Ripple | ✔ (Old Story)

By illianaklyne

501K 13.5K 1.7K

Grace Waverly Parker meets a devilish boy who catalyses the revelation of a life she didn't know she had. Gr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chaper 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 5

7K 192 58
By illianaklyne

His eyes continued to bore into mine as I seemed to have leaned in further to him, my body moving by itself and I expected him to move away but he didn't.

Once I was close enough to him, I expected him even to have a smug look on his face, but his lips stayed slightly parted, and his eyes still dead. We were so close that the faint smell of mint from his mouth filled my lungs and our eyes met again, a flash of hunger showing itself but disappeared quickly.

I watched his soft features replaced by something rather hostile, and I knew it should scare me. That I should step back and just listen to his warning, but somehow, I couldn't. Every ounce of self-control, almost nothing.

"Careful, " he repeated his voice lower and raspier than before and I felt chills travel down my spine. What is he doing?

I feel the boundary between us closing even further as I watched him lean in and my hand instinctively traveled to his chest but was too soft that he didn't see it as a stop sign, and my hand felt frozen in place. "Who should be careful?" I asked this time more slightly aware of the question but not knowing where the origin was from.

I'm too focused on his close lips that I hadn't noticed the finger that rested on my chin and the anticipation of the people in the room who were probably watching intently, wondering what's gonna happen just like I was.

"What?" He said a slight seduction in his voice as his lips grazed upon the corner of mine and I felt myself take a sharp intake of breath as electricity emerged from where his lips had grazed and traveled around my body and I was suddenly more aware and I tilted my head away from his lips, the lost of contact was bothering but I ignored it before speaking,

"Aren't you afraid I'm the one you should be careful about?" I queried and a few 'oohs' I heard from the background and I felt his brows raise upon my skin as I grazed my lips to his attempting to kiss lightly just to respect my dare before pulling away leaving the poor guy dumbfounded and my drunk self was daring enough to mouth to him, "Careful, " as I leaned back to the frame, a proud expression on my face.

The alcohol and its effects felt good for now and my confidence fits well in my skin too that I didn't wanna see the time when it would disappear. Though, I now question whether my actions were the drunk in me or was I using that as the excuse for my unacceptable actions.

It's only my first night in college and I was already doing things like this? Maybe moving away from mom is a terrible idea.

Mom. Oh God, if I told her this is what I've done on the first night, I would worry her sick and bring it out on my father. I don't want her to worry or think I was irresponsible because of this and just it's just one night, maybe I deserve it. God, what am I becoming?

If I was with my mom, I'd be at home studying or watching a movie or writing songs, but here in LA I am at a party being dared to kiss a boy I barely knew and probably hates me, drinking alcohol. It's just the first day. I could already hear my mom's complaints and her scolding. I can see her disappointed look as she tries not to cry and her voice breaking. I've always hated seeing her mad, for any reason. It breaks my heart because I knew she had already gone through that with my dad and didn't want her to feel that way again, so I tried to be as good as possible. But here I was at a bar, with drunken kids, probably without a way home.

What am I supposed to tell my mom?

The rest of the night continued, and I finally accepted Christian's offers for a seat. We both spoke about our courses and I found out he was taking Psychology because it has been his dream since he was younger.

As we spoke, I grow more comfortable towards him; I bet I'm more comfortable with him than I was with Julia and the thought itself makes me smile.

Christian is a personable guy. Half-way through the conversation, he asked me for a drink and politely got them. He always had a warm smile on his face, welcoming and sweet, his eyes would slightly squint as he smiles and dimples would show and he would look adorable in such. However, he had tattoos like Chase's group but much less and that's when I found out they were best friends. I was a bit in shock because how can this God of a man be friends with Lucifer?

We continued to speak that I had forgotten about the time. Now and then I would get questions about my life and I would answer them politely. Jokes would run around and we would all laugh and join in and add our anecdotes sometimes. I was enjoying tonight now, now that I didn't have to deal with Chase who left the room when I sat beside Christian, but no one questioned it.

After I had finished the second bottle for the night, I was adamant about not get another, afraid that I would be so drunk I say stupid things. I am now fully under the control of alcohol and it feels good. Everything feels so light, my mind isn't overthinking anything and I felt happy. I guess it's why people drink all the time.

"So, drunk much?" Dani asked from beside me, slurring his own words and Christian laughed and so did I. "all right, I'm gonna go get some air." I said, but Christian stops me, grabbing my wrist.

"I'm sorry no one here can take you home, everyone is very much done, including me." He laughed, and I smiled at him as I tried not to laugh at him slurring his words and he smiles. He looked so adorable even when drunk.

"No, don't worry, I can take the bus or walk, it's not that far anyway, " I reassured him but then his eyes brightened up as though he had an idea but with it was worry?

"No, no, I don't want you walking around alone. I'll come out with you, maybe find Chase, he can drive."

Even my drunk self shuddered just by the mention of the name, but this time, only a shadow of doubt came, not the big, loud, and scary doubt. The beer must've overpowered it. "No—" But before I can even say anything Christian and I are already in the crowd outside walking towards the exit and I sighed in defeat.

When we reached outside the streets were much clearer and it was so much darker. I gasped and felt sober for a moment and checked my phone for the time. It's 12:15, what?!

I heard a chuckle from beside me and Christian was watching my face turn to panic. "You enjoyed your first day, " he commented, and it wasn't until then I realized that his hand was still around my wrist, too afraid of awkwardness to pull away, I let it stay. "Isn't that guy drunk too?" I said worriedly and secretly praying that he is. Being alone in a car with him is enough to scare me, but I push that back, afraid that it was showing itself on my face.

"No, he didn't drink tonight."

"Are you—" but I'm cut off by the exact voice that was enough to scare the living hell out of me.

"Christian, " finished; Chase who was walking towards us said, his hands in his pockets and his face neutral, emotionless. His eyes flicked to mine for a moment but looked back at Christian instead. I can tell he is not fond of me.

"Oh hey, we were looking for you, can you drive Grace home? She's in the same dorms as Julia, " Christian said rather comfortably, and Chase's eyes narrowed at me. "I'm not a cab, " he said as he looked back at Christian and I stood there silently as though my dad and another guy are talking. I don't wanna be in a car with this guy that I can only really pray that he says no, which he probably will.

"I know but I don't want her walking around alone, who knows what freaks are waiting, " Christian blurted making me fearful, and I looked over to Chase who had his eyes fixated between me and Christian, on my wrist.

To my surprise, I immediately jerked my hand away as if I feared him and his eyes traveled back to mine, his previously dead face now amused and a scheming smirk playing on his lips. Oh no.

"Sure," he said, and I felt my heart drum then stop as my eyes widened. "No, you don't have too, " I said defensively that both guys looked at me, Christian seemed concerned while Chase just seemed to find this very entertaining. "Oh no, I insist, you don't wanna be walking around with, " he paused his fake caring voice to only look at me with eyes of amusement, "freaks, " he continued and his smirk grew into something rather threatening and I felt myself grow smaller. I wanted to turn to Christian and say I didn't want to because this guy scares me, but that would be weird, right?

Oh, come on Grace, saying no is very much acceptable, just admit it, deep down you're intrigued enough to go. My subconscious seemed to have awoken again. Perhaps this back and forth was enough to sober me up even a little, but was it right?

"Great, Grace don't worry. He won't do anything stupid. If he does, scream as loud as you can." Christian joked, but no one laughed. The realization of me not having anyone's phone number made this even scarier than it is. It's like one of those movies where the family is unaware that their kid is being kidnapped. But I tried not to think much of it, knowing that I was just that close to freaking out.

Christian said his goodbyes, and I wished I could say something, but fear shut my lips. Now I'm left alone, here, in front of a bar, at midnight, with a guy who probably hates me. We stood there for a moment, the smug look on his face never disappearing even as he turned around and walk to the end of the street where his car is waiting for us.

I walked with my head down like a child guilty of a crime and I stood a few steps behind him, not wanting to get any closer. His energy is so terrifying and strong that I'm afraid I will faint if I stood any closer than I would, considering that my vision was already fuzzy and I was struggling enough to keep a proper balance.

"Can you walk any slower?" He snaps and I look up only to see him already standing in front of his car ready to get in and drive off. Embarrassed, I walk in faster, not wanting to have anything else to do with this guy.

I got into his car feeling his chair being comfortable immediately making me tired as I buckled up and drove off.

He turned his radio on in a soothing volume, the talking of the hosts being the one thing I found safe in this car. I can't believe that this is what I've done on the first day, this isn't me. I looked out the window watching the buildings pass by, faint lights moving away like trails of paint. It was good enough distraction for me; I guess. The silence was deafening, though I would've thought it to be more uncomfortable than it is.

But then again, I would take silence rather than hear him say things.

"So Waverly, care to explain why I should be careful?" I shivered. So much for silence.

I said nothing. Well, I couldn't. I didn't know what to say for this, especially with him. I continued looking out the window trying to distract myself though I contemplated whether he would be more annoyed if I hadn't spoken so I mistakenly looked at him.

His eyes were like daggers staring into the road as if it would've melted the road if it could. One hand was gripping on the wheel so tight and aggressive that they were white through the flashes of lights as we pass the streetlights. He clenched his jaw as though trying to hold something back and I answered, scared he might do something.

"I-I don't know, I guess I just wanted to see how far you'd go." The words surprised me as soon as they come out that I averted my gaze from him and back to the road ahead, not wanting to see his smirk, that I knew he must wear so well.

"Not so feisty now, are we?" He said as he takes a turn into the parking near the dorms. I can hear his smugness and it makes my insides turn. I don't know what I'd rather do, hit him, or just jump out of this moving car. I know that I probably am not thinking straight right now and my inhibitions are definitely out the window and I'm afraid that I'd do something I'd regret in the morning.

He parks the car but doesn't turn off the engine and I suddenly feel dizzy and nauseated. Oh God, not now.

"I meant when I said you should be careful, " he said now as I feel his eyes on me and I feel sicker than I already did.

I couldn't answer her and neither can I move and I feel bile rising to my throat and I knew I'm done.

A gagging noise came out of my mouth and before I could even comprehend the angry words that came out of Chase's words, the contents of what I had eaten and drank today spilled out to the floor of his car.

I continued to vomit as I felt more light-headed and as I finished; I looked over to Chase, my eyes wide in the realization of what had happened, and his eyes were enough to have killed me then. His nostrils were flaring and his lips were closed as though he had never been that mad.

"Get out, " he said rather too quietly as I felt the rage radiated off him. If I had known better, I would think he was trying not to kill me right there and then.

Well, I officially made the devil my enemy.

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