By LawyerESH

201K 8.1K 810

Alexia King:- The 21-year-old female protagonist and youngest daughter of the business tycoon, Xavier king, h... More



3.1K 128 20
By LawyerESH

"I'm perfectly fine and Kevin is doing well as well"

"Glad to know. May I speak to Kevin?" Dr. Roman asks from the other line.

"Sure. Hold on for a moment" I call Kevin who's getting ready for the office.


"Dr. Roman wants to have some words with you"

He comes faster than I thought it could be possible and excuse himself for so-called privacy. Privacy with my doctor? Cunning bitch.

I eat dark chocolate as I'm on my periods but I'm glad I don't suffer through pain or cramps. I'm that one lucky bitch.

He comes back smiling and gives my phone back.

"Why are you smiling?"

"I wanted to speak to your doctor plus he is married" is his reply.

I think back to the time if he ever mentioned his married life. He didn't.

"Thinking about him?" he asks casually but I sense an edge in his tone.

"Yeah. He never mentioned any such thing to me" I said frowning.

"Because he is your doctor and not your friend" he pauses, "Right?" unsure, digging for something but I don't know what he wants to know.

"Right but we shared a friendly relationship too" I chewed my lips thinking of the reason he never mentioned it to me and Kevin know this in 10 minutes.

I jump startle hearing loud bang of the door. I look and find Kevin no more in the room. I come out but he's already gone.

What the hell just happened? He was smiling a few seconds ago.

I get a call from him in the afternoon.

"I'm sending Jenny to fetch those affidavits you signed a few days ago" he sounds tired.

"I'll drop by my way"

"Where are you going?" 

"I was thinking to have some spa time"

"I can give you the massage" he grumbles.

What's wrong with him?

"You sure can but I never had a spa treatment before ever"

The line goes dead. Weird.


I reach his company in 30 minutes and give my keys to the valet

"Good afternoon, Ms. King"

How does he know me?

"Let me guide you" he guides me to the reception and the woman behind the counter beams when she sees me. She is younger than me.

"Let me lead you the way, Ms. King"

"How do you know me?" I ask once we step inside the elevator.

"Everyone knows you here" she smiles and I drop the topic.

Of course, it's Kevin.

We step out of the elevator and she introduces me to Jenny then returns to her reception.

"I love Kevin so there is no need to feel competitive towards me. If your girlfriend wants you then she'll have you and no one else. I or any other girl can't change her feeling towards you" I come directly to the point.

"Let's see what you say after meeting your man's assistant" she leads me to another office, with a smirk plastered on her face, where a woman older than me, around 26 or 27 I guess, is sitting and fixing her makeup.


She looks up hearing Jenny's voice and her eyes meet mine.

She has black eyes, blond hair, and thin lips coated in dark red shade. Her top four buttons are undone giving a show of a good amount of her breast and her skirt is riding up her thighs and from where I'm standing,  I can see her garter.

I clear my throat and look back to Jenny who's giving me a 'Told you so' look but I'm not insecure because I don't need to shout to the world that Kevin is mine. After all, my man does that work well enough.

"What does she needs?" Cynthia asks Jenny, completely ignoring my presence.

"She is here to give these papers to Mr. Emerson"

Cynthia looks me up and down before rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Kevin is busy now and only I'm allowed in his office, so give me the papers"

Her smug face irks me in the wrong way. I have been on edge since the moment I returned and she is not helping the case here.

She stands and pulls her blouse down and skirt up in a cliche style. Why doesn't she remove all her clothing?

"Leave us alone Jenny"

"You're not the boss here" Cynthia shoots daggers at me.

I grab Jenny by her arms gently and pull her out of Cynthia's office. I lock the door and keep the papers on her desk. I look around for a camera but I don't find it. I guess they give privacy to their staff.

"What are you doing?" her voice has taken a squeaky tone.

I lift the glass of water from her desk and pour water in a pot that is settled on the window sill. I smash the now empty glass on the wall and take the biggest shard.

"Are you crazy?" she shrieks and reaches to the intercom.

I grab her hand and push her on the chair before switching off the intercom.

"Now let's talk" I sit on her desk while caging her between my legs, placing them on each side of arms sets.

She wipes perspiration from her brows.

"You're a psycho" her voice shakes. I never refused to be anything else.

I play with the glass piece and lift her hand before tracing her wrist from the glass. I am confident I won't hurt her. I don't have those urges anymore. The fact that Jenny thinks I should be afraid of someone stealing my man, disturbs me the most. How dare she think so?

"Help! Help-" I shut her mouth close by pressing the same glass piece to her tongue. She gulps and I go back to tracing her wrist with the glass.

"I don't like screams. so be a little cooperative"

She nods, sitting rigidly.

"I'm Alexia King and you know very well I can still live free after your murder. You're nothing and Kings will help their daughter and the same goes for Kevin" I point back to the papers "You see those papers. They are affidavits of Kevin's all 26 NGOs which is running after my name. I signed it few days before after fucking each other to oblivion" I look back to her clothing and press the glass on her neck while covering the edge with my fingers and she's fool enough to cry in fear when I'm already taking the safety measures.

"You can walk naked in front of Kevin and I bet my fortune that he wouldn't spare you a second glance and I also know he must have ignored you to his best but desperation comes in all forms and color, so you're still here. Don't worry, I won't ask him to fire you because I'm going to give you a very important task, you'll keep all bitches away from my man not because I'm insecure or don't trust him,  that's for kids, but because I want him to concentrate on his work rather than firing his employees. Now be a good girl, button your blouse, pull your skirt to its actual length, and be a lady with some class" I throw the glass piece on the floor and stand while cleaning imaginary dust on my hands.

I pick the papers and unlock the door. I look her pale face over my shoulder and leave with the last word "Don't ever mess with the Queen"

I stop in my tracks when I see the terrified face of Jenny. I roll my eyes and take it upon myself to find Kevin's office.

I knock on his door.

"Get in" I enter and meet with Kevin's angry eyes.

"Why are you late?" he asks calmly, too calmly.

I look around his office and bite my lips to stop my lips to stretch in a full-blown smile seeing myself everywhere.

He makes me feel like a Queen, his queen.

"Was having a chat with Cynthia"

His posture stiffen. 

"Don't believe her-" I cut him off.

"And I don't. I know you and I don't have to worry about anything. They could try all they want but it's me who have you not the other way around. I don't need to stand over your building and shout to the world that you're mine because I'm not insecure or jealous of them" I lean and kiss his cheek.

He merely smiles and takes the file from my hands.

"I thought someone caught your attention" The statement is made off-handily but there is something in his voice that tells me I am not the only one struggling with this change in ourselves. We were never insecure of other people but now we need surety.

But first, I have to make sure I am reading things right.

"Yeah, your valet is quite sexy" I wink for extra measures.

He looks up from his files, without much moving his head. His grip was tight on the papers.

"That he might be but now he needs to say goodbye to his job"

I stand speechless for a moment before collecting my wits. Kevin is not impulsive.

"Why would you fire him?"

"Because I'm the boss" he reply is arrogant. He closes his file angrily.

"Without any reason?"

"I'll eradicate whosoever catches your attention from me and comes between us" he angrily marches out of the office.

"Where did this came from?" I ask myself.

I look around his office once again and leave baffled.

I reach my appointment in the spa and get my entire body pampered. Feelings of feminine fingers don't bother me anymore.

I buy some groceries and other things required to decorate our home. I lost the sense of time and only realized it when the sky turned dark.

I hurriedly drive back home and carry all the bags with the help of a man. He lives in the same building and was coming from his evening jog.

We make some small talk on our way to Kevin's floor.

My words halt and I stop in my tracks when I see Kevin drinking and from the looks of it, he is tipsy, not drunk enough but not sober too.

"See you later," the man named Kaif says beside me and keeps my bags on the floor before leaving us alone.

I arrange everything in the fridge, but other bags on the counter, and sit across from Kevin.

His jacket is thrown down on the floor and his tie is pulled down. He looks messy and sexy.

"Who was he?"  his gaze is burning a hole in the floor.

"Stop with your glaring. I know you're possessive and I love it but not this"

"Who was he Alexia?" he repeats through clenched teeth.

My mouth opens in shock when he uses my full name.

"His name is Kaif and he lives in our building"

"He soon will have to vacant his place" he smirks and gulps down his whisky.

"You know the owner?"

"No sweetheart, I'm the owner"

I rub my head in sheer confusion. This is not like Kevin.

"But he was just helping me" I try to explain his innocence.

"YOU COULD HAVE ASKED ME!!!" he throws the glass angrily on the floor and it shatters into pieces. The irony is not lost in me. We are the same in more than we would admit.

"I didn't know you were home. What's wrong with you?"

He keeps his gaze down.

"What is this Kevin? First Dr. Roman, then the spa, next valet, and now Kaif. This is not jealousy for sure. It's something else, please tell me what's going on in your mind?" I kneel in front of him and take his face in my hands.

He looks me down with his sad eyes, breaking my heart. Am I hurting him again after the promise I made myself to?

"You'll leave me" he whispers and looks away. I gap at him and make him look at me back.

"Why would I leave you?"

"Because you don't need me anymore. I'm useless now. You can take interest in any guy you want. Nothing special is left in me. I don't want you to suffer and I'm happy for you but now nothing is binding you to me anymore"

He is not jealous, he is insecure and deep down I'm the reason.

I feel my eyes well up when he uttered those heartbreaking words. I didn't know he was feeling so down.

"I love you, Kevin and I'm not leaving you ever again. I'm sorry I left you once but I did that for our future which we are gonna enjoy together and baby, I needed you back when I was a mess and I need you now because I don't want to be shattered. You're my happiness, Kevin, I can't live without you. These guys are nothing in front of you, they are not you and they can never be you. They are not the ones you handle me at my worst, they are not the ones who made me strong, they are not the ones who slew my demons and they are not the ones who sacrificed their happiness to protect me. They don't love me as you do. I made myself deserving for you because you deserve only the best. The only thing I suck at it in cooking but I know you'll cook for me every day. If not because of you then I would have never thought of treating myself. You make me feel special, you treat me like your Queen and most importantly you give me this new sense of hope and brightness every day. I can't see my future without you because I still need you to make me fall asleep, I still need you to protect me, I still need you to stand with me and I'll keep needing you to live with me our entire life. So, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" I forward my hand to him and he takes off his chain with the ring from his neck without speaking a word.

"Are you sure?" he rests the ring in my hand, searching my eyes for an iota of uncertainty which he will never find.

"You'll keep asking me if I am sure our entire life and I'll not get tired of speaking this again and again and again that 'I don't have to be sure when it comes to you'. Now, will you marry me? You can take your time, I'm not in hurry. I'm here waiting for you as long as you want"

"You don't have to ask, I answered you when you gave me this ring months ago and my answer is still the same" he kisses my forehead, and my shoulders shags in relief.

"Give me the satisfaction of hearing the 'Yes' once again"


I slide the ring in his ring finger.

"I was supposed to do this first but some things are perfect when unplanned" he runs his knuckle with the ring on my bottom lip and pulls me on his lap to kiss me the way that makes every fiber in my being bloom alive.

He is right. Some things are perfect when unplanned.

Every moment is perfect when you have your partner with you. You can be sitting on a couch and watching Netflix and your man proposes to you. That will still hold the same meaning if he has proposed you with proper date.

For me, this moment is perfect.  His feelings are important than my date plans. That can wait but I can't keep my man waiting. He waited long enough for me. My foolishness and decisions tested his love every time and he proved it without hesitating.

This man has had me in my worst, I'll have him for eternity.

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