Ripple | ✔ (Old Story)

By illianaklyne

500K 13.5K 1.7K

Grace Waverly Parker meets a devilish boy who catalyses the revelation of a life she didn't know she had. Gr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chaper 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 86

3.7K 100 4
By illianaklyne

"Dere—I mean Mr Michaels?" I corrected myself knowing that we are in a professional setting and he chuckles, standing up from his seat.

"Yes, that is me, " he joked as I walked up to him, shaking his hand courteously. He gestures to the other seat beside him and I follow him, sitting down.

"Nice to know I don't have to do formal introductions." Mr Rose joked and I chuckle. A million reasons as to why Mr Michaels is here ran rampant in my mind.

And why am I involved?

Repeats of that night at his home flashed in my head. We never called back or gave some news after we'd left so I can only assume that he may be a bit disappointed about that. However, looking at him now is so weird, right after what I had learnt about him from Chase.

"So, first of, good morning to both of you." Mr Rose acknowledged and we nod.

"Mr Parker, I assure you this meeting is of your best interests so if you feel any anxiety at all, there is no need to." He assured with a sweet smile as he took his glasses off, neatly placing it on his desk.

"I'm gonna start off by saying that, Ms Parker, of all the workers I've had you are the one with such a higher potential than working in the background. You have voiced out that someday you would be happy to work as a musician isn't that right?" He continued and I look over to Dereck who was busy flipping through a file and I nod.

"Unfortunately—if it's unfortunate for you—we've been receiving a lot of delightful comments about your work and even your team has come forward about the innovative musical endeavours you have made for yourself. The productions, I mean we haven't heard your actual songs but our artists are thrilled."

My breath stops at the statement he let out, feeling rather flattered. However, my heart palpitates at the anticipation of what this meeting is all about.

"So, in the light of that, I wanna begin your transition to being more than just the backbone."

I chew on my cheek as the excitement ran through me. This is way too early than I have expected but it couldn't be any better.

"So... we have sent you some musical briefs for you to look at and we want at least three original songs at your disposal. We want this by the end of next week. For the more land-based work, we've got Mr Michaels here offering some assistance." He nodded towards Dereck and he smiled, straightening out his suit as he laid the file on the desk.

"Right, " Dereck started, his tone joyous along with his already prominent accent. "In three weeks time, there is a convention down in New York. It's ruled by entrepreneurs such as myself and in there too are representations of some of the biggest record labels, A&R, agents and some more. This convention aims to supply different companies with sponsorship and affiliations that they need."

"I spoke to Mr Rose here for the last couple of weeks, looking for two workers who would suffice as a representative for Rose Records and although there are people in HR who would be happy to work that, I, as the sponsor of this label, requested them to be someone musical as to represent the talents of this label. With that, I had picked you and Mr Apollo Winters since I was told you two worked well together. Now we only need you to sign this." He slid the file he was reading right towards me and I look at it curiously.

"I'm sorry sir but...if you are already sponsoring us then why would there need to be more?" I asked. I have very little experience with businesses and would like to know more before I sign this contract of agreement.

Mr Rose leaned back on his chair with a satisfactory grin on his lips. Dereck, on the other hand, seemed to be impressed by my curiosity since I doubt my lack of knowledge would impress him.

"Well, to grow as a company, as a label we would need several affiliates to spread the influence and what not so, in Rose Records, we have about eight affiliates to work with but we aim to have ten. So, Ms Parker, will you be willing to join us in New York for this convention?"

I stare aimlessly at the contract on my hand as I contemplated the decision I was about to make.

This is definitely a substantial offer and I can't even help myself from smiling about it, but it's an enormous responsibility. I can't help but speculate that Dereck only acknowledged me because he knew me and wouldn't be bothered to pick anyone else. The thought stings but I try to shake it off.

If I want to make it in the music world, then I would have to take some risks, wouldn't I?

Another plus is it's in New York. If I'm lucky, then I might be able to see my mom, visit her. I mean sure in the agreement it only said two days but maybe that's enough? It would be nice to visit mom before Christmas.

I sigh to myself before fishing out a pen from my pockets and signing the agreement, skimming through the terms and conditions.

When I finished signing my name, I look up at the two very proud men.

"May I ask, how about Grey?"

"He came in a little earlier and had signed too. Welcome to the team Ms Parker." Dereck reached out for my hand and we shook on it before I reached out to Mr Rose.

"We are very excited to see you grow in the industry, we are sure you will. We will email you more details about the trip in the coming days." Mr Rose assured and I give him my brightest smile.

"Thank you, sir, this means so much," I tell them as our meeting finished.

• • •

The rest of the day ensued to be so much more stressful. I spent it all thinking about the briefs I've read and the songs I would have to make. The opportunities seemed to have just sprung right at me without a warning and that by itself is encouraging. I never would've guessed that it would've come so fast. I can't wait to call mom and tell Chase.

I reach for my phone in my car at the instinct to call my mom when I realized I shouldn't even be calling her, not yet. My heart sinks at the decision I've made but it would ensure me that the gala goes on without a hitch or anything to worry about.

Besides, I've got the whole three weeks to tell her.

I arrive back to Chase's building since that's basically where I stay now. Julia even asked me why I didn't come home last night and I know I should've.

There's still a lot of time for me to go back to the dorms and get ready since all my things are over there, but for now, I need to check on Chase and tell him about my day. I am not ready for him to hear about his father's involvement but it's about me so he would let it slide, right?

I swung the door open to my surprise but didn't think much of it when I found Chase sat on his couch playing some kind of video game.

"Hey, geek, " I greet him gleefully and he glares my way.

"Don't call me that."

I roll my eyes at his attitude before sitting right beside him.

"Don't expect to call me a nerd and not get called a geek." I giggled, watching the very violent game HE was playing as he paused it.

"You seem too happy." He asked suspiciously, and I giggled a little more. I seemed like that.

"Don't call me out for being happy." I nudge him slightly and a smirk spreads across his face as he turned to me.

"Mind sharing it?"

I bit my lip thinking of the proper answer. Telling him about his dad and how he's helping me is probably something he wouldn't want to hear. How else am I gonna tell him?

His now furrowed brows tell me that I'm holding this against him for too long so, here goes nothing.

"Well...I've basically been offered to become a session musician and start recording my songs," I tell him with a flutter on my stomach to the excitement I'm trying to subside. I shouldn't be excited right now, not yet at least.

He smiles at me but a suspicious look glazed his eyes.

"Why were you so hesitant about saying that?"

God, he is observant.

"Because..." I hesitate again seeing the frown that formed in his face.

"What?" He pressed on and my heart begins to race. I should really get used to his...impatience.

"Your dad was there."

His eyes widened and rage almost immediately glazed his face.

"He was what?" He raised, clenching his jaw after and I roll my eyes at his overdramatic attitude.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me." He warned and I try my hardest to stifle a laugh.

"Can you get even more dramatic?" I tell him and he gets madder.

"What was he doing there? Did he tell you anything?" He questioned as if he was worried and I frown at him.

"He asked me to come with him to New York with Apollo to represent the label on a convention. It's a job opportunity." I tell him with the 'it's no big deal' tone and his scowl only grew.

"And you agreed?" He spat and I groan.

"God, you are so...annoying. Look... it's my job, and it's my choice." I rolled my eyes. I hear him growl and I squeal when he picked me by the hips, putting me down on his lap and I straddle him.

"I told you not to roll your eyes at me." His fiery eyes stared back at me and if it wants for our compromising position, I would've been scared.

"I wouldn't be rolling my eyes if you weren't so overdramatic. It's not like I'm gonna spend my time getting to know him or something like. What's so wrong about working, anyway?"

"Nothing is wrong. I..I just don't trust him. He is not the kind of man you think he is." I frowned at his unhindered reasoning.

"Well, tell me something about him that would make me worry." I challenged him and now he's the one rolling his eyes.

"You are impossible, you know that right?"

"Speak for yourself." I tried getting off of his lap getting a bit ticked off now but he forces me down.

"Fine, I'll tell." He finally gave in and I waited.

"Back in...Tennessee, where we grew up, he was just starting his business. He would be out nightly, hiring people to work for him." He stopped, taking a breath as the memory seemed to rush to him and I felt guilty. I don't want to force him.

"You don—"

"One night, I remember it was a Wednesday. He came home drunk with someone he hired to work for him. Mom wasn't home, so she didn't know...she never did." He continued, his voice almost trembling and my guilt settles replaced by sadness.

"He slept with her. Me and...Katherine knew we heard them but we couldn't tell mom. We were...scared. So we made not to say. The next day..." He looked at me, guilt in his eyes and I place my hand on his shoulder's trying to calm him down. "We find out the same girl died... in an accident."

I gasped as my eyes widened, and he comforts me too. The shock from him opening up and hearing about what had happened both mixed making me shudder.

"The same day we heard dear old dad talking to someone on the phone saying 'it's been taken care of' and Kat and I knew it wasn't all an accident."

"Oh my god, " I gasped as a shiver of fear run through my spine.

I can't believe Dereck is that kind of man. He has been so nice and humbled that I never considered any darkness in him.

"My dad is the kind of man who would do things to get what he wants. He might be different now, now that many eyes are on him, but once a man like that...always a man like that." He scowled leaving me with my mouth agape.

It's funny how easy it is to fake how you're perceived on the outside. I never would have thought. My gut turns as I take in the unpleasant story.

"Chase...I...I'm so sorry, " I mumbled as my face falls feeling guilty now that I knew why he was so reluctant about me getting close to his father.

"You don't have to be sorry, but just listen to me next time ok?" He cupped my face, planting a soft kiss in my nose and I smiled at him faintly. This seemed to be a gesture he does to comfort me and it works.

Now I'm just worried about what I had agreed on. Am I in danger? Will he do something? All these questions flood my head.

"Will it be ok for me to still go then?" I asked him as if it was up to him but after his story, I feel obligated to ask him for permission.

"If it were up to me, I would say no. But it's your job and your decision. It's not my place, not now after I've warned you. It's all you need to hear." He assured and my heart flutters at his sweet statement.

I wrap my arms around him, leaning in for a kiss.

"Now, Mister. We need to get ready, we have..." I checked my watch, "...Two hours before the gala. Where is it anyway?"

"Beverly Hills." He kissed my jaw with a smirk playing on his lips but I knew more of his tempting ways.

"Of course it is. Now, stop it." I chuckled, and he pulled away, a perverted smirk plastered on his lips.

"We could stay here all night. Not in some stupid, fancy birthday." He attempted to kiss me again, gripping my hips tightly but I lightly push his chest back.

"It's your brother's...who I haven't seen at all. What's his name, anyway?" I asked him, irate flashing in his eyes.

"Zeke." He said dismissively and I laugh, finally being able to unlatch myself from him.

"Great, now can we go to my dorm? I have all my things there." I tell him and his mood switches instantly as he smirked.

"Nope." He tells me and I frown. He is being impossible tonight.

"Why not?" I played along and he fishes something from beside the couch with a big smirk on his lips.

"Because I already got them for you." He chuckled, placing down my makeup bag on the coffee table.

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