Ripple | ✔ (Old Story)

By illianaklyne

501K 13.5K 1.7K

Grace Waverly Parker meets a devilish boy who catalyses the revelation of a life she didn't know she had. Gr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chaper 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 88

3.6K 103 12
By illianaklyne

After that successful encounter, Chase and I got ourselves a table, and I got myself a drink, which he refused to do. Looking around was very daunting since everywhere you turn there's either Zeke speaking to some famous Hollywood model or Claudia and Dereck talking to a few A-listers. Thankfully, none of my heroes was here or it would've been the end of me.

"Did you really just get juice?" Chase laughed while we stood around a table for two, waiting as it was announced that Dereck had a few words to say.

"Yeah and?" I chuckled, taking a sip of the cool iced tea that I took from the buffet table. Even this simple drink tastes like a luxury.

"You didn't even get anything?" I gesture toward the space in front of him as the lights dimmed with a spotlight shining in front of the stage. I can see Chase trying to ignore what was happening with all of his ability.

"That's because I'm driving."

"That never stopped you before, "

"That's because you weren't around. I wouldn't risk you for my temptation to drink."

My heart skips, it always does when he says the sweetest things. He has really gone soft.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr Michaels for a few words." The announcer said, and everyone erupted in applause as Dereck approached the stage.

Immediately after we turned, Chase tenses again so I move closer to him. No matter how nice he has been around his own family, he still had a history, a traumatic one that even until now I still haven't processed properly. That's why I still wouldn't let him worry. "Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah, you?" He gulped as he looked at me, worry and discomfort lacing his beautiful eyes. He nibbled on the metal on his lip nervously and I rub his back to reassure him.

"Good evening and a Happy Birthday to my son, Ezekiel. Though I know he hates that name." Dereck joked and a few laughs echoed through the hall.

"It's been a good seventeen years with him. Through thick and thin, Zeke had always risen up for support and encouragement. He has always been very bright and business savvy as we would like to call it. He is the epitome of a perfect son, " Dereck paused and looked over to Chase who was tensed and already enraged by the statement. I was too but I waited for him to finish.

"However, he isn't the perfect son. No one is." He continued and I breathe in relief.

"The past few years proved that to me. My sons: Zeke and Chase have been amazing in their own particular way that it would be wrong to call one perfect because...they both are very different, very ambitious though. It's quite ironic because Zeke is the most business-oriented yet he is too young and frankly, I don't trust him to run a company like ours." He laughed and I look over to Zeke who seemed to be enjoying his own father's jokes.

"Chase, on the other hand, does not have any interest in business but knows a lot about it. Too much, even. He knows how to run a business whether he would like to deny it or not. That's why I trust him with the company after me.

" Now, you all must probably think why I must talk about these things...well, it's because I want to show you how both my sons are thriving. They are very different people and will grow more different. It's still so fresh in my mind how these two would play in our backyard, chasing each other as teenagers, running around in circles. Now, I have two adults in hand, well, one adult and one closer. It wouldn't be so long before these two work together as a team for our company, and that is surreal." Dereck continued almost moving many to tears including me by how his nostalgia came out as choked words.

"Zeke, you are such a wonderful boy. There is no other way to describe you. As a seventeen-year-old, you will have to open yourself to more experience. Learn to love the world and it will love you back, my son. Mom and dad love you very much." He choked and I try to fight off my tears at the beautiful speech. "To Katherine who can't join us tonight, thank you for helping us raise your brothers. Look at how they've become. Happy Birthday Zeke and more power to you, " Dereck raised a glass, and we all erupted in applause as the lights come on with the music starting into a waltz as if it was the theme.

His words were almost vague and all over the place but the message was more than beautiful. The way he added Chase in, despite this being Zeke's birthday was already heart-wrenching. It is sad to think that Dereck was once a ruthless man, a cheater and now, he loves his children more than anyone. I'm afraid that he even loves Chase more than I do but that's what makes this beautiful.

Even if Chase tells me how much he despises him, I would always remember this day, the day the world showed him that he could be loved.

"Well, that was some bullshit." Chase snapped, gripping the table tightly as we turned around.

"No, it wasn't." I frowned.

"You really believe every word he said? Hm?" He glared at me and I look at him in disbelief.

"I know you don't have a great relationship with him but you need to stop denying the fact that he is now a good man. He loves you, Chase, " I tell him, trying to be quiet for the sake of the other guests.

He chuckles with a menacing look, "He doesn't love."

"Really? From what I heard, he does. You're just underestimating him." I argued, feeling offended for his father.

"You don't know him as I do." He stopped, looking around, trying to make sure no one was listening. "He did some things to get where he is. Do you think that's the kind of man who knows how to love? Or have you forgotten, he killed someone?" He whispered, and I tried to reason with him but found no words.

When he spoke vaguely about it, the act still felt bizarre, but hearing it out in the open solidifies it. Dereck killed someone. It's a strong statement and I feel horrible taking Chase's story as the truth. That call could've just been someone at work. But no matter how I try to deny it, the extremely pristine reputation of Dereck Michaels makes you think how he got it. He may not have killed someone, but he may still have had that in mind and it's wrong either way.

Feeling rather defeated and uneasy now, I look to Chase who had his jaw clenched, looking around trying to avoid my gaze.

"Hey, " I catch his attention, putting my hand over his and he eases. "Fine, if that's what you think. But can we at least enjoy the night?" I practically pleaded and I was sceptical when he looked at me blankly but he nods making me smile.

I waited for him to say something, but his silence defeats my belief. I sigh in disappointment and turned around towards the dance floor instead. I watched as ladies and gentlemen danced the night away, even Zeke with his mother danced, waltzing like princes and princesses. For a modern venue, they sure love a classic theme.

I sacrificed a potentially daring phone call to my mother to make sure that tonight isn't ruined, but this just shows that it was inevitable, anyway.

I understand Chase and what he thinks and I respect his reluctance, but a minuscule part of me just truly wishes that it was different, that he could forget it for a moment and just talk to me. I wanna be able to speak to him about his childhood and how he grew up, talk about our pasts and regret our decisions with humour. I didn't even care if the room was filled with celebrities or agents that could look for talent for some weird reason. I didn't care about anything else but him.

A light tap on my shoulder alerts me, snapping me out of my thoughts as I turned while drinking. Chase stood beside me with his hand stretched out and a sweet smile spread across his lips.

"Uhhhh...." I questioned, and he chuckled.

"I thought you wanted to have fun?"

"Yeah, but what are you doing?" I asked him, implying his stretched hand.

"Wouldn't you wanna dance?"

I choke on my drink at his response, and he laughed. He still waited for me, not letting his hand down.

"Chase, I don't know how to dance like that." I chuckled along with him, but he only watches me. I blush under his gaze because even after all this time, he still has that effect over me.

"Then I'll teach you, " he knitted his brows with an amused smile. His promising eyes were enough to lure me into the jaws of death. Sighing in defeat, I placed my hand in his and he gripped it tightly, leading us to the dancefloor while I giggled, putting my drink down and ignoring the eyes that watched us.

When we reached the dancefloor, it never really occurred to me just how spacious the area was that the whole middle ground was basically very open to us. I immediately felt insecure standing in the open like this.

However, my worries were washed away just as fast as Chase turned me to him, placing a hand on my hip and the other holding my hand up.

"Ok, now hold on to my shoulder." He instructs me with a loving smile in his eyes and I chuckled but follow him.

"Now we dance." he started swaying us until our feet were moving. "One thing you should know is to just not step on my foot. You're doing good." He complimented.

I looked down between us, watching him guide me with his feet and I would follow. It wasn't long until we were in a steady rhythm that I finally looked up to him.

"I'm sorry for ruining the night, angel, " he whispered, and I bit my lip in wonder.

"You didn't. I understand why you act like that. Of course, I do."

He smiled, and we continued to dance, feeling the soft music move us around and I start getting curious.

"I didn't think you were the type to know how to dance." I teased him and he chuckled shyly, averting his gaze.

"When you're the son of a billionaire, you go to lame parties like this and you learn stupid dances like this." He joked and I laugh.

The music slows down, and so did our dance. That's when he guides my arms around his neck and his hands in my hips as we followed the lace of the music.

I watched him for a minute, familiarising myself with his smile and laughter.

There was a time where Chase and smiling didn't exist in the same place at the same time. A time where he was cold, arrogant and heartless and I hated him. I loathed that boy with all of me that it started to hurt—then he smiled.

The memory of seeing him smile and hearing him laugh for the first time is still very fresh in my mind. The way his dimples shone and how his laughter lifted the spirits of anyone who had the pleasure to hear it is still the best memory. Nothing can ever replace the time where I finally saw a glimpse of him. The glimpse of a boy who believed in something, a boy who felt something.

"I wonder what it feels like to hold the world in your hands," I asked him referring to the life he has and he looked at me adoringly, taking one deep breath.

"I could show you." His piercing eyes hit me and I shiver, but I laugh it off.

"Yeah, as if you'll magically own the company right now and suddenly you want to spend so much money." I kidded sarcastically, but he doesn't laugh.

"Life isn't just college, you know, " he tells me.

"Of course it isn't." I giggled.

"So what are you trying to say?" I knitted my brows at him.

"I'm trying to say we have time."

"For what?"

"For me to give you the world?"

I'm taken aback by his strong words and I try my hardest not to assume things, but the way he's talking and the way his eyes looked at me with promise is hard to deny.

"Chase, what are you..what are you talking about?" I tried to hide my anxiousness but failed and he sighs, continuing to sway us through the music. I've already forgotten we weren't alone.

"What I'm trying to say is I don't ever want to lose you." He admits. "I want to have you for as long as it takes to show you the world."

"Why?" I mumbled.

"Because I love you. And I've never loved anyone." He whispered back and I lean my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat so fast, faster than he lets on.

His words astound me every time that I just get scared that they are nothing but a lie. A ruse but no, not this time. I can hear it from the way he sounds hesitant or the way his eyes shone with hope, he meant every word.

"Would..would you stay?" His voice rumbled and I feel tears brimming my eyes as the emotions suddenly overwhelm me.

I pull away, cupping his face into my hands feeling every scar and forgetting those who watched. This is between us and only us.

"Of course I'd—"

• • •

"Will you stay?" A little girl's voice echoed as everything surrounding me dispersed until I was somewhere else, somewhere I don't recognize.

In front of me was some kind of living room with wooden floors and a few bags scattered everywhere. There was a little girl, the same one who I've dreamt before this time standing in front of my young mother.

She bends down, holding onto the little girl's shoulders, a sad smile plastered on her face.

"Honey, not now I can't. But you know, you know I'll be back, right?" My mother croaked, and it wasn't there that I saw bruises on her face and a few small cuts. I frowned at it but couldn't do anything else.

"But mommy, you can't leave me, you just can't. Daddy, he is bad. He hurts me. You can't leave!" The little girl screamed and I feel my stomach churn as my mother tried to hush her, hugging her as they both cried in each other's arms. Like before, I feel whatever the girl was feeling and warm tears spilt down my face.

"Mommy you can't leave me and Tasha!"

"You can't leave!"

• • •

"Angel, hey, at me. "

I gasp frantically as I almost jumped at Chase's touch. My breathing ragged as I look around trying to make sure that it wasn't real, whatever I saw, whatever I felt, whatever I heard.

Chase cupped my face with a fearful look in his eyes, and his warm breath brings me back. That's when sobs rip through me.

"She...she...I...I was her." I panicked, feeling every part of me crumble. I struggle to keep Chase in focus and he immediately leads me off the floor.

"What?" He asked as soon as we reached the side tables and I calm down for a little, just a bit.

"I...I don't know." I tell him truthfully and he frowns.

"Waverly, you just blanked out on me and I thought something happened. Jesus, it scared the hell out of me." He said frantically, putting his hands on my shoulders and I try to swallow through my dried throat.

"Please...tell me what happened." He pleaded with his soft eyes and I nod at him with a shaky breath. Confused and afraid, I looked around frantically, desperate to try to ground myself again.

"Can...can we at least get out of here first?" I asked him as I took notice of the few worried looks that surrounded us. The air I breathed begins to thin, and I knew I needed to leave.

"Yeah of course." He answered me, intertwining our fingers and leading us out. My head hung low as the images of what I had seen entered my mind and things just fell apart.

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