Billionaire's Untamed

Von _MidnightDreamer01_

297K 13.1K 1.3K

This is a spin-off/ Sequal of Mr. Billionaire's love. PREVIEW: Xander Crawford has his mother pestering him t... Mehr

|| Chapter 1 ||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 3||
||Chapter 4||
||Chapter 5||
||Chapter 6||
||Chapter 7||
||Chapter 8||
||Chapter 9||
||Chapter 10||
||Chapter 11||
||Chapter 12||
||Chapter 13||
|| Chapter 14||
||Chapter 15||
||Chapter 17||
||Chapter 18||
||Chapter 19||
||Chapter 20||
||Chapter 21||
||Chapter 22||
||Chapter 23||
||Chapte 24||
||Chapter 25||
||Chapter 25.1||
||Chapter 26||
||Chapter 27||
||Chapter 28||
||Chapter 29||
||Chapter 30||
||Chapter 31||
||Chapter 32||
||Chapter 33||
||Chapter 34||
||Chapter 35||
||Chapter 36||
||Chapter 37||
||Chapter 38||
||Chapter 39||
||Chapter 40||

||Chapter 16||

6.8K 316 32
Von _MidnightDreamer01_

~If it makes you happy, it's never a waste of time.~


"Alex, here." I heard a cheerful voice as soon as I entered the restaurant.

It was lunch hour, and Emerald had called an hour ago asking for our lunch plan. I was free, and I liked making new friends, so why not.

"Hi." Eva waved. I waved back while taking a seat across them.

"I really like your work wardrobe." Emerald piped in, looking at my work outfit. "Love shopping?"

"Well, thank you." I bowed my head a little, chuckling at the compliment. "Yeah, occasionally, I do."

"Ah," She clapped her hands, while Eva looked at me with pity in her eyes. "That's so awesome. I've got a new partner. You won't mind going out with me sometimes, would you?" She didn't wait for my reply and continued. "We are going to have so much fun shopping together. I am a great shopper. My last shopping partner, aka Eva, was so boring she would just go with anything at all. I mean, it's true, she looks good in everything, but she didn't even bother to try it on." She rambled on.

I stared at Eva, who was shaking her head slowly mouthing 'God bless you' she even proceeds to cross her heart and mouths 'Amen'. I laughed at that making Emerald look at us pointedly.

And I thought I was dramatic.

After placing our orders, Emerald spoke up. "So, I heard a little rumor that my dear cousin slept at your house yesterday?" Emerald grinned. "What did you guys do?" She teased.

Nothing happened.

But, I knew she wanted some juicy news, so being a generous person -that I am- I gave her what she wanted. "We had dinner, watched a movie, and..." I shrug. "Well, I don't kiss and tell." I winked at them. Emerald burst out laughing while Eva looked like she was getting sick.

I lied. A big fat lie.

In fact, I was so mad at that bitch. This morning when I woke up, he wasn't there on the couch. I got so worried because he had a slight fever in the middle of the night. So, I searched for him, worried that he might have fainted or worst died in my apartment, but he was nowhere to be found. Then I went to the kitchen and saw a note stuck to my refrigerator with a magnet.

It read-

I hope you searched for me worried because now you know how I felt that morning.

It wasn't all, when I turned the paper, there was more.

Revenge was taken... Justice has been served. 😈

He even put an evil smiling face in the end!

I swear sometimes he behaves not more than a 5-year-old.


We talked for some more until our order arrived. My pasta looked delicious. "This looks so-" I paused when I saw Emerald staring at her pesto pizza in horror. "Shit-" She heaved, placing her hands on her mouth and ran out of her chair. Eva and I looked at each other, worried, and followed her.


Yep, she was pregnant.

After Eva questioned her, she confirmed it. Eva looked beyond happy, and I congratulated her as well. She smiled and thanked, but she wasn't all happy. "Are you ok?" I asked, making Eva confused and stare at Emerald's face. "Yeah." She sighs. "Well, I am really happy."

"But..." I started, sensing the need for it. "I am sorry, didn't mean to pry." I quickly add.

"No, that's ok." She smiles softly. "Actually, its nothing, its- I just recently found out about this, and I haven't told anyone yet. I am kind of nervous." She giggles, fiddling with her fingers.

"Why? Everyone will be so freaking thrilled." Eva gushed.

"I know. I just don't know how to tell Liam. I mean, I know he wants to start a family soon, but..." She sighs. "It is too soon. I am still not sure if I will be a good mother."

"You will be a great mother," Eva assured, placing her hands on her fiddling ones, squeezing it.

"I don't know, I've got a gut feeling that I am gonna fuck this up." She sniffed, close to tears.

"You probably will," I said, sipping on my juice. They stared at me, shocked. "I am sorry, but that's what I've heard from my mother. Actually, one of my cousins is pregnant, and she was freaking out during her first trimester just like you are now." I chuckled, remembering those days.

"I remember my mother telling her that you can read tons of books, watch tons of videos, and all that jazz, but when a real baby comes out none of them will actually work, and you are probably gonna fuck up many times." Seeing Emerald pale, I freaked out a little but continued. "But you will learn eventually." She didn't look very convinced. I was sure I fucked up the story somewhere.

Oh, wait-

"Oh, she also said and I quote 'and the day it will be born, will be the best day of your life. The first time it grabs your hand, the first word it says, the first step it took, would be so amazing that all the stress, pressure, and pain you've felt will be so, so worth it," I said, remembering my mom.

I miss her so much. I sighed and look up to see both of them in tears.

Woah, did I do something wrong? Emerald burst out crying.

"I am sorry, I-" She stopped me by the shake of her head. "Thank you." She sniffs, holding my hands between hers. I glanced at Eva, and she smiled, nodding at me, assuringly. I relaxed a bit.

Thank god. I thought.

"I thought I messed up." I chuckled, making Emerald shake her head. "No, you didn't."

"Plus, you have us all. You have your family, and most importantly, your husband, who loves you more than his own life and probably will love the kid even more." Eva teased, making Em roll her eyes and giggle. "Probably." She murmurs with a small smile on her face.

"You're right. I am gonna do this." She says, stroking her flat belly.


"I am gonna do this right," Emerald says with conviction in her voice and a bright smile in her face.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~

I was working on my design in the night when my phone rings a couple of times. I pick it up without checking the caller's name. "Hellow." I chirped, happily.

Today was an amazing day. No hassle, no drama, and when I say drama, I mean Xander.

It felt just awesome.

"Why so happy?" I heard his voice and scowled.

Geez, talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.

"You just scowled, didn't you?" He questions, chuckling. "How did you know?" I asked, shocked, swiftly looking around me.

"I just know." He laughs when I confirm his suspicion. "Anyway, I called you to know what are you doing tomorrow night?" He asks as his laughs smothered down.

"That depends on what you do you want," I stated.

"Well, Mr. Walner, a business associate, is throwing a party tom-" I cut him off. That's enough information for me to answer him. "I'm sorry, but I think I will be busy tomorrow."

He scoffs. "No, you are not. Tomorrow's Saturday, and I know you are going to sleep for the whole day."

"That's not true." I gasp, feigning shock. "Who fed you those white lies?"

"Who else do you think?"

Damn you, Trish.

"Well, it doesn't matter you, are my girlfriend-" I interrupted him. "Fake." He growls but continued with the correction I just added. "Yes, fake girlfriend, so you have to join me at the party."

"And my answer will still remain the same as I told you before. I AM GONNA BE BUSY." I pronounced the last few words slowly for his better understanding.

"REALLY? DOING WHAT?" He mimicked me with a high pitched nasal voice, that ticks me off.

"Real mature, Xan." I scoffed. "If you wanna know so badly, then let me tell you, I have a very important appointment with someone really close to my heart," I answered.

There were a few seconds of silence before he spoke. "Who?" I heard his somewhat stoic voice.

"My bed." I grinned.

Before he can comprehend what I just told him, I had already hanged upon him with a prompt BYE.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~

The next evening my doorbell rings. I opened it with a scowl on my face. "Look at my little girlfriend, dressed up and all." He chuckles, making my scowl deep. Sly bastard.

"Fake. Your fake girlfriend." I reminded him again. His laughs, but it soon dies down to a small frown when his eyes rake my body from head to toe. 

I was wearing a green V-neck velvet gown that had a thigh-high slit. I paired it with a top messy bun, some smokey eyes, and nude lip makeup and finished it with a sky-high stiletto.

To be honest, I looked gorgeous. Although I didn't need confirmation, I did get one by him. 

I saw his adam's apple bob before blinking repeatedly like he was trying to remove some dirty images from his head.

And I know this because I was doing the same for him. He looked ovary burstingly handsome in that well-fitted tuxedo.

If only he wasn't an asshole... There are so many things we would be doing now instead of attending that party.

He looks back at me. "You look good." He didn't try to hide his strained voice.

"I know," I smirked. "I wish I could say the same. You look hideous." THAT WAS A LIE, but he didn't need to know that. 

I was so mad at him for making me do this.

After our call last night, I got a picture text from him of our contract, where I willingly signed to accompany him to business parties, house events, etc.

Damn, I knew, not fighting about it is gonna come back and bite me in the ass.

I locked my apartment door and walked away from him, scowling.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~

I faked a smile for the millionth time tonight when another group excused themselves. "You are a fucking devil, you know that? I am so gonna get back at you for this." I whispered to Xander with a smile on my face. My jaws are throbbing from all the clenching I am doing tonight.

Xander sipped his drink, giving me a side smirk. This little bitch is enjoying seeing me in pain. "Asshole," I muttered.

"Is this the little secret of yours?" A man of Xander's age came grinning at us.

He looked familiar. "Drew, you are here." Xander shook his hand with the man and hugged him. "I heard you were out of the states."

"Yes, went to Barbados to tan this baby up." He points to his body and winks at me. I unconsciously scrunch up my nose staring at him distaste. Before I could cover it up, they noticed it.

Xander burst out laughing while his friend looked offended. "Wow, no wonder you chose her for your little experiment." He said, shaking his head with a secretive smile on his face.

"Experiment? What am I? A lab rat?" I scoffed at Xander, looking confused. He looks back at me, sheepishly, while his friend, Drew, chuckled. "He knows about the fake girlfriend thing."

"What?" My wide eyes stare between both of them, shocked. "But we aren't supposed to let anyone know. I had to lie to Trish because of this." I snap.

"I didn't tell him, he figured it out by himself." He shrugs.

"Well, of course, I did, when he suddenly told us about his little girlfriend, I figured he took up my suggestion." His friend shrugged, proudly.

Wait a fucking minute.

"Your.... suggestion?" I raise an eyebrow at him. Xander shook his head looking at his friend in pity. "Oh, so, you are the friend who suggested this plan?"

He smirks. "Of course, this amazing plan was my..." His smirks drop when he sees the murderous look on my face. "...i-idea, which now I regret thinking of." He finishes with a visible gulp in his throat.

The stem of the wine glass was almost cracking by the pressure I've been putting on it. My hands were shaking, too eager to punch his face.

"Ah, Mr. Gerald is here. I-I should go m-meet him." He shuttered, trying to cover his scared-face and turn around. Before he can walk away I spoke up. "Watch your steps, Drew. These floors are too slippery, you never know when you will trip and fall." He turns to face me with a fear-stricken face.

"It may kill you." I completed, with a warning tone. I think he got my hidden 'Or I might ' message because he literally ran away from us.

Xander laughs so loud that a few people turn to look at us. "I swear I've never seen him this scared before." He chuckles, looking at his friend's running figure.

"That wasn't funny." I glare at him. He bends down and pecks my cheeks. "Trust me, baby, it was," He whispers and takes the empty glass out of my hand. "Let me get you another glass of wine." He winks, walking away from me.

Argh, that sly bastard.

He is taking advantage of the situation cause he knows I can't act up here.


After talking to a few women, I realize Xander isn't back yet. That bitch didn't leave my side all through the party and, now he left me with these women, most of them, by the way, are his exes, talking shit I don't understand. 

He knows very well that stuff like this irks me. He did it knowingly.

I smiled, excusing myself from the group, and walked around this large hall, searching for Xander.

I finally found him near the open bar.



He wasn't alone.


After pouring the wine into her glass, I was about to leave when I heard a familiar voice. "Xander." It spoke softly.

My smile falls off when I was met with the brown-eyed woman I wished I'd never met. She made my life hell when I was with her. "Nicole." I acknowledged with a clenched jaw. All those horrible memories and the pain she made me go through came back rushing to me.

I never hated relationships but after what happened with her, I can't seem to force myself to get in one.

She was a bad experience. Very bad.

She smiled hesitantly. "I was hoping I would see you tonight. How are you?" She has the audacity to ask this after what she did to me. I always valued her as a good friend, far even a woman I used to like whereas she saw me nothing more than a Crawford heir.

She betrayed my friendship and whatever little we had because of her selfish need. I cannot forget the pain she had put me through all those years back.

"Still packed with money, that you love," I smirked at her.

Her smile fell and she stared at me with guilt. "I am sorry."

I shrug. "Too late."

"I didn't mean to hurt you like that Xander." She says teary-eyed. I rolled my eyes, she should at least try to make it look real. "I know you won't believe it when I tell you this, but I really love you, I always have."

I scoffed at her lie. "I don't have time for your games, Nicole and I am not even interested in playing them anymore."

As I was about to leave she stops me again by holding my arms. " I am sorry. I am so sorry, I acted like a fool earlier. When I realized what I've done, it was too late. I was embarrassed, that's why I left without an apology." She rambled.

I tug off my arms out of her hand. "I am seriously not interested in your excuses Nicole, you can save us both the time and all the lies you have prepared, and please leave me alone."

"I can't. I won't. Not this time." She says. "I fucked up in the past, but I came back gathering all the courage I had, with only intension to have you back. And I promise I will."

I almost laughed at her naive confidence.

Before I could tell her to fuck off I felt a hand slide into my arms followed by a low deep chuckle, that sends chills through my spine.


"Too late honeybunch." I glance beside me, she was staring at Nicole with a smile in her face. A smile that can have you run up the hills screaming for help. "I already have the person you want." She stares at her cocking her head to the side. "And I absolutely despise sharing what's mine."

Nicole gazed up and down Alex and then stare at me. "So, she is the girlfriend?"

"The one and only," Alex replied grinning and pulled me closer to her.

Nicole opened her mouth but Alex, well, she shut her up. "Now, if your sob story is over, I am gonna take my boyfriend away, and if you don't want to live the rest of your life peacefully, then we will see you around."

"Oh, wait-" She exclaims, leaning to Nicole's height who was a few inches shorter, and whispers something in her ears.

Whatever she said must have shocked Nicole to the core because she looked beyond horrified. When Alex was done she leans back and smiles at her. "I hope you are smarter than that."

As we turned around to leave, Nicole spoke in a wobbly voice. "I-I a-am not afraid of you." She shuttered.

Hearing it, Alex laughs. "If you want me to believe that, you should try sounding more sure of yourself, hon." She grins and drags me with her without waiting for Nicole's reply.

As we were walking further away from Nicole, I watch Alex's fuming red face silently as she kept on cursing under her breath. Why?

I stopped and hold her wrist, tugging her into the secluded balcony.

"Do you know her?" I asked.

"Not personally. But I know what she did to you. It was all over the news and Trish told me about it too. What I heard wasn't really the best." She says folding her hands in the middle of her chest glaring at the hall where we came from. "I wasn't really gonna interfere, it was your shit to deal with but you looked uncomfortable. And that bitch really had the gut to say that she will have you back." She scoffs. "Like hell, I will let her." She blew on the few strands of her hair that fell off her bun.

I pull her into a brief hug mumbling a 'Thanks'. Although I didn't need her help, she helped. "You're welcome, I guess." She pats my back awkwardly before we pull apart.

I lean on the railing of the balcony using my arms and stared into the dark sky. "What did you whisper in her ear?" I asked.

She shrugged. "The usual stuff. Not much."

I laugh. "I don't believe that." The side of her lips tugged up in a mischievous grin. "You shouldn't."

After a moment of silence, she sighed, leaning on her back to the railing and asked. "So, did you really liked her?"

"Why? Will you be jealous if I did?" I wiggle my eyebrows, teasingly.

She gave me a bored look. "Do you want me to throw you off the balcony?"

I laughed and took a moment before replying. "She was a trusted friend. We had known each other for years before it happened. I suppose I was starting to like her during the time I thought she was carrying my baby." I paused. "We were going to be a family, how can I not?" I answered, honestly.

I never told this to anyone before. I don't know why I am doing this now.

"You really wanted the baby, didn't you?"

I shrug. "It didn't feel bad. I mean, yes, I was scared and nervous at first but then I started reading these books about pregnancy and babies. Whenever I saw someone with a baby, it strangely made me happy. It was-" I paused, trying to control my overwhelming emotions. She places her hand above mine and gave it a gentle squeeze. "It was a good feeling. As much as I try to deny it... I kinda started loving that unborn baby." I exhale deeply like some kind of huge weight on my shoulder has been finally lifted. I chuckled, feeling relieved. "It felt real. I was going to be a father."

I admitted this for the first in these 2 years that I actually wanted the baby. It felt good to finally say it aloud.

I didn't expect what came next.

Alex leans forward and hugged me from the side. "I am sorry you had to go through that."

My body went stiff, and heart thudded loudly in my chest. I think I stopped breathing for a minute or two before I heard her chuckle. "Relax, Xander. I am not going to eat you." I laughed at that as my body relaxes to her touch.

She backs away from the hug, and my mood dropped in an instant. My hands automatically shot up and pulled her back to my chest.

"Hey, I was just being nice. Don't push your luck." Alex warned.

I laughed, keeping her squirming body near mine. "Just a bit longer." I urged, snuggling my face into her shoulder. She smells nice, relaxing.

"Asshole." She whispers but stopped squirming. "Just because you look sad, and I am a generous person. I will let you hug me for 30 more seconds." I chuckled at her childish answer but took full advantage of this opportunity.

"JUST HUG." She snaps when I kissed her shoulder blades. "Hmm..." I moaned, planting small kisses all over her shoulder and neck.

"X-Xander,." She says in a breathless protest, but her body was acting otherwise.

"Yes, baby." I groaned, trailing my kisses from her shoulder all the way up to her lips. Her chest rises and falls heavily as her beautiful face stared up at me. My eyes drop to her lips and I leaned towards her.

She closes her eye.

My lips pull up into a smirk, and I stopped less than an inch away from her mouth. After a few seconds, she opened her hazed-eyes, staring at me in confusion.

Her eyes turn to slit when she realized what I was doing. "Asshole." She mouths turning away from me.

I chuckled, reaching for her hand and pulled her back to me before covering her lips with mine. She tried to push me away it dies down as soon as I push my way into her mouth and sucks her tongue, successfully earning a moan from her.

Her hands slide through my shoulder into my hair. She grabs a handful before tugging on it. Gliding my hands down her back I grab her cute round ass pushing her back into the sidewall without breaking the kiss.

We were totally up for an amazing night when someone broke us apart with an awkward cough.

I was ready to kill whoever it was.

And he knew it too.




Andrew is so dead.


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