Billionaire's Untamed

By _MidnightDreamer01_

304K 13.3K 1.3K

This is a spin-off/ Sequal of Mr. Billionaire's love. PREVIEW: Xander Crawford has his mother pestering him t... More

|| Chapter 1 ||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 3||
||Chapter 4||
||Chapter 5||
||Chapter 6||
||Chapter 7||
||Chapter 8||
||Chapter 9||
||Chapter 10||
||Chapter 11||
||Chapter 12||
||Chapter 13||
|| Chapter 14||
||Chapter 15||
||Chapter 16||
||Chapter 17||
||Chapter 18||
||Chapter 19||
||Chapter 20||
||Chapter 21||
||Chapter 22||
||Chapter 23||
||Chapter 25||
||Chapter 25.1||
||Chapter 26||
||Chapter 27||
||Chapter 28||
||Chapter 29||
||Chapter 30||
||Chapter 31||
||Chapter 32||
||Chapter 33||
||Chapter 34||
||Chapter 35||
||Chapter 36||
||Chapter 37||
||Chapter 38||
||Chapter 39||
||Chapter 40||

||Chapte 24||

6.6K 278 58
By _MidnightDreamer01_

~You are my new favorite Feeling.~


I woke up gasping in the middle of the night.

Damn, that fall was giving me nightmares.

I breathe out, picking up the water bottle from the side table, and took a few gulps to calm down my nerves. "Damn, I miss Xander." I sighed, keeping the bottle back on the table, and picking up my phone. I saw 10 miss calls from him. 

Oh? Should I call back?

I checked the time and it was already 1. Tsk, tsk tsk... he must be sleeping. He worked too hard today, he should rest, peacefully. 

I don't understand why did he drive back and forth though, he could have--- My back stiffens when the door to my bathroom creaked opened. 

A dark figure loomed on the threshold. 

"Ahh....!!" I screamed my lungs out and threw multiple pillows at that thing.

The door of my room banged open and the lights were turned on. "What happened?" I saw Trish, Dick, Eva, and even Nicole in front of me.

"There is some-" I stopped when I saw a scowling Xander leaning on the door frame surrounded by pillows.

He pushes himself up and shakes his head. "Every single time." He sighs, bending down to pick up the pillows, and throws it back to the bed.

"Wh-What- What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised. I felt like crying. 

When I was inside the water, my first thought was about him. I was wishing for him to appear magically and save me, like in movies. I just wanted him to hug me and tell me it's alright. 

I know it sounds weird, but it is what it is.

"I was on the phone with Mr. Crawford when you fell. He heard me scream your name and came back as soon as possible." Trish smiled in awe. 

"Really?" I asked him in a pout. He nods, shrugging. "I was worried."


"I am going back to sleep." Eva sighs and turns around to leave. Everyone else followed her except Nicole, who stayed behind a little longer, just to stare at us and then left, frowning.


Xander closes the door and came back to bed. "Why did you wake up?" He asks, pulling me to lay beside him. 

"Nightmare," I whisper, snuggling my face into the crook of his neck. I breathe in his smell and tightly wrap my hands around him. It was... calming. "I was scared," I confessed.

He didn't say anything for some time, so, I thought he fell asleep. But then whispered 'Me too' kissing the top of my head.

And just like that, I slept like a baby with a smile on my face.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~

I was woken up by the rays of sunshine that fell on my face. Stretching my body, I kept laying down.

Yesterday's event flashed through my mind like a movie trailer. I was running behind, Autumn, the granddaughter of the villa's cook, who was running near the lake. Her legs slipped and she was falling back into the water. I couldn't think of anything else and pushed her out of the way taking the fall into the lake instead.

After that, everything went by blur... it was a little startling.

"Are you gonna stare at the ceiling for the rest of the day?" I heard a deep, sleepy voice beside me followed by a pair of arm canoodling me. I chuckle snuggling into his chest. "Yes, it's my eyes and my ceiling I can do whatever I want," I whisper in his ears and then bite his earlobe, teasingly.

He hummed as his hands move down squeezing my butt cheek. I chuckle. "What do you think you are doing?"

"It's my hands and my ass, I can do whatever I want." He mimics, crawling on the top of me.

"It's my ass." I narrow my eyes playfully while running my hands through his messy hair.

"Well, let me show who owns it, babe." He leans to kiss my mouth. One of his hands pushed my arching back down whilst the other slips under my shirt moving up to my breast. 

My breathing came heavy as his small, wet kisses travel all the way from my face to the south stopping exactly where I wanted them.

Our eyes met and he passed me a small, victorious smirk before pulling my panties down.


I swear morning sex is the best way to start up your day, especially when you do it with someone who knows exactly what and where you like it.

After an amazing kick start to the morning, we were now on the way to search for a flower shop. The flower shop which we had ordered the flowers from went under fire last night and all the flowers were damaged. We were informed this morning. Thankfully, most of the decorations were over but the centerpieces were completely damaged.

"There's a shop," Nicole said from the back seat.

Yes, she came with us, uninvited, with an excuse for helping us. She said she can help us find a good flower shop since she grew up here and knew the place better. 

We had no other option but to say yes.

"After this, can we eat?" Xander groans beside me. I pulled him with me in the middle of his breakfast. I feel bad, but meh. 

"Yeah, yeah, just park the car." I pat his head making him glare at me.

The little bell chimed as we opened the door to the shop. A beautiful woman approximately my age came smiling. "Oh, hello, welcome. What can I do for you?" She asks with smiling blue eyes. 

She reminds me of someone. But who?

"We are here for a wedding and our florists had a fire in his place last night, so, we were looking for some centerpieces, it's kinda urgent."

Her pale face turns into a frown. "Oh, that's bad. I am so sorry about that." She says. "How many will you be needing?"

"Around 50-60?" She nods, thinking. "Ok, when?"

"Tomorrow evening." She nods, again. "Ok, we can do that."

"What kind of flower are you looking for?"


"Oh, ok, come with me." She says, excitement dripping from her voice. She took us to the backside where there were lots of flowers. 

"Wow, this is beautiful," I whispered, amazed.

"I know right." She grins and hops towards a bunch of orchids. "Here are your orchids." She shows me a variety of orchids. "What kind do you want?"

Before I can open my mouth to answer she started telling me about them. "This is Brassavola orchids, they come in white or green and are exceptionally fragrant, especially in the evening when the perfume is released, hence called Lady Of the Night." She showed me the white one. "Do you wanna smell it?"

I nod taking a whip. My eyebrows shot up. "This smells nice kinda like vanilla and- and-" I struggled to name the smell. "Cinnamon." She grins. "Right, yes." I nod.

"Pretty amazing, huh?" She wiggles her eyebrow. I chuckle, nodding. "Ok, moving on..." She went on for like 10mins, talking happily about the different varieties of orchids. Her bubbly personality made me smile. 

She is so cute.

"Oh, god. I am so sorry. Did I bore you? I tend to get super excited over flowers, you should have stopped me." She looks at me wide-eyed. I shake my head. "No, not at all.  I learned some new things about orchids today, plus, you looked so happy talking about them." I smiled.

She nods. "Flowers make me happy."

"Figured. Is this your shop?" I asked.

"No, my Grandma's. I am just helping her out, today." She shrugs.

I awed. "That's so sweet."

We heard a cough behind me. "Alex, we have to move," Xander tells me. I scowl at him and elbowed his gut. Rude bastard.

"Sorry, he tends to get cranky when he is hungry." I apologize on his behalf. Xander scowled.

The florist laugh. "You guys are so cute." She cooed. "Thanks." I grin. 

"Anyway, let talk business now, shall we?" She says showing me some samples of centerpieces. "This is will cost a little more but it looks absolutely gorgeous." She said, showing me some purple/blue/white orchids submerged in different shapes of crystal glasses with a white candle on the top, floating. 

(That centerpieces look something like this 👆 .)

"Wow, everything looks so beautiful, it's difficult to choose."

"Why don't you ask your fiancee to help." She smiles. 

I have a fiance?

My eyes widen. "Oh, no, no." Xander and I say simultaneously.

"They are not engaged." An annoyed Nicole snap from behind. I almost forgot she was here.

"Yes, we are here for my best friend's wedding," I added, smiling apologetically at the lady. Her mouth opens in an O shape as she nods slowly, murmuring a sorry.

After we decided which centerpiece to choose and we place the order for the wedding day. 

She even gave us a discount! 


"She was so sweet," I said once outside the shop. "And did you see how beautiful she was?" I gushed.

Xander nods. "She was beautiful." He said making me halt. 

My lips pursed as an unwanted feeling settles in. 

"What?" He asked. "What are you glaring at me for? I just agreed to what you said." He defended himself. "Wait-" The side of his mouth twitches up. "Are you jealous?"

Am I?

A little, yes. I am not going to confess though.

"You wish." I scoffed. He grins, wrapping his hand around my shoulder and ruffles my hair. "Ah, this makes me happy." This bitch. 

I elbowed his gut again and walk out of his hold. "Fuck off, will you?" 

"Come on, Alex, just admit it. You were jealous." Xander ran behind me.

"I ain't admitting to nothing." He opens his mouth but I show him my fist. "Ask me that again and I am gonna break your face." He clamped his mouth shut but he too looked happy. I did not like that.

"I agreed because she looked like you." He shouts behind me. I pause and turn around. "What?"

"Didn't you notice? She looked almost exactly like you." I shake my head, crossing my arms. "I don't believe you." I narrow my eyes at him. 

"I swear. Her eye color was a little bluer but her face was as pale as yours, her hair matched your color and length, she is nearly your height. Overall everything looked just like you." He shrugs.

"Well, that was a peculiar observation. You noticed her very closely, didn't you?" I rose my eyebrow at him.

His mouth opens and closes. "What? No- I was just-" He was cut off by Nicole's scream.  

We ran towards Nicole, who was laying on the ground. "Are you ok? What happened?"

"Got hit by that bicycle." She said, pointing at a far away bicycle. That is way far to have hit- "Ah..." She moans holding onto Xander's arms. 

"Do you think you can walk?" Xander asks, holding her hand.

She tries to stand up but falls again. "I think I twisted my ankle." She winces in pain.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" I ask.

"No, let just go back." She winces, again. We nod. 

I offer my hands to help her stand up but she ignores me completely and wraps her hands around Xander's neck. "I don't think I can walk." She whispers, nestling her face into his neck.

She did not just snuggle MY BOYFRIEND?

Wait- What? Since when did he become my boyfriend? 

Xander stiffens, putting his hands in surrender, and stares at me wide-eyed. I narrowed my eyes at them. "Help her get to the car, will you?" I smile, grinding my teeth. He nods, reluctantly, and picks her up.

The smug look on Nicole's face made something inside me churn. 

Once this wedding is over, I am gonna hit this bitch so bad. She is going to regret snuggling him. 


What the- Damn, I gotta stop.


I sat on the passenger seat and leaned back, closing my eyes. Xander slips into the driver seat without saying anything, I can feel his stare. My phone tinged twice, but I didn't make any move to check. I don't wanna talk to anybody right now.

I am frustrated. (Or Trusfrated, if you know what I mean? *wiggling eyebrows*)

Xander starts driving. "Anyone wants a Slurpee?" He asks after some silence. I sit up faster than lightning, looking at him wide-eyed. "ME!" I shriek. "How did you know I was craving for some Slurpee?" 

"You were murmuring in your sleep last night." He laughs.

Ok, that's a little embarrassing.

 ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 

Hopping to the shop, I ordered 4 Slurpees, two for me and the other two for them.

Xander needed to attend a call and Nicole couldn't walk, so, I had to take their orders as well.

I decided to check my messages while waiting for my Slurpees. My heart beats faster when I saw the messages. 

You blocked me, my love, but don't worry, I will always find my way to you because I miss you so much. -Unknown

It was the same guy who used to text me. He changed his number.

You are here. I am now sure fate wants us to meet. -Unknown

WHAT THE- He is here? Just then another message showed up.

You look beautiful in white, my love. -Unknown

My head jerk upwards and looked everywhere. Who the fuck it is? 

Who the fuck are you? Why don't you show me your face if you miss me so much, coward?  -A

Don't look for me now, love. We will meet when it's time. P.S. You look cute when you're angry. -Unknown

I was going to reply back when Xander taps my shoulder. "Alex."

"Yes," I said louder than I intended to and locks my phone immediately. "I mean what?"

He frowns. "They called for you 3-4 times." He showed me my orders. "Are you ok?"

"Oh, yes, I am sorry, I was- I was looking at some memes and got distracted." I lied, smiling. I didn't want him to get worried. 

He stared at me furrowed eyed, before nodding. "Ok. Let's go back." He said, walking back to the car. My phone dinged again. I bite my lips and open the phone with shaking hands. 

I don't like him with you, but don't worry I will take care of him. -Unknown

With shaky hands, I blocked him again. 

Should I report this? 

I sighed. No, not now. I can't ruin Trisha's Wedding. Mom and dad are also on their way here, if they found out they will get worried, unnecessarily. I will handle this on my own.


I tried to stay calm throughout the day, but it didn't go unnoticed by Xander. He kept asking me what's wrong and I didn't know what to answer. 

Should I ask him for some help?

No, no, I can't drag him into this.

Later that afternoon, mom and dad came with Nate and Emmette. They looked beyond excited for the wedding. Nate and mom haven't stopped crying since they arrived.

"No one cried this much at my wedding." Emerald, who arrived just now, mumbled beside me with a small frown on her face.

I laughed. "They cried for 3 days straight when Jack died in Titanic what did you expect?" I said making her chuckle.

Eva passed by us humming some song, completely ignoring us. "Don't Eva look a little too happy to you?" Emerald whispers, looking at her sister.

"Yes, she is like that since the morning after the bachelorette." I nod.

"She left with Andrew, right?" I answered by nodding, again. "Do you think something happened between them?" I asked.

"I am pretty sure, it did." She narrows her eyes at Eva who was grinning at a flower. 

Yep, something's definitely up with her.

We walk near her and tapped her shoulder. She turns to us and smiled big. "What's up, beautiful people? I can't believe they are getting married tomorrow, I am so happy."

"Did something happened between you and Andrew that night?" Emerald straight ass, asked.

Her eyes widen at Emerald's direct jab. "H-How- I mean No, nothing happened." 

I scoff. "Did you guys had sex or something?"

She shakes her head furiously yelling. "No, we just kissed-" She slaps her hands on her mouth.

We gasp in unison as our eyes went wide. "You guys kissed?"

She blushes furiously and nods. "When he dropped me home, he was very angry and kinda yelled at me. We got into a huge argument. He told me how disappointed he was and I asked him who he was to get disappointed. He got furious and... kissed me." She completes while covering her red face at the end.

"Oh, my god! How was it?" Emerald asked making me roll my eyes.

"Amazing, it was slow at first and then he picked up the speed, we ended up on my couch making out, HEAVILY." She replied.

"Did he confessed?" She nods, answering my question. "He did. He confessed he likes me and I did too. We ended up cuddling together in bed as he said he wants to take me out first before we... p-proceed further." She gushes, biting her lips.

"I didn't know he was so understanding. He earned my respect." I nod, proudly. 

"I am so glad he finally asked you out." Emerald hugged her sister.

"Who asked out whom?" We heard Xander. Shit. Eva looks at us, shaking her head slowly.

"You to me. I was telling them how you asked me out." I shrugged, he stares at me for some time before he shrugging, and leaves after telling Eva that she was wanted near the lake.

We breathe out. "Thank you for that and please don't tell my brother. I want Andrew to talk to him first." I nod in understanding. "Don't worry, I won't."

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 

"Are you sure it's not him?" Drake asked. He is my high school friend who is now a police officer. I decided to take his help to find out about the number to see if it's a prank or someone is really... I was cut off by his voice. "If you want, I can check where is he and what is he doing now?"

I thought for some time. "You really think he is... I mean it's been 11 years." I said.

"There's no harm to check." He countered.

He is not wrong. "Ok, just keep it discreet. Don't let him know." I told him.

"Don't worry, Alex. I will take care of it." He assured me.

"Thank you so much, D. I owe you a big one," I said. He chuckles. "Ok, I have to go back to work, I will let you know when I find something, and send me those texts." He says.

"Yeah, ok. Thanks again." After a brief exchange of bye's, we hang up. I immediately forward all the messages exchanged between us.

I sighed. I just hope it's an extended prank. 

"Alex." I jumped, startled, and turn around. "Yes?" I gulped, fearing if she heard me. I don't wanna tense her up the day before her wedding.

"Where's Mr. Crawford? I've been searching for him." Trish asked.

"I have no idea. Is it urgent?" I asked. "You want me to find him?"

"No, it's not urgent. I just wanted to pass the message of rescheduling."

"Ok, let me find him for you." I smiled.


I searched the whole house, but he was nowhere to found. I went near the garden and that's where I saw him. 

A slow chuckle escapes my lips seeing him play with a little girl and a boy. I recognize them instantly as I saved the little girl, Autumn, yesterday, and the little guy was Sebastian, the gardener's son.

I smile and sat down on the bench watching them play. Xander was sitting on the ground on a sheet with the two kids where they were having a small tea party. I had to bite my lips to stop myself from bursting out when she serves them both tea and they pretend to enjoy it while making yummy noises. 

Xander didn't look a bit awkward, in fact, I think he was enjoying their company. 

Seeing him like this made my ovary skip a beat. 

"You can go and play with your son while I make dinner," Autumn spoke making me laugh. Son? 

Oh my god, Xander was playing her husband!!

She blushes furiously when Xander replies. "Yes, princess." Their 'son' pulls on his hands and takes him to play football with him.

I pull out the phone from my back pocket and typed a message to him. 

I never thought I would jealous of a 5year old girl. -A

I look up to see him kick the ball towards Seb who failed to catch it. The ball rolled down into the bushes. "I am gonna go get it." He yells, running towards the bushes. Xander smiles staring at the boy's back before he checks on his phone. 

I send another text before he finished reading the first one.

Did I ever tell you how much does a guy with rolled-up sleeves turns me on? VERY. -A

His head moves up in a whiplash as he looks side to side to find me. He finally found me sitting on the bench. Even from a foot apart I can see the dark gleam in his eyes. I saw his adam's apple bob as he took long strides to come up to me. "Let's go." He said, pulling my hands. I laughed, hitting his shoulder, he stops. "What?"

"I never pegged you as a cheater, Xander." I pout, seeing his confused face. "How can you cheat on such a pretty little wife of yours." I grinned making him chuckle. 

"Xandy, Sebby, dinner's ready." Autumn yell. Xandy?

Her eyes fell on me and Xander. "OH!" She ran towards me with her little steps. "Alex!" She jumps on me. I pick her up, holding her on my waist. "There, there, little princess, you are gonna hurt yourself."

 "How are you? I am sorry for yesterday, you fell because of me." She pouts, looking at me, adorably. 

"That's ok, princess. I am absolutely perfect now. Don't worry." I caress her hair and kissed her cheeks, she is so freaking adorable. "I heard dinner's ready. Can I join too? I am starving." I said. 

She nods repeatedly and squirms out of my hold. "Let's go." She holds mine and Xander's hands, and pulls us to her 'home'. "Welcome to my sweet home." She smiles broadly. "This is a beautiful home, princess." I complimented. She grins and made me sit beside her.

"Here, try my special pie, I learned it from my Grandma." She handed us the plates. 

"Mmm... this is delicious, princess." Xander admires making her grin wide, blushing. 

I can't decide who is cuter?

"I came to play with you because you said there's gonna be pie." A frowning Sebastian said.

"It is here." She pointed at his plate.

He looked at weirdly. "No, it's empty."

She shook her head, tsking. "No, Sebby, it's not. Use your imagilation."

"Imagination." The 10-year old corrected her with a sigh. "That's what I said." She shrugs.

"No you didn't and I am not gonna play with you anymore. You lied to me." He stood up to leave.

Autumn pressed her lips together. "If you leave, I am going to cry."

Sebastian stops and turns around to stare at her face. Seeing her determined face he breathes out and sat back on his place. The 5-year old smirked, satisfied with her accomplishment, and went back to playing. "Good, now tell me how is it?" She asks.

"Mmmm... it's delicious." He said with a straight face making her laugh. His own face broke into a small smile when he saw her laugh.

Xander and I stare at each other at the cute exchange and smiled.

We played for some time before Autumn's grandmother came to take them. "I am so sorry, I was busy, I thought they were in their room." Maria apologies.

"That's fine. We were getting bored anyway." Xander said. "They are quite entertaining." I laughed. 


After a hearty dinner made by Maria, the elders went to their respective rooms while we decided to sit back and talk a little. "It's finally happening. How are you feeling?" Emerald asked the soon to be married couple.

"Nervous." "Excited." They both replied simultaneously. Dick snapped his head towards Trish, who already started sweating like a pig. "Why nervous? Aren't you excited?" He asked.

"I am, very. But... what if I make a mistake? I saw a wedding video and the bride trips on her dress and the whole thing just came out. What if it happens to me?" She gulps.

"That would make a nice memory." I laughed and got hit by Dick, who shook his head. I clear my throat. "Sorry. I meant it gonna be alright. I will be right next to you."

"That's not reassuring, it's rather scary." Dick shuddered at the end, making everyone laugh. Drama Queen. I hit him in the back of his head.

Xander who went to attend a call returned with a frowning Nicole behind him. 

We stare at both of them as Nicole went up to her room and a scowling Xander come towards us. He asked Emerald, who was sitting beside me, to shift and lay down on the couch with his head on my lap.

"Xan, what-" Emerald was cut off by him. "Don't wanna talk about it." He sighs and closes his eyes.

Everybody was silently staring at me. I shrugged and told everyone to let him be, so we just went back to talking about tomorrow. 

In the middle of our conversation, Xander took my hand and kept it on his head. He wriggles his fingers, motioning for me to massage it. I rolled my eyes but did what he wanted.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 

"Are you asleep?" Trish asked. "Nope," I replied beside her. 

According to the traditions Bride and Groom are not supposed to sleep together before the wedding. So, Trish was sleeping with me while Xander was sleeping in a different room.

"Do you want some warm milk? Maybe that will help." I said. She nods, getting up. I push her back to the bed. "Let me, you rest." She nods and did as told.

After 5mins or so, I returned with the milk only to find Dick snuck into the bed with Trish, who was sleeping peacefully in his arms. 

A pair of hands came out of nowhere. One of his hands holds my hand- that had the milk glass- and another on my mouth. "It's me, don't scream or throw that on me." He whispers in my ear. I chuckle as low as possible. 

"You are becoming smarter day by day." I complimented him.

"After the millionth time, you learn your lesson." He shrugs and stares inside my room. "Why do you look so sad?"

"Me? No-" He raises his eyebrow at me and I sigh. "It's just..." I look at the sleeping couple. "When we were young, Trish would always come to me when she had trouble sleeping. We would just watch movies or talk and then cuddle to sleep." I sighed, again. "But look at her now, we were on the bed for an hour and she couldn't sleep. Then, that son of a bitch sneaks in and she sleeps instantly." I pout.

When Xander didn't say anything, I turn to see him smiling down at me. "What?"

"You are jealous." He stated. I roll my eyes. "Of course, I am, he stole my best friend," I admitted.

He chuckles, wrapping his hands on my waist. "He didn't steal your best friend. They are in a relationship, this is normal." He kisses the top of my head. "She loves him and feels comfortable in his arms. It just became a habit and that's why she couldn't sleep. That doesn't mean she loves you any less." He tried to make me understand. 

I scoff. "You say it like you know these feelings." 

He shrugs. "I guess, I am starting to." His mumble was almost inaudible.

"Why are you mumbling? I can't hear you." I said, looking up at him, he grins. "Nothing, let's get you to bed." He says leaning in. 

I giggle when our lips touch. He picks me up, carefully, trying not to spill the milk glass, and take me to his room.

<<Above pictures of the little girl and the boy.>>

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