Tornado Meets a Volcano (The...

By BriCo978

165K 4.8K 673

This is a story about the 100. Mostly John Murphy and his child hood friend Dahlia. They grew up together and... More

Prisoner 222
Baby Doll
First to Dye
Whatever the Hell we Want!
Hes a Puppy, I'm a Wolf.
Your Hour is Up
Don't Listen when I Scream
The Empty Bed
One Long Day
Don't Touch Her
I Grew Up
Everyone Run
Something Like That
All Clear
Be Careful Out There
Who Are You?
I Go Where He Goes
Kisses, Pods, and Betrayal
We Don't Want Her Here
We Can Not Talk Together
It's Time For Answers
Time To Have Fun
Take Me With You
I Want What I Always Wanted
I Don't Want To Have To Kill Her
Clarke's POV
43 - Dax POV
Bellamy's POV
Stand Aside
I Have A Place
I Always Get What I Want
Murphy's POV
Beating of his Heart
Bellamy's POV
Pull the Trigger
Meanwhile On The Ark
Untitled Part 55
Untitled Part 56
Fully Alive
Meanwhile On the Ark Part 2
Unity Day
You're going to get Clarke Killed
At Least There Good For Something
Meanwhile On The Ark Part 3
Chapter 63
Fire In The Hole
I Wont Let Them Hurt You
I Cant Lose Him
The Blonde Kid
Your Grounder
Chapter 72 - Octavia's PoV
Chapter - 73
Chapter - 74 - Murphy's POV
Chapter 75 - Murphy
Chapter 76 - Octavia
Chapter 77 - Bellamy
Chapter 78 - Murphy
Chapter 79 - Octavia
The Smokehouse
Chapter 82 - Sebastian's PoV - Meanwhile on the Ark
Chapter 83 - Let the search begin
Meanwhile on the Ark
Chapter 85 - Bellamy
Chapter 86 - Dahlia
Chapter 87 - Bellamy
Bellamy's POV
Dahlia's POV
Murphys pov
Dahlia's POV
The Sicko Was Smiling
I Hope They Eat You
Mine Where Bound
It's Over
Keep Going
Murphy Happened
My Family Now
Will It Work
Blowing Shit Up For A Good Cause
That Bad
Meanwhile On The Ark - Sebastian's POV
Grow A Pair
Three On One Fist Fights with Grounders
Did it Work?
We Are Not Grounders - Clarkes POV
Yes Sir - Sabastian's POV
Mount Weather

A Little Bit of Chaos

2K 62 4
By BriCo978

About had a week had passed sense the acid fog incident. Clarke had been forcing me and Jasper to stay in the drop ship. Only letting us wonder around camp for a short period of times. It was really getting annoyed I wanted to be able to do what I wanted when I wanted and Clarke was being very strict with me and Jasper about what we should do. The only good thing about being locked in the drop ship day and night was I did not have to see or talk to Murphy.

He had come by the next morning after out fight to see how I was after they found Wells body. I could not say it went as he had hoped. I was so upset after what had happened. I had only talked to him about a few hours before he died. I had told him to be careful and he told me he would see me in the morning. I never got to see him again. So when Murphy forced himself into the drop ship to try to comfort me about it I was pissed. I ended up yelling at him that he did not even like Wells. I said something along the lines of to stop pretending to care that his dead. He yelled back at me and then Clarke ended up kicking him out. I had been avoiding him sense.

I knew that Murphy had nothing to do with what happened to Wells the grounders killed him. But I could not get the memory out of my head of all the times Murphy had said he was going to kill Wells.

It made me angry when I looked at him knowing that for the first time in my life we were not on the same page. That he did not feel the same way as me.

I finally decided that today was the day I was going to go outside and visit Wells grave. No one was going to stop me. I was not completely healed but Clarke had lessened up the wraps a little and I was able to move around more. The pain on the other hand had worsened as my skin had started to heal. Every time I moved my scabbed over back would rub against my clothes and I felt like my back was going to fall off.

I walked out of the drop ship and out through the front gates. When I made my way over to the graves I saw Clarke kneeling in front of the last grave in the line.

I walked over to her and she did not even hear me approach. It was not until I was standing right next to her that she noticed me. I looked down and saw a little patch of blue, purplish flowers planted at the foot of the grave.

She looked up to me she looked so sad.

"You should be in bed." She said to me when she looked away.

"I have been in bed for a week. I wanted to visit Wells." I told her.

"You have not come here yet?" She asked me like it was a surprise.

"No I have had some crazy doctor who refuses to let me outside." I told her.

She laughed a little behind her sobs.

"When was the last time you talked to him?" She asked me.

"That night. He came by to visit me in the drop ship before he went on watch. He told me he would see me in the morning." I told her and was surprised that I started to cry.

I told her completely leaving out the fact that he and Murphy had got into a fight.

"I miss him." She said.

"I miss him to." I replied.

We spent a few minutes in silence until we heard someone approach us. Before I even had a chance to react Clarke pulled out her knife and spun around ready to attack whoever it was. It was only Finn.

"You should not be out here alone." He said to her.

"She's not alone." I told him.

"No offense Dahlia but you're not really in fighting shape. So it kind of is. What if I was grounder? They got Wells just outside the walls." He told her still completely ignoring me.

"Says the guy who spent another night exploring the woods all by himself." She replied to him.

I walked way not wanting to be a part of their conversation. Finn was like a possessive boyfriend when he was not even her boyfriend.

I was half way back to the drop ship when I could hear someone storming up behind me.

"Dahlia!" Clarke yelled as she approached me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She looked angry. What could have happened in the two minutes I let her alone with Finn?

"I want you to take this dam thing off." She said as she held out her wrist to me.

"Your wrist band?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes." She replied.

"Why? What happened?" I asked her.

She was not making any sense.

"Will you just do it?" She snapped at me.

I looked at Finn who was approaching us.

"What did you do?" I asked him.

"Nothing. She's mad at her mom and wants her to think she's dead." He told me.

"Clarke." I said to her softly.

"Are you going to do it or not?" She asked me.

"No. I know if you do this your will regret it and I don't want that hanging over my head. I have enough things already weighing on my mind." I told her.

"Whatever. I know someone who will help." She said as she stormed off.

She was walking towered the drop ship. Finn followed closely behind it took me a little longer to catch up. When I got inside Monty was messing with her wrist band.

"What are you doing?" I asked Monty.

"I have been looking for someone to let me take off there wrist band. If I can get it off without damaging it I should be able to communicate with the Ark." He said.

"Well I guess this is better than me just ripping it off of her." I said to Finn who was also standing back and watching.

After a few minutes of tinkering with the thing Monty pooped it off. It looked to still be working.

"I did it. It's still operational." Monty told us.

Clarke and him smiled at each other and then she walked over to us.

Finn did not look pleased with Clarke but he still listened to her all the same.

"So Monty what are you trying to do?" I asked him.

He had opened up a panel in the wall and was messing with all the wires.

"My mother will only think I'm dead temporarily." I heard Clarke tell Finn before Monty could answer me.

"Not If I can't patch it through the drop ships mainframe." Monty told her.

We all looked at him wondering why he would even say that to Clarke. He turned around as if he could feel all of our eyes on him.

"I can do it." Monty reassures us. "We will be talking to the Ark by nightfall."

I was not shore if I wanted this. I did not want the Ark or the people on it to come down. I looked over at Clarke leaving Finn following close behind her.

I walked out and stood on the drop ship ramp. I looked around as everyone was working. People where building weapons. Others the walls. Everyone was doing something, everyone except for me. Even Monty had his project. A project I needed to fail, or figure out how to stop. That's my job now. Stop Monty from talking to the Ark.

I take one last look around and see Murphy with Bellamy. I debated on if I should go over or not. I was still mad at Murphy but that did not mean I did not miss him. I was torn I really wanted to go over and make up with him. At the same time I did not want to give in like I always done. He lied to me and tried to kill one of my friends and then the entire Wells thing. It was just too much. I decided not to go over at least not yet.

I turned to go back in the drop ship then I herd Murphy yell "hey" at some one. At first I thought he was yelling at me but when I turned around I see him storming over to some kid that had fallen over. It looked like he was trying to carry the large log that was lying on the ground next to him.

"You think the grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish the wall?" Murphy said to the poor kid who was obviously dehydrated.

From where I was standing I could see most of the kids starting to pay attention to him. Bellamy seemed to notice to because he quickly made his way up behind Murphy.

"Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?" Murphy asked as he pointed to Charlotte.

"I just need some water. Then I'll be fine." He said to Murphy.

Bellamy stood behind Murphy who was grinning at the poor kid like an idiot. I could see his evil smirk from all the way over here.

"Murphy get the guy some water." Bellamy told him.

Murphy quickly walked away to get the water I assumed.

Bellamy then looked over to Charlotte.

"Hey you got this?" He asked her.

I could not help but smile as she ran over and actually tried to lift the huge log. Bellamy quickly stopped her before she hurt herself.

"Hey I'm just kidding." He said to her before he picked it up himself and walked off.

Once Bellamy was gone Murphy came back up behind the kid. He did not have any water. What Murphy did next shocked me to the point where I could not even move. He unzipped his pants and started to pee all over the kids back.

"What the hell, what's wrong with you, Murphy?" The kid yelled at him as he got up and turned around to face Murphy.

The kid shoved him but three guys came out of nowhere and held him back so he could not touch Murphy.

I could not help but wonder who these kids where. I did not know them and I did not know when he had any time to make new friends. I found myself feeling a little upset that he had found new friends. Even though I had made some new friends myself.

"You wanted a water break." Murphy said with his smart ass grin on his face.

The other kid struggled to get free but it was no use.

"It's no wonder Dahlia won't even look at you anymore, you're disgusting!" The kid yelled.

I was expecting Murphy to respond to this, most likely violently. He did nothing; he did not even turn around.

"Get back to work!" Murphy yelled to the camp.

Everyone instantly started to go back to what they were doing. I stood there staring after Murphy. I was so mad at him. I could not believe he would do something like pee on another kid. It was at this moment he finally noticed me. His expression changed. His smiled faded away and he looked back at me. It was easy to see that he was upset that I had seen what he just did. That was defiantly something he did not want me to ever find out. He was practically begging me with his eyes to forgive him but I did not know what he expected of me. I was actually thinking about forgiving him not to long ago, not even thirty minutes ago but then he goes and does something like this. I did not know who this was but he had changed and was not the Murphy I remembered. I shook my head no and went back into the drop ship.

Once I was inside I found Monty exactly where I had left him but Jasper was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Jasper?" I asked.

"Octavia took him out of camp." He answered me as he stuck his face up close to a wire.

I decided that this was enough. If Jasper was allowed to leave the camp so was I. I walked out of the drop ship and looked for Bellamy. It was not hard to find him. He was helping some kids carry logs around camp.

"Bellamy can we talk?" I asked him.

He handed the log off to some kid and made his way over to me.

"What's up? Is something wrong?" He asked me.

"No, not really. I just need something to do. I am going crazy being so lazy." I told him.

"I don't know. Your still healing." He told me.

"I know that but I can still help. I may not be able to lift things but I know Clarke gave you a supply list. Why don't you give that to me and I can go look for all her fancy herbs." I told him.

"Do you even know what they are?" He asked me.

"Look I know enough and I just need to get out of here." I told him as I looked over his shoulder.

I could see Murphy from her and he had seen me as well. I needed to get away from him.

Bellamy turned around to see what I was looking at. When he saw that it was Murphy I was looking at. He seemed to understand why I needed get the hell out of camp.

"Fine but your taking Miller with you." He said to me as he pulled Miller over to me.

"You're going with her to the woods." He told Miller who looked more than happy to escort me to the woods.

"I don't need a baby sitter." I told him.

"You sound just like Octavia." He told me with a smile.

"That's because she does not need a baby sitter either." I told him.

"Your still not healed you need back up."

"I don't want back up. I work better alone." I told him. "No offence Miller." I added.

"Bellamy if she don't want me I can help around camp." Miller told Bellamy.

"No you're going with Dahlia." He told him.

"No he's not and if you force him to I will just loose him in the woods. I will be more focused on staying hidden from him then paying attention to grounders." I told Bellamy.

"Fine but if you're not back in thirty minutes I am coming to look for you." He told me.

"Thanks Bellamy." I said as I took the list from him.

I grabbed a bag and headed out into the woods. I looked over the list and luckily for me I knew where most of these plants grew. This should not take too long.

I had found three of the seven herds Clarke needed when I started to hear yelling coming from camp. I stopped and listened to what was going on. I was not too far from camp so I could hear that it was Clarke who was yelling.

"You son of a bitch." She yelled.

I did not know who she was yelling at but this girl was always yelling so I kept on doing what I was doing.

"You tried to kill Jasper too." This time it was Octavia who yelled.

What was going on? Who had tried to kill Jasper?

That's when it hit me.

Murphy, they were yelling at Murphy.

I started to head back to camp. I was still not completely able to run so I was slightly jogging back. Not really even jogging more like power walking.

As I got closer there was more and more noise coming from camp.

"I say we float him." A male voice said.

"Yeah!" More than one person yelled.

Float him, for what? This can't be happening.

I started to panic. I needed to get back now. I tried to speed up but ended up tripping over a dam tree root. I landed face first it hurt but I was thankful I did not fall back on my back.

"Float him, float him, float him." It sounded like the entire camp was cheering now.

I quickly pushed myself up off the ground and headed back to camp.

What the hell is going on?

When I got back to camp I see a big group of kids beating someone who was down on the ground curled up I n a ball. I could not see who it was there was too many kids. Whoever it was he did not stand a chance.

"No! Get off of him!" Clarke yelled as she tried to make her way through the group.

"What is going on?" I asked the closet person to me.

She turned around to answer but her smile faded when she saw it was me asking. She looked at me then quickly sped off not wanting to answer my question. She did not have to the answer was written all over her face.

I became hectic and started to push my way through the crowd of people. Every person I pushed out the way hurt. Any effort I made that worked my muscles felt like someone was tarring me apart.

Every person I pushed out of the way was another person he bumped into me from behind. Or pushed me back. I was biting my lip to stop from screaming in pain but nothing was going to stop me. I was going to get Murphy.

It was just too much for my body. I was too weak to move people like I wanted. To slow to get there quick enough, and the dam bandages where still tight enough it made it hard to move.

"Get off him!" I here John yell, I just hoped her could keep them off enough long enough for me to reach Murphy.

Then I herd Murphy yelling the he did not do anything but no one was listening. Then his voice stopped.

By the time I got through the crowed Murphy was gagged with red cloth. His hands were also tied behind his back. He was defenseless but that did not stop people from kicking and punching him.

"Murphy!" I yelled out in panic.

A group of guys picked him up from the ground and threw him down a hill he landed face down in a puddle of mud. Everyone took their time getting down the hill not wanting to fall but I did not care I ran down the hill. I was the first to reach him. I pulled his head out of the mud and he looked at me. It took him a second to realize who I was. I was about to pull the gag out of his mouth when someone's strong arms where wrapped around me and pulled me away from him. I watched as a kid in a red jacket punched him in the face. I screamed out in pain. I was not able to hold it in anymore. Whoever had there hands on me was holding to tight. I was shore I was bleeding threw my bandages. From the pain I felt I was shore I tore all the healing scabs back open. I looked over as I tried to kick myself free from him. Murphy was looking at me I could not tell if he was worried for himself or me but I was shore he was beyond scared.

"Let me go!" I screamed as two guys lifted him up so the kid from earlier could punch him.

That's when I saw the rope being thrown over the tree. They were going to hang him.

This is when I started to lose it. Adrenalin started to fill my body almost on command. The pain started to fade away and was replaced by pure rage. Everyone in this camp knew Dahlia the sweet, loving but brutally honest girl. No one knew Chaos the girl that you really did not want to piss off but they were all going to meet her, soon.

I struggled for a few more seconds but then found my way out. Whenever I tried to get away whoever was holding me would pick me up off the ground a little. I tried to pull away and he did just what I thought he would he pulled me back and up. When I was up off the ground I threw my wait forward forcing him to loosen his grip on me. When my feet hit the ground I held onto his wrist and turned my way out of his arm. Before he even had time to register that I got away I twisted his arm and with all the strength I could muster brought the back of his arm down over my knee. I herd the loud crack of his arm breaking followed by his screams of pain. He grabbed his arm and fell to the ground screaming that his arm was broken.

I looked back over to where Murphy was and saw the rope being placed over Murphy's neck.

I ran forward and a different kid came at me. It looked like he was trying to grab me. When he got in close I threw my hand forward bringing the palm of my hand up to his nose. Breaking it instantly.

He grabbed his face and dropped to his knees just like the last guy.

"Stop her!" I herd someone yell.

The next guy who was trying to stop me learned from the last guys mistakes and was not trying to restrain me but knock me out. He swung at me but I easily ducked under his punch. I stood next to him and before he could react I brought the side of my hand hard to his throat. He dropped face first in to the ground. Gasping for air. He could not breath I smiled. That's exactly what I wanted but then he started to cough up blood I guess I hit him harder than I thought.

I was only a few feet from Murphy. If I could just get there I could cut him down. That's when I saw a girl coming at me with a rock in her hand. It was the girl who brought me the shirt after the acid fog. She was the easiest. I just punched her in the face and she fell to the ground crying like a little bitch.

Another guy came at me and I was really starting to get sick of this. I did not have time to fight ever kid at camp. I was going to have to show every single one of them just how dangerous I can me. He swung at me and when he did I ducked but lower than usual. I slid under his arm grabbing the knife I made out of the drop ship from my boot as I did. When I stood back up I quickly brought the knife down on his back. Slicing his jacket and back open easily. He yelled out as blood already started to gush from his back. I needed him down and now I did not have time for this. So I kicked him in the back that I just cut causing him to fall over.

Before I even had time to move I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. My vision started to blur. I was seeing black dots all over my vision. I turned around to try to figure out what was going on but all I could see was the Murphy was only about two feet in front of me. I took one more step toward him when the pain intensified. I reach to the back of my head and felt wet. I brought my hand back so I could look at it and saw blood. Someone must have hit me from behind. Hard enough to make me bleed. I tried to take another step forward but I ended up falling over. I could not move fast enough to catch myself. I landed face first on the ground. My vision went completely black. I am not shore for how long. When my vision came back to me it was only for a second. I looked up to see Murphy still hung from the tree but his feet where almost standing on something. My vision when black again. When it came back I looked back to him to see Bellamy standing next to him.

Good Bellamy will stop this. I thought as my vision went black for the last time. After I could no longer see there was still a few seconds I was able to hear before everything turned to complete darkness.

I heard someone it sounded like a girl yell that he did not do it. Then even the sound started to fade. I was left in complete darkness.

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