
By DC93_15

2.1K 174 16

She was the baby faced beauty who captured the hearts of everyone. She was the loving angel who had a heart o... More

New job
Lost bracelet
Pet shop
Double Surprise
Intimacy- Part 1
Intimacy- Part 2
Eschewing + Ring
Blue Sea Vs Green Forest
Unruly fondness
Naked Glory
Pillow talk
Under his mercy
Flaming taste
Lick and Flick
Ti amo
Snake Vs Rose
Secret Sweetheart
Unsolved identity
Candlelight dinner
Shattered heart
Bitter truth
Unexpected meeting
Mission of Compadres
Feeling so high
Me & You
Royal wedding
My light
Visit from the past
Bambino's Oma & Opa
Heavenly Realm
Aaron Theodore
My perpetuity


72 6 2
By DC93_15

Zion's POV

The eternity has given me the gift of living this life to the fullest forever. So the benefits of this long life is also immeasurable. Above all being the only son born to the royal vampire family has made the things more easier than being a regular vampire. Because with a snap of a finger I gain anything I want to have, anything I want to ruin or anything I want to protect.

But what can we do about the boredom of the same routine everyday? Actually it is not that bad as you think. Because as vampires we are assigned to many tasks by the vampire king or else if I say it correctly, my father; Derek Macquaid. So we have duties to fulfill according to our ranks and the class system. Likewise I am assigned for looking into the relationships between human and vampire population in the entire continent.

As a result of that, I have come across many human beings in many nations such as Caucasoid, Mongoloids including Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and American Indians, Negroid, Khoisanoids or Capoids ;Bushmen and Hottentots and Pacific races, Australian aborigines, Polynesians, Melanesians, Indonesians and many more. And also we have connections to other kingdoms too except these.

So I have a very good understanding and a knowledge about their ideas, opinions, likes, dislikes, choices as well as their abilities.

We are living in a world full of both vampires and human beings. But the little humans know that they are under our feet no matter what rules we have made to assure their safety. Because if they mess with us any moment, they know that they're in big trouble.

But when it comes to my father, he has a quite different idea about the humans as my mom once was a little human according to him. But when they got married she wanted him to convert her into a vampire as she was eagerly waiting to spend the eternity with my father as they were in so much love which is quite unusual between a vampire and a human.

However If he hadn't made the new rules since we appeared as superiors in front of humans thousands of years ago, I feel sorry to say about the destiny of pathetic human beings.

Because in the time period of my grandpa who was the former king of Necrosis Bregade, the situation was tough and difficult for humans as they were always kidnapped, drank blood and raped too sometimes. But that doesn't mean that my grandpa was an incompetent ruler.

Even though the rules were there, they weren't strict enough to protect these little humans all the time. However when my father became the ruler, he made a new rule for the humans to wear a vampire protection bracelet as it gave an assurance of safety to them. Protection from my own kind!!

Because even before I was born, I heard how vampires killed humans brutally whenever they wanted to drink blood even when they were not hungry. As a result of that it caused many wars in between both parties. But now, because of my father's rules, everything is under control.

But there was only one condition. That is, if a vampire found a human without a bracelet, they were able to act as they pleased like feed from them, have fun with them or sell them to a pet shop for a large amount of money.

As a result of those rules, that gave me enough opportunity to interact with humans in many matters. As a result of that I am very well capable of my duty. Apart from my duty, I got many side benefits too. If you are wondering what they are, yep satisfying myself whenever I pleased.

It was like fucking good actually. Because there were plenty of human girls as well as vampire women who were ready to throw their selves at me.

So why not have a little fun?

Specially being the next in line to the throne made everything easier though I didn't like to bear the weight of the crown which is going to pass eventually.

Yeah I hate it...I hate to be busy all the time...I hate to work whole day or sleep on the office table like my father...and I hate to see my mother waiting without a sleep till my father comes to the bed even though she is the queen already...

I know that I have responsibility over my kingdom, my people as well as look into these little humans. Somehow there is always a but.

So unlike my father, I really enjoyed my life like there is no tomorrow though I knew that I have to undertake his responsibilities and duties some day. So I partied with my friends, I had many gatherings, some were related to my duties and many were out of the duties. So my life is pretty simple so far.

But above all one of my addicting hobby is to take a different girl to my bed every night. But I never wanted to have any serious relationship with any of them though they came after me as I gave the best pleasure according to them. But I know that's not the only reason why they open their legs wider for me.

Therefore I never needed to have fun or pleasure by force with anyone else as these little humans as well as vampire women were always ready to let me play with them willingly.. So when I wanted someone, I got the chance to enjoy the company of a new girl every night.

"Enjoying different flavors are better than hanging on to a one, right? Specifically if it's such a hot and sexy girl to bang, why not?"

So my life was complete..totally perfect....Yes...I had everything, I got the company of a beautiful woman every night, I got fame, wealth as well as power. So why bother about the other stuff?

At least I thought so...until I bumped into those beautiful eyes.

She is the definition of perfection though she is a tiny , fragile human being.

But there was something abnormal behind those beautiful blue eyes. Because normally Royalties were capable to read the minds of human beings. That's the power which gave us to control them like small chess pieces whenever we wanted.

But for the first time in my whole life I think I cannot read this little human and recognise what's going on behind her pretty little head. So, for the last five minutes I am trying to figure out what kind of creature she is...Yet I didn't get any bad vibe apart from not being able to read her.

Because according to my instincts she is completely human. Then why can't I read her actually?

Seriously it's really a challenge for the first time in my life. But I didn't want to show her how hardly I am trying to figure her out..

"I am sorry...Please forgive me this time and let me go? please I swear it was just a mistake..I..I.."

She couldn't finish whatever she tried to tell me so hard as two fat tear drops rolled along her already flushed plump cheeks. Seeing her body language and the facial expressions ,I can assure that she is terrified because of me and the situation she is stuck in.

Honestly it's a sight to hold...cute puffy face with scared blue eyes ready to jump out of it's sockets... I think I have no words to say how pretty even when she is a crying mess here for her dear life.

Though I really didn't want to see her crying, the demon within me wanna see her cry a little more. Because she is too fucking adorable. But honestly I have not even done her anything. Yet she has already started crying looking at me like I am going to swallow her!

Do I look that Scary? I don't think so.. usually this smile on my face can melt the heart of ladies. But her reaction is totally opposite.

She is...she is...I think I don't know what to say for the first time in my life...yet I have to see whether she is on her best acting mood or showing her real self. And also not being able to read her mind made me more confused. So I really wanted to explore her more and more.

According to my vampire instincts I am 100% sure that she is normal already. Yet the question in my mind is, why the heck that I am unable to read this pretty little head to know what thoughts are running in there...

"Darling...Zion are we going to stand here whole day?" Hearing Gabriella's voice made me I realized that I was occupied in my thoughts deeply and taken too much time.

She is my bestie since I was a small boy and she knew me very well like the back of my hand. We were always so close along with Xavier and few more are there in our close gang actually though she was quite stubborn than me. But I really love her as a good friend. I think that she is the only female whom I haven't slept with when it comes to the entire female population who has come across.

"Give us a minute Gabi ,I won't take too long ok..."

I said giving her a small smile to calm her nerves. Because I felt that she is furious with this entire encounter. She is not happy at all.

On the other hand I am mesmerised by this beauty in front of me....plump rosy lips ,cute baby face ,blue eyes which remind me of the beautiful ocean and the cute short height has captured my stone heart for the first time in my life after a long time.

So far in my whole life I thought I got all the beautiful girls in the world for my own pleasure whenever I was pleased. But now I understand that I was wrong. Though I have gone all around the world and met many gorgeous girls with blues eyes, still I don't understand the reason that I am attracted to this short cutie from the first glance.

It's true that whole vampire population is too pretty, too prefect, too cunning as well as too tricky. Yet there wasn't any moment my heart skipped a beat for even a vampire except her. But I think this girl really is something. So it's quite hard to let her go so easily.

But I realised that it's better to let her go for now or a big commotion will complicate the situation sooner or later. Somehow I know that I have many ways to know her existence and whereabouts. So I will use one of them than scaring this little girl for no reason. Because I have quite done it already.

"I think I won't hold you anymore...But my careful next time...All of us aren't forgiving all the time...And keep your eyes open when you are walking on a public place...OK.."

She looked at me like I have grown too horns... A lop sided grin appeared on my face because she has to see her own funny face right now.

But then she nodded her head suddenly after registering whatever I said for the first time realising that she is getting out of this without a price.

Oh! How wrong she is... Because I had other plans before I let her go so easily...Yes...why not have a small fun...

Because she doesn't seem a girl who easily throw her self at a total stranger I guess, unlike the human fan girls I meet in different places. But normally it worked other way around...However why can't I do a little teasing? Just to irritate her a little.

So I slowly lowered myself towards her level as she was too short. And then I leaned towards her earlobe.. Truly that was so soft and her sweet smell... it's intoxicating.

A small tingling sensation ran throughout my body instantly...Actually this total encounter is weird. Yet I played the card of the cool guy as I didn't want to show her that I am oddly affected by her closeness.

I think I have fallen into a bigger problem than I thought.

Yes...Zion....what are you doing actually with this small human being?

I think still I didn't get what was happening to me in front of this short cutie. However I regained my posture and whispered to her sensual earlobe slowly...

"Can I know your name at least Sweetheart?"

What the fuck Zion? When did you start learning girly names? What you usually did was fucking and throwing them out beford they catch feelings, right? So I don't know what's wrong with me to know her fucking name. Definitely she is the first.

However I think my sudden closure made her weaken or uncomfortable for sure. Because she looks like a beetroot right now.

Has she seriously affected by me just as I am? Of course she should be, because I am Zion Macquaid for goodness sake.

"So..ffia Ch..a..rmein.e"

I think I heard her saying the a timid.

A goofy grin appeared on my face. At least I came to know her name. But now only the best part begins I guess. Because she has no escape till I find what is hidden behind those pretty little blue eyes..

Yes...I am Zion hook or crook I am going to know her pretty little secret. So Sofia...prepare don't know what an interesting path you have crossed.


So guys how is my 4th chapter?

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Have nice day!!


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