Souls Intertwined (Fraxus)

By Dofairieshavetails23

41.5K 1K 419

He's just a shy, green haired kid who comes across a guildhall in Magnolia. Not much is known about his past... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
An Autumn to Remember (Oneshot)

Chapter 26

633 20 7
By Dofairieshavetails23

We've been on this job request for three years now. The mayor of the town allowed us to stay in a hotel whilst we were here with no extra cost. We've gathered intel on the dark guild and have been slowly infiltrating it day by day; however, we are far from done yet.

Although we are members of Fairy Tail, all four of us have become self reliant on one another and are slowly beginning to forget our comrades back home. I've stopped sending letters to Cana about a year ago since I feel that our friendship has become more distant and we don't seem to relate to each other anymore, she's even started drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and wouldn't stop despite my multiple attempts to reason with her.

I sit at the desk in our hotel room, staring out of the window and seeing boats sailing into the harbour and hearing the seagulls calling. I read one of the books I borrowed from the library about dark ecriture magic and transformation and practice writing the runes and spells on a piece of paper.

I hear the door handle click and turn my head to see Laxus walk through the door. As a disguise to keep his identity hidden, he's temporarily covered his guild mark, dyed his hair black and wears a black suit with a white shirt and red tie. I love how Laxus looks without the disguise, but I'm also making the most of his new appearance.

"Hey, where's Bickslow and Ever?" Laxus asks as he shuts the door behind him.

"They popped into town to get some groceries, I said I would stay here to keep an eye on things." I reply as I out my pen down.

"Fair play." Laxus responds as he removes his blazer.

I jump out of my seat and briskly walk towards Laxus.

"Here, let me do that for you." I offer as I take Laxus' blazer and sling it across the chair nearby.

I walk closer to Laxus and back him against the wall. He grins at me with the biggest, most smoldering grin I've ever seen.

"Feeling frisky are we?" Laxus questions.

"You bet I am." I respond with a cheeky grin.

I press my lips onto Laxus' lips and begin kissing them profusely. I undo the top couple of buttons of Laxus' shirt and loosen his tie for him. I grab the corners of his shirt near the collar and bring his face closer to mine.

We continue interlocking lips and Laxus invades my mouth with his tongue, attacking every area possible. In defense, I do the same to him. Laxus hits the key target in my mouth, causing me to release a light moan that seems to turn him on even further.

I remove Laxus' shirt as fast a I can and toss it aside. I place my hands on his chest and caress every muscle on his torso. I wrap my arms around his neck and Laxus moves on from kissing my lips to massaging my neck and upper torso with his lips, planting kisses where he can. All of this continues to make me release moaning noises and panting as I try to refrain from being too loud, but this just encourages Laxus to try harder to satisfy me.

Despite the fact that I was going to try and lead this make out session, Laxus once again dominates me, but I love that aspect of him.

Laxus removes my shirt and continues to kiss and lick every part of my torso. I press my lips together, trying to stop further sounds of pleasure escaping me.

"Freed, you know I don't like it when you hold back." Laxus comments, breathing heavier.

Laxus grabs my face with both hands and looks directly into my eyes.

"You're gonna make as much noise as you can, because I'm gonna force it out of you." Laxus whispers close to my ear, causing all of the hairs on my body to stand on end.

I can't help but grin as Laxus returns to worshipping my body. He breathes over my nipples, the moist warmth causing them to harden and my body becoming stiff from my senses hitting overdrive.

Laxus playfully rubs my nipples between his fingers whilst keeping me pinned against the wall. My head almost spasms from side to side as my body can't take the sensation Laxus is giving me. Laxus licks and moves his tongue around the nubs and causes me to moan louder and breath heavier.

"Good boy." Laxus says seductively with a grin on his face.

I grab hold of Laxus around his neck as he scoops me up from underneath and carries me into our bedroom. We begin kissing once more as Laxus kicks the door shut and he drops me onto the bed. He kicks his shoes off and climbs on top of me, my arms stretched above me as I'm ready to take whatever he's got planned.

Laxus removes my trousers in almost a single move. He runs his hand down my chest, massaging my body, as he works his way down to my groin. My face glows red as I know what's coming, even after all this time I find it embarrassing, but I love it so much at the same time.

We continue to embrace each other and Laxus works his magic on me.

Some time later, Laxus flops beside me on the bed, one arm above his head and the other arm cuddling me into him as I pull the duvet over both of us. I see the sweat trickling down his face, so I grab a flannel and pat him down.

"Thank you, I needed that." Laxus says with a smile.

"The flannel or the other?" I question with a giggle.

"Both are good, but the other was amazing." Laxus replies.

"Well, I should be thanking you, you did all the hard work." I say as I put the flannel down next to the bed.

"Yeah, but you the one who initiated it. It probably wouldn't of happened if you didn't trigger it." Laxus explains as he raises a brow at me.

"We were alone, and I really wanted you." I respond with a grin.

"Same here. I've been so stressed lately because of the job request and everything, but you make that stress go away." Laxus says softly.

"Thanks, but it's only because I love you." I reply.

Me and Laxus kiss each other as we turn onto our sides to face each other.

"When I met you for the first time, 8 years ago, I never would've thought you'd be this seductive and naughty." Laxus chuckles.

"Let's face it, we both didn't know that we were bisexual and gay or that our friendship would become love." I reply as I hold Laxus' hand.

"Very true." Laxus responds.

"Besides, I only picked up these tricks because of Cana finding all those BL books for me to read." I add.

"Thank the Lord for Cana." Laxus says loudly.

Both of us laugh together and continue hugging and holding onto one another, temporarily forgetting the world around us.

"We're back Freed!" Evergreen shouts.

"Ah shit!" Me and Laxus exclaim in unison as we both roll out of bed and get changed at lightning speed.

I know, Evergreen and Bickslow already know that we're dating, so they expect us to spend some alone time together, but to avoid any awkwardness between the four of us and Bickslow finding a way to make a joke out of it, me and Laxus decided it's best if we try to keep the highest level of discretion possible.

Me and Laxus leave the bedroom and see Evergreen and Bickslow unloading the groceries.

"Ah there you are, I didn't realise you would be back so soon Laxus." Evergreen comments.

"Neither did I to be fair, but if I did anymore snooping around today then I would've been busted." Laxus explains.

"It's an improvement on a month ago anyway, you seem to be slowly spending more and more time with the guild." Bickslow replies.

"Yeah, I've almost established complete trust with them now. Once I've got them in the palm of my hand, then we'll strike. As soon as I get more information on the magical capabilities of the members, then the four of us can come up with a plan to take them down." Laxus informs.

"Sounds like good news, hopefully it won't be too long before we complete the job request and come back as heroes." I say with joy.

The four of us continue chatting and silently celebrating our developing victory. Me and Laxus are in such a good place now and he seems to be a lot happier than he's been in a long time, hopefully things will stay this way for years to come.

Two years later...

The four of us managed to take down the dark guild at long last. Laxus was able to fully infiltrate the guild and get in close with the Master, gaining his trust and allowing us to catch them unguarded. Whilst me, Bickslow and Ever took down the remaining minions of the guild after we diverted half of the guild out of the base, Laxus started attacking the Master and we joined in to help deal the finishing blow.

A few members of the Magic council came by to pick up the dark wizards and we were kept for a couple of hours for questioning, telling them everything we knew and discovered for the last five years. Although Laxus took this seriously, I could tell that he was on top of the world deep down, defeating a dark guild with four wizards is no mean feat, especially if no one has been able to do it in 10 years.

The Magic council closed down the guild hall and taped it up for further investigation. Laxus, me, Ever and Bickslow returned to the town hall and were praised for our hard work; we received A LOT of Jewel, it'll take care of our bills for the next six months. The mayor said we could come back anytime and he'll help us with anything we want or need.

We went back to the hotel to pack our luggage and walked to the train station to make our way back to Magnolia.

Standing on the platform, we awaited the train that was due in 10 minutes.

"It feels strange doesn't it?" Evergreen questions.

"What does?" I ask.

"Well, we've been living in this town for 5 years, it feels like it's become home for us, and yet it isn't, we're returning home now, but it just feels so weird." Evergreen explains.

"I get that. I don't think I've missed anyone in Fairy Tail." Bickslow replies.

"We never needed them. This is what I was trying to prove, we can work by ourselves, us four are the strongest mages in Fairy Tail, we can make the guild stronger together." Laxus responds.

"I guess that's true..." I say with uncertainty.

"Are you saying that you still considered Fairy Tail your home? Even after all these years." Evergreen replies.

"Yeah. I mean, I never hated being here, but I never thought of this as being my home at any point." I state.

"That's fair enough Freed." Laxus says.

I spend some time thinking to myself. I kind of feel like an outcast almost. I feel like I'm picking between two sides since Laxus, Bickslow and Evergreen don't seem to have any emotional ties with the guild anymore, yet I'm trying to decide if I feel the same way. The only tie I probably have left is Master Makarov. During my time here I heard that Gildarts went AWOL, Cana seems to have chosen the booze as her friend and they were the only two people in the guild who I thought I could rely on other than the Thunder Legion.

"We'll be okay when we get back right? Like, Master Makarov won't reject us will he?" I question.

Laxus looks at me with surprise before approaching me and wrapping his arm around me.

"Don't worry Freed, after all this job request was to boost the guild's strength, I'm sure things will go back to normal when we return, the only difference is that I will hopefully be doing more leadership roles around the guild to help the old man." Laxus explains.

"Yeah, you're right, we're fine as we are." I reply.

Laxus smiles at me and I smile back, pleased that Laxus is happier in himself, maybe the five year break is exactly what he needed.

I look to the right of me, waiting to see the train pull in. A group of what appears to be wizards approach the platform, presumably waiting for the same train as us.

"Have you guys heard about the incident at Fairy Tail?" One of the male members asks.

"Yeah, pretty pathetic don't you think? I mean if you can't stop one wizard from vandalising your guild hall then what hope have you got to protect anything else." A female wizard explains.

"Tsk." Laxus says with frustration, his teeth grinding and his fist tightened.

"Leave it Laxus, they're just punks." Evergreen says.

"You think so? I think, it's just another group of people that are bad mouthing our guild." Laxus says angrily under his breath.

Laxus is pissed off. His anger is rising and we're struggling to keep him cool.

"Yeah, that Master of theirs is crap, all he does is sit on his ass all day and drink when a problem arises, either that or he makes a fool of himself when he dresses up in those goofy outfits for the Fantasia parade." Another guy jokes as him and his friends laugh together.

"That does it!" Laxus growls.

Laxus takes his jacket off and storms over to the group of wizards.

"Laxus stop!" I plead.

I run after Laxus followed by Evergreen and Bickslow.

Laxus grabs the lead wizard by the collar of his shirt and brings his face up to his.

"You think you're clever punk?" Laxus shouts in the guy's face.

"I- I don't know what you-you mean." The guy stutters, his face dripping in sweat.

"Put him down!" The girl in the group shouts.

Laxus grumbles before shooting lightning at the girl, knocking her to the ground whilst keeping a tight grip on the guy. The girl crawls away from Laxus as the other guy tries to tend to her.

"Don't think for a second that I'll treat you any differently just because you're a girl!" Laxus shouts.

"Laxus! Please put him down!" I yell.

"What did you say?" Laxus questions with a low tone of voice as he turns his head to look at me.

The pupils in his eyes are small, his teeth are clearly visible and locked together tightly, small veins are becoming prominent on his forehead. I've never, ever, seen Laxus this riled up before.

"Do you want these pieces of shit bad mouthing our guild? You think they should just get away with it!" Laxus snaps.

My breathing gets heavier, my chest becoming tighter, fear covering every inch of my body.

"No." I reply.

Tears begin to fill my eyes. I can't believe what I am witnessing, what my boyfriend is becoming; but, how can I betray him? How can I disagree with him. I love him and I devoted my heart to him, I can't just disrespect him.

Laxus continues staring at me as his anger seems to be draining from him. He chucks the guy to the ground and returns to us. I pick up his jacket and hand it to him.

"Thanks. I'm sorry for the way I acted." Laxus apologises.

Laxus turns to face the group of wizards, they are terrified and stuck to the ground in fear.

"You better get back to the hole that you crawled out from. If I hear one more snide word about my guild, I'm coming for you... and the rest of your scummy guild." Laxus warns.

The wizards nod their heads quickly as the train pulls up by the station platform.

All four of us board the train. We sit around a table, Evergreen and Bickslow one side, me and Laxus on the other side.

Most of the journey was silent, Laxus constantly staring out of the window, until he broke the silence by looking at us.

"Can you see what we're up against now?" Laxus asks.

"The whole time we were away, they were treating our guild like it's shit, and that we're idiots." Evergreen replies.

"I didn't realise things were that bad." I say quietly.

"At least we know what we've got to compete with now." Bickslow adds.

Laxus holds his hand up to his mouth as he thinks about what we said and the events that unfolded recently.

"I never should've left the old man. He can't handle the guild anymore, not with the way his health is going. It never would've happened if I stayed there." Laxus explains.

"It's not just your fault, we're all to blame. We just need to make up for the time we've been away." I suggest.

"What can we do? How do we pick up the guild again?" Evergreen asks.

"Well, Fantasia parade is coming up right? Can't we do something big to impress the visitors to Magnolia?" Bickslow asks.

Laxus' eyes brighten and he snaps his fingers together.

"That's it. Bickslow you're a genius." Laxus says excitedly.

"Yeah?" Bickslow questions.

"Yeah. That Fantasia parade is going to go off with a bang." Laxus grins.

"How so?" I ask.

"Everyone likes a competition don't they? Why don't we do a competition of our own, to find the strongest member of Fairy Tail." Laxus replies.

"Like a fighting competition?" Evergreen questions.

"Yeah. We can put the members of Fairy Tail up against each other, sure the old man will kick up about it, but we're not causing any real harm are we?" Laxus questions.

"Apart from the fact that we'll be responsible for ripping the guild apart." I state, not entirely pleased with Laxus' insane suggestion.

"You don't care about those weaklings do you?" Laxus asks.

"Well, not really, but this could get you in more trouble than good. The Master would never allow it!" I exclaim.

"I know Freed, but I don't care. I've had it up to here with the old man telling me what I can and can't do when he clearly doesn't know what to do himself. If Fairy Tail is going to have any chance of a future, then a new leader has to be elected, and I will sacrifice everything to make that happen." Laxus explains.

Laxus does care about the guild, and that's admirable, but he doesn't care about the people within it and I think that's worse than if he didn't care about the guild. However, maybe he has a point. I must admit, sometimes there isn't any order within the guild, some members just sit around all day and drink from dawn til dusk, is that what being part of a guild is all about?

"We're both in, aren't we Bix?" Evergreen asks.

"Yeah, count us in buddy." Bickslow confirms with a grin.

Laxus looks at me with concern in his eyes, he desperately wants me to agree to his plan, but it's against all of my morals...

"You know what, let's get that guild up to code." I state.

I grab Laxus by the collar and snog him like I've never kissed him before. My head is buzzing and exchanging a kiss with Laxus this time is different than it has been before, maybe Laxus is bringing out the best in me.

I release Laxus as Bickslow and Evergreen are sat in shock.

Laxus looked shocked as well, but his grin appeared on his face as he brushed his hair back with his fingers.

"Freed Justine, I fucking love you." Laxus replies.

"There's more of that where that came from." I grin.

"Freed! You absolute queen!" Evergreen exclaims as she laughs with Bickslow.

All four of us laugh together as the train crosses the border into Magnolia. We have a mad plan, but maybe it's the boost the guild needs. Anyway, there's no turning back now.

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