Thomas Brodie-Sangster Imagin...

By MajaBav

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Story is told mainly from your point of view. The story starts in 2009. You're a 20 year old girl, who got a... More

Part 1. The Party
Part 2. The Party (cont)
Part 3. The Party (cont)
Part 4. Back Home
Part 5. The Plan
Part 6. Dinner
Part 7. Winnet
Part 8. Winnet (cont)
Part 9. The Performance
Part 10. The Preformance (cont)
Part 11. Outside
Part 12. Guitar
Part 13. The Drive
Part 14. The Stars
Part 16. The Mirror
Part 17. The Mirror (cont)
Part 18. Breakfast
Part 19. Catching Up
Part 20. The Accident
Part 21. The Accident (cont)
Part 22. The Hospital
Part 23. Hospital (cont)
Part 24. Walking
Part 25. Girls Night
Part 26. Girls Night (continued)
Part 27. Breakfast
Part 28. London Tour
Part 29. Check Up
Part 30. Touring with Thomas
Part 31: At His Place
Part 32. Star Wars
Part 33. Morning
Part 34. The Overdose
Part 35. Not Dead
Part 36. The Threat.
Part 37. The Toast
Part 38. Thar Evening
Part 39. Birthday
Part 40. Birthday (cont)
Part 41. The Decision
Part 42. The Day of the Musical
Part 42. Liverpool
Part 44. The Cast
Part 45. Cast (cont)
Part 46. The Blood
Part 47. Cast (cont)
Part 38.
Part 49. That Evening
Part 50. The Kiss
Part 51. The Make Up
Part 52. Filming.
Part 53. Anne-Marie
Part 54. The Soup

Part 15. The Ride Home

48 0 0
By MajaBav

"Well, let's get going!" Ava calls as she walks towards the car. Thomas and I follow. He opens the door to the back seat.
"Ya... nope." Ava says. "I'm staying back here. "
I shoot her a look of pure evil through the car window. She just smirks back.
I head around back to the trunk and grab the pillow we keep stashed there. I open the door and toss it to her, and scowl. We both know I wanted nothing more than to have Thomas in the front seat with me right now.
I hop into the driver's seat. I look in the rear view mirror to make sure I was clear to back up. I see Ava. She has this huge smile and is giving me two thumbs up. I smile and roll my eyes.

About half an hour passed. Ava is asleep in the back. Classic Ava. She is the only human being I know that can fall asleep in such random places so quickly.

"I think it's safe to say I definetly got us lossed." I say.
"Its no problem. I know this place quite well. I tell you which way to go." Thomas starts. "Make a u turn up here, then a right at the crosswalk."
I do just as he said. We continued on like this. He would give me instructions just when I needed them, and we'd talk the rest if the time.

He told me a bit about how he started his acting career and about his early life. He told me about how he met his first girl he ever liked. It was odd hearing this. I guess I did get my hopes up, and think maybe he did like me.

I'm so stupid.

I mean really. Hes Thomas Brodie-Sangster. And I'm... well... me. Just me. Socially akward, never really dated a guy, nerdy, the whole package. My close friends would always tell me I look great. I'm decently tall, have the super pale blonde hair and blue eyes, but there was always a better girl. Someone more fit, happier, prettier, more self confident. The list was endless. Why did I think I had a shot with him?

We get close to his place.
"8th house on the right hand side." He tells me. "The one with the motorcycle in the driveway."

I pull in, and he hops out.
"Goodnight (Y/N)!" He call
"Night." I call back, barely loud enough for him to hear.

I put my arm around the passenger seat, and turn my head to look out the back window as I pull out of his driveway. After only a few minutes, we are back at the hotel. We get up to our room. I went into the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth and hair. I was only there for 2 minutes tops, but when I came out, Ava had already gotten into her pjs, washed off her makeup and was sound asleep.
I scoff, shake my head and half roll my eyes. 'Oh Ava.' I think to myself.

It's hot in the hotel room, so I'm in my shorts and tank top. I pass by the floor to ceiling mirror. I take a step back and turn to face it.

There I am.
Staring back at me.
Theres a difference in our reflections.
She looks back at me.
Same body.
Same face.
Same hair.
Same eyes.
But something was different.
I didn't want to see her,
But she wanted me to see her.
She wanted me to see.
She wanted me to know I'm far from perfect.
She wanted me to know I'm not all that.
She wanted me to know it's fine.
She wanted me to look back at her, at myself, knowing I am great.
But I didnt.
I looked back at her with the same pain.
Same anger.
Same sadness.
Just the way I always had.

To think I though I stood a chance with him.


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