The Wolf and The Dragon (Book...

By Akita_Ninjago

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"My land was once peaceful and pristine, but that changed a decade ago when the Ice Emperor imposed his will... More

1- Prologue
2- Silver and Copper
3- Mr & Mrs
4 - The Real Quiet One
5 - Temporal Void {The last time}
6 - Please, Explain!
7 - Wasted True Potential
8 - Questing for Quests
9 - Never Realm
10- Akita
11 - Trust and Destine
12 - Fire Maker
13 - An Unexpected Allie.
14 - The Message
15- Wraped in his Arms
16 - Secrets of the Wolf
17 - The mysterious girl
18 - The ice dragon
Last Christmas...[Special]
19 - The time traveller dragon
20 - A fragile hope
21 - Happily Ever After
22 - Sacrifices
23 - Awakenings
24 - Reunion and Revelations
25 - My mother is a Dragon
26 - Memories
27 - The Time Temple
28 - Darkley's
29 - Closer
30 - Choices
31 - The Time Lords
32 - The Plan
33 - The Baby
34 - Decisions
35 - The Troubleshooter
36 - Say 'Cheese-ssssss'
37 - Good-byes
38 - Red...
39 - Dreams or Memories
40 - Uncertainty meeting
41 - Oni blood
42 - Intimacy
43 - Intimacy level 2
44 - Two lifetimes, one Girl
45 - Subtle Change
46 - Fever
47 - Wolf Girl
48 - Connection
49 - Boundaries
50 - Intimacy level 3
51 - Welcome
52- Naked!
53 - Talking Dirty {intimacy level 4}
54 - Reckless - Ninja GO!
55 - Kiss me
56 - The Dominant
57 - Intimacy level 5 {hammock swing}
58 - Intimacy Level 6 {Hands and Lips}
59 - The Green Ninja's new girlfriend
60 - A very responsible talking
61 - Mistake's Return
62 - The brutal attack
63 - The hurricane and the Rock
64 - Intimacy level 7 - new old couple
65 - K - I - S - S - I - N - G
66 - The Genji Twin
67 - Where are Lloyd and Akita?
68 - Who are the Genji Twins?
69 - The Lady in Violet
70 - Step parents
71 - Princesesses Genji
72 - Akita and Morrigan
73 - Getting things right
74 - Stubborn and Reckless
75 - Secrets, Answers, Truths
76 - Booby Traps
77 - A special Jewelry
78 - The Temple of Love
79 - Bad Wolf, Evil Ninja {intimacy}
80 - The Sisterhood Bracelet
81 - Magic Tea
82 - Fragmented data, Until the End
83 - Forever 'Red'
85 - Anticipation
86 - It is time
87 - Thinking about you...
88 - Unexpected Help
89 - PAUSE || Part 1 Finale
90 - UNPAUSE > Part 2 Finale

84 - Moody, cranky, tired and hungry Wolf

270 7 2
By Akita_Ninjago

Time ship


It has been over 3 weeks since Lloyd has regained all his powers as well as all his memories, and still nothing has happened to me. I can deny I am extremely frustrated.

We haven't heard from Misako either, she hasn't returned and Copper is very worried.

Lloyd has been training like he is about to join a war, not just him but all the others. When he is not training he is always on missions or going after possible allies to join forces with us, he is preparing everyone to face the worse.

We train together in the mornings, just after sunrise exercise, we spar for over an hour every day, and would be the last I see of him until evening.

I met Morrigan, and gave her the letter I found in Okami's House. She didn't stay very long and badly spoke to me, I could tell she was not happy I had Master Wu with me all the time.

Talking about Wu, we have become quite good friends, together with Mistake and Sorla, and sometimes Kataru, we spend hours in the Monastery Library reading all the scroll, books and prophecies we have about The Wolf and The Dragon, everything is right, all events are in place, only 'I' seem to have a problem to fit into the story.

-"Maybe I am not The Wolf!" I shouted in frustration after hours of reading and learning, to be honest by now I know every line on those books...

-"Don't be silly little sister" - Brother Bear told me in a side hug -" we all know who you are."

-"Great!! And I am the only who doesn't have a clue." I spatted back at him for no reason

-"Akita, you better have a break, you have been doing this reading for far too long. Just go to have a rest." Mistake told in her incontestable way. I looked at her but ignored her words, she is not going to tell me what to do.

-"Akita..." Master Wu called me. "Would you please come with me?"

-"Yes, Sensei!" - for some reason, I felt I should listen to him.

Still, I closed the book in my hands with furry before I left the room following him.

-"The Ninja have just come back from a mission, I thought you might want to see my nephew before dinner." he told me as soon as we were far from the others.

-"Is very thoughtful of you, Sensei, but I don't believe Lloyd needs me for anything. He got so much power nowadays. but, I got it, you also want me to have a break, I will go to my room... " - I try not to be rude at him, but I am having enough of everyone trying to tell me what to do.

I entered the room, and Lloyd was already there removing the combat wraps from his hands, he looked at me with a smirk on his face, I acknowledged his presence but walked straight into the bathroom, I didn't want to talk to him. Sure enough, he followed me.

-"What is wrong, Red?"
-"You can read my mind! Why are you bothering to ask?" - I spatted at him.
-"Because your mind is a mess, and you are not even making sense of it to yourself."

-"I don't think I like this 'new' you!!"
-"That is not what you told me last night" - he said giggling and coming close, too close....
-"Lloyd, Honey... I would say anything you want to hear when you... you... you know what I mean" I couldn't say anything else, my thoughts were betraying me and I wanted to smile, he wouldn't stop giggling and his hands were everywhere tickling me.

-"Get lost!" - I said, but I was already laughing.
-"NO... until you start to talk."
-"I am not saying anything, just let me go..." I started to get furious again.

He heard it from my thoughts and released me.

-"Akita!" - He called before I could walk away from him, he was still holding my hand. I looked at him. -"Are you pregnant?"

-"WHAT!?..." - I screamed back at him, feeling panic raising on my core.

-"Are you, by any chance, carrying a child?" - He asked me again slowly as if he thought I didn't know what the word pregnant means or did not understand his question.

-"Of Course, NOT... You know well I am wearing this... this..." I couldn't remember the word... ".... implant. Why do you even ask that?"

-"Because you are a moody, cranky, tired and hungry wolf, most of the time for a few days now, I see it before, I know you better than you know yourself right now." He said calm but firm, making me feel like I was on the wrong.

-"Sure you know... you remember everything... you have all the memory and all the powers... you know it all... Mr Dragon Warrior Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon."

-"OK... I got it! Come here Red!"- every time he does this 'Come here Red' I just melt in his arms, it must be a secret code or something, I just can not escape when he does that to me.

As soon as he started kissing me, he grabbed my wrist and checked my tracker, sliding his finger across and pressing the button a few times.

-"What now?" - I asked.
-"Well, you are not pregnant, according to your implant... not yet, anyway! Just Moody, Cranky, Tired and Hungry Wolf..."

-"and you are a stink, sweat, disgusting and smelly Dragon..." I said back. "Honey, honestly, You seriously need a shower..."

-"I couldn't agree more, Red!" - He said, pulling me inside the shower with him.

Temple of Time

-"what do you need me to do, my daughter."
-"take this to Lloyd, please Daddy, very quick OK, please do not stay there for too long, I fear for your safety."
-"I will do it as fast as I can Copper. Any sign of your Mother?"
-"not yet, she sidetracked again, i just hope she hasn't forgotten who she is and what is her mission."
-"be patient, she will find her way back, she always does."
-"I know I just hope it is too late, I can hold the impact any longer, it is coming, we need her here with us."

He rubbed her shoulder, he knew she was exhausting herself.

-"I will be back soon, Coppie."
-"Thanks, Dad!"

In the Monastery courtyard, Lloyd stands tall facing the evening dawn sky, the wind would blow his hair while he was waiting for his delivery.

-"Thanks for coming."
-"I guess Copper already told you I was in my way."
-"yes, she did. She also told me Mother has sidetracked."
-"Lloyd, I am worried about Copper, she is exhausting herself to delay the impact."
-"tell her to release, we are ready for it. We might not need the sword anyway. It has always been the last resource."
-"is not about you being ready or having the sword, it is all about holding together the after-effects of the temporal quake, it would take the three of us to fix it."
-"what can I do to help?"
-"It occurs to me you are the only one able to reach for your mother when between timelines and realms. Call for her, she might hear you."
-"leave with me, Akron, you better get going before they can track you."
-"on my way. Thanks."

Before he turned around to walk inside the Monastery, he sensed a presence.

-"Are you stalking me, Red?" - he asked the three tails wolf sitting on the rooftop.
-"no... but, what did Akron want?" She asked, jumping down in front of him and shifting back to human.
-"Copper sent him. We now have the map of the final location." He showed her the scroll in his left hand, grabbing her hand with his right.
-"what about your mother?"
-"Nothing yet, Akron suggested I should try to call for her, I will do that later, first let's have dinner, I can smell Zane's food from here. And I can hear your tummy rumbling."

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