Memory of the heart #WATTYS20...

By Hsienhui1978

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#WATTYS2020 The lives of rap songwriter, Wang He Di and aspiring singer, Shen Yue, intertwine at a music club... More

Author's notes
Chapter 1: Tsuki
Chapter 2: Tomodachi
Chapter 3: Tamagoyaki
Chapter 4: Akogare
Chapter 5: Yūshoku
Chapter 6: Tōfu
Chapter 7: Hana
Chapter 8: Dēto
Chapter 9: Shashin
Chapter 10: Doki-doki
Chapter 11: Doki-doki 2
Chapter 12: Bon Odori
Chapter 13: Māku
Chapter 14: Ureshii
Chapter 15: Tsumetai
Chapter 16: Tenshi
Chapter 17: Chansu
Chapter 18: Shinjiru
Chapter 19: Ikanaide
Chapter 20: Shūmatsu
Chapter 21: Kyanpu
Chapter 22: Kioku
Chapter 23: Shinjitsu
Chapter 24: Osoi
Longing - A Haiku
Chapter 25: Akumu
Chapter 26: Ashita
Chapter 27: Furaito
An edit to the chronology
Chapter 28: Odoroki
Chapter 29: Mitsuketa
Chapter 30: Sutōrī
Chapter 31: Gesuto
Chapter 33: Donā
Chapter 34: Yōsha
Chapter 35: Issho
Chapter 36: Shōjiki
Chapter 37: Okaeri
Chapter 38: Sadō
Chapter 39: Yakusoku
Chapter 40: Shitto 1
Chapter 41: Shitto 2
Chapter 42: Shinrai
Chapter 43: Ikiru
Chapter 44: Toraburu
Chapter 45: Uragiri
Chapter 46: Kintsugi
Chapter 47: Haru
Chapter 48: Nozomu
Chapter 49: Kiseki
Chapter 50: Unmei
Epilogue 1: Kazoku
Epilogue 2: Nigete
The Author's Farewell
Glossary of Japanese words

Chapter 32: Aitai

845 59 75
By Hsienhui1978

"Can you stand the sight of this girl?" Zi Wei complained, starring at the phone screen. Jia Qi was next to her doing the same. "Someone is glowing. I can't even see the screen!" she teased.

"Stop it, you two. I didn't call so you can make fun of me," Yue said, rolling her eyes.

It had been a week since Didi left to Osaka and Yue was getting restless. Sensei hired a new helper so Yue was relieved from kitchen duties.

But going around Kyoto alone was meaningless to her. It used to be fun on her own and now, she feared that she would never be able to travel alone anymore. She needed him.

The girls laughed. "We know you missed him. When is he coming back?"

"Tonight," she answered, watching people passed by the cafe she was having coffee at. "I called to ask how are things in Suzhou. Did you help me to check on Nai Nai?"

Zi Wei nodded. "Yes, I brought her food the other day. She is keeping herself busy with a new hobby. Making Western crochet."

Yue cackled with laughter. "Wow, that is the first! Must be introduced by my former neighbour. Remember she used to stay next to me when I was in high school? I owed her for my English grades."

"Oh, you mean Inga! Nice lady. Are you still in contact with her?"

"Yes, of course. Jia Qi—" she squinted at the screen to see her friend. "Is there any news about Jackson's case? Did Xi Ze tell you anything?"

Jia Qi shook her head. "Nothing so far. Yue, don't put such high hopes." Her friend nodded as Jia continued, "I have never seen you so happy and glowing, Yue. Vitamin Didi must be so good for you."

Yue could not help blushing, at the mention of his name. Ever since they were reunited, she was super sensitive when it came to him. His name, his scent, his touch, his presence.

He called her everyday, first thing in the morning, and before bedtime. He told her that as his "digital pet monster", it's a routine to "show love" by checking in. Yue began to think if he was too obsessed with this Tamogotchi thing. But she enjoyed the attention.

"Cut it out, Jia. Don't give him so much credit. His ego is still huge, you know," she responded lightly.

"Yes, that is the old friend I know. Anyways, don't worry about Jackson's case. Xi Ze knows what to do. He is on it whenever he can." Jia Qi assured her.

"Minatoya is doing very well since Didi's company took over. I'm so busy training new staff that I don't have enough time for my boyfriend! Please ask your boyfriend to give me time out! Maybe send me a free flight ticket to Kyoto."

Yue held her hands up, "This is beyond me. Hey, why don't you girls fly over to visit me? I still have a few weeks here."

Zi Wei stuck her tongue out. "Please. Who wants to be third wheeler? Besides, we are busy with the concert preps. Yue, come home soon please. Dudu-jie is driving everyone crazy. She wants everything to be perfect for your first concert."

Yue smiled. "You will get used to her. Wei, I will be home before you blink your eyes. Coming back to Kyoto made me realized what is really important to me."


"Are you getting married to Didi?" Wei suddenly asked.

Yue looked aghast as her eyes widened. "Are you nuts? We just got together. And I—" she bit her lower lip, thinking of that night in her room again. Her face flushed.

"Have you done it—?" Jia sounded cheeky. Yue's eyes darted about the screen and her friends noticed.

"Ah ha, she is still waiting," Jia said.

"Do you want tips on how to seduce Mr Wang?" Wei teased. "Or tricks to make him happy?"

"Girls!!" She cried. The person seated at the next table turned to look at her, alarmed. "Can we not talk about this now? I am at a cafe." She said, lowering her voice, and turning her body away from people.

"Didn't you say? You will give to the right person - the one you loved. I always wondered how come you and Jia Er did not, em, you know." Wei said, "I guess you have been waiting for Wang He Di."

Yue groaned. "Can't a girl keep some privacy? With you, it's impossible."

"Just be ready. It's time, Yue." Wei winked and Jia was laughing in the background. "Wei, if you never mentioned, i wouldn't know Yue still holds her V-card."

Yue's ears were red. "I'm ending this call now. Sayonara."

"Don't forget protection, okay?!" they shouted.

Yue cringed, her face in her hands. Once upon a time she could talk freely about physical intimacy, but everything changed after the incident. She hoped she was not frigid, her face warm thinking about how Didi pleased her. That night, she was ready.

Will she be ready again for him? It had to be natural, instinctive, the first for her had to be beautiful.

She paused thinking about Jackson. They never had this level of intimacy like Didi and her. They started their relationship in a whirlwind but six months down the road, she realized that they were from two different planets. She loved him but there was also a lot of stress in their relationship.

No, now is not the time to think about her ex. She pushed the incident back into the recesses of her mind where they belonged and sipped her coffee. She could not change the past, but she had power to change her future with her choices in the present moment.

After coffee, she strolled mindlessly along the streets, window shopping. She planned to get new clothes but looking inside the shops, she did not feel like buying anything. All she thought about was Didi. And their soon-to-be-first-night. 

What should she wear? Where will they have it? Should they plan it or let it be natural? Well, at least they don't need condoms since she was still on a birth control plan. Why was she so anxious? It was not the first time she was close to a man. But for her first time doing it, it scared her.

Didi seemed experienced, like he knew what to do. Have he done it? He might not have someone special but it did not mean that he was still a virgin.

Her heart squeezed, at the thought of him doing it with other women, whom he did not start any relationship with. Gosh, was he a player? He was so smooth with her. He must have had flings. Now, all she thought was the looks of the women he took in before her.

Shen Yue, stop imagining anything right now!

She shook her head and grunted. "I will be ready when I get there." She said out loud, admist the stares from passer-by.

Perhaps she should really get some new lingerie, and some fashionable clothes. Or something for him. She smiled. This I can do.

She went into the next boutique, feeling better already, when her fingers ran though the fabric of the clothes. Didi liked her wearing dresses, and clothes that showed off her shoulders. And colors. He liked colors. Little did she realized, she had stopped wearing all black and dark colors. Her wardrobe was like a rainbow.

After a few hours lingering at the women's section, she wanted to get him something as a welcome back gift. Didi did not need any more clothes. "What about accessory?" she asked herself, aloud.

Her eyes darted to a shop selling accessories. As she ran her eyes down the trays of rings, she caught a very simple band carved with a single wing. It matched with the angel earring she gifted him months ago. She smiled. This was perfect for him.

As she walked home, she was excited thinking about meeting his Okaasan and other close family members tomorrow night at his house. Will Okaasan like her?

She caught her image in the window and tamed down her hair. Maybe she should get her hair done as well. Some highlights would bring the color of her eyes out.

When she was done at the saloon, it was already nightfall. Exhausted, she decided to grab a quick bite and head back to Yuri. A good warm bath and foot spa sounded heavenly to end the night. Tomorrow when she meet him, she would feel fresh.

Her steps stopped when she saw a figure standing on the curb just in front of the quarters. Kyoto was a safe city but what if... ?

She opened her purse and took out her pocket knife. She had carried it since they were attacked after the concert. In fact, it was the attacker, Da-ge's knife. She never threw it away, thinking it might be handy.

"Konbanwa!" She exclaimed loudly, hoping the man was not a bad person. "Sumimasen! Anata wa dare desuka?"

The street light must have busted, it was dark and Yue could hardly see the face. "Step into the light." She shouted, her hand gripping the knife, ready to pounce at the prowler if he attacked her.

When he took a few steps forward, she sighed in relief. "Didi! Gosh! You scared me!" She dropped her bags and ran towards his arms.

He grinned. "You should believe that Kyoto is the safest city in Japan. Maybe in the world too."

She inhaled his scent and nuzzled her face in his chest, his heartbeat drummed in her ears. "Just in case. It's not easy to let my guard down sometimes."

She pulled away from him and looked up, "Why are you here? You should head straight home. It must have been tiring for you."

He shook his head. "Not really. I'm checking in. Say good night to you before I go." He eyed the bags on the ground. "Did you buy the whole shopping mall home?"

"Oh yeah, my bags!" She turned back to get them but Didi pulled her hand. "Let me do it. Sales must be good this year."

She smiled. "Not bad. I got you something too."

His eyes widened and he broke into a wide grin. "Really? Show me."

They took the stairs to her room and when the bags were fully unloaded, she pulled him to aside and placed a box in his hand. He was about to open the lid when she stopped him.

"Wait." What if he thinks she is proposing to him? She took the box back. "Sorry Didi. I will give this to you another time."

"Hey! What are you? Taking back a present that is meant for me. Do you want me to kiss you senseless again?" Didi exclaimed, pouting at the same time.

Her eyes widened thinking of their wild kiss. He looked really upset. She quickly shoved the box back into his hand. "I just thought you might like it."

She watched his expression as he opened the box, the corner of his lips curled up and the smile went all the way to his eyes.

"This ring matches my angel ring." He said softly, slipping the ring onto his middle finger. "I think it should be on the fourth one. But it's too big for that."

"No, Didi. That is the wedding finger. You—" she looked up at him and flushed. "I'm not proposing to you, you know."

He laughed and grabbed her for a hug. "I know. I love the ring. Thank you. But I love you more." he said, kissing her forehead. "Are you ready for tomorrow's dinner? It's a small one with closed family and friends. I want you to meet them."

"What should I wear? Traditional or just normal?"

"Normal. Do you think we are a bunch of traditionalists? My mom only wears her kimono during certain festivals".

She smiled nervously. "Well, I have never exactly had dinner with a billionaire's family. Just want to make sure."

"My dad was a billionaire, not me. Yue—" he whispered, placing his lips again on her forehead, lingering there. "I want to stay with you tonight but I'm starting to feel exhausted. I will come early to get you tomorrow."

"I can go there on my own. And help you prepare dinner."

He raised his eyebrow. "Yue, I know how eager you are to earn points with my Okaasan but dinner is taken care of. We have our personal chef."

"Oh.." She felt loss for words, suddenly. Being born in a rich family did have its advantages.

He saw her face and quickly added "Because Okaasan and I want to spend more time with our guests instead of worrying about food preparations. You can cook for her the next time, I promise."

Her face brightened up immediately. "Sounds good. I just want to contribute. You know I hate to just "not do anything."

"You are a singer, Yue. Time to behave like a celebrity."

"Time for you to go home!!" She said pretending to push him away to the door.

He held her shoulders and gazed into her eyes. "Did you miss me?"

Since when this had started as a routine for them? She wondered. "I know you missed me," she smiled.

He pouted, "Tell me you miss me too."

She beckoned him with her finger like before and he leaned forward. As she was going for his cheek, he turned his face suddenly and her kiss landed on his mouth instead. His arms went around her, as he kissed her passionately, hungry, and longing, she responded equally as well.

"You know I miss you," she rasped, floored by the fire in their kiss. "Can you bring me in your pocket next time?"

He grinned. "Don't you know? I have you in here-" reaching her hand to place it on his heart, "all the time."

Author's notes:

OUR MIND is a powerful organ. Can you see how many millions of thoughts can actually happen at the same time? So I really don't blame Yue. 😂 I have to do meditation and deep breathing to reach that calm state of mind. Everyday. Just to stay sane. What about you?

I was going to continue with another long chapter but I wanted to publish this today. Kinda poor editing though. Anyway, sit tight for the next few ones! We are almost close to the onsen chapter that I posted before MOTH started. 😉🥵

Happy 520! Hoping and praying that DIYUE 💜💛 will stay strong!

💜💛 Hsien
Written 19.5.2020
Published 20.5.2020

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