you read, it may jump out of your chest.


"Daddy, play baby shark." Lily begged jumping excitedly in her grandmothers laps and Liz smiled gently feeling her heart ache a little.

Jason who sat behind a huge brown wooden piano smiled brightly so that his mismatched eyes glinted with warmth. As he began singing.
🎶Baby shark do do do
    Baby shark do do do
    Baby shark do do do
    Baby shark. 🎼

Lily sang happily clapping her hands and Liz noted the resemblance between the three of them Jason, his mom and Lily.

🎶Grandma shark do do do
    Grandma shark do do do
    Grandma shark do do do
    Grandma shark🎼

Judith and Jacinth where also singing happily and Jadesola looked happy at least. A good facade, imagine smiling from cheeks that hurt with pain.

While everyone rallied making Lily the centre of attention Liz felt like fading away gently. Jason's mom beat her up to it, she got up and walked upstairs while the others continued their merriment.

Xavier sat at the farthest corner rocking a bottle of cold beer and scrolling through his phone not interested in events around him. Liz made mental note to talk to him and ask of his help, she knew that Xav had feelings for Jadesola even if he always felt weird with their age gap. After all he was older than her husband too at 34 it was a huge thirteen year gap between him and Jadesola.

After playing the shark song over and over Jason's mom returned and halted  everything.

"Jason can you help me go get my drugs please it isn't so late yet and I didn't know I ran out of them and I've been out of sorts all day."

Jason shot up from behind the piano quickly and walked towards her for the prescription pad, "when last did you take a viral load test?"

"Two months ago. I'm almost out back to normal range again I just feel a little down today and it just occurred to me that I didnt tale yesterdays dose too." She sighed and carried Lily up who ate up the all attention coming from her grandparents.

Tiara looked happy too, everyone looked happy except her and Xavier.

"I'll come with you." Xav offered getting up.

"Okay, let me grab my keys and wallet." Immediately he got up to leave Liz followed him after all the only reason she was still down was because of him and she was avoiding the conversation her mother in law said she wanted to have.

She shut the door gently behind her and flung herself on the bed letting out a huge tired sigh while Jason gathered what he came up for.

He leaned over the bed to give her a quick kiss on her forehead that was all he intended to do at first but on second thought he kissed her upturned lips swiftly.

"Don't sleep," he warned tugging his war for emphasis, "wait for me till I'm back okay?"

Liz nodded in response.

Liz was feeling sleepy already but her throat was scratchy. Even though there was a mini fridge up here in the room she wanted something warm like hot chocolate and cookie.

She had on navy blue silk shorts with cream lace edges and matching cream tiny strap singlet that had a bust cut. She noticed that her breasts were sticking out of the top part inappropriately so she pulled her silky black robe to cover the whole thing up.

Her flip-flops made plopping sounds as she padded through to the kitchen. Tiara and Lily had retired for the night with grandma fussing over Lily's night routine. Jason's dad was in his study while the girls where upstairs.

She peeped down holding the stair rail for support to be sure no one was in sight before she made for the kitchen.

She sighed in relief when she found the kitchen empty and moved towards the cabinet to make hot chocolate while bringing out a box of cookies and plunging it into the microwave.

All was going well for the night at least post dinner so far and Liz was counting her blessings. It didn't mean anything to her when she had to bend over to open the fridge after all she was alone and she had shorts under. What she didn't expect was the low groan she had coming from the kitchen doorway while she did that and she stood up quickly grabbing the almond milk only to see Alex standing at the doorway staring at her.

Liz let out a low hiss, suddenly irritated by his presence trying to put aside the sound he just made that just grossed her out.

"Can you make me one too?" He asked politely with a smile that on his face that made him looked a monkey in distress to her instead of cute.

"No." She didn't want to elongate or explain one word was enough.  Liz concentrated on what she was doing pouring the almond milk into a small pot and finally stirring in a chocolate stick the way she liked it. His eyes followed her movements and it made her feel like ants where creeping up her body. The microwave dinged but she didn't move to attend to it.

"I'll get that for you." He offered moving towards the microwave.

"No, thank you." She responded sharply, she could see easily through his light mullato skin and she was sure she didn't like him especially with how rude he was at dinner and the Jadesola thing.

He could pass off as good looking if you were judging facial standards but contrary to most beliefs even the devil is handsome the thing is what lays inside its ugly and dirty to the core.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier, it really isn't in my nature, I was just stressed and somehow I lost it." Alex began offering his ancestors an apology, which she didn't ask for or need so it belonged to his ancestors, Liz was sure of that.

Instead Liz turned to stare at him reading him intensely and muttered, "you have nothing to apologise to me for."

She poured the mixture into a cup and added a little drizzle of honey, somehow she was craving something sweet and moved towards the microwave to retrieve her cookie. Alex who had vacated his former position was learning against the wooden counter top few metres from where she had to stretch to the microwave.

Liz didn't have to try hard to look irritated, her face was already contorted into a frown and she passed him making sure that she avoided his feet's he stretched carelessly that took even more space. Thank God for the spacious kitchen, she then stretched a little on her toes to retrieve the plate of cookies since the microwave was installed in a higher above sink cabinet.

It was like the next events that happened felt like time paused or got fast forwarded.

One minute there was a plate of cookies her hand the next minute the plate was flying to the ground making a large sound as  her hand made a cup shape and aimed for his neck jamming into his carotid area where the pulse is being felt. Liz's knee swung on their own volition to where Alex's prized jewels slept between his thighs making sure that she brought so much impact with her knee that brought him pain he cried out.

As he shouted in pain she squeezed his carotid artery tighter making it difficult for him to breathe. It was almost like she was possessed or she went directly into survival mode.

It felt like her blood froze when she felt his hands caressing her buttocks when she reached for the cookie.

Years of abuse had thought her to learn to defend herself alongside years of self defence classes, kick boxing, training with Jason.

The commotion and yelp alerted everyone as they rushed downstairs but for Liz it was like she couldn't think beyond squeezing the life out of him, he tried flaying his arms to scratch her face but not when she was using both hands to squeeze that area cutting off air.

He had an advantage of size but she had an advantage of knowing the human body.

Jadesola's loud screech returned sanity to her and she slowly slipped her hands from his neck and he gasped for breaths taking in air in large gulps. His eyes was dilated and he was red from the pain and hypoxia which was lack of oxygen.

"What's going on here?" Mr Matthews voice boomed in the kitchen.

After the initial rush of energy Liz suddenly let the feeling of being violated come to her and tears stung her eyes alongside anger and a familiar guilt and shame.

She tried to calm herself down before she began to speak and grabbed the edge of the sink for support.

Every one was staring at her, Judith, Jacinth, Jadesola, Tiara and the parents.

"I came down for a glass of orange juice I was thirsty__" Alex wheezed out, coughing loudly first then continued, "I met her here in the kitchen and next thing I know she was trying to kill me."

Liz scoffed gently and felt her fingers shake where it was gripping the sink.

"How can I just want to kill you without a reason. You dirty dog, so you are going to leave out the part where when I made to grab the cookies you touched my buttocks?" She huffed out too.

"You're lying. Babe I didnt do that, I swear you know me." He began to plead looking holding Jadesola's hands.

Liz wished beyond all things in the world right now that Jason was here.

"Alex wouldn't do that, he doesn't even look at other women." Jadesola supported and Liz's mouth opened in more shock.

"Mum, Dad I will never make something as big as that up." Liz replied trying to explain herself.

"Maybe you where the one trying to seduce him, if not why are out in only your robe at almost eleven. You know we are on the island and its a long drive before Jason gets back so you wanted to seduce him." Jadesola accused.

"Jadesola shut up and stop saying what you don't know. Its one thing to stay with someone that abuses you but for you to lie for him and disrespect me like this is another thing." Immediately the words flew out of her mouth Liz regretted it, it was said in anger but Liz knew better than putting it all out in the open it would only alienate Jadesola more and she was a psychologist she knew better.

"What do you mean abuse?" Mr Matthews voice thundered.

"Its not true daddy, don't listen to her." Jadesola said holding a glass of water to Alex's mouth.

"Its true," Judith replied, "I'm the one that told Liz. I heard you guys on video call the last time you came home."

"Ah wait, you're with someone who hits you?" Mom's mouth went wide open in shock.

"She's lying mom he will never touch her. Its not the first time she kept lying about that. Its why even her mother didn't believe her." Jadesola shouted.

"So both Liz and your sister are lying?" This time they could all see the furious glint in Dad's eyes as he crossed his arms asking intensely.

"You said what?" Liz asked in return gently.

"Oh, so now you're going to deny it after we all know the truth? You kept lying that your step father touched you when he didn't until he finally did and you stabbed him."

Like a broken record Liz managed to stammer out, "who__who told you that?"

She could feel the beginning of a panic attack her chest was getting tight and breathing was harder.

"You still want to lie? You are here acting all high and mighty like you are not damaged goods. Its why even your therapist called you manipulative and anti social." Jadesola returned and this time before she could add more her mother's palm landed smack on her face with a big slap.

Embarrassed to the core, Jadesola ran out of the kitchen shouting, "I'm not lying, I swear I'll bring you proof."

"Jade come back here you stupid child," her mother shouted going after her.

Liz felt like she was sinking she tried hard to breathe. How could Jason have told his sister something so personal without telling her about it? Now everyone knew both his sisters and parents even Tiara.

She was still trying to breathe when Jadesola returned with sheaves of white papers in her hands.

"See" thrusting the papers to her face and started reading some part if it, "Eleven year old girl raped by jailed step father out on parole."

"See this one, mother says daughter is a liar and only told rape lies to seek attention."

"Where is the one with your therapist notes," Jadesola soliloquized searching the papers in her hands letting some stream to the ground.

"Stop" Liz muttered gently but she didn't know who she was talking to  whether it was Jadesola or the darkness.

Liz clutched her head thight as it felt like it was being ripped open and she shut her eyes as the events flashed opening a can of worms.

"Dont run from me my Lizzy!"

Liz was running her pig tails flying behind her and her converse hitting the concrete floor. She had decided to walk home after waiting for her mother who had a photo shoot.

Jadesola finally found what she was looking for and started reading, "Session started with the patient still having suicidal thoughts and fresh scars from self mutilation."

"Jadesola what is wrong with you stop." Their dad bounded towards her taking the papers from her hands but not all.

Liz could feel the tears seeping out of her eyelids as she bent to pick the papers and started reading. Her head was splitting from the pain as another memory flitted through.

Her nails were scratching his face, she wanted to die. Her hands were tired of fighting going limp by her side.

Liz's favourite pink dress was bloody now. She couldn't even scream anymore in the alley they were in.

"Stop" she begged Jadesola weakly as each memory racked through her. It felt like she couldn't breathe or was it that she didn't want to breathe.

Liz held her head between her palm as the pain grew till she finally remembered. All her life she has been running away from this darkness, this memory.

The last conscious thought she had before her body hit the grey marbled tile of the kitchen was, 'Pandora's box was open now'

Everything beyond that was darkness as she fainted.


Phewwww!!! Finally let the twists begin.

Hold your hearts abeg don't say I didn't warn you o😂😂😂 and always carry a pack of tissues I feel like I'm getting to chapters I've been waiting to write leave me tons of comments biko.

Also if you are not following me go do that I want to hit 400 followers before the year ends.

Love Always,

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