ELUSIVE (Book 2)

By hidden_1nk

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Sawyer & Opal, how it starts. More



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By hidden_1nk

"Are you coming with us?" Avery asks and my eyes widen. Her and Jospeh have been trying to convince me all day to go to some random party with them.

I have no idea whose and I don't think I'll be a right fit to even party. I haven't talked to Sawyer in weeks besides the occasional how are you feeling. Almost like I'm checked in on by my family doctor. I go through the usual: Sawyer checks my heart, blood pressure, lungs. Everything you can think of he checks and double checks. After our appointments I huff annoyed every time and walk out. But I've been keeping one secret from him, my head pounds almost constantly and I want to rip it off.

At first I thought it was a dehydration headache and would take medicine which would help slightly but I'd be back to the burning headache within hours. And if I go to a party like this, what if I pass out?

"What time?" I ask, giving myself more time to think about the answer.

"Ten-ish." Avery shrugs. I nod, still not sure I want to go. "I'm taking that nod as a yes." She says before she walks out and before I can say anything.

"I heard you're coming." Jospeh whispers. He smiles at me and I shyly smile back. Of course Avery told him.

"Maybe." I shrug, looking through my drawers.

"Sawyer and Evan can't know. They'll flip." I stop what I'm doing and instantly turn to him.

"We're sneaking out?"

"Shut up." Jospeh rushes over to me, his finger to his mouth. I cover it with my hand, my eyes widening.

"That's going to be a challenge. Sawyers room is right next to mine." I whisper shout.

"We have a plan."

"A plan? What is Sawyer, your dad? What's the big deal if we get caught?" I question, I cross my arms and lean against the tall dresser.

"Sawyer is like a paranoid mom. If he ever finds out, he will pick us up and move us all again. I don't think you want that." He stares me down with a challenging look.

"I guess not." I huff out. I start looking for something decent to wear.

"Meet me in the kitchen in two hours." He squeezes my shoulder and I nod.

"Someone is dressed up." Jethro catches me coming out of my room. I freeze in spot, my cheeks burning up. I may be wearing a snug spaghetti strap black dress.

"It's hot outside." I try walking past him but he blocks me.

"Look, I know I come off as a douche but I hope you can forgive me and we can start over." He says, a wide smile graces his lips.

"Umm, okay." I squeak and shake his hand. Anything to get him away from me. I slowly maneuver around him.

"Maybe with dinner?" He questions, his smile doesn't waiver even after I reject him with a shake of my head. "You'll change your mind." He says with a wink, his cockiness growing.

I walk into the kitchen,

"Woah, isn't that a little scandalous?" Avery whispers into my ear. I pull down my dress, feeling more and more self conscious.

"It's hot outside." I weakly defend.

"Hey, Avery where are the..." Jospeh walks in but as soon as he lays eyes on me he loses track with his words. "Wow. Beautiful." He mutters. I look down, unable to look at him.

"She's trying to get us caught. No one wears something like that for normal everyday things. Did Sawyer catch you?" Avery chimes in, irritated. She slicks her hair back into a high ponytail, waiting for my answer.

"I thought maybe with white converse it will make the dress less...." I look down at my white shoes, twisting my leg in to a pose.

"You thought wrong." Avery rolls her eyes.

"I'm not going back to change." I snap at her.

"What the hell are you guys fighting about?" Sawyer saunters in and I quickly sit down and cover the bottom half of me. From Sawyers point of view it looks like I'm wearing a simple tank top.

"Nothing." We all say at the same time and I inwardly groan, we sound way too suspicious.

Sawyer grabs a bowl and pours himself cereal, not caring what any of us are doing.

I eye Jospeh who just shrugs.

Sawyer turns to all of us as he takes a bite of his cereal.

"I'll be in my office." He says before walking right out. We all sigh out.

"And that's my plan. He spends hours doing who knows what in that office."

"Jerking off probably. Maybe to Opals pics." Avery jokes wiggling her eyes as she looks at me, and I roll my eyes. I can't believe she said that.

"I wouldn't doubt that." Jospeh continues the joke, chuckling.

I smack him on the arm, "Not funny." I deadpan.

"Sorry." Jospeh awkwardly coughs.

"Come on, lets go." Avery pulls Jospeh and I follow after them.

The party isn't as far as I thought it would be. It's at a lake house, at least that's what Jospeh told me. Once we arrive I see tons of people walking around.

"How big is this party?" I whisper to no one in particular.

"Huge." Jospeh shouts as he runs to the entrance.

"Well we lost one." Avery rolls her eyes. We enter the large house. It isn't as crowded as I thought.

"Where do we ..." I stop talking, trying to find Avery but she's no where in sight.

I turn in circles, trying to find her when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Drink up." Avery hands me a cup. I drink it and scrunch my nose, she rolls her eyes, "oh, come on. It's not that bad, loosen up." She walks off somewhere and I stand there. I down the rest of the drink. My first time getting drunk, wonder what my brother would think.

I grab another red cup from a counter and drink it. When I'm done with that one I grab another and another and I lose count.

I feel a buzzing in my head, a good buzzing. I feel the ground moving as I walk to an empty seat, a drink in my hand.

I finally sit down, the buzz in my head turning into those headaches I hope I wouldn't get. I thought people were friendly and would want to talk to me. I'm convinced nobody wants to talk to me.

I find the corner of the couch. I should have never came, I thought this would have been fun. Did Avery and Jospeh just invite me out of pity?

"Hey, can I sit there?" I hear a deep voice, an unknown voice.

I don't realize someone is talking to me until I hear them laugh which causes me to look up and laugh as well.

"Don't you want to be where the party is? Everyone is over there." My hand doesn't stay steady as I point to a large group of people playing pool table.

"I want to sit next to you, though." He continues to laugh. I finally take a good look at him. He's handsome. Tall, blonde hair, brown eyes, I think. He's easy on the eyes, I stare at him for a while, I feel my cheeks heating.

I move over and he gets the hint and sits down beside me.

"Why do you want to sit?" I question, slightly confused. He places his cup on the floor, and turns to look at me with a warm smile.

"Well you see, people usually sit when they're tired of standing or see a cute girl. In this case cute girl."

My face reddens even more.

"Do you want to be friends?" I feel myself feeling fuzzy and happy. I anticipate his answer with a smile. I get closer to him, but no matter how close he's still blurry.

"Um, sure." He says hesitantly. I hold my head as a wave of shocks pound my head.

"Ugh." I groan, closing my eyes.

"Seems like you had too much to drink."

"I only drank like three cups." I defend.

"Really?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yes. I'm not drunk." I stand up and almost lose my footing, "Would a drunk person be able to do a cart wheel?" I challenge.

"I suppose not." He thinks to himself.

I try to do a simple cart wheel but my dress doesn't allow me and I fall to the side. My head pounds harder and I try to ignore the pain.

He bursts out laughing at my drunken mistake and I stand up and try again, this time I trip over my feet and fall landing on him. He catches me and tries to balance me.

"Careful." He says and I giggle.

"Looks like I'm drunk." I whisper, like I've done something bad.

"Can I have your number?" He asks and my eyes widen.

"How about I have yours?" I question. He nods and finds a random pen and writes his number on my arm.

"I'm Nate." He smiles when he's done writing his number.

"Opal." I shake his hand. My head is pounding. I feel the blood leave my face and I panic. I try looking to see if Avery or Jospeh are near by. Dark black spots blur my vision. I quickly stand up which is a bad idea.

"Are you okay?" Are the last words I hear Nate say before I feel myself falling and darkness overcomes my senses.

I wake up with a startle and pull the blanket over me. I'm home, I calm and lie back down. My eyes shoot open when I hear a small cough and I spring right back up.

"Morning." Nate smiles and I hold my head in pain. "That would be a hangover. There's water and Tylenol. Better eat up. It's not much." He says, a little embarrassed that it's just a bowl of cereal.

I look down at what I'm wearing and Nate takes notice.

"I gave you the biggest shirt I own, your dress is underneath. I promise." He says, his hands in surrender.

I look down to check and I sigh in relief.

"What happened?" I question and take a sip of water. I don't feel good and I want to vomit.

"You just passed out. I didn't know who to call. Were you there alone?" He questions and I nod, it's easier.

"Thank you." I tell him and look around his small apartment. I'm sitting cross legged on his couch. I'm assuming he's been watching me from the arm chair across the couch. There's a coffee table between us.

I slowly get up when I'm done taking the medicine and drink all the water.

"I should get going." I weakly smile and walk to the front door.

"Opal, call me. I want to make sure you're okay." He looks down at me and I nod. He's not as cute as I remember, but he is nice. I smile and wave him goodbye before leaving his apartment.

Luckily for me I know where Sawyer lives but not how to get there. I try a bus but I have no money.

"Excuse me, do you have any spare dollars?" I ask a random lady who ignores me when she sees what I'm wearing. The bright sun isn't helping my headache and I lean against a brick wall. The heat isn't helping either.

After a few minutes of asking random people, someone sympathizes and hands me a large enough bill to cover the bus fee.

Forty five minutes later and I'm on Sawyers block. I stay at the corner angry, upset, frustrated, and scared about what's going to happen as soon as I walk into that house.

When I'm at the front door, I rest my hand on the handle. I breathe in my last breath before Sawyer kills me. I slowly open the door, the scene in front of me is chaotic.

Jospeh is pacing back and forth, muttering words. Avery is crying on the couch and Evan is angrily talking on the phone. But no sign of Sawyer.

When the door slams behind me all of their heads snap over to my direction.

"Opal!" Avery sighs in relief. She rushes over to me and embraces me in a hug. "What happened? Where did you go? Are you okay?" She turns me around to inspect me.

I pull away from her, "I'm fine."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you. I was looking for you for hours at the house." Jospeh says and I nod.

"The bottom line is they should not have taken you." Evan evenly says. He doesn't seem angry, more disappointed. He eyes Jospeh and Jospeh isn't able to look him in the eye.

"So what's going to happen now?" I question, still afraid that Sawyer is going to pop out somewhere and start yelling.

"Don't worry, we already took the heat from Sawyers anger. I'm sure he's calmed by now." Jospeh says, when he catches me looking around for Sawyer.

"As soon as we came home and we didn't show up with you he freaked. He's still out there looking for you." Avery softly chimes in, her arms wrapped around her as she tries to comfort herself.

The front door swings open, Sawyers somber gaze meets mine then drifts to the large shirt I'm wearing and the writing on my arm. I quickly move my arms behind my back. He walks over to Evan and they leave the room.

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You should get some rest." Joseph suggests and I nod. I leave the room and take a quick shower. When I'm done dressing comfy I sneak out and look for the landline phone. It's hanging in the kitchen.

I call Nate just to thank him again and tell him I'm safe. But he doesn't answer. I huff out and walk back to my room. It's a weird day, it feels like we're all grounded for some reason.

I lie on my bed as body aches start rolling in. I feel like each and every one of my muscles are twitching and throbbing, everything tensing up. This migraine is getting worse and it's preventing me from focusing on my breathing. Closing my eyes makes everything worse, dizzy spells.

I hear a small knock on my door but choose to ignore it. As I lie there I see the door slowly swing open. I see his curls before he enters fully, and I'm hoping he isn't angry.

But I'm quickly disappointed when Sawyers face darkens at the sight of me. He stares at me, and I could only admire him for his dignified and honest posture. I don't make the slightest movement, I just wait for him to say something.

Sawyer walks over to my desk, the desk looks tiny compared to Sawyer. He takes a seat and I sit at a safe distance, cross-legged on my bed. We stare at each other in silence for a few seconds before he finally clears his throat.

"How was the party?" He asks, and I can't distinguish his tone of voice. He seems genuinely interested.

"It was fun." I lie and he narrows his eyes. He catches my lie and nods. If he's trying to have a normal conversation with me he's sucking, but at least he's trying.

"I'm assuming it was your first party." He says and I immediately shake my head no.

"No, I've been to tons." I try to convince him and myself. The bottom of his eye twitches as he catches me in another lie. I sigh out, "Go on, say it." I roll my eyes.

He smirks and lets out a small laugh, "I respect how honest you appear while lying." He laughs to himself.

"Why are you here?" I cross my arms.

"Just wanted to see if you're okay." He leans back like he isn't being suspicious. This time I narrow my eyes.

"I'm fine." I say through gritted teeth. He stares at me, the intensity growing.

"The deeper you dig your lying deceit hole, the farther your lying ass will have to climb out of it." He tells me and he laces his fingers together as he sits there waiting for me to say something.

"I said I'm fine." I snap. He frowns nodding his head.

"It's not the lie that bothers me, really. It's the insult to my intelligence I find quite offensive." He challenges me.

"You have your secrets and I have mine." I bite back and his frown deepens into a scowl.

"Why are you so angry?" He questions, almost hurt. He walks over to me and I move further against my bed. He checks my temperature and he grunts. I pull away from his heated touch.

"You've kept Jospeh dying and us being married a secret. Why can't I have mine?" I argue and his eyes instantly snap to mine, full of confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He questions. He watches me with a troubled expression as he waits for me to answer.

"Don't play stupid, Sawyer. You know exactly what I'm talking about. The watch, time travel." I whisper the last part.

"Jospeh dying and us?" He questions more to himself. What game is he playing at?

"You already know this." I huff out, shooing him away.

"I honestly don't know what the bloody hell you're on about. You have a high fever and you seem delusional." He pins what I'm saying on being delusional.

"Fine, Sawyer. Deny it all you want. But I know you know what I'm talking about. You're being an asshole." I angrily get up and walk over to the bedroom door, swinging it open. I gesture for him to leave.

Sawyer walks over to me and I'm slightly surprised he's listening.

"I'm sorry if I upset you. But I literally have no fucking clue what you're on about." He mutters before curtly smiling at me and slamming the door in my face. I reopen it and slam it at him.

How dare he deny what he saw.

I walk downstairs to get water, unfortunately Sawyer is in the kitchen.

He sees me and smiles. I'm a little freaked out with his attitude. I furrow my eyebrows and instantly his smile drops. He gives me a confused look.

I grab a glass of water and the phone ringing startles me.

Sawyer angrily marches to the phone, "For fucks sake." He picks up the phone, "Look, for the last fucking time Opal doesn't live here."

I rush to the phone and push Sawyer out of the way.

"Hello, Nate. Sorry about that." I say through the line hoping he hasn't hung up.

"Opal?" He questions.

"Yeah." I breathe out and glare at Sawyer. Sawyer watches me, fists clenched. I feel uncomfortable under his intense gaze and move to the living room, grateful for the long extension wire.

"Who are you talking to?" Avery mouths and I blush under her knowing eyes.

I turn around, my back facing her.

"I tried calling, I was about to give up." Nate admits. "Who was that, your brother?" He questions and I catch Sawyer angrily talking to Jospeh.

He catches me staring and he looks beyond pissed.

"He's just nobody?" I question more than state.

"A boyfriend?" Nate questions sounding slightly worried.

"No. Ew. No." I shake my head even though he can't see me.

"Oh ok. Good." He sighs out. "So, how are you? Are you okay?" He questions.

"I'm fine. Just called to let you know I'm okay and to thank you." I smile even though he can't see me.

"I'm glad. You're the first girl who has ever passed out on me. I didn't know what to do, I'll admit." He nervously chuckles.

"Sorry." I sheepishly say.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay. I hope this isn't the last time we talk." He awkwardly trails off.

Julie walks in through the front door and all my common sense leaves me.

"Want to meet for lunch tomorrow? I blurt out.

"Hmmm, maybe."

Before I can say anything I hear the line going dead. I follow the cord back to the kitchen, except it isn't connected to the wall, but cut from the wall.

"Thank god Julie's here. Got me out of Sawyer complaining." Jospeh says, irritated with Sawyer.

"He cut the cord." I complain with him.

"Kept going on and on about how some guy wont stop calling you." He shakes his head as he explains all of Sawyers complaining.

Why is Sawyer even angry? It doesn't make sense.

"Please tell me it isn't true?" He questions when I don't say anything.

"He's nice." I sheepishly shrug and Jospeh is already shaking his head.

"No, no, no. Wrong guy." Jospeh says and I shrug again. I know he's the wrong guy, but it's summer and I want a summer love. It's the least I can get after being kidnapped and not being able to see my family.

"Who is the right guy?" I question.

Jospeh's gaze jumps to someone behind and I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"We need to talk." Sawyer whispers into my ear.

I turn around to face him, he's leaning forward to my level. For the first time we're face to face and I glare at him and feel my cheeks flush with anger.

"No, Sawyer. You've cut the cord. We have nothing to talk about." I snap and walk off.

"That's a little rude." Julie joins in, stopping me from leaving to my room.

I snicker at her remark, "You don't know the first thing about rude. Hang out enough with him," I point to Sawyer, who glowers at my remark. "And you'll know rude. No wait, you'll know asshole." I push pass her and lock myself in my room. Anger is boiling, coursing through me. I blame this fever and headache.


Everything still seems crazy and I want all of this to end and go back to normal 😭

Do you any of you have tik tok? 🤔

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