The Divine Bloodline |H.P.|

Od LaCerva

148K 5K 1.7K

"If you looked up the definition for lovesick fool, Harry Potter's picture would be right next to it." ______... Viac

|1| When Harry Met Allegra
|2| Unusual Bonding
|3| We Are Young
|4| Halloween & the First Quidditch Match
|5| Nicolas Flamel
|7| Back Into Mischief
|8| You-Know-Who
|9| Farewell
|10| The Summer of an Heiress
|11| Rescuing Harry
|12| Mayhem in Diagon Alley
|13| The Flying Car
|14| Rogue Hinkypunks & Adoration
|15| Delighted to Doubtful
|16| Voices In My Head
|17| The Lion and the Eagle
|18| Enemies of the Heir, Beware
|19| Knock Em' Dead...But Not Literally
|20| From Bad to Worse
|21| Winter's Heart
|22| Trials of Friendship
|23| No Time To Die
|24| Tom Marvolo Riddle
|25| Revelations
|26| Escape From Azkaban
|27| Lover Boy In Diagon Alley
|28| Poor Unfortunate Souls
|29| The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe
|30| A Night Out On The Town
|31| The Lost Weekend
|32| You Fancy Allegra!
|33| Erised
|34| Familiar Faces
|35| Girls Versus Boys
|36| The Anguish
|37| Victor's and Ariadne's Crown
|38| Secrets Unveiled
|39| A Twist In Time
|40| It's A Bittersweet Symphony
|41| City of Light
|42| The Quidditch World Cup
|43| Morsmordre
|44| The Triwizard Tournament
|45| Lessons With Mad-Eye Moody
|46| Seventeen Candles
|47| Beaxbatons & Durmstrang
|48| The Goblet Of Fire
|49| The Burden of a Triwizard Champion
|50| A Fellow Del Vecchio
|51| The First Task
Emergency Authors Note
52 | Be My Date

|6| A Del Vecchio Winter Break

3.2K 126 47
Od LaCerva

Allegra stared blankly at the shimmering crystals on the chandelier. Bill had once told her woman are like fish: they're attracted to shiny things. She was finding him to be terribly wrong, because right now she was bored out of her mind.

She had only been home for three days and was already itching with lack of things to do. She couldn't use magic outside of Hogwarts because she was underage, her friends were across the country, and she felt guilty at the thought of repeatedly sending the poor owls out into the cold weather to deliver their letters. Plus, any and all tasks related to cleaning or food Mitzy was quick to take care of.

It was lonely times like this that the idea of family clouded her mind. When she wished her family was as big and joyous as the Weasleys. Never a boring day, always full of laughter, teasing, and yelling. Ron complained about the lack of privacy, but it seemed nice to always have someone to talk to.

At the manor it was only her and her Uncle; an enormously vast estate for only two people. It was ridiculous. She had more extended family throughout Europe, but they were strangers to her. She had never met them and she didn't want to meet them. Her Uncle told her they were extreme blood purists and that it was best if they stayed away.

Allegra loved her Uncle, she really did, but it would be a lie if she said she had never fantasized of a completely different life with her mom. She knew next to nothing about her dad except he was still alive, but that was all she needed to know to tell herself he wasn't a good man if he abandoned her and made no move to contact her. Why he incited such hatred from her Uncle.

Would her and her mom have lived in this house together? Would she have sang softly as she read the Daily Prophet or done other minuscule tasks? Did her mom know how to play the piano in the drawing room? Would they banter at the breakfast table like the Weasleys? Would her mother of even had a job and just stay home with her, or would she just work less than her Uncle. Would she of had any younger siblings? Could she have helped her understand her abilities better? Did Isabella Del Vecchio ever fully grasp the mind reading, or stay far, far away from it like she did with the bracelet.

Must have stayed away from it if she wore it in the first place, she thought, bringing the divine heirloom into her line of vision. It was strange to think such an exquisite little piece of jewelry was the barrier between her and insanity. That her mother wore it just ten years ago and it's been in the Del Vecchio family for thousands of years.

And here it was, on a bored little girl's wrist.

Allegra huffed and got out of bed. She threw on her robe over her pajamas before padding out the room. She made her way across the desolate halls and down the marble staircase toward the main floor. However, she paused along the way when she approached her Uncle's study.

She had heard the door slam shut three days ago after she mentioned Harry. Allegra knew it was the door to the study because that was her Uncle's sanctuary. It was where he spent most of his time when he wasn't at the Ministry, sleeping, eating, or watching over her. Even then he sometimes ate and slept in there.

Allegra was forbidden to go into this room. That was a rule that had been around for as long as she could remember. She once asked her Uncle why, and he simply said there was no reason for her to go in there. But she couldn't help but wonder what was so special about it if it was her Uncle's retreat, yet forbidden to her.

She glanced down the hall in both directions. Part of her told her to walk away because Mitzy or her Uncle would apparate out of thin air. The other half of her screamed, do it. See what the hell he's hiding in there. There's no one around to see.

The latter won.

With one last fleeting glance around the hall, Allegra grabbed the bronze doorknob and gently pushed it open. She quickly stepped in and shut the door behind her.

She first saw what she had always seen when she knocked: rows of ceiling height windows with satin drapes pushed aside. A long wooden table was pressed against it filled with trinkets such as a wizarding camera, a moving miniature solar system, a pair of Urim and Thummin stones, and a bell jar. She walked closer to the objects and wanted to laugh at the two shiny badges that read Prefect and Head Boy.

He was probably the 70s version of Percy, she thought amusedly before absorbing more of the room. The large mahogany desk had picture frames, scattered papers, an ink pot, quills, an hourglass, an empty bottle of fire whiskey, and a crystal glass. The walls surrounding the desk were floor to ceiling bookshelves. What really caught her attention was the portrait above the fireplace.

Allegra had seen pictures of her mother before, yes, and knew she was a very beautiful woman. This picture was a great reminder of that. And her Uncle looked too handsome for his own good.

This was clearly a pair who had stopped people in their tracks.

In the photo, her mom looked like she was in her late teens and her Uncle in his early twenties. Allegra had seen pictures of her in her youth before, but something about this one captivated her. Perhaps it was because Isabella Del Vecchio was standing next to her older brother.

I can't imagine you having any flaws, she thought, leaning back against the desk and staring at the picture. You look too perfect to have to deal with feeling everything so deeply and force yourself not to react. To be scared you can invade someone's mind at any given time. Even more so control their feelings...

She shivered and stretched her arm back, accidently knocking down the hourglass. Her jaw dropped when at the same time the sand time piece fell, a handleless drawer blending in on the side of the desk popped open.

Cautiously yet eagerly, Allegra bent down and glanced over the drawer. It was filled with dozens of weathered looking books, and she recognized one of them; a very worn black leather journal. The one her Uncle had let her read years ago so that she could understand the basics of what was happening to her: what she was feeling, how to cope with it, and explicitly why she had to wear the bracelet. She only read a few pages. That didn't mean she didn't want to read more, but at the time she let it go when her Uncle said not to worry about it yet.

Four years later, is it now yet? She mused, grabbing the book. It was old and light. The black leather was soft and delicate as she ran her fingers over the surface. She carefully flipped it open.

Beatrice La Dea Del Vecchio

1390 Milan

Turning to the next page Allegra grimaced. It was all in Latin. She was no expert in Latin. There was a reason it was known as the dead language, but she was certain four years ago it was in English. Her Uncle must have magically rearranged the words into English.

None of the less, she tried to read word for word, putting her years of private tutoring before Hogwarts into use and piecing together bits from school.

It pains me to see... execution...she was innocent...innocent...guilty...If only I convinced...I should have killed him...him... made him go mad...mercy in death.

She blinked rapidly, trying to comprehend if what she had really just read was correct.

Her ancestor was basically saying she could have, should have, killed a man, and could do so by her mere touch. Allegra knew her ability had the potential to have a monumental effect, but just that.

An empath, her Uncle had called it, in its most technical term. The only person whose emotions she had influenced by her touch was her Uncle, and the first time she did it was on accident. He had been the one to realize it and break it down for her. That she was projecting her own emotions onto others. But that was morphing anger or stress into serenity. How could she possibly kill someone?

An idea popped into her head. Allegra ran to the table full of trinkets and grabbed the wizarding camera. She hurried back to the journal on the desk and snapped picture after picture, page after page. She didn't want to risk stealing the book; who knows how often her Uncle used that drawer. She would translate it on her own and find out more.

All the grey area she didn't know.


Allegra coughed at the clouding black smoke that came as she finished the floo ride. No sooner when she stepped down from the brick chimney did a pair of strong arms wrap around her shoulders, forcing her head down as a knuckle ruffled her hair.

"Charlie!" She screeched, futilely batting his arm.

"Aw, are you scared I'm gonna mess up your hair?" He teased. "The only competition I want for gorgeous hair is Bill."

"Bill wins by default, now let me go."

"Charlie Weasley, you let go of that poor girl this instant! And the last thing your hair is is gorgeous! Why I could just snip it all off-"

Charlie yelped as he let go of her, maneuvering out of his mother's reach and running away. Allegra adjusted her tangled hair with a small pout before smiling at Mrs. Weasley.

"Aunt Molly!" She beamed, running up to hug her. Molly laughed heartily and hugged her back. "It's lovely to see you again, my dear. Now hold on a minute, I don't have to bend down to hug you anymore. Let me see you!" She squealed eagerly. Allegra giggled as Molly held her at arm's length and spun her around.

"Sweet Merlin you're taller! No no no, slow down. You're growing up far too fast. Caspian do something."

"It's out of my hands. Unfortunately," he drawled, stepping up to them. He let out the smallest of smiles at Mrs. Weasley. "It's good to see you, Molly," he greeted, needing to drastically bend down to be able to hug her. Molly placed a brief kiss on his cheek.

"Always a pleasure, Caspian. Oh where's Arthur?" she huffed, putting her hands on her hips as she looked around. "I swear, he's always dragging Ginny outside to go along with him to see the animals and plants and contraptions and what not. Trying to figure out if Romanian wizards use any muggle items daily."

"Do they?" Allegra asked.

"They do use a muggle water system called a well that brings water up from underground. Quite clever if you think about it, instead of repeatedly using the Aguamenti Charm. Anyways, come in you two the floo is freezing. Here, let me get those out of your hands," Molly fretted as she took the presents. They had learned a long time ago to just let Molly Weasley do as she pleases.

"Would either of you like some tea? Or hot chocolate? Charlie has these amazing desserts called Gogoși. Those go great with hot chocolate. Here Allegra I'll get you some, you'll love it. And I'll put marshmallows in it just how you like it. And Caspian...well, there's no cigars or cigarettes here, but I'm sure you'll manage."

Allegra choked on a laugh at Mrs. Weasley calling out her Uncle's smoking habit. She glanced up to see him rolling his eyes.

Molly continued to fret over them for the next few minutes as she led them to the living room, took their coats, and brought them their drinks with a platter of Gogoși.

"How are you liking your Second Year so far?" Mrs. Weasley asked over the rim of her mug.

"It's great. The subjects and spells are far more interesting than First Year," she replied.

"Yes," Mrs. Weasley sighed, "Ron has mentioned in his letters how boring he thinks his classes are. But I think even if they were about advanced dueling spells or the years Grindelwald terrorized Europe, he would still find it boring."

"To be fair," she reasoned, "Professor Binns is quite a bore. And our DADA Professor is a pitiful joke."

"Allegra," her Uncle warned.

She huffed. "What? It's the truth. We can barely understand what he's saying with his dire speaking skills. Even I was able to knock him down with a Tickling Charm. How silly is th-"

"You did what?"

Realizing her word slip, Allegra sunk down into the seat, holding up her mug to hide her face.

If I can't see him, he can't see me.

"You jinxed a Professor?" He repeated, aghast.

"Technically we were face to face, and I gave him a heads up," she mumbled.

"That doesn't make it-"

"Snow is coming down out there! Very lovely! Oi, hello Caspian! Hello Allegra!"

"Mr. Weasley!" She yelped, putting down her mug and running toward him, grateful for the interruption. She gave him a hug before he walked over to greet her Uncle. She then turned to the youngest Weasley.

"Hey Ginny," she said, smiling slightly with a small wave. Ginny gave her a close-lipped smile.

"Hi Allegra. I didn't know you were coming to visit my family." Allegra faltered slightly at the tinge of annoyance she felt from Ginny.

"I wanted to drop off your presents. You know how long owl post takes, and I hate making them go through such harsh weather," she explained. Ginny nodded understandably.

"How are my brothers?"

"They're good," she said, "you know, the usual. Percy has his nose stuck in a book and is basking in being Prefect. Oh, and studying himself to death for his OWLs. Ron is always hungry, and Fred and George are going to drive Professor McGonagall into early retirement. I can't wait for you to join us at school next year."

"I'm excited too," Ginny replied. The two stood in an awkward silence, and Allegra stared down at her shoes.

She was the least close with Ginny. They didn't hate each other per say, but Allegra knew Ginny didn't particularly like her. She didn't need her empathy to know that.

For as long as she could remember it had always been like that. A certain inevitable awkwardness or tension. She knew Mrs. Weasley had desperately wanted a daughter when she only had boys, and Ginny was it, but she still treated her as one of her own. Allegra couldn't help but feel like Ginny somehow felt threatened by her place in the family when she was around. Which was ridiculous, because Ginny was the actual Weasley.

"I think the coast is clear by now," quipped Charlie as he reappeared, slinging an arm around her shoulder. "Get your coat Del. I'm gonna give you a tour of the dragon sanctuary. It's only a few minutes away."

"No thanks. I don't feel like getting burned into a crisp today."

"Come on," he whined. "Dragons are beautiful, harmless creatures...for the most part."

"This is where I die," she stated flatly as Charlie tugged her toward the coat rack. He pulled her fur coat off the rack, and she limply stood there as he put it on her.

"We'll be back in a few hours!" He hollered opening the front door.

"Alright! Have fun, and be careful!"

"Have fun kids!"

"If there is even one scratch on her, I'm feeding you to your precious dragons Charlie!"

"Is that a promise Uncle Casp?!" He called with a grin. The two laughed as they ran away from the tripping jinx Caspian shot at Charlie.

"Today was fun," Allegra announced when her and her Uncle arrived back home.

"It was. I must admit," he said, placing the gifts Molly, Arthur, and Charlie got them under the tree, "that I'm pleasantly surprised at how serious Charlie takes his job."

"Well he kind of has to, or else he'll die."

"Besides the obvious," he waved off, "it's nice to see someone so young passionate about their career."

"Don't you like your job?" She asked, confused. Her Uncle spoke several different languages, loved meeting new worthwhile people, and was engrossed with law and foreign policy. Exactly what was needed for his job as a member of the International Confederation of Wizards.

"I do, but I didn't love it so much when I first started out. It was very stressful because of the war," he explained.

A heavy feeling came over her heart at the mention of the Dark Days.

"But those days are long gone," her Uncle assured quickly, "and never to happen again. Now off to bed you go. You have your fitting at Twilfitt and Tattings tomorrow morning."

"Great. I'm so looking forward to getting pricked by needles all day," she drawled walking up the stairs.

"Just go to bed you brat."


Dressed in her long grey satin evening gown, Allegra stepped inside the Ministry of Magic hand-in-hand with her Uncle. The only piece of jewelry she wore was her bracelet, even if it didn't particularly match her dress. Her Uncle wore classic black and white dress robes, and his hair was slicked back.

"Let's go find our table," he said, leading them away from the seemingly endless rows of green glowing floo networks.

She stared at her surroundings as they walked. The glossy black walls were lined with crystal ice sculptures, and enchanted snowflakes fell from the ceiling before evaporating half-way down. A colossal Christmas tree almost as tall as the ceiling stood in the center of the Atrium, and in front of it was a stage where the orchestra played. In front of the stage was an open space for dancing. Surrounding it were white linen tables.

"Here we are," announced Caspian when they arrived at a table towards the front. He pulled her chair out for her and she sat down.

Allegra stared at the ornate name card that read Allegra Del Vecchio in cursive. She then glanced over at her Uncle's name card, and snickered at his middle name.

Caspian Judas Del Vecchio

"What's so funny?" He asked staring at her.

She smiled innocently. "Your middle name is Judas. That's not very Christmassy."

"Blame your deceased grandparents for that," he replied flatly.

"Come along now Blaise. I've finally found our seats."

Allegra looked up to see a tall, stunning colored witch sit across from them. Her fox brown eyes were captivating, and her jet-black hair was pinned up by jewels with curly strands framing her face. She wore a low-cut red dress and a diamond fit for a queen upon her neck. Next to her was a dark-skinned boy with slanting eyes in all black dress robes. He seemed a little familiar.

"Oh no," she heard her Uncle mumble into his  glass of champagne.

"Hello," greeted the woman, smiling pleasantly at both of them. "I'm Vittoria Zabini, and this is my son Blaise. It's very nice to meet you both."

"Caspian Del Vecchio, and this is my niece Allegra," said her Uncle.

Ms. Zabini smirked. "Oh I know. The newspapers do you no justice, Mr. Del Vecchio."

Allegra choked on her water.

"Don't worry, she's always like this," said Blaise with an amused smile. Allegra just wanted to get her mind off the two adults flirting beside her.

"I feel like I know you. Have we met?" She asked curiously.

Blaise shrugged. "I go to Hogwarts too, but I'm a First Year Slytherin. I know who you are because of my roommate."


"Who's your roommate?"

"Draco Malfoy."

Her face scrunched in disgust, and Blaise laughed. "Oh the feeling is mutual. He sometimes mentions you when he's on his hateful rambles about Harry Potter. How he can't understand why you'd want to be around him and Hermione Granger, making you nothing but a filthy blood traitor."

Allegra glared at him, and he held his hands up in surrender. "His words, not mine. I don't talk bad about girls, especially ones as pretty as you."

She rolled her eyes and lazily took another sip of her drink.

"House prejudice aside, it's nice to talk to someone around here without a stick shoved up their arse. I just chatted with the Head of the Department of Magical Transportation's niece from Beauxbatons, and merlin is she rude. You don't think my all black robes are tacky do you?" He asked, looking back at his bum. Allegra couldn't help but giggle.

"No, they're not."

"Oh thank goodness. I needed a second opinion besides my mum's. I could wear a potato sack and she'd still think I'm handsome...which I probably would be, honestly."

She laughed again. Blaise had an easy-going aura about him, and she liked that.

They talked for a few minutes, completely forgetting about Blaise's mother trying to flirt the pants off her Uncle. But all easy conversation ended when three blondes approached the table.

"Vittoria, I haven't seen you in ages," greeted the woman, giving air kisses to Ms. Zabini. Ms. Zabini seemed to not mind.

"Agreed Narcissa, agreed. Hello Lucius."

"Good evening Ms. Zabini," drawled Lucius Malfoy.

His steel grey eyes flickered to Allegra.

"And hello Draco. Slytherin looks like its done you well," praised Vittoria. Allegra looked over at Draco to see him smiling proudly; practically puffing out his chest. He oozed arrogance.

"Of course it has, especially with house mates like your son."

Ms. Zabini hummed, and suddenly looked back at her and her Uncle with wide eyes. "Oh how silly of me! Lucius, Narcissa, Draco, meet Caspian and Allegra Del Vecchio."

"I'm already familiar with Mr. Malfoy and his wife," said Caspian impassively. Lucius openly glared at him.

"And I'm already familiar with Mr. Del Vecchio and his niece," he said coldly.

Neither of them could say it was nice to see each other again, because that would be a complete and utter lie.

"I love your dress," praised Mrs. Malfoy.

"Thank you. I love your..." Her eyes trailed over Mrs. Malfoy's wardrobe, but she honestly couldn't find something she liked. Her gown was very basic, prim, and proper. Almost Victorian.

When her eyes drifted back up, she saw Mrs. Malfoy staring at her. No trace of a smile, instead a shocked looked on her face.

Ms. Zabini seemed to finally address the tension. "Well, do you and Draco know each other?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah they do," snickered Blaise, earning him a kick to the shin from underneath the table.

"Oh Hogwarts really is the center of it all," sighed Ms. Zabini.

"Yes...hello Allegra," spoke Draco softly.

Allegra gave him a weird look. She did not like the way he was looking at her. She was actually grateful when Lucius hit him with the top of his cane on his lower back, breaking him out of his trance.

"Hi Draco," she greeted reluctantly.

"I have an idea, why don't you and Draco share a dance?" suggested Ms. Zabini. Allegra barely contained a grimace.

"That sounds delightful," agreed Mrs. Malfoy with a pleased smile.



"Absolutely not."

"Come on boys. It's just dancing," scoffed Ms. Zabini with a wave of her manicured hand. To Allegra's surprise, Draco actually walked over to her and held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?"

She stared at him incredulously. He was dressed in expensive dress robes, his platinum blond hair was slicked back, and he had his grey eyes set on her. However, his notorious pointy faced sneer was gone and replaced with an adoring look. She didn't want to accept his proposal, but how could she not with his parents and the Zabinis right in front of them? She didn't want to seem that immature...even if she was.

"Of course," she replied, placing her hand in his as she stood up. Allegra was surprised to feel his hands were very soft.

Walking away, she took one last glance at the adults. She could feel her Uncle harboring in rage. Lucius looked like he smelled something foul. Mrs. Malfoy and Ms. Zabini were simply relaxed with giddy smiles.

"In one song you better come get me," she hissed in Blaise's ear as she walked past him. He merely laughed.

They walked into the center of the crowd of dancing wizards.

"You have one dance," she grumbled as Draco's hand went to her waist as the other held hers in perfect form for a waltz. A new song started, and he pulled her closer.

"Have I mentioned how stunning you loo- OW!"

Allegra had stepped on his foot. "Arm's length and keep quiet, Malfoy. You better not be enjoying this."

Draco huffed. "Sheesh, learn how to take a compliment."

"From you, no thanks."

"You know, a lot of girls in my year would kill for my praise about their looks," he sniffed.

Allegra rolled her eyes. "Sure thing Malfoy."

"You don't even call me by my first name anymore. Potter and Weasley must have rubbed off on you," he sneered.

She bristled. "So what if they did?"

"Then you've accustomed to their barbaric, filthy- OW! Merlin, that hurt!" He yelped, pausing their dancing to bend down and aid his injured foot. Allegra smirked.

"That's what you get for tricking us to get caught by Filch back in September, and overall just being an insufferable git," she remarked. Draco glared at her from below.

"It's good to know you at least fell for it," he said as he stood back up. Allegra was surprised when he took her hand and waist in his hold again.

"I should have known better than to listen to you," she sneered. He sneered right back.

"I should know better than to consort with a blood traitor from Gryffindor."

"Better than being the spawn of a cowardly Death Eater," she spat. Draco looked like he wanted to hex her to the moon and back. Just as he opened his mouth to spew what was no doubt another vicious insult, a new voice intervened.

"Can I have this dance?" Asked Blaise as he held his hand out to her. Allegra ripped herself out of Draco's hold and took the offer.

"Gladly," she stated, not even glancing back as Blaise whisked her away. When they were at the outer part of the dance floor, Blaise took her waist and free hand into his hold, continuing the waltz.

"I know it wasn't one song, but you and Draco looked ready to murder each other," he remarked.

"We were. Thank you," she said as Blaise twirled her around.

"No problem. Wouldn't want to give that Rita Skeeter another story now, would we?" he teased. As soon the words left his mouth a bright flash blinded them from the side. They turned to see Rita Skeeter quickly writing in her notepad as the camera man besides her smiled brightly at them.

"Who even invited her? Ministry workers hate her," she scoffed, turning back to Blaise.

He shrugged. "Speak of the devil and she shall appear."

"That's an insult to the devil."

Just after midnight when the Ball started to unwind, Allegra and her Uncle headed back toward the floos.

"Did you have fun tonight?" He asked. Allegra shrugged. "It was nice except for the Malfoy part. I know you had a splendid time with Ms. Zabini attached to your side all night."

Her Uncle's hearty laugh shocked her. "I'll admit she's pleasant company," he said, "but hell would freeze over before I became involved with her. It would be like signing my death warrant."

"What, why?" She asked.

"She's been widowed several times, but each of her husbands, who just so happened to be extremely wealthy, died by mysterious circumstances. And each and every time all their money was left to her."

Allegra was shocked, yet in the deep recesses of her mind, impressed.

"So you're saying she would kill you then take all your money?"

"Oh most certainly."


On Christmas eve night, Allegra sat alone in her bedroom. The full moon shined in through the windows, illuminating the large space. She could hear the wind rattling outside, carrying snow with it. But it was still quiet, and she knew she would hear what she needed to when the time came.

Sure enough, the grandfather clock in the foyer chimed. It was now midnight.

Allegra leaned over to her nightstand and blew out the candle. She then grabbed the picture frame and single white lily that laid there. She put the lily on the glass, staring at the picture.

It was taken when she was one year old. Her mother was holding her in her lap with her arms wrapped securely around her waist. She had a patch of curly black hair and rosy cheeks, but her mother had golden curls and sculpted cheekbones. Side to side, their matching pale-blue eyes looked majestic. As Allegra laughed and clapped her chubby hands in the picture, her mom's head turned towards her. Her smile widened and her eyes lit up.

Allegra stared down at the photograph, and let a single tear drop onto the paper.

"Happy Birthday mama. And Merry Christmas."


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