The Shield || Draco Malfoy lo...

By RosieMarin3

19.9K 532 142

YOU'RE MY FAMILY HARRY Melody is cousin of Harry Potter 'The boy who lived', her mother and father despised a... More

Prologue [0]
Dudley's Birthday [1]
The Letter [2]
Diagon Alley [3]
Making friends [4]
Hogwarts [5]
First day of classes [6]
Flying Lessons [7]
Family History & 3-Headed Dog? [8]
Misconceptions about blood status [9]
The basics of Quidditch [10]
Spooky Season 🎃 & TROLL!? [11]
First Quidditch Match [12]
Christmas Time 🎄 [13]
The Mirror [14]
'Light' Reading [15]
The Dragon Egg named Norbert [16]
Detention in the Forbidden Forest 🌲 [17]
A warning ⚠️ [18]
Trap Door [19]
A game of Chess [20]
Clypeuso 🛡 [21]
We're not going home, not really [22]
Act 2
Prologue [0]
Dobby the house-elf's warning [1]
Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page [3]
Jealous of your family [4]
This was a terrible idea [5]
It was a terrible idea [6]
A familiar face [7]
What if he hates me, Melody? [8]
Your mom is terrifying [9]
Cornish pixies, please don't pick on Neville! [10]
Mudblood [11]
Sleepover time! (Part 1) [12]
Sleepover time! (Part 2) [13]
Chamber of Secrets has been opened? [14]
About the Chamber of Secrets[15]
Polyjuice 🧪 [16]
Rogue Blugger and Elf 🏏 [17]
2023 Updates 😅 & GAME PLAN FOR THIS YEAR‼️

The Great Escape [2]

267 10 2
By RosieMarin3

[07.08.20 ✔️]





🔝There is music up above 🔝



Melody's pov.

If someone was going to tell me that I'd will be spending my last few days of summer break locked in my room, with jail bars covering the windows I would've laughed in their face. But then again my parents are Vernon and Petunia Dursley.

Two people who basically disown me for being magical. 
Made Harry live in a cupboard for over 11 years.
Treated Harry and I as specs of dirt in their house.
Both think we're evil but they're the real evil.

Then I'd believe you.

As Vernon was putting on a gray lock into the bars. Soaking in sweat, he casts Harry and I a nasty grin.

"You're never going back to that school. You're never going to see those freaky friends of yours again. Never!"

The rest of the Dursley family leaves inside the house I turn to my cousin with a defeated expression.

"Want to play cards?"


Two weeks.

Two weeks Harry and I spent in that room with only a can of soup once a day, two glasses of water, and only two opportunities to go to the bathroom each day, shared.

Around night time we heard the clinking of a lock open. Dudley's pudgy hand slides a bowl of soup through the small opening of the window. He grins crudely as he has a soup to Harry.

"I know what day it is." He says smugly.

"Well done, Dudley. Finally learned the days of the week, have you?" I stiffly a laugh as my brother grimaces at Harry.

"Today's your birthday and," Dudley Face hardens looking at the both of us, "Nobody cares." The look in his eyes towards me had a small flash of guilt but quickly vanished.

He snaps the bars shut.

Harry sighs as he goes to feed Hedwig and Vlad, while I stand next to the window where my brother just was.

Sometimes I regret it being magical, although I had no control over it I still regretted it. I wonder what it would've been like if I was a muggle like everyone else in my family. Would I found them be excepted? What is my family love me? I wouldn't be freak to them?

Would I-

"Melody!" Harry calls me out of my trance.

"Yeah?" He pulls up a piece of tissue paper.

"You're crying." Touching my face I felt tears falling across my cheeks. Sniffling my cousin gets closer and pulls me into a hug.

"We have each other." I nod.

"We have each other."

After finishing my crying session Harry and I finish the bowl of soup placing it next to the door for the next morning. For either Petunia or Dudley would collect the dish.

Later that night Harry fell asleep first as I was stargazing and writing. I just wasn't writing a story but actually song lyrics. Ever since the incident with the trap door, I've been becoming more confident in my song writing, not singing but writing.

I still haven't finish the song that I wrote about-not about but may have had a connection to Malfoy as I still didn't know my complete feelings about it. Instead I was writing about home life.

How I felt trapped.
How the only person there for me was my cousin.
How we only had each other in this prison cell.
How can I'm homesick.

Gently falling asleep against my notebook I heard a sound from underneath the door. Slowly walking towards the door I saw two objects on the floor. Picking them up a small smile graced my lips.


The first book was the original 'Grimms' Fairy Tales' and another book was 'Fairy Tails'. Again another flat object came from underneath the space of the door.

A small note.

'Happy Birthday,

I placed a small knock against the door somewhat  trying to say it thank you. In return I heard another knock. Returning to my place on the desk I put my journal in my Hogwarts chest and opened up both books. I decided to read Cinderella first the fairytale of happiness and happy ending, than the original.

Reading both stories so showed me the contrast. In one Cinderella has a happy ending then in the original you learned that, although she did have a happy ending, not everything were smiles.

As darkness covers my eyes I didn't notice I fell asleep until I heard a car engine from outside. Looking to my right I saw that Harry woke up as well looking up out the window with me.

The headlights shining but not on the ground, in the air.

An old turquoise colored Angela Ford flies up towards our window.

"Harry I'm not dreaming, am I?" He shakes his head.

"No, I don't think we're having we're having the same dream." The car makes its way to us revealing the passengers inside.

No way.

"Hiya, Harry, Mels,"

"Ron! Fred. George. What are you all doing here?" We both ask in complete shock.

"Rescuing you, of course. Now, come on. Get your trunk!..." Harry and I quickly go to retrieve our trunks not even bothering to change. I grab my new books packing them along with my other things.

"You'd better stand back." Ron instructs us as he pulls out a metal rod connecting it to the bars.

"Let's go!" Fred who is driving then pull the car forward ripping the bars that once our prison away.

But with the bars also came or window.

"Potter! Melody!" Vernon yelled from outside the door unlocking the multiple locks.

We frantically please our trunks in the boot of the car. Harry and I grab our respective owl and back as Fred turns the car back around to the backseat.

"Go, go, go, go!" George yells to us from the passenger seat.

"Come on, Harry, Melody! Hurry up!" Ron yells out stretching his arm to pull us in.

As soon as Ron grabs his arm the Dursley's rush in.

"Petunia, they're escaping!" Vernon screams.

"We've got you Melody!" Ron and a Harry yell urging me to jump from the window seal. Taking a deep breath I jump just as I grab both boys hands I feel my feet getting tucked back.

"Come here!" Glancing back I saw my father.

"Let go of me!" I cried.

"Oh no! You and that bloody boy aren't going anywhere!"

"Get off!" I flailed my legs trying to kick him off.

George moved to the back to help Ron and Harry pull me up throwing, what I think was the car manual at Vernon.

"Drive!" Ron explains.

"Right!" The Weasley twins both reply as Fred stretch driving forward causing Vernon he was still grabbing my leg to come with us.

"No! No! No! No! Aaaah!" My father screams as he lets go of my leg falling into the garden. Petunia and Dudley run down the stairs to grab him.

"How screwed are we when we come back for summer holiday?" I asked my cousin finally being able to catch my breath and close the car door.

"I think we're going to lucky enough they're going to allow us back in the house." He tell me.

"By the way, Harry, Melody, Happy Birthday!" Ron says with a massive grin as both of us hug him with all our might.  Pulling away from the hug I also hug George and Fred.

"Hey George," I say, "Are you sure you shouldn't be a chaser instead of a beater because that was an awesome throw!" He shakes his head.

"I good to have you back, Mels."


Finally reaching the Weasley house, which I've also heard the boys call the Burrow, early in the morning.

Went inside the house they told us to be quiet as their mother did not know about the nightly adventure. Hurry and I looked around the Burrow and complete awe. Multiple spells and charms were cast around the house doing dishes, laundry, sweeping, and mopping.

I think I even saw one knitting.

"Do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?" Ron asked him brothers looking at a plate of toast that an enchanted toaster cooked up.

"Yeah, Mum would never know." George tells him.

"It's not much, but it's home." Ron says he hands us a piece of toast and gestures towards his home.

"I think it's brilliant." Harry and I tells him in unison as I ruffle up of Ron's ginger hair.

"Melody!" He wined fixing his now messed up hair.

"No seriously Ron thank you. All we've really been getting was a can of  soup, so we haven't had any thing solid to eat for a while." His eyes widen about to say something.

Suddenly we heard a very angry steps rushing down the stairs.

"Where have you been?" Mrs. Weasley yells furiously before turning her head to see Harry and I," Harry, Melody, how wonderful to see you dear." She comes up to the both of us fixing our hair and clothes, before turning back to her three sons.

"Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could have died! You could have been seen! Of course, I don't blame you two dears." Mrs. Weasley tells us.

"They were starving them, Mum." He gestures towards our thinner figures and paler skin, "There were bars on their window!" Harry and I nod, still stuffing our faces with toast.

Mrs. Weasley's expression softens as she takes in our appearance, "Well, you'd best hope that I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!"

Turning away from her sons Mrs. Weasley takes Harry and I to a long wooden table with an abundance of food place upon it, "Come on dears, time for a spot of breakfast. Here we are Harry, Melody. Now dug in!" She places a plate of food in front of the both of us with a warm and loving smile. Not wanting to be rude and also wanting to taste the seemingly delicious looking food we dig in.

"That's it. There we go." She pats our backs.

From the other side of the table a little girl in a blue robe and with the same Weasley signature hair comes up Mrs. Weasley.

"Mum- Mummy, have you seen my jumper?" She asked her mother. I quickly recognized her as a little girl from last year when we first met Ron and the twins.

"Yes dear. It was on the cat." Mrs. Weasley replies as another Weasley into the room which I remember was Percy.

The little girl turns around spotting my cousin and I at the table.

"Hello." We tell her, she smiles at first looking at me before her face completely drops at Harry. Her face completely flush is matching the color of her hair.

"W-what did I do?" Harry asked concerned that he offended her

"Ginny." Ron says with his face stuffed with a snickering Fred and George in the background, "She's been talking about you all summer. A bit annoying really." He points to Harry.

"And she keeps telling mom that she wants to curl her hair like the girl she saw at Kings cross," I slightly blush at the compliment.

Before I could say anything else a cheerful man came towards the door entering the house.

"Morning, Weasleys."

"Morning, Dad." The boys replied as Molly went up to the man hugging and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning Arthur!"

"What a night. Nine raids. Nine!" The man explained.

"Raids?" I questioned.

"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic, in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Dad loves Muggles, thinks they're fascinating."

Mr. Weasley taking off his hat and sitting at the head of the table turns finally noticing me, as I was right next to him, and Harry who is beside Ron.

"Well now." He smiled brightly towards us while Molly filled his play with eggs. "Aah! And who are you?"

"Oh, sorry sir. I'm Melody, Melody Dursley." I out stretched my arm to shake his hand.

"I'm Harry, sir, Harry Potter." My cousin told Mr. Weasley once he was finished shaking my hand.

"Good Lord! Are you really?" His eyes brightened.

"Well, Ron's told us all about you, of course." He turns to me once again.

"And that means you're cousins, right?" Mr. Weasley asked.

I nodded my head.

"When did they get here?" He asked his wife who was giving Ron his second serving a breakfast.

"This morning." She places her hand on her hip, "Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night.

"Did you really? How'd it go? Did you-" he asked excitedly before Mrs. Weasley gently whacked him with the pan she was holding.


"I mean..." Mr.Weasley changes his voice to a deeper active fake sternness, "That was very wrong, indeed, boys. Very wrong of you." He winks towards his sons.

"Now, Harry, Melody you must know all about Muggles." Mr. Weasley begins, "Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?" He asks with complete seriousness placing a piece of egg in his mouth, not breaking eye contact.

"Oh, umm..." I look towards Harry.

How do we explain this? Before we could answer we heard the caulking of a owl.

"Well, that'll be Errol with the post." Mrs. Weasley inform the rest of us.

We all cringed as the owl ran into the window.

"Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please?" Mrs. Weasley asked her son.

"Will you be all right?"I asked.

"He's always doing that." Ron said.

"Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters. And they've sent us Harry's and Melody's as well." I raised an eyebrow.

"Dumbledore must know you're here, Harry. Doesn't miss a trick, that man." Mr. Weasley said, I nodded agreeing with him while Percy handed me my Hogwarts letter.

"Well he is Dumbledore he knows everything." Arthur smiles at me.

"Oh, no." Mrs. Weasley said as she was looking through the equipment list for this year.

"This lot won't come cheap, Mum. The spell books alone are very expensive." Fred told his mother.

"We'll manage." She said a said grimly, "There's only one place we're going to get all of this. Diagon Alley."

Mrs. Weasley turns to grab another pan full of food coming up towards us.

"Here you are dears," She hands me a pice of Bacon and sausage.

"Thank you," She nods, giving me a warm, loving, motherly smile.

Harry and I have never had that before.

It's nice.

Although we were here for only less than an hour the Weasley's already felt like home.





Super long sorry about that.

Don't forget to wash your hands!


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