Memory of the heart #WATTYS20...

Por Hsienhui1978

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#WATTYS2020 The lives of rap songwriter, Wang He Di and aspiring singer, Shen Yue, intertwine at a music club... Más

Author's notes
Chapter 1: Tsuki
Chapter 2: Tomodachi
Chapter 3: Tamagoyaki
Chapter 4: Akogare
Chapter 5: Yūshoku
Chapter 6: Tōfu
Chapter 7: Hana
Chapter 8: Dēto
Chapter 9: Shashin
Chapter 10: Doki-doki
Chapter 11: Doki-doki 2
Chapter 12: Bon Odori
Chapter 13: Māku
Chapter 14: Ureshii
Chapter 15: Tsumetai
Chapter 16: Tenshi
Chapter 17: Chansu
Chapter 18: Shinjiru
Chapter 19: Ikanaide
Chapter 20: Shūmatsu
Chapter 21: Kyanpu
Chapter 22: Kioku
Chapter 23: Shinjitsu
Chapter 24: Osoi
Longing - A Haiku
Chapter 25: Akumu
Chapter 26: Ashita
Chapter 27: Furaito
An edit to the chronology
Chapter 28: Odoroki
Chapter 29: Mitsuketa
Chapter 30: Sutōrī
Chapter 31: Gesuto
Chapter 32: Aitai
Chapter 34: Yōsha
Chapter 35: Issho
Chapter 36: Shōjiki
Chapter 37: Okaeri
Chapter 38: Sadō
Chapter 39: Yakusoku
Chapter 40: Shitto 1
Chapter 41: Shitto 2
Chapter 42: Shinrai
Chapter 43: Ikiru
Chapter 44: Toraburu
Chapter 45: Uragiri
Chapter 46: Kintsugi
Chapter 47: Haru
Chapter 48: Nozomu
Chapter 49: Kiseki
Chapter 50: Unmei
Epilogue 1: Kazoku
Epilogue 2: Nigete
The Author's Farewell
Glossary of Japanese words

Chapter 33: Donā

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Por Hsienhui1978

Yue stood nervously at the door as she rang the bell. When it opened, it was his god-sister.

She smiled, "Konbanwa. I'm Didi's friend, Shen Yue. He invited me for dinner." A feeling of awkwardness awashed her, after all the misunderstanding she had about her earlier.

The petite girl broke in a wide grin, showing tiny dimples at the corner of her mouth. "Of course! You are our guest-of-honor! Okaasan has been dying to meet you. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Yiren, Didi's god-sister. We sorta met earlier."

"Uh-huh, yes. I'm embarrassed." She muttered, looking down at her hands. She was holding a box of mochi, a small gift for the dinner.

"Don't be. Come, and meet everyone." She said pulling her hand. "Didi is in his room, chatting with Marco."

"Hua-ge is here?" She asked in surprise. She liked him and wondered if this family meet was solely to meet her. All of a sudden, she felt her nervousness turned into panic. "Can I use the washroom, please?"

Yi-ren eyed her and smiled. "Go straight and it's the last door on your right."

Yue passed the box to her and moved quietly across the hall. Didi's house was not as big as she thought but it was spacious and a fuse between traditional and modern.

Her heart caught the sight of the back garden and she stopped and stared at the little pebbly pathway with its scrubs, and brown trees, giving a very Zen feeling. The whole house was wooden and all at once, Yue felt at home.

Come on Yue, it's just dinner. Get a grip, for crying out loud!

She dabbed some compact powder on her nose and reapplied her lipstick, before smiling at her reflection in the mirror. She could not remember the jittery feeling she felt when she first met Mama Wang at Jia Er's house.

But why is this time different? Is it because Wang He Di is important in her life? Important enough for her to spend the rest of her life with?

She shuddered at that sudden thought. Forever was such an overrated word. How many couples promised to be with each other forever but never quite made it? Well, at least her parents did. And his. Till death do they part.

She touched her sakura hair clip for assurance and cleared her throat before closing the door behind her.

When she stepped out, she recognized a familiar face. "Hua-ge!"

The man grinned and extended his hand to take hers. "Long time no see! You look good."

She smiled, touching her face. "I have been eating. Must have gained weight."

Marco laughed. "It's hard to gain weight with a Japanese diet. Yue, I think Didi is waiting for you at the little garden, between the living room and dining. My aunty is still resting. They will call us when dinner is ready."

He was turning on his heels towards the washroom, when suddenly he stopped and called her. "Oh Yue, I haven't seen Didi for awhile but this time, he seemed different." Yue looked at him questioningly as he grinned. "Different good. He's glowing. It must be you."

She immediately blushed and waved him off. Marco laughed, "See you later, Yue. Please go see Didi. He seems anxious about something."

The little garden was not hard to find at all as she passed by it awhile ago. She found Didi standing there, his hands in his pocket, shifting his feet. She stood and stared. How many times had he taken her breath away by just wearing blue? Even if it was a simple kimono top, pulled over a white shirt.

He must had sensed her presence as when he looked up, he immediately took a few strides towards her, pulling her in his arms. His hand caressed her hair.

"Hey, why so intense?" she asked, feeling his hug a little different tonight. Different good, she recalled Hua-ge's words.

He gazed into her eyes and smiled. "I was worried you got lost. Yi-jie told me you came when I was talking to Hua-ge. Are you hungry? Dinner will start in ten minutes."

She shook her head. "Not at all. Didi, your house is really something."

"Are you tempted to stay with me now? You can share a room with me or sleep next to mine." He winked.

"Hmm...I think I might be more than being tempted," she gave him a teasing smile.

He clapped his hands together. "Great! Tomorrow, we will go to our family owned onsen for a short stay and then back here together after that."

Her eyes widened "You have your own onsen ryokan?"

"Yes, I go there quite often. What do you think of my plan? I think we need some time alone. I missed you so much when I was in Osaka." He said softly, pulling her back in again, his hand rubbing her back. "You smell so good. Is this a new perfume?"

She nodded in his chest, intoxicated by his scent too. "Wear it for me everyday. Yue—" he stopped. She looked up into his brown eyes as they looked uncertain. "There is something I want you to wear everyday for me."

His hand went inside his pocket and pulled out a long box. As he opened it, her heart raced. It was a necklace with a horse pendant. A black horse with a small diamond right in the middle of it.

"I had this made after you told me about the horse story. Do you like it?"

Her eyes grew misty as she scrutinized the necklace.

"Yue, are you crying?" He asked softly.

She quickly rubbed her eyes and smiled. "Does that mean you like it? Will you wear this for me everyday?" He asked again.

She gave him a small nod, still not believing that he had gifted her such a precious jewelry.

"Turn around," as he unclasped it and put it around her neck. She took the pendant in her fingers and managed a whisper, "It is beautiful."

He kissed her neck and behind her ear, making her shuddered before he turned to face her again. He grinned. "Now you are ready to meet my Okaasan."

Yue grabbed his hand, her nervousness retuning. "Is this dinner for me specifically?"

He interlaced their fingers together and smiled. "It's for us."

When Yue entered the dining room, she saw a majestic looking lady sitting at the head of the table. Her hair was bundled up, and she was wearing a tailored dress, with a set pearl necklace.

Yi-jie was pouring tea into her cup when she looked up and saw Yue. Her eyes were like Didi's, big and expressive with long lashes. Okaasan was beautiful and Yue found herself admiring her sharp features. They even shared the same nose.

She bowed slightly and greeted her, "Madam Wang, konbanwa. Watashi-wa Tsuki-desu."

"Okaasan, this is Shen Yue. Or you may call her Tsuki." She heard Didi mentioned casually to his mother.

When Okaasan spoke, Yue thought she heard an angel's voice. Her smile was the gentlest and kindest that she had ever seen. She felt a connection with her instantly.

"Shen Yue, finally we meet! Can I call you Tsuki? As Yiren's mother, her name is Yue as well," gesturing to another older lady in the room, with a kind face too. "Wang Yue has been with the Wang family since Didi was a child. He grew up with Yiren too."

Okaasan took Yue's hand and patted it. "I have heard so much about you from Didi. Welcome to our family. Make yourself at home."

Yue smiled and nodded her head. "Arigato."

Didi introduced her to the rest of the people in the dining room. "You have met Shan Shan, Marco's girlfriend , Yiren and her fiancé, YiBo, her mom, Aunty Wang." Yue nodded politely and smiled.

"Yi-jie, Yue thought we were dating," he grinned, earning a smack on his arm from Yue.

"What?!!" Yiren started laughing. "No way! Didi is five years younger and I watched him grew up in his diapers. could I?" She scrunched her nose in disgust. "My mom was his babysitter and house helper since young. When they moved to Kyoto, my mom moved with them too. I was already working here when Didi came. So, he is literally my 'didi'."

Yue made a weak smile. "Jie, you don't need to tell me all that."

"Oh but I do. I heard how special you are to him."

Yue looked at Didi with suspicion. "What did he tell you about me?"

"Budding singer, good friend...but I get it. He seldom introduce me to his girlfriends so you must be the special one."

"Okay, Yi-jie that's good enough for today. Next, you will be telling diaper horror stories about me." Didi said, holding his palm to stop her.

"Yeah, the time you wet you bed—" Yiren started.


YiRen laughed. She whispered to Yue, "We can talk some other time. Girls only."

Didi pulled Yue's arm and gestured her to one more person in the room. "Do you remember Kenji-san? From the geisha gathering. He is my father's oldest friend. Uncle Kenji, this was Kaguya, the maiko."

Yue felt a little shy in front of the older man. She bowed, and nodded. "Please call me Yue. I'm no longer a maiko."

Uncle Kenji's face was a bright as the moon. His eyes glimmered, showing a wide grin. "How could I forget the most beautiful geisha in the room that night? Our young boy here could not take his eyes off you." he exclaimed, patting Didi's back. No one noticed how red his ears were.

"He was asking me how he could contact you again after that night. But they told me you were part of a cultural exchange program and after graduation, you left Kyoto."

"Yes, Uncle Kenji," she said softly, glancing up at Didi. So he tried to reach out to her. What a missed opportunity.

"We can chat over dinner, Kenji. Let's not hold up everyone with your stories." Okaasan said. She gestured to Yue. "Sit next to me. I have so much to ask you." Her eyes widened and she shyly took the seat next to Okaasan.

Didi squeezed her hand under the table and she smiled, looking at her napkin as she laid it on her lap. "Okaasan won't bite," he whispered next to her ear. "But you do, my Yue." He chuckled when she glared at him. She picked up a pickle and put it on his bowl of rice. "Just eat, Didi."

Okaasan was observing the two and she laughed. "Both of you reminded me of how I used to be with Didi's father. Yue, don't mind him. If he bullies you, let me know."

"Okaasan, aren't you bias? I'm your own flesh and blood." He complained.

"When you marry Yue, she will be my daughter and that's family. Right, Yue?" she asked the young girl who was blushing furiously. Yue smiled and kept her head low, as she took a mouthful of rice. It was the first time Didi saw how protective her mother was.

"I think we should leave the poor girl alone," Uncle Kenji said, beaming. "We might scare her away from Kyoto. Where are you staying, Yue?"

"At Yuri staff quarters. I used to work there."

Didi smiled at Yue. "You should tell them how you found Yiren's program and came to Kyoto."

Upon hearing her name, Yiren asked curiously, "You mean Yue was one of the graduates in my company's cultural program? What a coincidence! Share with us your experience."

In the next hour or so, the room was filled with chatter and laughter as Yue shared the things she had done in Kyoto, while the others chipped in about where to find the most authentic food in Kyoto. Okaasan was particularly intrigued about her training as a geisha and how she met Didi.

"The first time I saw Didi was in autumn when I just came to Kyoto. But we were officially introduced in Suzhou early this year. It's a long story. I'm afraid it might bore everyone," she smiled.

She was not ready to share the whole story with these people she just met. Even if they were Didi's family. She had not expected anyone to understand.

"Oh but we have the whole night. And the next few weeks since Didi told me you are staying with us," Okaasan casually said.

"Yes, she will move in here after we come back from Hamanoji, Okaasan. Would you like to come?" asked Didi.

She shook her head. "No, thank you. I'm planning to stay a few days at our country house in Arashiyama."

Didi frowned. "But you just recovered. Who's going to take care of you?"

"I am. I can cook too," said Uncle Kenji, glancing over to Okaasan, smiling. "If you don't mind, Didi."

"Not at all." Didi noticed both of them were smiling at each other, like a non-verbal communication was happening. Uncle Kenji had been a family friend for years. He liked him. Now that his father was gone, he would probably be the next best person to take care of Okaasan.

Yue nudged Didi from underneath the table and whispered. "I think Uncle Kenji is into your mom." He nodded imperceptibly. "Are you okay with that?"

He took her hand again and leaned over to her ear. "As long as she is happy. I'm happy too." His eyes captured hers, shining. "I get some private time with you here." He felt her jabbing his ribcage and he yelped. "Table manners, Yue." She chuckled, her hand over her mouth.

Dessert that night was served and it was Yue's favorite zenzai, a sweet red bean soup with mochi. She squealed in surprise after her first bite "This is matcha mochi and chestnuts! Oishii!" The others looked at her and laughed.

"So, Didi, your future wife has a sweet tooth," teased Marco.

"Hua-ge, don't be a tease," Yue responded tongue-in-cheek. "What about you? Looks like wedding bells are ringing."

Marco looked at his girlfriend and winked. She saw him reached out to her hand. Shan Shan was the quiet type and they looked compatible.

"Talking about wedding bells, Yue, we would love for you to come to our engagement party," Yiren beamed, glancing over to YiBo.

"Congratulations! I will come if I am still around in Kyoto. Thanks for the invite, Yi-jie" she gushed, looking at the couple. It seemed like everyone at the table had the love of their life. So, what did Didi mean about this dinner was for them?

He was talking to Uncle Kenji as she looked over wanting to ask him. Before she could say another word, Marco stood up and went over to Didi. "Oh by the way, I forgot to give you this. It came last week. A letter from China Organ Transplant Registry."

Yue cocked her ears. Could it be the request they submitted months ago? Didi took the letter and turned to Yue. "Yue, I think this is it. Are you nervous?"

She shook her head. "What if my heart donor is a woman?" he grinned.

"Unlikely. They would not have matched a female organ to a male recipient," Uncle Kenji said, as a-matter-of-factly.

Okaasan was now watching them. "What is that, Didi?"

"Yue and I wanted to know who my heart donor is so we sent a request months ago. Have you ever met the family of my donor, Okaasan?"

She shook her head. "No. They were quite discreet about it. However, I know he died from a car accident. A hit and run. That was how Dr Jerry got a match for you. If it weren't for him...." her voice trailed off. "I thank heavens everyday for him - your donor."

"Why would you want to know who your donor is, Didi?" Yiren asked.

Yue and Didi looked at each other to seek assurance. "This may sound spooky but after the transplant, I have been dreaming of Yue. Before I even met her."

The others gasped. Okaasan looked surprised. "Do you mean the girl who appeared in your dreams regularly is Shen Yue?"

He nodded. "Yes, Okaasan. We thought it might have a connection with the heart I received."

Yiren suddenly looked excited. Waving her hands, she said, "What are you waiting for? Open the letter!"

Everyone held their breath as Didi slit opened the envelope. He took one glance at Yue and back to the letter. His brows furrowed. Then, his eyes widened, registering surprise, and disbelief, he shook his head. "I can't believe this."

"Who is your donor, Didi?" Yue asked, feeling anxious.

Didi suddenly let out a guffaw. He was laughing and shaking his head at the same time. His eyes grew misty. Locking his gaze at Yue, he said in a low soft tone.

"It's Jackson."

"Didi, what did you just say?"

He handed the letter over to her. "The donor of my heart is Jackson Wang Jia Er, Yue." He saw the color leaving her face as she stared at the paper.

Author's note:

The truth is finally revealed. Gosh, this is a hard chapter to write. The next one too. Bear with me. What appeared in my mind did not appear on black and white.🙏🏻

💜💛 Hsien

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