Toxic Merman (JonDami Fic)

Von CyrusLiam2

71.8K 2.8K 495

A Journey Back Home - Damian Wayne The sequel of If Only 💐 A horrifying natural disaster struck Metropolis... Mehr

Little Birds History
Rapunzel? Jonzel?
Taste of the World
Is this the End?
Go Home Sweetie
Zayka Dept
Is This How You Felt?
The Bat and Superboy
This Is Nice
The Transformation
Siren Damian
A Tragedy
My New Home
Good Night
Iruka, The Dolphin
Burning Torture
Boy of Steel and a Raven
Ryn and Donna
Friends and Family
Mariana Trench
To Our Little Diamond, Bruce
Mission Accomplished
Adults Talking
The Indian Ocean
Family Feast
You're Perfect
Under the Same Moon
Enjoying the Perks
A Dolphins Wish
The Journal of a Robin
Knowing the New Me
Mysterious Song
What a Day
Knowing Myself Again
3 Weeks Later
One with my Tail
A Dolphins Cry
The Mothers Hatred
Zayka's Revenge
Mourn of a Prince
I'm Saved
The Transformation Plan
Welcome to Atlantis
The Echo Globe
Discovering a Hidden Truth
Make Peace
We're Too Late
Burial Tranquility
Revenge or Forgiveness?
Goodbye, Siren Damian
Welcome Back, Damian
A Chance
Mission Succesful
The Selection
The Result
A Beautiful Reunion
Farewell, Iruka
All's Well that Ends Well
A Warning
The End

Too Sad To Cry

736 24 7
Von CyrusLiam2

Wayne Manor, Tallest Room Roof


            Ever since I started high school, Damian and I gotten closer than before. We would often be busy with studies or having fun. So, we decided to stop our patrolling duty. I mean, I'd say I wouldn't miss it but at the same time, I would. I wouldn't miss it because we rarely get any bad disasters happening other than the normal thief pickpocket or bank robbers to which regular police officers could handle. I'll miss it because patrolling time was our bonding time. We'd bring our gadgets, snacks, speaker, and so on to enjoy while just looking down over the city lights. It was beautiful.
            But I guess we can do that anytime at any night.
            So yeah, I wouldn't miss it. Least now we can also have some sleep because going on patrol, sleeping at 2 to 3 in the morning, and waking up for the school the next day is quite a hassle and I am not a fan of it.
            Today was the same as the other days... nothing special, nothing new. Just me in the manor, visiting the library, using their pool, sleeping, and repeat. Trust me, this is like a dream to just do nothing but have fun and relax. But somehow this situation feels different. There's just no energy in me to do anything productive or to cheer myself up. I'm not exactly going through depression but in a way, I feel like I am. I want to cry but I can't... I want to do something productive but my mind always gets the best of me. I swear... can being a teenager be any harder than it already is? Teenage years are the times where we discover ourselves and more about the world and the people in it. But in the process of doing so, the world throws hundreds of challenges and brings us down to the point where we wished we didn't exist. Sure these challenges are meant to help us survive in the future but sometimes life can be very tough.
            The Bat-family had turned in for the night hours ago... well, except for Bruce because he's at the Watch Tower doing League business with pa.
            Right after dinner, I took a bath, put on my hoodie, and sat on the bed, contemplating life. This particular night felt very chilly which I why I wore my superboy hoodie. I sat on the bed and eventually lay down. Two hours passed and Im still unable to fall asleep.
            So, here I am, sitting on the roof of the tallest room in the major, with my legs hanging over the edge and resting my arms on the bars.
            Whenever I visit the manor, Damian and I would often come up here for no reason but to just get away from the housing environment. This may be the roof of the tallest room in the manor but it is not a spacious one. For it only fits four people maximum to lay over it.
            I've been staring at the city lights for a while now and I feel so empty. It looks beautiful but I just can't seem to enjoy it. The sky is empty tonight... no stars, no moon. Just darkness.
            The sky reflects my heart at the moment.
            Natures music filled the atmosphere. Crickets playing their music, soft chilly wind howling, distant city traffic, winds rustling, and so on.
           Then I heard the door behind me opening. I turn to see Dick Grayson coming out from it.
            "Hey," he said as he sticks half of his body from the side of the door. "Got room for one more?"
            "Sure," I said as I scoot over, making room for him. I noticed he was dressed in his nightclothes with usual shorts and a t-shirt. But he was wearing a jacket over his t-shirt.
            Maybe he knew that it gets very cold during this time of the night.
            He came out fully and closed the door behind him lightly. He then casually walked towards my direction and took a seat next to me. Instead of sitting in a position that I was in, he crossed his legs and sat up straight like a monk does while meditating.
            "Couldn't sleep?" I ask.
            "Not really." He said. "I was asleep but I woke up to get a glass of water from the kitchen... only to see you here from the window at this time."
            "I mean this in the nicest way but... why did you come here?" I ask. "Not that I don't want you here,  I'm just curious."
            "I thought maybe you'd like some company." He said as he met my eyes. "Jon, for the past few weeks, I noticed you weren't yourself and I know why you should feel that way but trust me... he is gonna come back."
            "Very soon."

            I took my eyes away from his and looked back towards the city.
            "Just one call... or one way to communicate with him... is all I need to carry on with my daily routines," I said. "Knowing that he is indeed safe and will be home soon."
            "But nothing. I don't even know if he is alive out there. The sea is a very very big world. Not to mention dangerous and he could get lost easily or get killed by a beast."
            "Everyone's trying their best to look for him, Jon." He said. "Believe me, I want nothing more than to talk to my little brother right now but I know for a fact that it's not gonna happen."
            "Then how are you not sad about this? You're still smiling, you're able to fight crime, hang out with your friends, and be normal." I said. "I lost all my energy. I want to cry but I'm too sad to cry."
            "Believe it or not, I am having difficulties in dealing with my everyday life." He said. "I'm unable to sleep sometimes, I kept getting distracted to the thought of Damian's current situation, and yours too."
            "Not to mention, in battle as well. I got my butt kicked by Harley during training yesterday." He chuckles. "I lost to Harley Quinn...... A jester with no powers, super strength but with a mallet in her hands."
            "It's alright, you don't have to worry about me," I said. "Though im not really fine, I will just be... me."
            "And if I were you, I wouldn't underestimate her. She may be powerless but she has some killer gymnastics moves... kinda like you."
            "Not to mention a good eye for aiming a bullet." He said like he's annoyed.
            "She's a whole new person since she left the Joker and stayed with Ivy. Personally, I feel happy for her. She doesn't deserve to be in an abusive relationship with him." I said. "No one does actually because everyone deserves to be loved properly."
            "Guess that's true." He said. "She changed but she still has her bad side sometimes. The sides where she would like to kill."
            "With proper training from the right people, she will learn," I said.
            "Wise words little man." He said.
            My eyes remain where they are. I hid my palms underneath my arms because it has become even colder. Though the way how the wind crashes against my face and through my hair feels comforting.
            "What do you plan to do later morning?" He asks all of a sudden.
            "I don't know," I said. "Most probably nothing."
            "Sounds like a plan." He said. "Why don't we do something together tomorrow? Just the two of us. Think of it as a bonding time between the son of Superman and Nightwing."
            "I would love to... but I don't think I have the energy to do anything," I said. "I'm so drained at the moment, Dick. I'm sorry to be a downer."
            "Jon, come here." He said.
            I turn around and look at him. He patted the empty space next to him, telling me to sit closer to him. I got up and floated towards him, sitting closer to him. He took off his jacket and places it over me.
            "Don't think I didn't notice you shivering over there, Jon." He chuckles. "Here, this should keep you warm."
            "Thank you but what about you?" I ask. "Won't you get cold too?"
            "Not really... I admire the cooling air during this time of the night." He said, looking at the sky. He closes his eyes and laughs softly "I quote, The cold never bother me anyway, by Elsa."
             "A fan of Frozen I see." I tease.
             "So what if I am?" He raises an eyebrow while smiling with a lopsided smile.
              "Nothing, I'm a fan too," I said. "Gotta admit that in the sequel, Elsa's hair down looked more beautiful..."
              "She's beautiful in any hairstyle." He said as he playfully messes my hair. "And so are you."
              He then lowers his arm and places it over my shoulder. He places his hand on my head and slowly pushed me towards his shoulder, leaning on it.
            "Sometimes, all we need is someone to lean on and just let it all out." He said in a tone like he's reading a story. "I said I'll be here for you and I shall keep my word."
            "Rest, Jon. Close your eyes and just... rest. We can plan our activities when the time comes."
            I didn't realize I needed a form of touch the moment he placed his arms around me, gently stroking my back like a father gently calming his baby. I couldn't deny that I wanted someone I could lean on and just let out my sadness. I would love to hug my parents but they're too busy at the Watch Tower so I don't want to bother them. Other than my parents, Damian was the only one I can truly hug without giving a damn of the world.
            Now I know, Dick is another person I can hug freely.
            I closed my eyes as I slowly doze off.
            Soon, I fell asleep.

Next Morning

            I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing from my phone. I got up and sat up to stretch my arms while yawning. Only after being fully awake for 10 seconds straight, I realized I'm back in Damian's room. I guessing Dick must have carried me to the room when I fell asleep.
            Whoa... I must have been very tired to not notice him carrying me.
            I rub my eyes and looked at the clock on the wall. It's past 11 in the morning. I got up and make my way towards the bathroom to do my morning routine.
            Maybe Dick and I will some activities today. He did offer an invitation last night... I hope the offer still stands.

15 Minutes Later

            I've bathed, brushed my teeth, comb my hair -- by comb I meant roughly mess it-- and throw on some clean clothes. I took my phone and exit the room, heading downstairs to the kitchen. While walking towards the kitchen, from the corner of my eyes, I spotted Dick sleeping on the couch in the living hall. He was all snuggled up under his blanket while hugging a pillow.
            I wonder why he's sleeping down here than in his room?" I thought to myself.
            I planned to wake him up but then something else caught my attention... that's coming from the kitchen. I can hear people talking. There were a male and a female. I recognized Bruce's voice right away but I didn't for the female. I know that it wasn't Selina because she has a more feminine tone than this female.
            I decided to take a look at the kitchen first and then wake Dick up. I continued towards the kitchen and as I got closer, the conversation between those two gets more obvious.
            I arrived in the kitchen and I was right, Bruce and a lady were sitting around the kitchen table, drinking coffee and having brunch.
            "Good morning, Jonathan," Alfred said while washing the dishes. "Your breakfast is on the table... French toast with sausage rolls."
            "Morning Al," I said as I walked closer to the kitchen. "And thank you."
            "Jon?" Bruce said with a surprised tone. He glances at the woman sitting in front of him who hasn't turn to face me since I entered the kitchen.
            "Morning, Bruce," I said. "And who is--
            "Bruce... he calls you." The woman said. "I see he lacks manners towards his elders."
            "It's okay, I told him to call me by my name." Bruce defended me. He met my eyes and I knew his eyes were giving me a message. He didn't look... normal. "Jon, this is Talia... Damian's mother."
            Talia Al Ghul... suddenly my body felt heavy. I couldn't speak though I have something to say. Talia turns around to meet my eyes... and she didn't look happy. She had the bat family signature scowl.
            "Hello, Jonathan." She said as she smiles with force. "I believe we've met before."


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