By LawyerESH

201K 8.1K 810

Alexia King:- The 21-year-old female protagonist and youngest daughter of the business tycoon, Xavier king, h... More



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By LawyerESH

I'm on my way to my destination in Kevin's private jet with no one in sight. Not a single crew or his security guards, only an unconscious Sophia with me, lying down.

With the help of 2 men, I put Sophia in the back of a rented car. But before going to my destination, I go back inside the jet to liberate Kevin's 4 bodyguards and 2 other crew members.

"Flyback and I would suggest you guys keep your mouth shut in front of your boss" They can sing like a cannery but it would be too late.

I had locked them all in the bedroom and took their cell phones and other devices so they couldn't contact or inform Kevin about my location. I don't return their belongings so it will take approximately 10 hours to fly back and 10 additional hours if they inform anything Kevin and he decides to come here. It will take almost 1 day to do so and till then I'll be done with Sophia.

I'm double-crossing him to keep him safe.

I drive to King's Vacation House. I'm in Miami right now, where this all started. I'll torture her where she kept me for days when my family was searching for me like crazy. She made me watch their every movement and their helpless faces through a camera. She was enjoying our misery and now it's my time to enjoy and her time to suffer.

I park in front of the staff quarter, the same quarter where she had kept me. This house is completely desolate, with not a single staff. I didn't make a plan out of the blue. Yes, she came 1 day before planned but it's still fine. Every 6 months our staffs get swapped by other staffs. We have other mansions, villas and many other places to look after so they interchange according to their choice as they get to roam and enjoy new places. But this Vacation House is different since I was abducted from here so nobody comes from my family to enjoy and staffs interchange in time duration of 1 year and for 1 week this place remains entirely vacant. So I decided this exact time to bring her here. Nobody would even think of this and I could finish her easily. The plan to go to Seattle was a bluff to distract Kevin. I was never going to Seattle for this and the call I made to Joseph was to throw him off of my trail. I know Kevin very well. He'll come after me to make sure I'm safe but he has to understand that he means more to me than my revenge and I don't want him to see all this thing. I don't want to be seen as a villain in his eyes and these scenes will impact his brain. I want him safe and now it's my turn to protect him from my demons.

I step out of the car and carry Sophia to a common room and put her on a bed. I lock the room from outside and take out my carry bag from the car.

I order a massive ice slab. Next, I clean the room where she hid me once. This room is simple with one large bed, a closet, a table, and a bathroom. The room is empty as whoever stayed here cleaned his or her stuff to move to another place. Then I put packets of sea salt, red chili powder, a whip, a candle, a box of customized needles, gag, oil, heating rod, electric rod, blades, and spike sticks.

I move to the room where she is and inject sedative in her hip. She'll be now unconscious for a couple of hours more.

I munch on fruits while waiting and play some loud music on the speaker.

Exactly after 30 minutes, someone rings the bell. I open to be met with 2 men unloading a massive ice slab from a transport truck.

"Alexia King right?" both are dressed in a blue uniform with a white cap and the logo of their company is printed on their T-shirts.


"Sign over here please" he forwards an electronic pad.

I sign and asked them to live the trolley along with the ice slab.

"We can place it where you want"

"It's OK but I need this trolley too. I'll pay you to double for the ice slab and additional payment for the trolley"

They agree only when I talked to their owner over the call and finally leave with what I asked.

I set everything in the room and strip Sophia out of her clothes. I place her naked body on the ice slab. To maintain the temperature, I set the cooling to a minimum. Then, I tie her hands and ankle, spreading her eagle on the slab.

I step out of the room, double-check every lock, decreased the volume a little so I can hear her screams, removed my jacket, made a high ponytail, and lastly remember the promise I made to Kevin.

"Her end is our beginning"

I lock the room from inside and switch on all the lights. Her eyes move slightly but are not fully conscious, so I gag her mouth because the first scream I want is of pain not of confusion or horror. I had also placed small microphones around here that are connected to the speaker via Bluetooth. Every hit, every touch, every movement, and every scream will resonate loud and clear in this quarter and I'll enjoy every single second of this.

Psycho. That's what she has made me.

I sit on the bed facing her. After a couple of minutes, she starts gaining her senses slowly. Her first word that came from her filthy mouth was "Bas!!" her son, Sebastian. Her voice is muffled due to gag.

"He's fine" her neck turns to me and with the help of ice on her back it takes her only a few seconds to realize what's going on.

She tries to wiggle her hands-free from restrains and twists her body while screaming in pain because I know what this ice is doing to her. It's freezing her veins. I saw the side of her back when she twisted a little, green and purple veins are forming on her back body.

Her rubbing of the body on ice and scream is very clear to my ears. I sit silently and watch her struggle. Tears falling from her eyes are not making me smile in joy as I expected but very slowly, I feel my body getting relax a little by little. I'm starting to feel light. I knew I wanted to see her like this but now I realize how much I needed this to let my past go. I can already feel calm when this is just the beginning.

"Shhh! Don't move, stay still. Soon your body will go numb" I repeat her sentence, the same. I remove her gag.

Her eyes look at me with pure fear, her eyes red and tears rolling from her eyes to her tattoo, it's across just below her eyebrow.

"Please!" she pleads but I don't want to hear pleas.

"I don't want your pleas, something else. Could you think of it?" I pick clamps and move closer to her.

"No! Please! Please!"

Same. I don't remember her heading my pleadings.

"Not again. Be creative"

I clamp her both nipples one by one, then clamped her clitoris and next I connect both strings and let them rest on her navel.

"Now if you move, you'll be hurting yourself more"

Strings are tight and I let the clamps a little loose because I want her to hurt herself.

"Al-Ale-....please!!! I beg you"

I wear hand gloves, pour oil, and slather on her body all over. She tries her best to not move but she fails when my hands touched her. She is afraid of my mere touch.

"You'll get used to it" I speak sweetly reminiscing her saying this same to me 8 years ago.


"Mercy my arse! 8 years huh? Let me tell you a story"

I lit a candle and tilt above her body to let the wax drop.

1 drop


2 drop

Screams continue.

"Once upon a time, there was a small girl, 14 years old. One vile woman, who was her aunt, abducted her and tortured her with 2 more women the way she pleased. She starved that girl, beaten her to oblivion, tattooed her body, burnt her-" Drop,  another drop and so on all over her body, including her sensitive parts. I take the whip, this is not a normal whip, it's spiked with blunt needles, yes they are not sharp so it will not pierce her skin but will leave red dot marks on her body. "she colored many bed sheets with that little girl's blood but her plan took a U-turn when accidentally the little girl killed one of her women so the vile woman was bound to return the girl to her parents but not alive. Fortunately, the girl didn't die but she suffered, a lot" I whip her hard, which is pretty hard because of my strength and built-up anger and frustration. I avoid her neck. The first hit leaves a very beautiful print of numerous red dots on her body. I whip her again on other parts of her body and she keeps begging and screaming but I haven't heard those magic words "But this story is incomplete" I remove the clamps, open restrains of her both ankles, and flip her lower body. This time her cry was louder than before, very loud. I tie her ankles again and do the same with her upper body making sure she doesn't move much, escaping is not an option. I watch her back which is shriveled and green and purple veins are visible. I whip her now very sensitive back which results in some blood. She cries louder than I want to cover my ears but I force myself to listen to her every cry and scream. I whip her to the point where her body goes still and my arms start burning. I wipe sweat from my forehead and take deep breaths before taking a handful of sea salt. "I don't know the reason yet and I know every crime has a motive behind it. What was yours?" I rub the salt on her back, hip and feet. She cries with every fiber in her body. I open her restraints and flip her again but this time I leave her hands and ankles free seeing her body is gone limp. I check her pulse and breathing which is fine means she is alive yet.

The ice slab looks very fascinating with a small amount of blood on it.

I remove my gloves and step outside to take some air because that place is suffocating me. I scream in open.

Is it important to hurt her? Torture her? An eye for an eye? What will Kevin think of me if he sees me like this? Is this making me a bad person? A monster? Is this making me another Sophia?

But I'm feeling freer now, I feel like I can move past every wrong she did to me. I can forgive her and I think this is enough. I'll let her live, far away from my family. I'm done now. I wanted to see her blood, marks on her body, and her screams of help and mercy, I achieved what I wanted but I can't kill her now. I don't have in me to kill or even hurt her anymore.
I go back to the room and put her on the bed after cleaning and dressing her wounds.

I order some takeout and fill my starving self. After I am done, I go back to check on her. Her body is burning.

I sigh.

I check the first-aid box if it has some medicines but no. I tie her before driving to the drugstore and buy some medications for her. Once I get back, I check her temperature and inject the prescribed syringe. I leave her to rest for some time.

I am restless, so it's only 30 minutes and I shake her gently. She flinches and opens her eyes which are still red and leaking. I sit beside her making her shift but she winces and lay still.

She speaks something and I hear her clear but I want to prolong her suffering.

"Come again?"

"I'll be dead if you go like this. I have to save my son. Please, Alexia, let me go"

"Why would I let you go? You didn't leave me WHEN I BEGGED! YOU FUCKING TRIED TO KILL ME, SO WHY WOULD I LEAVE YOU, TROLLOP?"  I stand instantly and hiss at her face making her cry more. I wanted to see fear in her eyes but now her whole body is screaming in fear and pain.

"Please! Bas needs me.  He'll die please! I'll come back"

I scoff. Do I look a fool to her?

"As I said earlier, he's fine. That was a trap to make you come to London but you were already there. Why?  And don't lie or waste my time. Give me answers and I'll let you see the real medical report of your son"

She looks over the table where I have kept all tools. Her eyes widen and she looks back at me. I offer her a psychic grin.

"I wanted to abduct you  again"

I raise my eyebrow at this. This bitch!


"To kill you this time. When you hugged me at the event and smiled, I got the memo that you're up to something. I thought you would tell everything to my sista. So I made a plan to kidnap you and then kill you"

"You did this because you thought I'll tell everything to mom?"

She nods in yes.

"You never mentioned my father? Not when you had me and not even now. It seems your only concern is my mom"

She remains silent, so I lift small spiked sticks and wrap them between her index and little finger, leaving the other three fingers. I give one twist and she cries in pain while trying to scoot back. I feel fluid running down on my fingers and see a trail of thick crimson blood.


I stop my movement but held her hand in the same position.


I twist once again and she jumps in pain.


My mouth opens in shock, trying to wrap my head around what bullshit she is feeding me.

"You are lying"

I stand and grab the electric shocker.

"No! Please stop!"

I wait because I don't want to hurt her anymore but I want the truth now.

"I want reasons. NOW! "

"I'm not lying. Please believe me"

"I don't believe you, twat"

"Then don't believe me but please listen to my reasons. Did you want motive right? Hear me once and if you don't believe me in the end then do as you wish"

I sit down on edge of the bed and wait for her to speak.

"I hate Xavier. He took my sista from me"

I pinch myself to make sure I'm not imagining these things.

"Aliana saved my life in an accident and thereafter, she looked after me like a child. She spoons fed me my meals, medicines, took time out of her schedule to spend time with me and teach whatever she knew that's why it was easy to kidnap you because I know what goes in my sista's mind, I know how she plans and how her mind works. I became her shadow, tried my best to be like her. I thought we'll always live together but Xavier came in between us and they fell in love with each other. This didn't end here,  she gave me back to my old family like an object. Didn't I mean anything to her?  Didn't my emotions mean anything to her? Didn't she love me anymore? Everything changed. She changed. She left me like a stray dog, she abandoned me. Why? I loved her, I only considered her as my family but for her, Xavier is her world. Xavier! Xavier! Xavier! I hate him that's why I helped him to find proof against my father despite Aliana telling me not to but I did it anyway because I wanted her back. I was missing her and she came back but not for me,  she came back for my brother. I tried to let it go seeing we will live as a family now but I never got her some attention ever again, first Xavier and then their children. Her all attention was on her husband and children but I still controlled myself thinking you guys will grow up and then maybe I'll get my old sista back but all hell broke loose when she yelled at me because of you. You burnt your hand a little while cooking with me and she blamed me for not taking care of you. She has always been possessive of her children and not to forget, Xavier too. I hated your father and you the most. So I planned to kill you. I kidnapped you from right under their watch but you won't understand me. Nobody does. Nobody cares about my feelings, my emotions, my pain, and my state of mind. How lonely and depressed I was. The only family I had was, going far and far away from me. I wanted my sista back" she is crying by now.

I chuckle. She is mentally disturbed if she did all this because she wanted my mother for herself.

"So it's fine to torture a kid the way you did?"

I can't believe her idiocy. She did this all because she wanted my mom's attention. How sick someone could be?

"No. I regret it now. You have to understand my situation too but I don't think I'm at your mercy anymore" she smiles in the last making me utterly confused.

"What are you talking about?"

She moves with difficulty and takes out a land-line phone from under the bed.

My eyes widen in realization but it is too late to act.

Someone hits my head from behind, hard. I grip my head and turn back to see a blurry image of two men but I can't make their faces. I felt an electric shock on my neck and that completely collapses me into darkness.

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