Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagin...

By MajaBav

3.1K 7 5

Story is told mainly from your point of view. The story starts in 2009. You're a 20 year old girl, who got a... More

Part 1. The Party
Part 2. The Party (cont)
Part 3. The Party (cont)
Part 4. Back Home
Part 5. The Plan
Part 6. Dinner
Part 7. Winnet
Part 8. Winnet (cont)
Part 9. The Performance
Part 10. The Preformance (cont)
Part 11. Outside
Part 12. Guitar
Part 13. The Drive
Part 14. The Stars
Part 15. The Ride Home
Part 16. The Mirror
Part 17. The Mirror (cont)
Part 18. Breakfast
Part 19. Catching Up
Part 20. The Accident
Part 21. The Accident (cont)
Part 22. The Hospital
Part 23. Hospital (cont)
Part 24. Walking
Part 25. Girls Night
Part 26. Girls Night (continued)
Part 27. Breakfast
Part 28. London Tour
Part 29. Check Up
Part 30. Touring with Thomas
Part 31: At His Place
Part 32. Star Wars
Part 33. Morning
Part 34. The Overdose
Part 35. Not Dead
Part 36. The Threat.
Part 37. The Toast
Part 38. Thar Evening
Part 39. Birthday
Part 40. Birthday (cont)
Part 41. The Decision
Part 42. The Day of the Musical
Part 44. The Cast
Part 45. Cast (cont)
Part 46. The Blood
Part 47. Cast (cont)
Part 38.
Part 49. That Evening
Part 50. The Kiss
Part 51. The Make Up
Part 52. Filming.
Part 53. Anne-Marie
Part 54. The Soup

Part 42. Liverpool

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By MajaBav

"Oh crap. How is Y/N gonna drive? She cant!" Ava said.

"No worries. I'm driving there anyways. I'll drive her."Tom says.

"See? Good hands."I say to Ava.

"I'll take just as good care of her as you would" Thomas says as he puts his arm around me and pulls me to his side like I was his sister.

"GOODBYE! CALL ME!" I cry to Ava as we leave her at the airport.

Thomas and I head back to the car.

"Weve got a decent journey ahead of us. Why dont we listen to some music?" Thomas asks.

"Love to! Are Beatles an option?" I ask

"Stupid question. Beatles are always an option. I guess I should tell you something." Thomas says as he was about to flip the music on. "This movie I'm in. I'm not the star, but I think you'll like my roll. The movie is called Nowhere Boy." Thomas says.

"Is that... nowhere... song... do do do do" I say as I start singing a rhythm.


"Spot on Y/N. It follows the life of John Lennon. No one is supposed to know many details, so keep it between us."

I mimed me zipping my lips and throwing the key.

"Are you John?" I ask hoping says no. Dont get me wrong. John's great, but Paul's always been my favourite. Always.

"No. Aaron plays John. I play Paul." He answers.

"YES! I was so hoping you were McCartney. He's my favourite." I answered.

We discuss the Beatles for the rest of the way. Soon enough we get close to my aunts place and I give Thomas directions. We pull into the driveway.

"The party we met at was at your aunts house?" Thomas asked.

"Ya. Thought I mentioned that." I say.

"No. No you did not." He answers. He helps me bring my bags to the door.
I knock.

Within moments, my aunt is here, opening the door. Thomas helps me bring my stuff inside and downstairs to the room my aunt has made for me.

I met all the requirements to be able to use the stairs again, and I should be able to increase mobility in the brace in a few days. Once I do that, I will be allowed to stand without crutches, if I have a wall or a person to support me.

We head back upstairs.

"Thanks again for driving me Tom" I say as he heads to his car.

"No problem. Glad I could help. Swing my the set tomorrow. I think youd like to meet the cast." He calls back.

"I'll see. Remember, I cant drive!" I answer.

Tom pulls out of the driveway and signals for me to call him.

"Who's that smokin dude?" My aunt asks me.

"Gosh. Ew." I answer.

"Ew? The fact that you answered EW means you're clearly into him. Tell me everything Y/N. " my aunts says.

I explain everything that happened. From the party, to the Winnet performance, to the star gazing, to me being run over, to me overdosing, to now. All I left out was the almost kisses.

"Awww. So cute!" She said.

"Ya thanks. Sure. Cute. Whatever. " I say. "Be useful. Help me downstairs" I say playfully. She helps me.

My phone buzzes. Tom.

Thomas: hey. Just got to the hotel the cast is staying at. They asked why I was late and I told them I had to drop you off. They started acting like pieces of crap and oohing and awwing over us. My gosh. So annoying.

Y/N:same here. My aunts been asking me so many questions.

You coming tomorrow?I can come drive you.

Sounds lovely. What time?

Morning,  probably around 8

See you then :)

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