Ripple | ✔ (Old Story)

By illianaklyne

500K 13.5K 1.7K

Grace Waverly Parker meets a devilish boy who catalyses the revelation of a life she didn't know she had. Gr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chaper 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 45

4.2K 134 16
By illianaklyne

"Hi, I...uh, I'm Grace Parker. I'm here for an interview?" I say to the redheaded lady at the front desk who looked up to me with a warm smile. I can hear the distress in my voice as a try to push back what just happened. I don't want my interview put at risk because of some stupid argument.

"Right, yes. You're early, so that's good. Mr Rose is waiting for you in his office. Just on the third floor, first door to the left." She tells me sweetly and I smile at her faintly.

I bounced my way, brushing out my sleeves, trying to make myself look more presentable despite the clear tears that made their way out.

I bit my lip as I try harder not to break down and cry while I go into this interview. I knew he'd do this. I always know, but I just don't listen to my instincts. I just let everything slide and let everything happen because I wanna believe that it will be different each time. Pity, I knew it from the start. Once it wore off, we're back to square one. That's always been the case. It's either he wants something from me or he feels pity and I let him get what he wants. Why? Because I'm stupid.

God, I even tell myself that I never believe in love and here I am contemplating the one boy who can prove to me why I don't believe in love. Every single boy I've ever been with wasn't a love affair, it was construction work. All it ever it has been us using each other as tools. You're broken? I'll help. I'm broken? He leaves. That's what love is to me, yet here I am, thinking about the one Chase who is giving me all the reasons not to love- but making me see more than what I need to.

The pitched ding of the elevator snaps me out of my thoughts and I quickly made my way out.

I walked out, and I marvelled at the interior of this place. It was modern but industrial all the same. It's a small building with only three floors but I didn't expect much, this is basically just a branch of studios. The smell of coffee and paperwork filled the air and made the atmosphere more professional. I'm quite intimidated by it all, I've never worked on settings like this. Maybe coffee shops and McDonald's but never somewhere professional.

I follow the lady's instructions and I face a dark wooden door just a few steps from the elevator. On it was an inscription:

Mr Joseph Rose

I took a deep and shaky breath to ease my already helpless nerves before knocking at the door.

"Come in!" Yells a voice with a thick southern accent and I follow.

"Mr Rose?" I said, poking out my head through the door.

"Ah, Miss Parker, isn't it? Please come in, " the man who dawned a two-piece black suit and greying hairs invited and I smile at him.

He's tall, looks as though he is in his mid-40s and has the body of a bodybuilder, he sure looked intimidating besides the glasses he wears professionally.

"Please, take a seat." He says with a smile after we'd shaken each other's hand in courtesy.

The office I am in now is spacious and simplistic. The awards their studios have won hanging on the walls for everyone to see. Behind the dark cherry wood desk of his is a vast window looking out into the majestic view of the city- well, not as much.
Shelves of books line one side of the room and the other was a beautiful sitting area with a fireplace in the middle.

I had definitely expected something much different from this. This only makes things more intimidating than they already are.

"So, Ms Parker, I understand that you study in LAU. One of the most prestigious unis here in the US. Must be an impressive deal." He begins as he picked up a folder from one of his drawers.

"Uh, yes. My dad works as a professor there." I say and instantly regret the mention of my father.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't impressed by your resume. It is definitely something we would see on someone more than an assistant." He said giving me an impressed nod as he fixed his glasses.

"Thank you."

"I'm just quite confused as to why someone with your skill set and grades is just willing to settle for a minor job." He asked and I smile. I know I'm just underestimating myself, but I really just didn't want to sign up for something I might embarrass myself.

"Well, I guess I just wanted to figure out what the atmosphere is like." I shrugged and his smile grew that his crooked teeth shown.

"That's a very intelligent way of approaching this. However, I would like to ask, do you plan to move up?"

"Yes, very much so. I write my own songs and produce them too, so it would be nice to do something like that in the future."
I said, and he hums in approval.

"Well, I'm very pleased to hear that. One of our clients was really pushing for you to be a part of the production team. Studio manager or even studio engineers. Perhaps even your own brand in the future." He said. "I can tell why he was adamant to get you into these jobs and he isn't wrong."

I furrow my brows at him. Client? What?

Questions swirled in my mind as I thought of who could this man be talking about.

"I'm sorry, I'm lost," I say truthfully, feeling my heart thump away in anticipation. He looks at me as though I should know what he is talking about, but all I could do is look at him just as dumbfounded as I did the first time I heard about this client.

"Oh, I didn't know Mr Michaels hadn't mentioned it."

My face drops along with my heart to the carpeted floor.

"I'm sorry who?"

"Mr Chase Michaels. He called this morning to reassure me about you. He tells me you are an amazing candidate for a musician. And since he is the son of a family friend, I trust his judgement. And well, " he leans on his chair, "He isn't wrong. And he isn't the type to refer people too."

In a fantastic turn of events, Chase Michaels comes and crashes another crucial part of my life. Why am I surprised?


Grace. He did this for you. My subconscious corrects my thoughts. My thoughts telling me I should be mad because he's getting himself into a part of my life that I don't want him to. I feel guilty for being mad at him when he's done something absolutely unpredictable and crazy for himself.

"Did...did he say anything else?" I inquired shyly. It is definitely an unprofessional question, but I know Chase would never tell me.

Mr Rose clicks his tongue, "Well he said that he is a friend of yours and he wanted to reassure me you would be perfect."

Friends. Of course, people do this for friends all the time.

I nod at him, trying to take all the information in but not really knowing how to respond.

"Well, as I've said, you are over-qualified for a PA job but if that's where you wanna start then I'm happy to employ you. Though I would like to assure you that a space would wait for you when you are ready to be part of our music team." He smiles at me and I am brought back to the purpose of the conversation but still appalled by how quick this interview is.

" that all? I was sure there would be some absolutely daunting questions." I chuckled, and he does the same.

"Well, normally I would but, " he closed the folder. "Mr Michaels made some good calls and everything in your resume add up. I would suggest you come in for a trial day to see how you fit into the environment, then I can make my final judgements then." He assured.

"Really? That...that's awesome. Thank you so much, " I say excitedly.

"Well, it was nice meeting you miss Parker. I am excited to meet you back here on Monday. If things go well, you'll be able to work three times a week, all lessons compensated for. Have a great day, " He said as we both stood up and shook each other's hands.

Walking out that office I really don't know what to feel.

One part of me wants to be happy that I got the job- well at least the trial, but also another part can't help but think it was all because of Chase.

That phone call I caught him on could very much well be him talking to Mr Rose, who seemed really sweet and believed whatever Chase said. But now this makes me feel like I owe him. More reason to have power over me. I don't know what to think, of course, I'm gonna thank him. Someday, cause he went home- right?

As soon as I got back down, I found the girl at the front desk smoking widely at me.

"How did it go?" She asked. Everyone here seems warm and welcoming despite me only meeting two people.

"Better. Better than I expected." I say.

"So, do I expect to see you around here then?" She inquired, the same white smile plastered on her face and her eyes crinkled.

I smiled just as wide, "I'll see you on Monday, "

She gasped, "You are gonna love it here. People are friendly and all and the artists that come here are, fab." She gushed and so laughed with her.

"Well, I'll see you..." I stopped searching for her name, I can tell we will get along just as well.

"It's just Vie, short for Genevive." She winked and I chuckle.

I suspect she is my age, but her skin glowed, I would say she's younger. She is very beautiful.

"I'll see you on Monday Vie, " I say then made my way out sure that she already knew my name.

I let a smile spread across my face at the events. I've been preparing for this interview for so long, doing research and all the hard work only for it to be handed down to me, right at the palm of my hands.

I know I should be grateful that I had that privileged, but now it would seem like I used him or worse that I owe him. I'm mad at him for doing that, for creating his own leverage over me. However, of course, I can't deny the fact that he had helped me more today than my dad ever has, and that's enough for me to respect him just a little more.

I look up from the ground and to the path ahead of me and in the middle of it was Chase leaning on his car with a troubled look on his face looking off into the distance from him. His hands were in his pockets like he was waiting for something that would never come. His body was tensed and his lips were in a tight line.

He stayed.

Hearing my rubbled footsteps, he turns my way and an expectant look takes over his features as he stood up straight. His eyes were soft, like he's been brooding, and his eyes showed them.

I take a breath as I near him with a million emotions swirling around my mind.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"Chase, I told you to go home, " I say, harsher than I wanted and I regret it. His expectant eyes flashed with hurt, but this time, they didn't disappear. He looked down, then to his side, then behind me, then back down, taking a long deep breath. It was as if he's guilty or angry at himself or disappointed. The hurt in his eyes turns into anger, but he said nothing, though I know he wanted to.

" went well," I tell him to ease him. I don't know what going on with him but, I've never seen him be this...vulnerable?

He looked up to me with hope, "Really?" He asked, trying to mask his excitement with the smug look. I flashed a smile at him.

"Chase, you didn't have to-"

"I know, I didn't have to get all over your shit and all. I know I shouldn't have called, but I couldn't help it." He sighs in distress, his eyes never staying on mine like it embarrassed him.

I frown at him.

"I couldn't help it. And it's not because of some fucking pity that I'm sure you suspect. It's because..." He paused and I feel my heart stop in anticipation.

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