To Live Or Die (Book Two)

By Keekaneena

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After finding love and realizing that there is a propecy about her, Kat and Cain proceed to train for the upc... More

Chapter One: At Least Smile As You Hurt Me!
Chapter Two: Babies!?!? WTF!!
Chapter Three: Demonic Presence
Chapter Four: A Name and A Plan
Chater Five: Lose All Control
Chapter Six : Destruction & Guilt
Chapter Seven : Exorcism Part I
Chapter Eight: Exorcism Part II
Chapter Nine : The Air Element
Chapter Ten: Hunt for information
Chapter Eleven: Much Needed Rest
Chapter Thirteen: Abuse Again And Still No Smile
Chapter Fourteen: The Date Night
Chapter Fifteen : Cheating?
Chapter Sixteen : The Green Eyed Monster
Chapter Seventeen : Backseat Driver
Suprise Partner
In The Human City
Chapter Twenty: Run Away... Again
Chapter Twenty-one: Family Reunion
Chapter Twenty-Two: She Wolf
Chapter Twenty-three :
Chapter Twenty-Four: Two Day Wait
Chapter Twenty-five :
Chapter Twenty-six : Information
Chapter 27: New Plan
Chapter 28 - Cravings?
Chapter 29 : Fresh Wounds
Chapter 30: All About the Bond
New Idea: Part 31
Untitled Part 32
Chapter 33 : you didn't know?!?!
Chapter 34 : Unexpected Help
Chapter 35 : Tender Moment
Untitled Part 36
Chapter 37 : Forget Morning Sickness
Part 38 : Not Breakable Just Pregnant
Ch 39
Chapter 40 : Can't go back on uneasy feelings
Chapter 41 : Meetings To Make More Meetings
Chapter 42: When I get around to it
Shocker times two: chapter 43
Untitled Part 44
Part 45 : Joint Ideas
Part 46 - Greasy Like Slime
Part 48 - Council of Fools
Part 49 - It Starts
Part 50 - Evils of The World
Part 51 : Not Part of the Plan
Part 52 : The Grand Escape
Part 53 : Decision Time

Chapter Twelve: The Prophecy

115 9 4
By Keekaneena

Entering the library was a little nerve wracking; I had no clue what they found out or what is going to happen. But I guess this way we at least have a better understanding of what will happen.

"Good you two made it." Draven greets us smiling. Dax, Lane and Trey were sitting at one table with the book that Cain had found, Carmella was at the front chalk board with Draven, so Cain and I went over to the love seat that was to the right of the table of vampires.

"I'm guessing by the smile on your face these three were a big help in deciphering what ever language the book was wrote in." Cain stated as he slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Yes, it turns out this book was written by one of the founding vampires also known today as one of the ancients. This certain man had a gift of visions, but they were all of the future so it took a little while before he started documenting his visions." Carmella explains to us.

"The ancients are respected highly, kind of like your werewolf committee who keeps peace between packs. Only difference is each ancient has a particular power, they are all different powers. There is the vision of the future, telekinesis which involves moving objects with their thoughts and mind reading which works on everyone. There are three families who inherit these traits as the oldest generation passes away and they are the Eddington family who controls the mind reading. The Grainger family who controls the telekinesis, and finally the.." Lane was cut off by the door opening and Jenson walked in.

"The Udall family, my family is who controls the vision of the future." Jenson informs the room, while everyone sits there in silence slowly taking in the new information they have learned. Its deathly silent as everyone just stares at Jenson, William walks in behind Jenson with another book that looks identical to the one Draven has.

"Wait, so that's why you came to me in that abandoned library at Alpha Jason's. You knew the war was happening and you know the out come don't you?" I asked, well more like stated but I was pretty sure Jenson knew something he wasn't telling us.

"Yes that is why I came to you because I knew what would happen if we didn't make some kind of alliance. But no I don't know what the outcome is, that is the problem with these books that my family has kept. If one tiny detail is changed then the whole course of the future is changed. That is why these books are kept together because not all of it will be true. They are visions of the future yes, but each vision is a what if." He explained, but I don't think too many people followed what he meant.

"Wait I'm confused here, so does that mean what we have translated might be wrong?" Carmella asks baffled.

"Yes. Let me put it to you this way, I had a vision of a war that happens but in my vision I hadn't gone to Kat to make a deal or pact or what ever you want to call our little agreement. So I got to see the future play out that way, and let me say in the end it was horrific. So I recognized the land and I went and found her and gave her some information and changed that future. So the vision I seen won't come true because of what I did to change it. So what is written in these books some have come true and some haven't, it all depends on what choices were made as to if the future will change." Jenson and William made their way over to the other vampires and set their books down as well.

"We were just about to explain the prophecy to them Dux Ducis." Trey said as he bowed his head towards Jenson.

"Aah yes the prophecy, feel free to continue they deserve to know but the rest of the research on all the visions will be left to William and myself because of these being my family books." He stated as he eyed up everyone else in the room as if someone would argue with him. Everyone just nodded in agreement, waiting silently for Trey to tell us about the prophecy.

"Your prophecy is a tale that every vampire knows, but we call it a fable tale. It wasn't until reading some parts in this book did I realize they were both the same tale. The story tells of a family line that is a descendant from the Udall family, but they are not vampires at all, they are werewolves. The family name is Montgomery and they are also known as the air elementals." I freeze at the mention of my great grandfather's name.

"That is why we knew who to help with this upcoming war, Kat is the first female air element that is a werewolf. Yes the other elementals are werewolves as well but you are the first and only known female in history that is why you are special. I don't know if you know this or not but you also have the Udall family gift of visions of the future, but because of your heritage it isn't as strong as Jenson's gift of visions." My throat got dry at the mention of visions, I do have strange dreams but I have never realized that they are visions of the future.

"Yes, this is why you are the chosen one to help fix the evil of the fae race, or destroy them all. Because you have more then one gift which makes your power the greatest of them all. I believe you could even surpass an ancient vampire with the proper training. Which is why we need to up the amount of training you have so we can help you with you're newly learned of powers of visions." Lane adds in to Trey's explanation. Jenson breaks into the conversation with an additional thought.

"Although as I have said, these books need to be gone through before we can start your training with your visions, so you will just have to continue your physical and power training until I am ready to start training with you as well." I let out a breath I didn't even realize I had been holding in, I don't want any more training but apparently I need it. Cain gives my hand a squeeze in an attempt to tell me its all ok.

"Any ways, the story continues that there will be many struggles for you to over come as preparation for this war. I am thinking the demon was one of them, and we have succeeded with that. But just remember there are more struggles for you Kat, many more to come. The war will not come until you have proven yourself worthy in every aspect of you. Basically each incident will test you mentally, physically and emotionally, pushing you to your maximum limits which in the end will make you the strongest species of fae ever known. So we have time to get everyone prepared before the war starts." Trey finishes explaining things to everyone. But the only thing I can focus on is that basically there is so much more pain and suffering to come before the war even starts, not the news I was hoping for but I guess the only thing I can do is push forward and tough it out.

"Now you know everything, I think William and I will ask everyone else to leave and continue with their training and preparations. We will go through my family's books and see if there is anything we can find in here that will help us in any way. Once the books are sorted through I will find you Kathryne and we will start our training. In the mean time if you have any dreams, write them down as soon as you have them. They may help us and they may not we just don't know right now." With that Jenson and William turned towards the books and started reading. Cain didn't hesitate as he pulled me off the couch and we left, both sitting in silence as we walked down the hallway not really knowing where we were heading. Just walking and holding hands while we are off in our own world.

"Cain, can we go for a run?" I ask out of no where, my wolf has been after me to let her out the last couple days but with that demon I couldn't.

"That sounds like the perfect thing to do right now babe. Let's go." He smiled as we headed towards the back yard hand in hand. We walked a little ways into the trees out back and I stripped fast and shifted instantly.

It felt so good, almost like a really good stretch and yawn after a good nights sleep. My wolf was ecstatic so I let her have full control, we turn around to see Cain has shifted already as well. My wolf nips at his front paws, causing him to back up and growl a little bit.

"Hey now, don't start something you can't finish babe." Cain's voice resounded in my mind.

"Catch me if you can Alpha." I giggled back at him in response as my wolf turned and took off before he even realized what was going on.

My wolf was the fastest wolf around, well at my parents pack any ways. I was even faster then my father who is the Alpha, so needless to say I ended up being faster the Cain. He pouted through the link so my wolf slowed down a little so he could catch up. My wolf and Cain's wolf played with each other, pouncing on top of one another, rolling around, and just having a fun time until we came to the edge of the territory where there was a small clearing.

We stopped and shifted, pulling on our clothes so we weren't naked any more. I smiled as Cain approached me with a lopsided grin on his face.

"That was fun." I sighed out as his arms wrapped around my waist pulling our bodies flush against each other.

"No fair that your faster then me." He pouted, pushing out his bottom lip. I laughed at how cute he looked as I took that opportunity to kiss him. It didn't last long but it was nice and it helped ease our tension. Cain pulled me over to the tree line and we sat down and watched the sun set, it was beautiful and relaxing. It also gave us both time to think as we sit in silence enjoying the beautiful view and rainbow of colors as the sun disappeared and the moon rose slowly. Soon we wouldn't have the time to be this relaxed because tomorrow training resumed for me and I am sure Cain had some pack work to get back to as well, so for now I was going to enjoy the peace and relaxed state I was in right now.

**** If anyone is confused just ask. I hope I explained it clear enough, I am not really good with information haha but I did try!! A bit of a twist there, Kat being related to Vampires. But that does explain why she had a dream of her Great Grandfather right!! Pretty please VOTE!!!****

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