Unbearable (Unexpected Sequel...

By flightless101

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[Sequel to Unexpected]; COMPLETED Arabella and Dean have finally survived junior year. Their drama is behind... More

1- Right in the-!
2- More Assaults
3- Great Company
4- Bleach the Desk
5- Interventions
6- The Redhead
7- What an Eventful Night
8- Déjà Vu
9- Kissing the Enemy
10- Mission Impossible
11- Confessions
12- The Bad Habits Resume
13- The Jocks
14- Meetings
15- Step 1
16- The Road Trip
17- Jealousy All Around
18- The [Lack of] Shirts
19- Why?
20- Let's Talk
21- Repayment
22- Laughing in the Moonlight
23- Everybody's Drunk!
24- Hot Hot Hot!
25- Baby, You've Got Issues
26- Conversations with Fists
27- Bridesmaid Duties
28- Coffee Part 2
29- Unknown Territory
30- Lunch Date
31- Let's Talk About It
32- Party At the Wilks Residence!
33- Emma and Will Sitting in a Closet...
34- Cornered
35- He knows. He KNOWS!
36- Cupcake Disaster
37- Feverish
38- Playing Dress Up
39- Snow
40- The 'Stang
41- The Big Guy's Out to Get Me
42- Wine Confessions
43- Parallel Families
44- Meet the [Extended] Fam
45- I'm Sorry
46- How Coincidental
47- Let's Do This
48- A House Visit
49- Replacements
50- Surprise, Surprise!
51- Lightening the Burden
52- Let Loose For Once!
53- Letters and Starting Over
54- Meeting the Gals
55- Oh No, Not the Police!
56- Sweet But a Psycho
57- Expect the Unexpected
58- The Dinner of Doom
59- The Wedding
61- See You After Christmas
62- Dancing With the Enemy
63- Uncontrollable Hormones
64- Partyin' it Up
65- The Morning After
66- I Did It First
67- Good Morning
68- My Little Injured Baby
69- Adios, Amigo
70- Hello, Old Friend
71- A Life For a Life
72- Closure
Epilogue - Dean
Chapter 29-Ben's P.O.V

60- Damn Him For Abandoning His Playerish Ways

110 4 3
By flightless101

"Hey, pretty thang, care for a dance?"

I winced but relaxed when I was met with a familiar face. Luckily, it wasn't the person I was avoiding.

After my stupid word vomit before the wedding ceremony, I avoided Dean like the plague. I was way too embarrassed to face him. I scurried off to the reception hall before he caught up to me. And, lucky for me, his relatives swarmed him.

Ashton eyed his outstretched hand, then my wary face. "Oh, come on, I'm not that bad!"

Laughing, I took his arm. One dance didn't hurt, right? Besides, I think Dean was busy with his grandma or something. "You better not step on my toes."

"I'm not the one wearing six-inch heels," he retorted as he led me to the dance floor. "Besides, I'm an excellent dancer. How do you think I got all the ladies?"

His hands went to my waist and I looped my arms around his neck. Slowly, we swayed to the music. "What ladies? You seem pretty single to me."

He rolled his eyes, then focused on something behind me. "Yeesh, are you and Dean fighting?"

"No, why?" My heart rate picked up.

His eyes flitted back to me. "He looks like he's going to murder someone. I have yet to figure out whether it's directed toward me or you."

"Ugh," I groaned. "I said something embarrassing and now he probably hates me."

Ashton's brow raised. "Embarrassing? What did you say?"

My cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink. I couldn't bring myself to say it. "Don't worry about it."

"So," he cheekily grinned, "what I'm hearing is that you need a bodyguard to protect you from my brooding cousin?"

"Er... well not exactly–"

"Worry not, Bella, I gotchu," he smirked, looking back at his cousin.

Sighing, I knew it was useless to argue. Knowing him and all the other boys in my life, they'd try anyway. What was it with men and their need to prove they had testosterone?

We danced to the slow song until it was over. Ashton was going to ask me for another dance but it was time for the couple to make their big entrance. Taking my cramping feet, we both walked to our table and took a seat. We were lucky enough to have the same seating as the rehearsal dinner.

Unfortunately, that meant Dean was also at our table.

As much as Ashton tried to get me cornered in between him and someone else, it didn't work that way. When he told his sister to sit next to me, she was suspicious. One word from Dean and she moved to the other side of her brother. It was really unnecessary in my opinion but I appreciated it at the same time.


I ignored Dean.


I cleared my throat and faced Dean, my cheeks turning slightly pink. "Mhm?"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Dean!" Ashley yelped. "Don't be rude!"

Dean rolled his eyes and turned back to face me. He had an expectant look on his face and it was then that I remembered I was supposed to answer his question.

"Nothing's wrong!" I lied. I wasn't even sure why I was so embarrassed. I mean, I had a reason to be, but that didn't mean it was a big deal. Sure, I implied that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and that came out super clingy and probably scared him away and now our breakup was inevitable...

What was I talking about?

He gave me a look showing his disbelief. Before he could open his mouth to reply, the host for the reception spoke up, letting us know the couple was making their grand entrance.

I inwardly let out a sigh of relief and turned to watch the beautiful bride and handsome groom enter.

Natalie was glowing in her wedding gown. It was the same one from the ceremony. She claimed it was comfortable enough to wear the entire night. On her arm was Ethan, who looked just as dashing. Both were grinning like goofs as they walked in and made their way to the special table set up just for them.

I subconsciously smiled at the two lovebirds as they whispered in each other's ears. I hadn't been to many weddings, the ones I had been to were when I was much younger, but this set the bar. Not from decor or number of guests, but the amount of love radiating from the two.

Speaking of lovebirds! My neck craned as I searched the hall for Damien. I desperately needed to see which lovely lady he brought as his date. Unfortunately, the crowd was blocking my view as they admired the main spectacle of the night.

The bride and groom were introduced as a married couple for the first time. "May you join me in welcoming Mister and Misses Ethan Hall!" The guests went wild and cheered. It was safe to say that Ethan's family was just as wild as the Cullens.

Dean wasn't done with our conversation though. His hand found my knee and squeezed tightly, forcing my attention on him.

In a voice so low only the two of us could hear, he said, "Arabella, we promised we'd openly communicate for this to work."

Aw, for fuck's sake!

He had me there. But then, this wasn't even about my embarrassment. This was a little deeper. Although I hadn't been particularly hiding the events that took place with Ben, I also didn't tell him. I would've, if he asked, but he seemed to stray from the topic as much as possible.

Damn him! He was guilting me and didn't even know it.

"You're... you're right," I sighed. "Just, not here."

He narrowed his eyes at me, silently judging whether this was another attempt to brush off the topic. It wasn't! I was planning on telling him, just not in front of an audience. Who knew how he'd react?

The food was placed on our tables in an instant and we began eating. Ashley and I were talking about how beautiful the wedding was. Ashton kept flirting with random members of the Hall family and talking about how beautiful the girls were. Dean didn't dare partake in that conversation knowing I had a very sharp elbow armed and ready.

"So, any bridesmaid gossip?" Ashley asked, leaning in.

My eyes wandered to the three people in my audience, then the bridesmaids conglomerating and talking. Hm... now that the wedding was over, it was okay to discuss everything, right? It's not like they'd go around and spread the gossip.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone."

They all nodded and I sat back in my chair, throwing all caution to the wind. What could I say? I was a high schooler after all.

"Lots of stuff happened. I think the most scandalous thing of all was the fact that Julie, Natalie's best friend from her childhood, wanted to be the maid of honor. She never straight-up told anyone, she just made passive-aggressive comments, but it almost slipped drunkenly the night of the bachelorette party!"

"No way!" Ashley gasped. "Poor thing though. If my BFF chose someone else as her maid of honor I'd be crushed."

I nodded in agreement and continued. "Truly. Luckily she didn't try to sabotage Jessica or the wedding. That would've been bad."

"Wait, what was the emergency that happened before the wedding, then?" Dean asked.

"Take a guess," I said, raising my brows. It wasn't hard to assume what happened but I explained anyway. "Natalie got cold feet."

"No way!" Ashton exclaimed. "Her? But she's so whipped!"

Ashley rolled her eyes and smacked him on the back of the head. "So? Everyone gets nervous."

"But... but they were already married!"

"Well yeah, but this was in front of everyone!" his sister retorted. The poor boy still looked confused but I wasn't sure how else to explain it.

Ashley did. "She just needed to have a mini-freakout and consider her options. If she didn't, she'd freak out for the rest of eternity, wondering if she made the right choice." He opened his mouth to argue but she raised her hand, silencing him. "It's a girl thing, just don't argue."

"Ethan was calm and collected. Excited, even. He couldn't sit still," Dean informed us. I figured as much but the news was still shocking. If Natalie hopelessly-in-love Cullen freaked out, what was stopping Ethan whipped Hall from doing the same?

"I just had to remind her how much this wedding cost and she was all good again," I grinned. They all amusedly shook their heads.

Dean sat back, his eyes twinkling. "I can't believe she considered running away. I'm gonna hold that against her forever."

"No, because you promised your confidence," I reminded him in a threatening tone.


Just then, the host announced the first dance for the couple. Everyone cheered as they walked to the dancefloor. Like a true gentleman, Ethan bowed and offered his hand, which Natalie gladly took. Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls played on the speakers. The first notes acted as a final hush over the crowd.

The couple danced like two feathers in a breeze.

Halfway through the song, Dean leaned over to me. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

My brows furrowed. "But... but the wedding cake! And the bo–" I stopped myself before I implied I wanted to stick around for the bouquet tossing. I think there were enough implications tonight.

Dean's hand slowly dragged up my dress-clad thigh, making a shiver run through me. "I promise you I have more to offer than cake."

Still, I couldn't help but pout. "But I helped pick it out! It's only fair that I get to eat it too!"

He playfully rolled his eyes. "I promise I'll have someone pack an extra slice for you."

That's all it took. The exhaustion was taking over me and the heels were growing considerably more uncomfortable as time went on. As fun as the reception seemed, I had a long day.

"Fine," I sighed, earning a smug smile from him. I turned to the twins with a wistful smile. "Guys, I'm calling it a night."

Ashley gasped. "You don't wanna hear the toasts?"

I waved a dismissive hand. "Not really. Although, I should probably tell Nat that I'm leaving."

"Nah, you're not needed for the rest of the night," Dean said casually. "If anything, Damien can explain we left."

I nervously bit my lip as my eyes flickered to the bride and groom. The song was coming to an end now. Dean had a point. My duties were technically over now. All that's left was the fun ceremonies like the bouquet toss and toasts.

"Come on," Dean offered his hand and I took it, getting up and straightening out my dress. It was the same one from the ceremony.

The twins disappointedly shook their heads at us as we left. I smiled back and secretly hoped that wouldn't be the last time I saw them. They were so sweet and made my time at the Cullen's more exciting.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked past the front doors to the elevator.

Dean threw me a side glance, keeping up his quick pace. "I have a room here. You're spending the night."

"Gee, thanks for asking," I sarcastically mumbled. "Can you slow down? These heels are slowly decapitating my toes and it's not time for the piggies to go to the market."

The corner of his lips quirked. "Alright, princess." Rolling my eyes at the nickname, he did walk a little slower. Just a little though.

We finally reached the elevator and I silently thanked God. My feet deserved a break. Curse these stupid heels.

As soon as the doors closed, Dean turned to me with a serious expression. "Are you going to tell me why you're avoiding me now?"

"Two things," I confessed, starting with the easier one. "I was embarrassed because of what I said."

"What, that you–"

I cut him off before he could recall the words. "Also, I've been withholding some important information."

His features darkened. "What?"

Good, he spared me an awkward recollection.

I cleared my throat and looked at the ugly patterned carpet. "Well, it's about Ben."

He sucked in a breath. Before either of us could speak, the elevator opened and an old woman sauntered in. Without hesitation, Dean grabbed my arm and pulled me into the random hall that was definitely not our floor. Aw, he was sparing the poor old lady from our wrath.

He dragged me all the way to the ice room, which was luckily isolated. He closed the door behind him and looked at me expectantly.

Just bringing up Ben's name ignited a dark spark of anger in him.

"Before I start, I'd just like to let you know that I wasn't keeping this from you. I just wasn't going to bring it up unless you asked."

He grunted in response.

Taking a deep breath, I explained. "You remember my little visit to his house?" He tensed. "Well, the microphone cutting off wasn't a coincidence."

In a flash, he was in front of me, his hands painfully digging into my waist. "Did he hurt you? Did he try something on you?"

My heart fluttered at the prospect that he didn't assume I'm the one who initiated anything. It showed he trusted me.

That may change after this.

"No, he didn't," I said, watching him visibly relax. Still, his irises swirled with anger. "I'm the one who cut the mic off because I knew what was coming."

His eyes silently pleaded with me to continue.

I spoke in a soft tone to soften the blow. "He told me he had feelings for me."

Within seconds, his lips were on mine, hot and heavy. The kiss was possessive and angry. His fingers forced my hips closer to him, closing all distance between us.

"You're mine," he growled against my lips.

I made no annoyed gestures toward his possessiveness, even though I was, in fact, not an object to be owned. Still, I understood where he was coming from. 

Instead, I pulled away and softly caressed his cheek. "I know. You don't have to worry about him anymore. He's gone."


He pulled me toward him once again and claimed my lips as his. He caught my bottom lip between his teeth, making me moan in pleasure. My hands tugged at his hair and he shuddered under my touch.

Good thing we didn't have this conversation in the elevator.

"Dean," I said breathlessly, "room, now."

I was swept off my feet, literally, as Dean carried me bridal style. After the initial shock, I giggled into his chest as he walked with a purpose.

"I can walk, you know!" Not that I wasn't grateful. My feet were crying in pleasure.

He looked down at me. My breath hitched in my throat. The way his eyes sparkled with lust made another shiver run down my spine.

Suddenly I understood his rush.

He leaned down and gave me a searing kiss before the elevator doors parted for us. It was empty, meaning no grandmas were getting a heart attack tonight.

That also meant I got more kisses.

When the 'ding' signified our floor, he all but sprinted toward his room. He fumbled with his pockets for the key but having me in his arms made it significantly difficult. Yet, he didn't want to let go.

"I promise I'm not going anywhere," I tenderly whispered. Not just tonight, but always.

He gave me a look, letting me know he understood. Then, he let me down and pulled out the key. I hugged him from behind and rested my chin on his back as he stumbled with the key. Seeing him so flustered made me laugh but I kept it in.

The door finally clicked and he opened it slightly, giving me an impressed look. Grinning, I leaned up and kissed the spot under his ear. He tensed and grabbed me, pulling me into the room.

As soon as the door shut behind us, he forcefully pushed me against it. A gasp escaped my lips but he wasted no time.

Our lips became one in a hot kiss. We were desperately touching each other all over. My hands pulled at his hair, his traced the shape of my body. Both of us were desperately trying to cut any space between us.

My chest heaved as he pulled away, only to pepper kisses down my jaw and neck. I cocked my head, giving him more access. A deep moan left my lips as he gently nibbled the tender skin. Then he placed a light kiss in the same spot.

If his grip hadn't been so tight, I would've been jelly on the floor.

"Dean," I breathed.

His lips found mine again and he kissed me until I saw stars.

Warmth spread throughout my body. I ached for him.

"Bed," I whispered against his lips.

He froze and pulled away. "Are... are you sure?"

I was. A million times, yes.

Dean was the one for me. Hopefully, we'd work out, maybe not. The passion and chemistry between us were undeniable. No matter what, I was sure I wanted him here and now.

Who's the horny one now?

"Yes," was all I said before our mouths collided into one.

He led me to the bed, never breaking contact with me. I softly landed on the mattress. He hovered above me, raking his lustful eyes over my form.

"Are you sure? We can stop right now."

My reply was given by pulling his head down toward me. He smiled amongst my lips before the lust took over.

He kissed me harder, feverishly, like time was running out. Maybe he was scared I'd change my mind. I wouldn't, though. I was sure of it.

I pulled away slightly but cupped his cheeks. "Do you have a condom?" A baby was not in my future plans and if he didn't have one, we'd have to stop before it got too far.

He smirked. "Getting impatient, are we?"

"Shut up," I smacked his arm. "Yes or no?"

He leaned in again, this time going for my ear. "I'm always prepared," he whispered, his hot breath fanning my ear.

A chill of pleasure ran from head to toe.

As we kissed, I tugged on the hem of his shirt. He got the hint and pulled it off in a flash. My hands subconsciously traced the outline of his abs and he shuddered under my touch. I smiled, relieved that I was having an effect on him.

"Hold on," he whispered, pulling away and grabbing something out of his pocket. I took the pause to truly admire the adonis sitting in front of me. While his bottom half was still clothed in gray dress pants, his top was completely bare putting his toned chest on display. On a silver chain hung from his neck. But, as my eyes snapped up to his face, a sheepish expression took over him. "Um..."

"You don't have a condom," I assumed.

"No," he sighed. I groaned in disappointment and covered my face. I wasn't going to do it without a condom, meaning tonight I'd fall asleep a virgin. "Maybe it's for the best."

"Oh, thanks for the flattery." My voice was muffled by my hands, which he promptly removed and stared down at my flustered face.

"Trust me, I want this just as badly as you," he whispered huskily, tracing my jaw with his index finger. "But maybe doing it in a hotel room in a haste isn't the best idea. I wanna make it special."

"We're in a freaking five-star hotel after a wedding, it can't get more romantic than that." And cliche, but I didn't mention that.

His lips curled into a smile, a disappointed smile, but a smile nonetheless. "I don't want you to regret it."

Hah, at this point I would've given my virginity to a homeless man. The anticipation and waiting for it to happen were slowly killing me. I just wanted Dean and I to just get it over with.

"You know I wouldn't," I pointed out, sitting up next to him. He took his hand in mine and squeezed. "But fine, we can wait or whatever. I do wanna bet that it won't end up being special though."

An offended look crossed his features. "What do you mean?"

As I realized how my words implied something else, I rushed to clarify. "I mean that nothing ever goes as planned. Like, the odds are, we'd do it before you could make it special." I gingerly touched his cheek. "Besides, it would be special with you even if we did it in the back of a car."

His eyes glinted dangerously and pulled me closer. "That could be arranged."

Laughing, I kissed him again to show I was fine. Maybe it was for the best. Hell, I wasn't even prepared. I'm pretty sure I was wearing mismatch undies.

"Come, let's lie down."

I pouted. "Why can't we go back downstairs?" We could still make it in time for cake.

"I know we didn't do anything, but you sure look like you did," he smirked. Right away, I looked in the mirror hanging against the wall. He was right. My curls flattened to stringy waves from Dean's wandering hands. My eyes were wild and my cheeks looked flustered. Any normal person would assume I just had sex.

"Ugh, you have a point," I sighed, attempting to control my hair.

It didn't work.

"Besides, I need to take a shower. A cold one," he smugly winked before sauntering to the bathroom. My cheeks lit up. He popped his head out and gestured toward the duffle bag on the floor. "You can take a shirt."

I was planning on it anyway. I flashed him a cheeky smile before going to the bag and taking out a t-shirt. It's not like he slept with a shirt on anyway so I wasn't taking anything from him. After settling into bed, I just had to text my best friend. As much as I didn't want to give up my pride, I needed to talk to Jaz. So, I did it.

Me: You were right.

That was my way of admitting it before she said the forbidden words: I told you so.

Jaz: Hm... about what?

Me: You know EXACTLY what -.-

Me: But this isn't about that. This is a code red situation.

Seconds later, Jasmine's name flashed on my screen. I glanced at the closed bathroom door and heard the water running. He wouldn't be out for a while... right?


"Code red?!?! Did it happen? Is my best friend no longer a virgin?!?" she screamed into the phone. I momentarily held the phone away from my ear as she got it all out of her system.

"No," I moodily grumbled. "We got close though."

"What happened? Got nervous?" I could picture the sympathy on her face.


She gasped.

"He didn't have a condom," I said wistfully.

"Dean Cullen didn't carry a condom around? Man, he's so whipped for you. Good thing he's abandoned his player ways." She paused. "Wait, if you didn't have one, why didn't you just ask around? I'm sure someone at the wedding had one."

I snorted and leaned against the wooden headboard. "Yeah, because that's so classy. Besides, he said he wants to make it special or whatever."


"Agreed," I mumbled, hearing the water turn off. "Look, I have to go. We'll talk later?"

"Oh yeah, we have to go lingerie shopping," she sang. Laughing, I hung up the phone.

Wait... she had to be kidding, right?


I distracted myself with my phone until Dean finally slipped out of the bathroom. He didn't even bother putting on clothes. A towel was wrapped snugly around his v-line, not leaving much to the imagination.

However, when he dropped the towel, I squeezed my eyes shut. For extra measure, I clamped my hands over my eyes.

His laughter echoed around the room. If I knew he wasn't fully naked, I would've taken a peek. After all, seeing Dean happy gave me butterflies, even if it was at my expense. However, seeing that I didn't want to catch a glimpse of mini-Dean, I kept my eyes glued shut.

"Arabella... you just..." he gasped between fits of laughter. "Ten minutes ago, you were ready to have sex and now you can't even look at me naked?" Seconds later, my hands were pried from my eyes. I defiantly shook my head, still only seeing the darkness behind my eyelids. "I promise I'm wearing boxers."

I opened my eyes slightly to confirm. When I saw he was clothed, I opened them fully and let out a sigh of relief. Then, I glared at him. "But we didn't do it. I'd like to spare my innocent eyes for as long as possible."

He lazily grinned and kissed my forehead before joining me in bed. We both sat against the headboard, his arm around my waist and my head on his shoulder.

"I hope Nat doesn't mind we left," I sighed, feeling a little guilty. "Now I feel bad. It's your sister's reception."

Dean scoffed. "Don't. I already watched her get married. Besides, I don't wanna see Ethan take off her garter." My nose scrunched in disgust. I always hated the tradition where the groom had to go up the bride's skirt and take off her garter with his teeth. It was such an uncomfortable thing to watch, especially around your family. I totally understood his opinion on that.

"That's true."

He looked down at me with a spark of amusement. "Be honest, are you upset because you missed out on the cake? Or was it because you wanted to catch the bouquet?"

Ah, damn! I thought we avoided this topic.

"Aw Arabella, you don't have to be shy," he teased. "I'd still marry you even if you didn't catch it."

My head whipped up to him so fast I got whiplash. Did he just also insinuate we'd get married one day?

The smirk on his face faded and was replaced by genuineness. His hand reached out and stroked my cheek as he looked deeply into my eyes. "You know I think about our future, right?"


"Really?" I whispered in disbelief.

He smiled and playfully shook his head. "Everyday."

"I just thought–"

He shushed me by placing a finger on my lips. "I know."

Huh, I was genuinely surprised. I mean, I knew Dean and I were actually in a good place, but hearing him consider us having a long future ahead of us warmed my heart.

Just like that, all my embarrassment was gone. "So, how many kids are you thinking?"

His lips formed a devilish smirk. "As many as we can."

I squealed as he attacked me with his lips.


Okay, so it's kinda inevitable that they're going to have sex at some point, so there's a liiiiiiitle bit of smut. Don't worry, I will be putting a content warning before the scene and marking where it ends for my readers who don't like to read that/are underage. It isn't too heavy but just in case :)

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