Andy and Robert's Love Story...

By sarahanneh1

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This is my version of their love story. How I thought it should have gone. Hope you like it. Have fun reading... More

The Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A Short Story - He Cooks?!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Info
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Wedding Week!
Wedding Info
Chapter 10 - Part 1
Chapter 10 - Part 2
A Backstory Behind Jennifer's Appearance
Chapter 11
Robert's Vows
Andy's Vows
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Andy's Attire for the Fire Gala
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 pt.1
Chapter 31 pt.2
Chapter 31 pt.3

Chapter 13

663 26 7
By sarahanneh1

A huge surprise is coming in this chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

Andy has been back at work for about a week. This morning Andy was feeling a little bit under the weather, but she just thought it was nothing. Whenever Andy gets stressed, she gets an upset stomach, which made her think it was nothing, so she didn't tell anyone. Since Robert has been at home so much, he has a lot of paperwork to catch up on today. All morning, Andy was hanging out with Robert helping him catch up on his paperwork. The first call to come in was a fire at an apartment building. When the call came in, Andy jumped up and kissed Robert, and he told her to be safe and that he loves her so much.

The fire was at an apartment building, so everyone went in, in pairs. Andy and Maya were paired together, and while they were clearing a room, Andy got lightheaded and passed out. The moment she passed out, Maya called mayday and got her out. Maya's first thought was Robert, but when he's scared he's a really bad driver, so Maya had Vic and Travis go get him, and they were ordered to not let him drive and to bring him to Grey Sloan.

When Andy arrived at Grey Sloan, they started running blood work and Andy was in and out of consciousness. Andy was at GreySloan for less than ten minutes before Robert arrived. After about fifteen minutes, Bailey and Meredith came out and gave Robert and Maya an update. They told him that Andy's iron is seriously low and that they are going to give her a transfusion and run more blood work. Also, that Andy is now Carina's patient. After thirty minutes, Robert was able to see Andy before she was moved upstairs.

A Couple Hours Later... It's been a couple of hours, and Andy's now awake. She's also finished her transfusion, and Robert's with her. Carina has come in with her blood work results.

Conversation... Carina: Hey. I have your blood work results. How are you feeling? Andy: I'm tired and weak. What do you say? Carina: That you have low iron. Andy: Okay. Do you know why? (Carina realizes that Andy and Robert don't know she's pregnant.) Carina: Yes, your blood work shows that nine or ten weeks pregnant. Andy: What? This has to be a mistake. Carina: No, it isn't. I'm going to give y'all some time to process. I'll be back in a little bit.: End of Conversation Then Carina left in silence, so they could process the news.

After Carina left, Andy started to cry. When she started to cry, she just said to Robert, "Please, don't leave me." When she started to cry, Robert had no clue where all of this was coming from, but he just held her and told her that he wasn't going anywhere.

Later that Evening... After a little while, a nurse came in and drew more blood, and then later Carina came back and talked to Andy. Carina told Andy that her iron is back to normal and that she could go home tomorrow. However, before she goes home, they need to do an ultrasound to check everything out with the baby.

The Next Day... Andy didn't sleep well, because she had so much going on in her brain. A couple of hours after Andy got up, a nurse came and got Andy and took her with Robert to get an ultrasound. Carina was concerned because Andy was just in a major fire that killed her father, and Warren gave her meds that could harm the baby after her father died.

When Andy got to the ultrasound room, she laid down, and it took a minute a minute to get situated. When they got situated it took about 30 seconds, but finally, they found the heartbeat. When they found the heartbeat and heard it, both Andy and Robert got tears in their eyes. After hearing the heartbeat, Carina did all the regular ultrasound stuff and while she was checking around, she found another heartbeat! When Carina found the second heartbeat, her face went blank. When she found the second heartbeat, she did more ultrasound stuff. The babies measured, at 10 ½ weeks along, so Carina called it 11 weeks. After that, Carina took them back to their room and got ready to tell them that Andy was pregnant with twins. However, she did grab photos for Andy.

When they got back to her room, Carina told them that they were having twins.

Conversation... Carina: Guys, something showed up on your ultrasound. Robert: Is something wrong with the baby? Carina: No, you guys are having twins. Andy: What?! Robert: That can't be true. Carina: It is. I did print off some pictures. (Carina hands them the pictures.) Carina: There's Baby A and Baby B. They are measuring around 10 weeks, and they are looking good. Robert: Wow. Andy: At least, they are healthy. Carina: Yes, they are. Andy, you're good to go home. Take it easy for the next couple of weeks, no fires, and just rest. No shifts until you're appointment which is in a couple of weeks. Also, take your iron. Andy: Okay.: End of Conversation After that, Andy got discharged and went home. All this was a lot for Andy to comprehend, but she knew that Robert was going to be right by her side.

When they got home, Andy went upstairs to rest, and Robert followed her. When Robert got up there, he sensed that Andy was freaking, so he just went to her and gave her a hug. When he gave her that hug, she finally realized that it was real, and that's when she broke. When she broke, Robert at that moment realized that it all just set in for her.

After a few minutes, they both fell asleep. When he woke up, he needed to call Maya, and let her know that Andy is taking off the next couple shifts and that he would be by later to grab his work computer, and some other stuff he would need to work at home with Andy. Maya said okay, and that someone would be at the firehouse waiting for him.

A little bit after Robert got off the phone, Andy went to the bathroom, and when she looked in the mirror she noticed that her belly had popped. When she saw that her belly had popped, she had no clue what to think, her belly just doubled in size.

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