The Stone

By IslandNinja

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Darkness rises in the realms as Brianna Nobile, a warrior and farmhand is forced into mage craft by a book b... More

A Thief in the City
The Book of Shadows
Oh Knight of Slumber
Mana Shock
The Castle
The Queen
What Beauty Can do with a Blade
The Bell Tower
Lady Caren
She Will Be Mine
The Queens Sword Seal
Mages Armor
Target Practice
The Other Side
The truth
The Broken Barrel Inn
An Unexpected Traveler
Accepting Her Fate
Fell of the Fire
I Love You?
The Sea Takes Her
Kit Mercer
Your First Mistake
Your Second Mistake
The element: Water
Corcoran Pirates
Foul Play
Ruler of Dragons
Roan's Pledge
Andai: Possesser of the Stone
The Trident King
Like the Gods
The Gladiators
The Blood Moon
Her new council
A Frozen Army
First Flight
The demon Mogan
The Holy Summoning
The Second Stone
Allery's Conviction
Into the Desert
Rebellion in Lesteros
The Chasm
The White Fox Illusion
Night terrors
The Desert Rebels
Roan's Last Words
And we wait.
The life tree
The Relic

Life's Given Task

47 6 0
By IslandNinja

"It was twenty men against one!" Jed boasts, sweeping his hands dramatically and striking into the air. The children gasp and awe, clapping excitedly. "I cut them down with ease, striking this way and that!" He explains leaping up high into the air drawing a dagger, he slashes into the sky. And the children cheer. I'm not sure who is more excited about his tall tale, the children or Evanora.  

I watch her silently, she was a beautiful woman, but Mage's have  a knack for making themselves look younger than they actually are. She could be over one hundred years old and we would never know. I wasn't about to trust her yet. Trust has been a challenge for me lately. Ever since we cleansed Emeriss from its taint, I have been doubting everyone... including myself. I hope over time things settle down and we all come together as a fellowship, as the strongest circle of warriors, like Revish and his brotherhood, who took on gods and demons, together as one to combat their enemies. Only time will tell what our futures hold...

"Is that how the story went, father?." Her soft voice calls from behind us. The room becomes silent as Brianna walks in wearing a blood red evening gown, made of sheer light fabrics aside from her bodice. Lace lined the top of her breasts and trailed down her arms. Thicker fabric sweeped to the floor bound around her wrists with gold cuffs. Then I noticed her crown, something I was not used to seeing her wear.  It was woven into her hair and made of gold, lined with red rubies. She held such ethereal beauty, I can barely contain myself. She walks in gracefully nodding at guards and men as she goes by.

I stand and approach her, she smiles warmly and takes my hand.
"Hey handsome."

I kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear.
"You look radiant, Brianna."

"So do you,Vance." She replies. "I'm starving!"

I laugh.
"Food is coming. Come sit with me. There is some fruit and wine we can snack on."

I lead her to where everyone else is sitting and the room becomes lively again as Jed continues his tall tale to the children.

"Let me tell you all the tale of Queen Brianna, summoner of dragons!" Jed winks at her.

She smiles, laughing quietly.
"Keep it child friendly father." She replies.

The children gasp and plead for Jed to start.

Everyone in the dining area was situated on the floor around large round tables that were barely a foot tall. There were luxurious pillows and cushions that lined the tables which we all took our seats on. To my side was GoGo and Revish, to Brianna's side was Harold, Grim, and Evanora. Kit and Garrett, who seem to be hitting it off well, are sitting across from us, although Brianna has caught Kit's attention in full now. I sigh in annoyance.

Kit has always been my best man, no one has ever come between us, not anyone... until now. I know I shouldn't care so much about his feelings for Brianna, but I had always been envious of Kit. Everyone flocks to him, he was always that fun and charismatic man anyone in the room wanted to be around. He has no enemies, and could get along with anyone who crossed his path. When it came to women, if I weren't a prince, Kit would have had all the attention and I would have come in second best. He was skilled in almost anything he did, I swear if he held any type of magic he would even surpass my father's mage Gwendolyn. He could cook, clean, run any type of machine, his battle tactics were just, and his love for family and being a part of one was something to cherish from him. He loved children, and always wanted several of his own. As for me, I am not all that interested in family aspects, yes I would like to have children, but maybe just one.

Kit was the best of the best in almost everything, his only flaw would be his disinterest in formalities and "dressing up" as he called it. He hated uniforms or anything that restricted movement, despite how good he looked in it. He was a very practical man, everything he owned or wanted had a purpose and use. Maybe that is why he never settled for any women around the palace. He always said, "They aren't my type." Or, "She is just a pretty face."

This is why I am so nervous with him and Brianna, they are so similar, right down to family roots, it is baffling.

My not so subtle stare at Kit has caught his attention, he lifts his cup of wine to me, I smile meekly and do the same. I guess if anyone were to steal the woman of my dreams away, it can only be him. No one else would compare, and he would treat any woman he loved like a queen.

Brianna nudges my arm.
"Vance! do you know how to dance?" She whispers.

I laugh.
"Of course! Everyone who lives in a castle or palace must go through extensive training in formalities, dancing is one of them. Would you like to dance?"

She gasps.
"I don't think so, I don't know much about that stuff. All my father taught me was how to...ummm... stomp."


She begins to blush profusely.
"'s like moving your hips and stomping around making a beat with your feet."

I burst out laughing and Brianna scowls.

It was then Jed had finished his story, picked up a fiddle and began to play. He must be playing a song Brianna knows, she looks up with eyes full of excitement. Placing a hand on my knee she grins wide, making me smile, and the room erupts with laughter and dance. Jed stomps his feet keeping a rhythm to the music. Brianna begins to tap a beat on my knee, watching her father dance around the room fiddling. The children have joined in now, even Evanora was up stomping around the room. Brianna jumps to her feet, taking the crown off her head, she whips her hair out of its pins and lets it flow wild.

All I can do is watch, watching Brianna was like viewing the world from a different side. She bounces over to her father, lifting up her dress so as to not step on it and begins to stomp with her father. She spins around him moving her hips back and forth to the beat, Evanora joins in with her until he is surrounded by several women stomping and moving their hips in unison. It was nothing like I have seen before, but it looked like fun so I decide to drag myself over there and try it out myself. Brianna notices me approaching and skips over dragging me into the crowd of stompers. I watch her movements and mimic them, the dance was easy enough and I picked it up quickly.
It was a beat of two small stomps followed by one large stomp, spin, then move your hips and repeat. It was much more fun when other people do it with you, not like our formal and intricate dancing we are forced to carry on traditionally. I enjoy this much more.

Jed changes his song to a faster pace and we pick up speed, Brianna lets out a loud howl and everyone in the room erupts, howling and yipping. I had never felt so alive, and I join in their howls, dancing and laughing with her all the way.

We danced and ate into the night, our fellowship growing closer to each other with each experience we make. I wouldn't trade anyone here for anything, there is nothing in this world worth more to me.


I awake before dawn, not entirely sure why, maybe it was being in a new place surrounded by new things. Or maybe it was something else on my mind. Either way, my heart is full of excitement from the night before and I felt the urge to get up and go explore. Something I've always done in castles and palaces, and this was a place even more curious to me than the others.

I look over to Vance who is snoring in a deep sleep and take this time slip out of bed unnoticed. I throw on a silk nightgown the maids had left me with and quickly brush out my hair. There was no need for coats or overthrows here, not with the heat so I leave the room with just what I have on.

The halls were strange, they held wall mounted flames lit with bright orange magic. They burned differently than any other place I have been to without any sparks or smoke, it must be the life tree or Druidic magic that does this. I can feel the bond between me and the life tree, it is said that a life tree knows who has crossed into the veil of death and holds a connection to those certain people. So I set out to find the tree, in hopes to bond with it.

From what I remember it was off to the right, and down the hall, then to the left...or was it to the right? I suddenly come to three pathways, and not entirely sure which way to go. Damn. The only thing to do is let fate decide so, I close my eyes and spin around slowly three times, smiling at myself for participating in such a childish game, and open my eyes to find myself staring straight at the middle hallway. Down the middle I go!

I walk the hallway, and feel a light gust of wind pick up exciting my senses. I pick up my pace jogging by lit fires and rune carvings depicting different gods of worship on the walls. I see a doorway up ahead, hoping that I have gotten to my destination. I stumble through the door into an enormous room, large white pillars surround a pool in the middle. It was open to the sky, letting the last stars of the night peek through as the sun rose ahead. I gasp in awe, and suddenly I am surprised by a familiar voice.

"Brianna!" He calls in shock, nearly choking.

I set my eyes on the pool of water ahead, and there he is, hair that has spiked at the tips from the drops of water that stream down his face. His handsome hazel eyes glistening in the reflection on the water, the sparkling waters making his soaked chest and shoulders look even more toned. It was then I realized how head over heels I am for this man. I am so shocked by the sight of his gorgeous features I can't even speak. I swallow nervously, biting my lip as I indulge in every inch of his dripping wet body.

"Brianna are you alright?" He asks, snapping me out of my daze.

"Shit..." I curse. "Yes I'm fine. I just didn't...I'm lost." I begin to laugh.

He smiles so beautifully, which is killing me ever so softly.
"Yeah, this place is a maze."

"Would you like some company? The water looks nice." I ask.

He closes his eyes, and they snap open at the sound of a high pitched voice.

"Ok! I got the wine like you asked!" A girl shouts bounding over to us, she was young, maybe eighteen, and barely clothed.

She looks at me in shock, stumbling over her footing. "Oh your highness! I...I thought everyone was asleep...We were just..."

I can feel the tears swelling in my eyes, and I stop her there not wanting to hear what she was about to say. I already know, and hearing it from her was even worse than thinking about it.

"I know what you were doing. You don't have to explain." I smile through clenched teeth, and stare at Kit. He lowers his eyes and curses running a hand through his hair. Within these few minutes of being in this room, I had loved him and then lost him to a girl younger than me and far younger than him.

"Your highness."
The girl bows, and carries on into the pool with Kit carrying two cups and a bottle of wine. I can't help but break over this, and a new tear in my heart forms, I begin to weep silently inside. I watch her as she approaches him, moving her body closer and closer, until I can't bear to watch any longer. I turn away.

"Brianna?" Kit asks.

I turn back towards them, only to see her draped over his arm. He pushes her away stepping forwards towards me. Through the streaming tears down my face I smile bitterly. "Enjoy yourself, I'm sorry for interfering."
Then I storm away as quickly as possible, with the sounds of giggles and splashing filling the hallways behind me.

Heartbreak, I know this feeling all too well, and it seems like whatever path I choose, always ends this way. Maybe I am not meant to love successfully, maybe I am meant to be alone. Although I do have a love, and he loves me dearly, but he has made me feel exactly the same way as I do now. And that was just weeks ago, it weakens my trust and weakens our bond. I am at a loss right now not sure what to do...

So I walk the hallways disorientated and shocked, crying painful tears, bracing myself on the walls periodically. I am not sure how long I have been walking, but suddenly I come into the main room of the pyramid. The destination I sought out in the first place, and there it is the most beautiful sight, the tree of life shakes its leaves as I enter the room. I walk towards it, admiring it, letting it's beauty distract me from my torment. I watch the rain fall over its leaves and down its white trunks. As I approach the pool of water it grows in, I kneel, closing my eyes, and place my hands on the stone floor. And instinctively I whisper an incantation, not one I have read from my book, this one comes from the land where I found Andai.

"Your roots are my veins, your leaves are my blood,
Fill me with your life, so I may see the world as it is and as it was,
So mote it be."

As the last words leave my lips, I am pulled into a trance, I feel the life of the tree pulsing through my veins. Each pump of blood pumps with the tree and each breath I take the tree also takes, I drink from the waters above us, I hear the whispers of the earth, I feel the connection to the world. It was overwhelming and yet I cannot stop reaching for its connection. Then suddenly the memories of the worlds past and present fill my mind, there is so much pain and torture bringing me to despair, but through that despair life still prevails and so does love, I can see it overcoming evil. Even with all the terrible things that have happened love conquers them all, relinquishing any taint from the earth. It brings hope to me.

The tree shakes, then begins to speak the same way Andai speaks to me.

Ruler of Dragons, welcome. Our bond is complete, you may speak to me, and gain the answers you have lost.

Answers?...I have so many questions that need answers, but where to start.

I'm not sure where to begin. I reply.

It shakes its leaves and laughs like a whispering wind.

You have much turmoil in your heart. Let us start there. I sense heartbreak, confusion, and indecisive love.

Yes...I reply and the tears fall once again.

Do not worry, love always finds its way, unfortunately your roots grow in so many directions it is hard to say what is to come for you, and it will always be this way. Each and everyone person who crosses your path will take a fruit from your branches and hold it to their heart. But do not let that change you, you bear enough fruit for the entire world. This is why you have been chosen. Remember your purpose, love will come later. We are relying on you Brianna.

I take a deep breath in, sighing with relief at once again being reminded of my purpose. I just can't let those who enjoy the fruits I bear take me away from what my destiny is. Ruling the realms, saving this world from evil so everyone can grow with happy lives.

Brianna, there is painful sacrifice happening in this world as we speak. Realms that need your help, gather your wits with you, for I have a task. I am sending you to another realm. Be ready for battle, you must save them, they are a key to your success. Take a leaf from my branches and say the words.

"Take me where I am needed most."

And to return to me,

You must say my true name.
"Cran Bethadh", do not lose the leaf or you will not be able to return."

Then the tree shakes violently, and I watch as a single blood red leaf falls before me. I snatch it out of the air feeling the energy inside it's veins. And I whisper the words.

"Take me where I am needed most."

As quickly as it was said I was gone from the room, only silence and the purest feeling of light surrounds me. I am floating...


The sounds of screaming through water, all different kinds echo through the silence. Some were in pain, some were in rage, but most were unnatural thirst for blood. Then a loud bang on a metal door brings me to a room, a throne room...I open my eyes and stand in the middle searching the area.

"Wh...who are you?!!" A young man barely the age of fifteen asks running to my side. He wears a crown filled with green jewels, his tunic the color green with the sigil of a wolf in silver on the front. He was fully armed, and so were the several guards behind him. Some covered in black thick blood or their own, and others bearing armor and clothing singed by flame.

"ANSWER ME?!.." He demands pointing his sword at my throat.

I hold my chin high away from its sharp end and reply.

" I am Brianna Nobile, Ruler of Dragons, Queen of the realms."

They gasp, some falling to their knees kissing the sky.

He turns to his men holding his sword into the air. "Praise the gods, our call has been answered." The young king cheers.

Then another loud bang on the door along with the sound of metal cracking. I turn towards the door and call forth my arcane crystals. This time I picture a knight's armor helmet and all, the crystals form along my body tearing away at the silk gown I was wearing until the only thing covering my body is black shards. I summon my buster sword.

"My Queen! You heard our call, we are grateful for your salvation." He cries.

I turn to him and take him by the head in one hand forcing him to look into my eyes.

"What realm is this?"

He stares at me and quietly answers.

I let him go and search the realm drawing in mana. Then I feel the taint, the same taint I had felt every time that wretched queen set foot in my presence. She is here, and so is Jewel.

Then a giggle from the beyond the door confirms it.
"Your realm is ours now, surrender your crown Isaac and we may let you live!." Jewel shouts through it laughing that horrid laugh she always had.

"He will not be surrendering today, no one in this room will." I shout back. And everything beyond the door goes quiet.

I turn back to the king.
"Be ready, draw your swords."

"We can't fight them all! They have turned our army into monsters, I have lost my realm, my queen...I have failed." He falls to his knees.

I approach him lifting his chin.
"You have only lost the battle...but not the war. Now draw your sword we are getting out of here alive!"

Just as he stands the door bursts open, I summon my book and call out a strong barrier spell made of unbreakable arcane power. A dome-like shape folds over us and the men around me bring up their swords.

The room fills with the living and the dead, each in burnt black armor, red tunics with black dragons on the front. Most bearing weapons made of bone and steel. The air becomes cold to touch as if winter had come in full force, followed by the familiar snicker and giggle from Jewel as she enters the room. Queen Evelyn comes in after her in a full battle gown.

"Well, well, well if it isn't my favorite nemesis. You are looking well. That is quite the armor you have on. And from the looks of  this barrier spell, your mage skills are top notch...well done! But where is your dragon? Or was that just a myth."

She looks back at Queen Evelyn who grins wildly. She flicks her hand and the men behind them circle us, one hundred strong. This fight is beyond us, we need more protection if we are to make it out of here alive. Although I don't quite know how to do that...yet...

Isaac and his men begin to shake with fear. I turn to them,

Then a thought comes to mind.
"Place your hands on my armor. NOW!" I command.

They jump and rush towards me each finding a place to hold onto. And begin to picture the crystals forming armor over my comrades. Sure enough the crystals click and clack scaling over their bodies. They gasp and awe closing their eyes as they let my power run through them.

"That's a neat trick young lady." Queen Evelyn grins bearing sharp pointed teeth. She is even more hideous than she ever was now, I sneer back at her.

"You haven't seen anything yet." I hiss.

And Jewel unleashes a blast black filled mass of flame, unlike her usual strike. It was coursing with Thanatos's evil and screamed as it lit the air. It hits my barrier weakening it almost immediately, she must be drawing her magic straight from the underworld. It was then I realized I am no longer dealing with a typical mage, I am dealing with a mage far more powerful than that.

My dome barrier cracks above us and my comrades shout in fear.

"Stand your ground men!" I shout back.

They grip their swords as another blast comes barreling in. In seconds my barrier has become nothing but dust. And the fight was on, one hundred against nine, with my armor thick around every inch of their bodies we were nearly invisible. I only had to keep the crystals in place which was almost an instinct now.

Jewel sends a black streak of lightning towards me, I block with my sword, spin, and counter with an arcane blast too large for her to dodge. She is thrown back into her soldiers hitting the wall behind them. She lands with a grunt cursing at me as her soldiers help her up.

Queen Evelyn gasps.
"It would seem we are on equal terms now."

I do not respond only bring up my sword and beckon her to come to me.

She draws a sword from one of her guards, pulling in mana, her sword explodes into black flame and I do the same. She lunges at me as jewel throws an angry ball of ice. Both strikes I block and counter, I duck low under the queens sword, just skimming its sharp edge with my shoulder. It slices through my crystals shocking me at how that was even possible, but I follow through. I slice into her calf and force a ball of fire into her side. She is thrown to the side into more of her sinister soldiers. And Jewel screams.

"YOU BITCH!" Then a barrage of molten rock begins to pummel us from above as Jewel reaches deep into her magical circuits.

Using my arcane crystal I create a large shield, holding it above my head blocking her attack.

"Isaac!" I call to him, he turns towards me just as he cuts through another soldier.

"GATHER AROUND BRIANNA!" He shouts to his guards.

They rush in huddling underneath my shield as Jewel throws more molten rock down upon us.

I summon my book and gather mana, enough to cause the air to pull towards us. I search the book for some help. The book flips open rapidly landing on a page near the end. It reads...

"The legendary beast Kermodei,

A spirit bear of northern realms. It is said this legendary beast is one of the strongest of beasts. It is the pinnacle of devotion and protection, it's powers are its strength and its ear piercing roar.

Recite the words.

Come 0 Spirit of the Great Bear
Awaken in your hidden Lair

Grant me the power in your Roar,
Root it deep within my core

O Spirit of the Great Bear
AWAKEN the Bear in ME!

Once this beast is summoned he will remain with you forever, or until it has given all it can give.
Happy casting.
Lady Caren.

I take a deep breath in, and level out my mana draw. Then I say the words.

The spell echoes through the room, stopping anyone in their tracks. The ground shakes and queen Evelyn shouts.

"STOP HER!" She points her sword in my direction, but it was too late. I had already completed the cast. The ground shakes again, cracking the stone below us.

Then a growl shakes the walls and a white aura appears around us smoking like white clouds. They swirl upon themselves folding and twisting, and through the haze steps a colossal claw ridden white paw. Followed by an ear piercing roar. Our enemies fall to their knees screaming in pain, dropping their weapons. Anything human begins to run out of the room, with the queen and Jewel cursing them as they fly past.

One more roar erupts forcing Evelyn and Jewel to their knees. And the white smoke disappears revealing a bear with long sharp fangs, red eyes, and Druidic symbols painted in red over its body.

It huffs a warm breath out in the cold air, sniffing and grumbling as it searches the room.

"Go my queen! I will handle this." Jewel shouts.

I lower my shield letting it disappear, and point to Jewel. The bear looks at me then at Jewel and roars.

She begins to laugh hysterically.
"You should see the beasts I have now. Let's see if they are a match to yours, shall we?"

And she whistles, then holds up a hand as mana pulses out from it. A rumbling of hooves fills the air and the spirit bear growls lowering itself in defense.

In through the door broken metal doors, three centaurs come crashing in. I have never in my life seen one, no one has in centuries. They were gruesome half man half blackened horses. Their mouths dripped constantly with black fluids, and their eyes burned like coals on a fire. They twitched and spat as they spread their claw ridden hands in fury.

This was an unfair fight, three against one. My beast knew it, it looks to me and nods and we share a moment of despair and determination. This will not end well for him. But he knows his duty, to protect what he is devoted to. I point my sword towards the disgusting beasts and Kermodei leaps over us all tearing at the ground. The battle erupts once again as soldiers begin their attack on us. We gather in a circle back to back, defending ourselves.

Jewel unleashes more blasts of tainted flame towards me, I block them all and lunge towards her with my blade in hand. I slash to the left and right only to be stopped by ten of her guards. I take them on with epic speed slicing through decaying flesh, spilling blackened blood to the floor. She retreats back behind the door, and I send a bolt of arcane magic her way, clipping her right arm, it burns the armor, flesh and bone away leaving a melting stump in its wake. She screams wildly writhing on the floor.

Before I can finish the job I am struck in the side by a centaurs swift kick. I slam into soldiers crushing them with the force and hit the wall cracking it. I crumble to the floor, bringing up my sword. The centaur screams and charges towards me, only to be tackled by Kermodei who tears at its throat decapitating it in one ripping bite.

The last two centaurs leap into him, coming from both sides. My beast is losing this battle as his blood spills onto the floor. Suddenly my view is blocked by the royal guards of King Isaac. They push Isaac into the wall behind me and form a protective circle in front of us.

"Protect the king and queen at all costs!" One man shouts at the others.

I stand and draw my sword.

Isaac yells behind me.

He turns slightly towards me.
"Brianna if there is anything in that book that can get you and our king out of here, now would be the time!!."

As he finishes his words a thrown dagger slices into his forehead and he falls to the ground lifeless. Isaac screams behind me. I begin to panic, we may not make it out of this alive. This can't be it! I plead for help...anything...please!

Then silence fills my mind blocking out any sound, a light appears above me with sparkling life. And down floats the very leaf I had used to get here. I watch it float before me and snatch it up in my hand, it speaks through me.

"Call my name, now is the time."

It whispers.

Quickly I lunge towards Isaac and take him into my arms. I whisper it's name...

"Cran Bethadh".. and just like before the room disappears instantly, and we float through a silent purgatory.

Through my bond with Isaac and the life tree, his memories spill into my own. His life was filled with painful torture from his parents, abuse of all kinds leaving him no option but to kill them with the aide of his uncle... his only protector. I feel for this boy, the things they did to him was beyond comprehending. I cry out and hold him tighter in my arms. His last memory was the dagger splitting through his uncle's skull. And I can't help but feel responsible for his suffering. I had failed so many in this short battle, I had lost my spirit bear, and lost the fight. I sob into Isaac breaking into pieces.

And just as quickly as we left Isotora we arrived back in Lira before the life tree, my own family and guards surrounding us.

"Brianna!" I hear them call. Hands grabbing at me, I shove them away still clinging to whatever salvation I have left from my failure. He sobs into my arms clutching at my armor.

"Shhh, don't worry Isaac, I won't let anything hurt you ever again. I will protect you with my life." I hush stroking the back of his head.

He cries for a long time before I let him go, and no one made any attempt to interfere with us. If they even tried they would get a sharp blade held to their throats. Finally Isaac settles and looks up at me, eyes red and swollen.

"I'm so sorry Isaac." I stroke the side of his face, he nuzzles his forehead into my palm, then suddenly he realizes we are not alone. He draws his sword pushing away from me.

"Isaac, don't worry these are my knights and guards, they won't hurt you." He looks at me for reassurance, and lowers his sword, placing a hand on a wound on the side of his head.

"Evanora, can we get someone to heal him, and maybe clean the blood off his clothing and armor." She nods and quickly summons a few servants to help.

Isaac clings to me in fear, eyes wide, heart beating from his chest.
"No don't leave me." He gasps.

"Ok, ok." I whisper and his breath begins to calm. I take his arm in mine, ignoring anyone around me and I take him towards the servants.

"Lead the way." I command, they bow and hurry towards the door.

Explanations can wait until Isaac is settled...

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