Ninjago Fanfiction

By AlexeiQuinn04

3.3K 4 10

Master Wu, Garmadon, and the Ninja are all living a good life. Even though when Danger comes they're ready to... More

Training Day and Free Time
Ninja's fighting
Lloyd's bad attitude with Training
Jay wets the bed
Kai in trouble with Lloyd.
Zane in charge
Cole and Jay in trouble
Lloyd's Childhood New Siblings
Zane, Cole and Jay's Childhood
Kai indangers himself and Lloyd is Mad
Ninja's go to the park
Kai's sick
Father's day
Bad Day for Lloyd and Kai
Amusement park Fun
Zane and Cole babysit Lloyd and Kai
Wu's Sick
Brothers Day with Misako
Ninjas doctor appointment
Kai and Lloyd's Surgery.
Jay and Cole meet Morrow's daughter
Wu's bad day
Milly bullies Nya
Brother Quality time
Wu in the Hospital
Lloyd,Cole and Jay get in trouble
The Golden Ninja
The Battle!!!
Jay and Lloyd have Accidents
Zane babysits
Kai gets left out
Lloyd puts Kai in Danger
Danger in Ninjago
Taking the kids shopping
Zane and Cole Babysit
Meeting Harumi
Secrets Revealed
Another Roadtrip
Garmadon,Wu and Misako
Cole babysits kai and Lloyd
Zane in trouble
Uh oh Garmadon
Garmadon's Outburst
The day they Rescued Kai
Deaged Ninja for a Day
De-aged Garmadon and Wu
Garmadon is Sick and Misako takes care of him
Kai gets Bullied at the Park
Garmadon and Wu's outing with Misako
Nya and Jay
Skylor joins the team and Reveals secrets
Meeting Maya
Jay's Bad Day
Adopting Maya
Garmadon in Trouble
Cole and Kai
Garmadon's Secret Revealed
Clouse and Garmadon get into a Fight
Garmadon in Hospital
Jay,Zane and Garmadon
Danger in the City
Garmadon and Chen
Cole and Jay
Clouse babysits Kai,Lloyd and Jay
Kai's Powers and Garmadon kills
Maya's Real Father
Going to Court
Babysitters for the Kids
Garmadon and Clouse
Maya hurts Nya
Chen taking Care of Garmadon
Garmadon's Accident
Clouse taking care of his Brother
Meeting Akita
Garmadon,Clouse and Chen
Visiting Harumi and Zara
Cole's Punishment
Pixal's babysitting Visit
The Photo Book/Album
Return of the Overlord
Garmadon's punishment
Sick Jay
Nya,Jay and Cole
The Truth Behind Garm and Clouse
Misako and Chen
Meeting Misako's Parents
De-aged Misako and Garmadon
Misako's Brother
Misako and Garmadon fight
Day out with Kai
Family Roadtrip
Fun at Amusement Park
Hurtful Past prt.1
Hurtful past Prt. 2 what they Endured
Kai and Zane get Hurt
Clouse's forgetten Childhood
Chen and the Kids
Cole and Garmadon
Garmadon and his brothers
Harumi meets her real Dad
Jay and Zane day with Marcus
Tragic Accident
Misako and her Father
Chen and Garmadon's Day
Maya-Lee's Past
General Vex prt.1
General Vex prt.2 Rescue
Misako in trouble
Misako's forgotten Childhood
Nya and Jay visit Marcus
Asher and Misako,Sukia Returns
Meeting their older siblings
Garmadon in trouble with Wu
Garmadon & Misako in trouble
Garmadon's Little Day
Truth Revealed about Wu
The End?...

Getting back Kai

45 0 1
By AlexeiQuinn04

Garmadon and Wu where up early. They needed to find Kai. Garmadon said"C'mon brother, hurry up"! Wu said"Don't Rush me"! Garmadon said"Might I remind that my Son is Missing"!! Kai appeared and said"Daddy! Uncle! Help me"!! The thug threw Kai down off the building. Garmadon said"Kai! Don't worry Daddy's got you"!!! Garmadon used his powers to catch him. But the thug threw a boulder at Garmadon,knocking him down. Garmadon said"No!! My son"!! Wu said"Who are you?! What do want with My Nephew?! He just 4 yrs old"!! Garmadon shot up and. Kncoked down the cloaked thug and caught his Son. Kai said"Daddy"!!! Garmadon said"Oh Kai. Daddy though he lost you. I promise you Daddy will do everything to protect you. I'm Sorry My baby boy". Wu said"Let's go". Back on the Bounty... Lloyd said"Kai"! Lloyd ran up to Kai and picked him up, hugging him. All the other Ninja crowed around Lloyd,Hugging Kai. Later...Lloyd and Nya where watching TV together,Kai and Jay where playing on the low deck. Zane amd Cole where playing Chess. Garmadon said"Bedtimekids, Jay, Lloyd you 2 gotta take a bath". Jay said"Master Garmadon? Can me and Lloyd bathe together Tonight"? Garmadon said"Sure, I'll run the bath water. Blue or Green bubbles"? Jay said"Can I pick Lloyd"? Lloyd said"Sure Jay". Jay said"Blue Bubble's". Jay and Lloyd are now in their Bubble bath. Jay was splashing Lloyd. Lloyd then began to have fun and play with, Splashing a bout. Garmadon said"Time to get ready for bed you two. I've got your Training Undies, Towels and PJ'S". Lloyd said"Thanks Daddy". Jay said"Thanks Master Garmadon". The boys got dressed. Garmadon said"Everyone else except Kai is tucked in". Lloyd said"Why isn't Kai asleep"? Garmadon said"He wants a Bedtime story and He wants you to listen with him". Garmadon tucked Jay in, and kissed him goodnight then left the room. Garmadon said"Ok Kai what story book do you want"? Kai said"Uh that one"! Garmadon said"Good choice". After Garmadon fimished reading both his little Boy's where asleep, He kissed them Goodnight and left the room. Garmadon saw that Wu was still up. Garmadon said"Whatever is the Matter Little Brother"? Wu looked up at him with sad, teary eyes. Garmadon said"W-What's wrong"? Wu said"I had a Nightmare Garmie, one about father". Garmadon settled in Next to his Little brother, holding him close, singing a Lullaby. Soon enough Both of them we're sound asleep.

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