Souls Intertwined (Fraxus)

By Dofairieshavetails23

41.5K 1K 419

He's just a shy, green haired kid who comes across a guildhall in Magnolia. Not much is known about his past... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's Note
An Autumn to Remember (Oneshot)

Chapter 30

930 16 6
By Dofairieshavetails23

I feel so... drowsy.

I slowly open my eyes and find myself laid out on the dusty ground.

I look to the left of me, a hand is still holding on tightly to mine. Laxus...

I quickly sit up, causing my brain to feel like it left my body. As I observe my surroundings, I realise we are still on Tenrou island.

I know I'm not dreaming, but I can't get my head around as to what happened or why we are still alive. I look up to the sky and see that Acnologia is nowhere to be seen.

Around me, the other guild members are beginning to wake too, Laxus however, is still laid on the ground.

I crawl over to him and sit on top of him, trying to wake him up. I place my hands on both sides of his face before softly stroking his forehead, then his hair.

"Please wake up Laxus." I whisper.

I put my head to his chest. I can hear his heart beating, which sends a wave of relief over me, but I can still tell that something isn't right.

"Laxus. Laxus!"

I keep trying to call to him, calling to his soul as it's the only thing keeping him alive right now.

I look around me, searching for help, but no one is conscious enough to help me out.

I close my eyes, browsing through all of the knowledge in my brain to find that nugget of information that would bring Laxus back to me.

One thing came to mind...

All the way back to the time before I confessed my love to Laxus. Somewhere in a yaoi manga I was reading... The main character was in the same position as me, they kissed their one true love and they woke them up.

It's a long shot, but it's the only one I have.

I lower my head and observe all of the details on Laxus' face; his scar, his chiseled cheek bones, his warm and embracing lips.

My eyes begin to water as I feel panic rising inside of me. What if this doesn't actually work? What will I do then? I squeeze my eyes shut as a tear escapes and lands on Laxus' cheek.

My lips make a harder impact than planned onto Laxus'. His lips aren't as soft as they usually are, they feel slightly chapped, most likely due to enduring the elements and taking a hell of a beating from Hades. I intertwine my lips with his, almost like I'm trying to moisturise his dry lips.

I pull away and sit back on top of him, waiting for some sign of life.

As the seconds passed, my heart was aching more and more.

A gasp.

Laxus' chest rises and falls, he started breathing again.

Thank the lord for Cana's yaoi wisdom!

Laxus sits up as I slide backwards onto his lap. Laxus coughs a couple more times like he caught his breath. He looks at me, confused at first, but then a massive grin appears and he grabs me, squeezing me tightly into his chest.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Laxus says with a gruff voice.

"I should say the same about you." I giggle with relief.

Laxus grabs my face and snogs me like it's the last time.

I cuddle into him like the big teddy bear that he is and we just take the time to figure out what is going on.

All the other guild members came around and we just embrace one another as we are so relieved to be alive. None of us knew what happened and I must admit that we were quite shocked to see how different Magnolia looked when we sailed back to the mainland.

It wasn't until we arrived home that we realised that we were laying dormant on Tenrou island for seven years and in that time, Fairy Tail had fallen to ruins.

After some discussion, we came to the conclusion that Mavis (the first master of Fairy Tail) aided us in producing the fairy sphere that protected us from Acnologia's attack. The only downside to the spell is that it took seven years to fully save us from the strong blast produced, but at the end of the day, everyone was just glad to be alive, especially our friends at home who believed us to be dead.

Once the guild was taken back from Twilight Ogre by the three great forces of Fairy Tail: Mira, Erza and Master Makarov, we all had a massive celebration.

Gray and Natsu fought in the corner, Cana was drinking all the booze, Levy and Gajeel seemed to be getting cosy, and the four of us in the Thunder Legion were sat around a table.

"To friendship, love and hopefully no more disasters." I say chipperly as I raise my glass.

"Cheers!" The others responded as we all clinked our glasses together before taking a swig of our beverages.

Laxus wraps his arm around my shoulders and hooks me into him.

"You two really are just adorable." Evergreen giggles.

"Well, one thing's for certain, I've done my soul searching and I've finally got what I've wanted all along. I'm never letting this one go again." Laxus replies as he kisses my forehead.

"That's sweet and all, but Master hasn't let you back in the guild. We can at least all live together again, right?" Bickslow asks.

Laxus sighs as he runs his hand down his face and rests it against his cheek.

"I forgot about that." Laxus says with disappointment.

"I'm sure once things get back to semi- normality again he'll consider letting you back in." Evergreen comments.

"You don't know him like I do, he's a stubborn old bastard." Laxus complains.

"At least you still have us." I say with a smile.

Laxus' frown turns around as he grins at me and pulls me in closer.

"You're right. I'll always be here from now on." Laxus replies.

"Attention!" Makarov shouts.

Everyone gathers in front of the bar to listen to Master Makarov's seemingly important news.

"I will be retiring, but your new Master will be Gildarts!" Makarov announces.

We are all excited to hear the wonderful news... but the excitement drifted into confusion when Mirajane was stood in Gildarts place.

In typical Gildarts fashion, he left a note stating that he was off on his adventures once again and couldn't handle the responsibility of being Guild master, much to the dismay of Master Makarov, whose retirement didn't last any longer than three minutes.

However, before Gildarts passed the baton of Guild master back to Makarov, he made just one request.

"I officially reinstate Laxus Dreyar as a member of Fairy Tail." Master Makarov reads.

"What..." Laxus mutters.

"WHAT!!!" Master Makarov exclaims as the whole guild laugh at his over the top reaction.

My eyes lit up, my heart fluttered faster than hummingbird wings, I literally thought I was going to shoot through the thatched roof with absolute ecstacy!

Instead, all I could do was cry enough tears to fill the river nile, happy tears of course.

"Thank you Gildarts. God bless you, you absolute miracle on Earth." I say to myself, just letting the emotional tears flow.

"I think he's actually lost it this time." Evergreen comments.

"I'm surprised too, but just let him have his moment." Laxus replies.

Laxus is still surprised and stunned by the latest news. He's happy, but he still can't believe that he has finally redeemed himself after everything he did.

Evergreen turns to Laxus and smiles at him brightly. She wraps her arms around his arm and hugs him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're back, it's like my big brother has returned home." Evergreen mentions as one or two tears left her eyes.

"I'll always be here for all of you now." Laxus replies as he gently strokes Evergreen's head.

On the other side of the room, the letter that Gildarts left hit quite differently.

"What did that punk think he was doing." Master Makarov grumbles.

"Now, now, what Gildarts wrote is law. Besides, I'm sure he wouldn't have let Laxus in if he didn't think he deserved it." Mira mentions.

"I guess you're right, if that's what he requests then I will respect his demand." Master Makarov replies.

I hurtled towards Laxus and grabbed him with both arms, I didn't let go for a solid five minutes, he couldn't get me off of him either.

"You're stuck with me now." I laugh.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." Laxus replies with a big grin on his face.

For the first time in ages, I looked into Laxus' deep blue eyes with steel flecks scattered and they twinkled. From my guess, he's truly happy again, the Laxus that I remember meeting for the first time ten years ago.

Laxus' POV

Being a part of the guild again felt really good and after our triumph at the Grand Magic games, I thought it would be the perfect time to organise a surprise for Freed.

"You're gonna get engaged!" Bickslow exclaims.


I look around briefly to see if anyone heard Bickslow. I take a sip from my drink as Mira delivers lunch to our table.

"Sorry. It's just very sudden isn't it?" Bickslow asks.

"Not to me it isn't. Me and Freed have been together for years now. I feel like now would be the best time to move forward in our relationship." I explain.

"I'm really happy for you buddy, how are you going to ask him?" Bickslow asks.

"That's what I wanted to ask you. I don't really know how to go about it." Laxus replies.

Bickslow eats some chips as he tries to think of an idea.

"Sorry, nothing. Why don't you ask Ever? She would be better at this sort of thing than me." Bickslow responds.

"Yeah... but she seems to be busy with Elfman lately. Who else would be good at setting something like this up?" I question.

I had a suspicion that someone was listening in, it turns out that my suspicion was correct. I could've told them to mind their own damn business, but then I would have had a major incident on my hands.

"Hi there guys." Mirajane says with the sweetest, most cutesy voice she could muster.

Everyone loves Mirajane, even me, but she is the one person who you cannot leave a secret with, she just wants to spill it to everybody when she's working behind the bar. Also, somehow she seems to have this super sensitive hearing, even better than a Dragonslayer's.

"I know what you want, and it's not gonna happen." I reply.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mira replies innocently.

I turn around in my chair to look Mira directly in the eye.

"I think you do."

Mirajane raises a brow as she crouches down and smiles at me.

"You may be good at a lot of things, Laxus Dreyar, but one thing you can't do is party planning." Mira grins.

"Are you suggesting that my solution is to throw a party?" I ask.

"Maybe. If you'd like, I'd be more than happy to help to speed up the process." Mira hints.

"Well, that's very thoughtful of you, but I think I'll pass. I can do it myself." I respond.

"Really? If you want it to be a surprise party, then I think you should involve me." Mira says as she stands up.

"Laxus. Drop the act and just get her to help for goodness sake!" Bickslow exclaims.

I stand up and face Mira, she looks at me smugly, and I return the same reaction to her.

"Even if I did, it still wouldn't be a surprise, would it." I state.

"I can keep secrets!" Mira raises her voice as she pouts at me.

"You can't! What about the time when-"

"That was one time. Come on Laxus! You want Freed to have a great time don't you?" Mira asks.

"I can give him a good time." Laxus grins.

Mira slaps my arm, and it frickin' hurt.

"Number one, don't be such a lecher! Number two, Freed is not manly like you, he will want a semi elegant affair, one that I can create with my feminine talents." Mira explains.

At this rate, I could argue with Mira forever, I almost did one time when we were teenagers talking about which rock and roll group was better. All I could do, was give in.

"Ok, ok. I will let you help. However, one word of this to anybody, especially Freed, and I will not invite you to the wedding." I demand.

For a brief second, Mira's eyes watered, a little bit of fear struck through her, but then she smiled, she rose up to the challenge of keeping her mouth zipped.

The last thing to know about Mirajane, she loves shipping people, and she loves a wedding. Her one weak point that I was able to attack.

After discussing all of the details with Mira, she estimated that it would take a week to get things arranged.

When it finally came round to the day of the proposal party, there were just two tasks that needed to be completed:

1. Decorate the guild hall and get everyone there on time.


2. Keep Freed away at all costs.

Since I have to be in the midst of all the decorations, food, drink, etc. being set up, I gave Bickslow a big roll of cash and asked him to take Freed around all the shops in the local area. As a bonus, Evergreen also offered to help keep Freed occupied until the evening.

"I'll see you guys later, and if Freed asks about why he needs to dress up nice for tonight, tell him that the four of us are going out for dinner." I explain.

"Good plan, we'll make sure he doesn't suspect anything." Evergreen replies.

The preparations were moving along smoothly, until Lucy approaches me shortly after lunch.

"I'm sorry to be a pain Laxus, but Natsu is refusing to wear a suit tonight and I think Gray is agreeing with him, for once." Lucy mentions.

"That's the last thing I need. You have told them why this is really important, right?" I ask.

"I wouldn't have come to you otherwise." Lucy replies.

I sigh heavily. The only thing to do would be to knock some sense into them I guess...

"Erza!" I call.

Erza appears around the corner of the kitchen with her chef's hat on and a frilly apron tied around her waist.

"Yes?" Erza asks.

"I need you to go and beat up Gray and Natsu until they decide to put their suits on for tonight." I request.

"I'm at a very important stage of making the cake though." Erza says grumpily.

"I can take over, just let me know what you want me to do." Lucy says with a smile.

"Hmm. Okay, I trust you. Are Natsu and Gray at your flat?" Erza asks.

"Unfortunately, yes." Lucy replies with her head hung low.

"Thanks guys, I appreciate it." I say as I help set up the other decorations.

By the late afternoon, everything looked perfect. Freed likes red, and so we based the décor around that colour as well as silver and a light cream.

I dashed home to get dressed into my purple shirt and black trousers and grab the engagement ring before Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen arrived.

When I returned to the guild, most of the guild members were there on time. Gray and Natsu were dressed up smartly and Erza was stood proudly next to the red velvet cake she had made earlier.

All that is left now is to wait for Freed to arrive.

Freed's POV

I dressed up in my red blazer with a frilly cravate, white shirt, and black trousers and I had a good laugh with Evergreen and Bickslow as we walked to the guild hall together.

I can't wait to have dinner with my darling Laxus and my two best friends, it feels like we haven't done anything like this in a really long time.

I open the doors and what I saw was nothing short of absolutely breathtaking. The guild hall is completely glammed up, I can't believe it's the same building.

Everyone is standing together with a glass of bubbly in their hand and Laxus, looking as handsome as ever, is stood in the center. His smile is gleaming and it's making my heart melt.

"Is all of this for me?" I ask.

Me and Laxus approach each other as Laxus takes my hands in his and looks at me with his smouldering grin that he does and his kind eyes just make me weak at the knees.

"Of course my love. I did have a little help, but this is something that I have wanted to do for you for a while, I wish I had done it sooner." Laxus explains.

"It's fine. No time like the present huh? Anyway, I absolutely love this surprise party, thank you." I respond, feeling my cheeks warm up with joy.

Laxus walks me over to the front of the bar as everyone gathers around us. I don't quite understand it, but maybe Laxus wants to make a special spectacal of our relationship as his way of pampering me.

Laxus grips on tighter to my hands as he gazes into my eyes, like looking into the universe where there is so much to see and it's so astounding that you can't take your eyes off of it.

"Freed, when I first met you, you were just this timid pre-teen on the outside, but I could see when I met you that you had a heart of gold. I don't know where I would be now if I never met you.

As you grew, you built up one sarcastic, crazy, fiery, massive personality, like a firework going off, but you never lost that caring nature that you've always had. Even when I pushed you away, you never left me and if everything that happened over the last 10 years is anything to go by, I think you'll agree with me that we come as a pair.

If we perished on Tenrou, we would've been one big twinkling star in the night sky, because our souls were meant to collide and intertwine and we are essentially one now. I want to formally confirm our bond and live with you until we turn old and are sitting on a bench in a park, holding hands and feeding the ducks. Freed, my hot, amazing, one of a kind, donut, will you marry me?"

Laxus' speech was just his heart being revealed to the world, all of his emotions, from sadness, to happiness, to anger, to love, he poured out the lot.

Laxus took out a red velvet box and got down on one knee. Although everyone sort of knew that this was going to happen, it didn't stop all of the gasps and whispers in the background.

The box opens, revealing a sterling silver ring with two gems in the middle, one being emerald and the other is yellow topaz.

I stand there, shaking. I can't take it all in. I feel like it's all happening so quickly. Marriage. Eternal bond. Of course I want to be with Laxus forever, but... I'm just so surprised and overwhelmed, I can't get the words out of my mouth.

The ring is stunning and I'm gazing at it adoringly. I lift my eyes to look at Laxus and I notice a couple drops of sweat forming on his forehead, his smile looks like he is putting in all of his energy to keep it upright, he's so nervous.

I feel everyone's eyes on me, Evergreen and Bickslow in the background nodding their heads like bobble heads on a fast and bumpy car ride. I'm taking too long. For goodness sake Freed! Say yes and claim your man that you've fought so long and hard for!

"Yes!" I burst out as I jump on top of Laxus.

Everyone cheers and the pops and bubbles from the champagne fill the room with plenty of confetti to follow.

My heart is beating way faster than any exercise ever could make it work. My cheeks glow red from all the excitement and the fact that for a brief moment, I thought I wasn't going to be able to say anything.

Me and Laxus both leaned our heads in and tilted slightly so our noses brushed past each other. Laxus' breathing is heavy as the adrenaline rushes through his body like a formula one race car, I feel his muscular chest pressing against mine as our heartbeats mingle.

Our lips unite, Laxus' lips like a soft cloud that sets all of my hormones into motion. His kisses are always so sweet, but as we get more and more into it, it turns rugged as his lips take a strong hold onto mine and will never let go.

I ruffle Laxus' hair with my hands as he grips his hands tightly to my waist, pulling me in as far as he can. I run my hand along his neck as we try to push our faces closer together to embrace the kiss of all kisses for as long as we can without it becoming weird in front of the whole guild. At that moment though, we didn't care who was watching, we are stuck in our own little world, one I wish we never had to leave.

His lips and mine departed for now as we tried to steady our rapid breathing and settle the fluttering butterflies inside of us. Laxus took my hand in his and placed the glistening ring on my finger. He gazed into my eyes affectionately as they began to water.

"You look beautiful." Laxus says softly.

"And you look smokin' hot." I reply with a huge smile on my face.

Laxus chuckles at my remark as he lifts up my left hand and brings it to his lips. He kisses it lightly before looking into my eyes once more.

"Soon, you will be Mr. Freed Dreyar." Laxus smiles.

I roll my eyes upwards as my face fills with the red of embarrassment. I fix my eyes on Laxus again as all I can do is giggle like someone is tickling me.

"Stop. I can't stop blushing and my heart won't slow down. Mr. Dreyar, how much longer will you make me feel like this?" I ask.

"For the rest of your life." Laxus replies.

We share one final kiss before standing up together as we hug one another and hold each other close.

"To the happiest couple Fairy Tail is gonna see until Gajeel gets Levy a ring!" Natsu yells.

Levy blushes a vivid shade of pink that I never thought was possible. Gajeel storms towards Natsu and smacks him in the face with his iron rod arm.

"Stop ruining their special day!" Gajeel yells.

Natsu retaliates with a flame kick on Gajeel's head, smashing him to the ground.

"You didn't deny it!" Natsu taunts.

"I don't have to! There's nothing going on!" Gajeels shouts as he attempts to kick Natsu with his iron coated leg, only it hit Gray instead.

Gray had a face of thunder as he threw shards of ice at Gajeel and Natsu.

"Are you trying to kill me!" Gray yells.

A fight between the three of them ensues, which begins to really rile up Laxus.

"Stand back Freed, I'll teach em' for ruining your special day." Laxus grumbles as he rolls up his sleeves.

Before Laxus could get a fist in the fight, he was beaten to it by Erza.

"How dare you ruin Freed and Laxus' special day! You even destroyed the cake!" Erza screams.

Erza had all three of the troublemakers on the ground in no time, it was so brutal it made me wince a few times.

With all the fighting aside, the rest of the evening went off without a hitch.

Dancing, eating, drinking, we did the lot and I still can't believe that this is all happening.

"I knew this day would come eventually, I'm so happy for you, hun!" Evergreen says to me as she gives me a huge hug.

"Thanks. Hey, maybe it won't be too long before another engagement party kicks off." I reply as I look over to Elfman.

"There's nothing between us, don't be so absurd, but I put my money of Gajeel and Levy for certain." Evergreen grins.

I approach Laxus later in the evening as we share a dance together. When the song finished, everyone cheered and we were planning on partying for the whole entire night.

"I'm so lucky to have met you. Considering the hell I went through before I came here. You were my life line." I say softly.

Me and Laxus are sprawled out on one of the benches in the guild with just a blanket over us. It's 4 AM the next morning, most people were too drunk to get home, so it has turned from a lavish party, to a camping trip.

Laxus wraps his arms around me and spoons me into him. I feel his warm breath against my face and I can smell the alcohol and liqueur coming off of him.

"And you were mine. We have our whole lives ahead of us Freed, I can't wait to see what happens next." Laxus mutters as he kisses my forehead.

"I know I keep saying this, but I love you, Laxus." I whisper as I rest my head on Laxus' chest.

"I love you too, Freed." Laxus ushers back to me.

As the sun rises on a new day, me and Laxus drift to sleep in each others arms as we attempt to sleep off the impending hangover that will inevitably effect most of us today. Thank goodness for Mira's miracle breakfast that she makes.

A/N: I hope you have enjoyed the final chapter and I thought I would draw a picture of the happy couple to finish the chapter and to say thank you to you guys for reading my fanfic!

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