Kai and Lloyd's Surgery.

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Kai and Lloyd had to get their surgeries Today. Wu accompanied his brother. Kai had hurt his leg a couple weeks ago and now he has to have surgery on in. Lloyd was getting his tonsils taken out and stitches on his arm. Garmadon pack a bag for his 2 sons then got in the car. Lloyd said"Daddy, where are we going"? Kai said"Yeah where are wes going"? Garmadon said"Today you two have a special doctor's appointment, so it's just us 4 today". Lloyd and Kai where buckled in.  At the doctors... Kai went and got his surgery done 1st and got a red cast on his leg. Tje doctor said"We don't have cruches his size so a Wheel chair will have to do. We have a lot more so you can keep this one".  Garmadon said"Thanks". Doctor said"Do you have any Pull-Ups for Lloyd? Or something like a diaper"? Garmadon said"Yes, I have training underwear Pull-Ups for him". The doctor said"Good, If you would help him change into it that'll be helpful".  After helping Lloyd change into his training Undies, Lloyd laid down on the bed, scared. Lloyd said"Daddy, I'm scared"!  Garmadon said"It'll be ok son. I'll be tight here when you get back" when Lloyd's surgery was done he was back in the room with his dad and little brother. Lloyd looked pale. He can speak he just needs to hydrate for a bit before he's better, they stayed there for hours.  Finally at home... Kai was in his wheelchair, showing it off to everyone. Kai said"Daddy helped put flames on the wheels and made them red to match it". Lloyd said"He guys. Me and Kai got special cast and got given sticker's, Ice pops and chocolate bars. And on the way home we gotted sundaes". Jay said"Aw, lucky"! Nya said"Oh". Zane was in his room. Cole said"That was nice". Later... Lloyd and Kai where watching TV together. Nya, Zane, Jay and Cole where training. Jay said"It's not fair, we have to train and  they don't"! Cole and Zane said"Yeah"! Nya said"Both my brothers are hurt you know.  They also have Anxiety and Autism".  Zane said"Oh, Jay too has Autism".  Jay said"Zane"!! Nya said"Oh Sweetie, I love you no matter what. I am your girlfriend after all". Jay kissed her. Soon enough training time was over and they all went inside,Gathering at the table eating dinner then they went to bed.

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