The Stone

By IslandNinja

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Darkness rises in the realms as Brianna Nobile, a warrior and farmhand is forced into mage craft by a book b... More

A Thief in the City
The Book of Shadows
Oh Knight of Slumber
Mana Shock
The Castle
The Queen
What Beauty Can do with a Blade
The Bell Tower
Lady Caren
She Will Be Mine
The Queens Sword Seal
Mages Armor
Target Practice
The Other Side
The truth
The Broken Barrel Inn
An Unexpected Traveler
Accepting Her Fate
Fell of the Fire
I Love You?
The Sea Takes Her
Kit Mercer
Your First Mistake
Your Second Mistake
The element: Water
Corcoran Pirates
Foul Play
Ruler of Dragons
Roan's Pledge
Andai: Possesser of the Stone
The Trident King
Like the Gods
The Gladiators
The Blood Moon
Her new council
A Frozen Army
First Flight
The demon Mogan
The Holy Summoning
The Second Stone
Allery's Conviction
Into the Desert
Rebellion in Lesteros
The Chasm
The White Fox Illusion
Night terrors
The Desert Rebels
Roan's Last Words
And we wait.
Life's Given Task
The Relic

The life tree

44 7 0
By IslandNinja

The pyramid was surprisingly damp inside, which was somewhat refreshing after having crossed the desert plains. It was dimly lit, with flames on top of pillars in various areas. The corridors were an endless maze, twisting and turning, I am sure I would have trouble walking these halls everyday without assistance. I'm not sure how this mage does it.

Gogo and I are led into a large room with Harrett following behind. There is no throne in this room, only intricate carved pillars that stretched to the top of the pyramid, placed in a perfect circle. Above those pillars is the peak of the pyramid with an opening that let the sunlight in. The light bounced off mirrors situated on each pillar, brightening the room entirely with warm light rays. It was beautiful, but the most fascinating part of the room was in its center, which enclosed a willowy tree pooled in crystal blue waters. Out of nowhere water fell from above it, like desert rains, keeping the tree full of life. The tree itself was white barked with red stained leaves and it pulsed with powerful energy, weaving its own magical circuits through the entire rebel camp and out into the desert.

I have never witnessed such natural beauty, I have never felt such warm and welcoming power, I feel at home here. The connection to the earth from this tree is as strong as bearing a dragon's heart. I am drawn towards it...

"Arch mage, is that...a life tree?" I ask.

"Yes you are correct, it is the very source of pure magic. It sprouts from the earth's core, producing the strongest connection to magic and nature itself. The only other connection this pure is a dragon's heart." She replies walking over to the tree. I join her side in awe, taking in all of its magnificence.

Gogo and Garrett stand back a few feet watching us.

"What does it take to grow a life tree?" I ask.

She glances at me.
"Only death can create life. A sacrifice has been made, but not in ill favor. It was a life that would have been taken soon anyways. It put her suffering at ease. May I see the dragon's heart you hold?"

I hesitate to tell her...
" sorry I cannot show you. For I have taken it inside my own heart, combining it to my own magic circuits."

She gasps, one hand covering her mouth.

"The stone, or dragon's heart, can only be taken at the brink of death. To save the people of Emeriss, I challenged their king and his son. They cut my wrists open and burned me alive, but before I let my soul slip away, I spoke the words and called forth the king of dragons, Andai. He came to me before I died and healed me as I took the heart into myself, bearing its power, now I am one with the dragon."

"You sacrificed your life for the people of Emeriss?" She asks wide eyed.

"Of course! I would do it over and over again if it cleanses the world from evil. We all deserve freedom, peace, and full lives, without fear. Although...half the city ran from me in fear. That part I regret."

"Oh child, my heart goes out to you, and we all thank you for your sacrifice. But I must know, how does one come to bear that dragon's heart?"

"I wasn't always walking the grand halls of castles and palaces. I was a farm hand and a thief, who had come across the book of Lady Caren, in the talons of a raven. That book held the stone, only a descendant of her bloodline can open it.."

"You are... Lady Carens blood?"
She interrupts.

"Yes, I am heir to the throne of Lesteros, ruler of the realms. Although...I would rather be tending to my small farm, then ruling anything..." I laugh, but she only whispers disbelief.

"Was it your mother or father's bloodline?"

"My mother's, but she left us when I was four, I haven't seen her since. As for my father...he raised me and trained me in combat, but he was called to war overseas when I was fifteen. He never returned, and it wasn't until the gladiators tournaments in Emeriss where I found him, shackled and chained, beaten and bruised. They had turned him into a slave, which I still find hard to believe."

"Your father sounds like a great man, who got into some trouble." She turns to me, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"He is a great man. Hence his name. Sir Jedrick the great." And I turn my gaze to her. Her breath hitches.

"What did you just say?" She asks, taking my shoulders in both of her hands.

I can hear Garrett whisper behind me.

"Jedrick is my father..." I reply.

Tears begin to fill her eyes.
"Is he here with you?" She asks.

"Yes, alongside Vance Cyr, Kit Mercer, and my guards."

Evanora turns to Garrett, and he nods.
"Release the prisoners. Bring them to us at once." She commands.

Garrett bows.
"Of course." He replies and leaves the room briskly.

"Brianna, come kneel with me." She takes my hand in hers guiding me to the very center of the tree.

We kneel together side by side.
"Why have you come here?" She asks.

"I am seeking an alliance, as well as an army to help battle against Thanatos and his minions." I reply.

She sighs.
"I figured as much. We are seven hundred strong. Not a very big army. You will need bigger." She states.

They must have lost more men since the hunts began.

"Every single person helps. Anyone trained by my father can kill twice as many than any regular knight. We need you and your following." I reply.

She stands looking down at me, I do not move from my position.

"But Brianna, we are at peace...."

Then suddenly her voice slows to an unnatural rate, and time seems to come to a near stop. A cold breeze chills the air, causing me to gasp. There was something coming, a dark entity, I could feel it. The life tree shudders in front of me and air becomes thick, smelling of death...thanatos. Then a whispering wind rushes into the room and two pillar torches die out, I turn to search the room behind me, scanning the darkness for any movement or magic auras that might be hiding. But I cannot see anything, it is only my sense of smell, and the cold touch on my skin that gives it away. Then the familiar scent of cinnamon and mint, mixed with a musky aroma of the first man I loved. I close my eyes, letting it linger.

"Roan." I whisper, my voice shaking with fear, and sorrow.

Then in the back of my mind like a breath floating on thin air, his voice penetrates my ears.

"I see you Brianna."

My breath catches in my throat. My heart begins to race and I feel the color leave my face.

"This is the last time our souls will be in the same room together, on common ground. You have betrayed me and abandoned Lesteros. I advise you to stay away from Lesteros if you want to live, if you come back I will kill you myself."

Am I dreaming? I ask myself as a tear streams down my cheek.

In a panic I cry out.
"I am sorry Roan, please forgive me! I did what I had to do."

There is a pause backed with another cold chill.

"May the wrath of your betrayal, leave you buried six feet underground." He hisses.

I kneel in shock unable to move. How could he despise me so much? Why can't he understand?

And he was gone before I could challenge his threat, as if he was never there. The air becomes warm once again, the tree shakes its leaves, shedding the evil taint from it and the room comes back to normal.

"Brianna..." Evanora says.

My eyes snap in her direction,

"Are you ok?" She asks, suspiciously

"Yes...I just felt something. It's gone now." I reply.

I stand dusting my gown off, and just as I do my council walks through the door behind us with four guards following,

They are bickering amongst themselves.

"I told you, didn't I?" My father boasts, giving Vance a good playful shove.

"Yeah, were right." He rolls his eyes. Kit , Harold and Grim chuckle to themselves.

And everyone's eyes lock onto me and Gogo. In unison they sigh in relief.

"You haven't been causing trouble have you?" I scold.

Everyone shakes their heads and Gogo snickers at me.

"They don't look very innocent do they?" Gogo replies.

I shake my head.
"No they do not."

Evanora steps forward, examining my crew of misfits. Her eyes scan each one of them, and stop directly on my father.

"Jed..." She whispers, her voice still shaking. Everyone goes silent.

His eyes soften at the sight of her, and he uncloaks himself, taking his face cover off.

"Hey there, kitten." He replies in a bittersweet tone.

Then the unexpected happens, she storms straight up to him and instead of embracing him, she uses the entire back of her hand to slap his face.

"You have no idea the worry you put me through!" She snaps as he stumbles to the side holding the now burning red mark across his cheek. Normally I would jump in on this, but I am curious as to what my father has done to deserve such wrath.

"I know. I apologize, kitten. Please let me exp..." Then she was on him like a lioness in heat. They kissed with such passion it was turning everyone's face a deep shade of red, which lasted a few minutes before they finally came up for air and they carried on with their conversation.

"I was going to return to you, but I got into some trouble." He finally explains.

She sighs heavily.
"I am happy you are here now. You must be tired from your trip..." she looks to all of us. "We welcome you with open arms here. Let's get all of you settled. We can continue our conversation over dinner." She flicks her hands to her guards.

"Please take them to the western quarters. Jed will be staying with me tonight." She winks at my father who blushes.

"Is there a place to bathe Evanora?" I ask.

"Yes of course, Garrett. Please show the ruler of dragons to her to my personal quarters to bathe. She is a queen and deserves a royal treatment."

I bow to her. "Thank you arch mage."

Garrett begins to pull off his cloak, hood, and mask revealing himself to all of us. He was much younger than I thought. Initially from his thick muscular build and his substantial height I thought he may be in his thirties, but his skin was smooth, and lacked the weathering of age. If it weren't for the slight sandy colored beard that lines his lower chiseled jaw and upper lip, I would have guessed he was sixteen.

He smiles walking over to me holding his hand out.
"Come queen of Emeriss."

I hesitate and glance at Vance who is watching us intently, then I glance at Kit who is watching us equally. And just as I take his hand they both stop us.

"Wait a minute!" Vance snaps .

"Hold on now!" Kit says.

They both scowl at each other before scowling at us and Garret sets his focus on the two.

"Brianna does not go anywhere without me." Vance says, before Kit can get another word in.

"You bathe with her?" Garrett asks, confused.

"Of course I do!" Vance snaps.

And Garrett looks at me, which by now I've begun to blush so badly I can feel it in my toes.

I sigh.
"Yes Garrett, this is Vance Cyr, prince of Ashura. My knight whom I am to pledge with, he is also my beloved."

Garrett stands at attention immediately putting a fist into palm and bowing.
"My apologies Prince of Ashura. I did not know."

And Vance lets out a sigh of relief.
"It's ok buddy, I get it, and I wouldn't hesitate to take the hand of a woman as beautiful as her either."

"What of the man beside you?" He asks and looks at me. I blink twice unsure what to say as I stare at Kit. Kit stares back at me, and Vance stares at Kit. This is all becoming very awkward, I almost wish they had just stayed in the cell outside.

Thankfully Kit speaks up.
"I am her trainer and I have pledged my allegiance to her as well as Vance here.." His last words were almost a whisper.

Garrett nods in understanding.
"Very well, then you will both be bathing with Brianna?"

"No!" They both say in unison.

Garrett looks to me for help.
"If you both don't mind I would like to bathe alone... there is sand in places I'd rather not mention, Vance, you can get settled into our room and Kit, you may do as you please." I smile at Garrett. "After you good sir." And I wave my hand, he nods and proceeds towards the door. And we leave the two pouting behind us.


"So, lady Brianna, are the men around you always falling over themselves?" Garrett snickers as we walk the winding corridors.

I laugh.
"Most of the time...yes. You seem to be keeping it together."

He laughs hard.
"Barely, you are a stunning woman, and a rare sight in Lira. There is no one here with hair as golden as summer fields and eyes as deep green as the shallow seas."

I sweep my hand to the side playing off his overdone compliment.
"Aren't you as rare as I? I don't see many men with magical circuits such as yours."

"Ahhh yes, I am a rare breed too. But I am no mage."

I glance at him.
"If you are not a mage then what are you?"

"I am a druid and beast summoner, although not at the legendary level as you are."

I gasp, grabbing his arm, turning him towards me.
"No way!"

He smiles.
"Yes way."

I let him go and keep walking, thinking about the last druid I heard of. There aren't many left in the world. His name was Luther Halden, he was a powerful man, using the magic from a life tree to help aid him. Garrett must be the one who sprouted the tree in the mirrored room.

"So that tree is your brilliant work. I've never seen such beauty."

"Yes that would be my work...I thought I had seen all the beauty in the world...that is until you showed up." He replies quietly.

I sigh, god forbid I get another man following me around like a hound dog. I need to keep my distance from him. It is almost impossible to develop and maintain so many relationships and I am barely hanging on to what I have now.. It was at that moment I realized how much I have grown over the last month or so. The less matured Brianna would be falling all over this sweet gestured young man. I would take his compliments as pure love for me, which in turn I would strive to keep it by forcing myself to love him back. But now, I realize, that is not necessary, I have all the men I need to love in my life already, and anyone else is just...well they are just a companion. Just because they love me, doesn't mean I have to love them back the same way.

"You are very kind Garrett. Any woman would be lucky to have you." I reply politely.

"Ahh...I see that my charm is no use on you. Your men are lucky to have you as well... So ruler of dragons... What do you plan on doing after you win this war?"

I smirk.
"What makes you think we will win?"

"I have no doubt you will. But humor me, what happens after?"

I pause not sure what to say, I had only touched on that subject briefly. I know what I want for the realms.

"Well, everyone will live freely, with their own leader they have chosen. I will oversee all consequential matters if need be. But initially it is the realm ruler's responsibility to guide their people to prosperity."

"A noble ideal. But I wasn't talking about the realms, I was talking about you. Where does Brianna see herself?"

"Well..I..." and I begin to choke, not sure of what to say. I haven't really thought of what I would like to do. I know I will be forced into ruling, wearing a crown and leading a realm...or all of the realms. But what do I do in the interim? Will I settle down, marry, have children? Or am I bound to a king beyond Lesteros? To follow him where he goes with no actual free will of my own?... all these questions cause pain in my heart, that is not what I want. But what do I really want?


I glance at him as he waits for my answer.
"I don't know Garrett. I haven't thought that far ahead I guess."

He takes my hand in his stopping us both at two large jewel encrusted doors. He holds my hand up to his lips and kisses it gently.

"I hope you figure it out. You deserve everything you've ever dreamed of. If you need someone to chat with... come find me. I am just beyond that hallway to the right."

"Thank you Garrett." I reply taking my hand from his.

"See you at dinner lady Brianna."

"Yes, see you at dinner."

He smiles and walks away down the hallway, leaving me feeling alone and confused.

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