Rusger Oneshots

By Emo_warrior365

243K 6K 13.9K

One thing I noticed in this fandom. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH RUSGER. and I'm probably not a good choice to do this... More

some stuff first: How to navigate
You just never learn, do you?
When can we meet again?
An easily flustered boyfriend
A Jealous Commie
Meet you at Hell's Moon?
Friends, Lovers or Brothers
When can we meet again? (part 2)
1.1k(and counting) reads special
Bed Head
A Demon and A Werewolf
A Demon and a Werewolf (part 2.)
2.3k(and counting omg) Special
The German Harem
Artworks!!!(6.5k Reads Special)
Let me Go
...hOw ThE HeCk dID tHiS gEt 10k+ ReAdS
When It's that Time of the Month
Incorrect Quotes part 2(10.9k read special)
Lasst uns feiern!!(Let us party!!)
See, this is What happens, when you get drunk in a Bad mood
Voting time :D
Schlaf ein (Go to Sleep)
Tangled up in You
A Blessing despite the Curse
Ice Skating with You
I got tagged :3
Incorrect Quotes part 3 (20k+ special)
Midnight snack
Vote for your Poison
Happy Valentine's day, meine liebe
tagged again (plus IncQ)
The Boathouse
Sing me to sleep
Harem Shenanigans 1.
Be Gay Do Drugs
32k Reads Special
Hallway Meeting
Harem Shenanigans 2.
Q and A (40k reads special)
First Watch
Soft Movie Night
One Sick Commie
One Sick Commie (part 2.)
The 50th Oneshot
Public Affection is not allowed in Hogwarts
Falling in-(love with you)-to the Ocean
Harem Shenanigans 3.
The German Harem (part 2.)
Lazy Sunday (Morning)
Lazy Sunday (Afternoon)
Lazy Sunday (Night)
Safe and Sound
My R
My R (part 2.)
Nightmares and Reality
Kidnapping a Demon leads to Getting Murdered
Our Scars Make Us Stronger
Happy 'birthday', Deutschland!
Oktoberfest is cancelled and Ger is sad
RusGer's Love Song
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Paper Airplane (Valentine's Day Special)
Wholesome Nesting and Cuddles
Office Problem
Bleeding Out
Kiss It All Better
Patching Up Our Broken Pieces
No Thoughts Just Airborne
Who had the Worst day?
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Crystalized Meth
Say you won't Let Go
Say you won't Let Go (part 2.)
A needlessly long car drive and ice cream
The 100th Oneshot
Family Gathering
Bouquets of Flowers (Valentine's Day Special)
A Little Thunderstorm
Abandoned Hospital
Childhood: Soviet Union Edition
Pack Nesting
Birthday Wishes
Worst Nightmares: Germany
Worst Nightmares: Russia
Minishots in a Oneshot
Cute Animals
Knowledge: Assignment
Knowledge: Self Defense
Christmas Eve
Tell me a Love Story
Berlin 1993
Handmade Gifts (Valentine's Day Special)
You were all my Family
Big Brother
Impromptu Dances
The 120th Oneshot
One Bed
Minishots in a Oneshot (part 2.)
5 Days to Christmas!
Hand Holding (Valentine's Day Special)


1.8K 51 129
By Emo_warrior365

Aww well uncreative titles again

Thank you guys so much for seeming to like this new AU so much! It means a lot OwO

Well, this is the how everything began in the Mermaid and Pirate AU I guess XD Not how they met, but how they became... them.

Alright please enjoy >3 (don't have much to say rn not feeling great-)




A woman pumped her arms as fast as she could, her blond hair falling loose out of her bun, face red and wet with tears as she ran towards his direction. She was caught up by two beefy men that emerged sprinting from her house,  grabbing her by the shoulders and pushed her to her knees.

She screamed in pain, cutting her knee on a sharp rock on the ground. "MAMA!!" Germany yelled, panic swelling in his gut and he shrugged against the hand on his shoulder, desperately trying to get to his mother.

"Don't." The hand held on his shoulder tighten, the voice powerful and commanding. Germany's father stared at the sobbing woman from where they stood, only a few meters away from her. A cool wind blowing through the calm village, oblivious to the things happening in the house closest to the seashore.

"N-Nazi b-bitte...(1)" The woman shivered, holding herself up on her arms painfully, tears pouring down her red cheeks. "P-Please, I'm his mother, l-let me talk to him one last t-time-" 

Germany stared at his mother from beside his father, his golden eyes the same golden colour as hers, wide and frightened, he didn't know what was going on. His father stood impassively, watching her quiver and cry on the sandy soil.

"No. I've already told you this before. One day I will come for him, and he will leave with me. You mean nothing to him now." Nazi said coldly, his black eyes soulless. Germany's lip trembled, what was his father talking about? 

Germany's mother's eyes widen, and she screamed again, picking herself up with renewed strength as she fought to get to her son. The two men were behind her in an instant, bringing her to her knees again. One of them kicked her in the stomach, and she moaned, curling into herself.

"Papa-" Germany whimpered, looking at his father with wide eyes, why wasn't he helping her? Who were those bad men? He always thought his father was a hero, Mama often told him the stories, how Papa took gold and treasures, and came back twice a year to gift it to them, letting them live peacefully in their small town.

"N-Nein nein nein Nazi please he is only eight, he is only a child!!" His mother screamed, choking on the blood trickling out of her mouth. One of the men laughed, and stepped on her toes, making her scream again in pain.

"He will learn by my side," Nazi said, holding on to Germany's shoulder, keeping him still. "One day he will lead my fleets, carry the legacy of my empire. He will help expand it, and together, we will take control over all the seven seas." He said proudly, not taking his eyes off her one moment.

She sobbed, burying her face in her dirtied hands. Germany had never seen his mother like this before, hurt and bleeding before his own eyes. Kneeling and begging on her knees."N-Nazi please...You l-love me-" She coughed, blood trickling out out between her lips. "Y-you told told me that you l-loved me-"

Nazi smirked, and looked at the town, little houses and shop-lets. "That was eight years ago. You were...what you would say the best of the worst. But honestly, you were nothing special either." He said smoothly, looking at her if she was just a used old shirt.

"I wanted something, and this was the closest spot. Now, I have what I want, you don't matter anymore." He hissed, holding Germany closer to his side, almost as if giving him a side hug. The woman shivered again, his words digging into her mind like an echo, pressing into her like a metal crush. 

"Sorry, meine lieber(2). But that's my lifestyle. Pillage and plunder." Nazi grinned again, his voice full of mock cheerfulness. She looked up when he called her that, tears flowing out of her golden eyes and she sobbed again, her forehead on the ground as she wept.

Germany whimpered, scared of what was happening before his eyes, and started to cry silently. Nazi noticed it, and kneeled down in front of him, a soft smile on his face, devoid of any cruelty he had threw at the woman.

"Don't cry, mein sohn(3). You will be with me now, and I will not leave your side." He said, full of sincerity, wiping away his tears with his thumb gently.  Germany sniffed, soothed by his father's gentle words, and gripped on to his sleeve tightly.

Nazi spared a glance down at where the woman still cowered, watching them. "She is useless, a disgrace to our bloodline." He snarled, and spat at the ground close to her. "Filthy whore." He was glad he was done with her, hating coming here every year to listen to her whining stripper girl self, living comfortably in his riches. But she had beared him his heir, and so he had to tolerate her. 

She trembled on the ground again, and whispered, loud enough for him to hear. "Y-You're a m-monster..."

Nazi quirked an eyebrow, and stood up, taking hold of Germany's hand. "I'm glad you finally realized that." He said with a wide, mad grin, and turned away, bringing Germany along with him.

Germany turned his head back to look at his mother. He was confused, his little heart still beating fast with fear, but he followed his father to his boat. He felt something shift in his heart, a lesson he would remember forever, but he didn't know what it was yet. 

She screamed again, dragging herself with her arms. "Deutschland!!" His mother wailed, reaching out a shaking hand to him, tears streaming down her face. Germany was silent, he didn't say anything, he didn't call out to her again, he just followed his father up the gangplank to the boat, and stepped onto the wooden floor.

His mother thrashed on the ground, the two strong men picking her up by the shoulders as she continued to scream his name, begging his father to bring him back. Germany looked at her from the boat, she looked so small from here. One of the men pulled out a black gun from his pocket.

Nazi noticed his son was still watching from the edge of his ship, and he told his shoulders again, guiding him away. There were more people on the boat, Germany thought, more men like those two at the ground, tough with muscle and grim looking. One of them had a huge lip-ring, and all of them had a weird black tattoo on their left arm, it looked like a cross, but with extra arms coming out of it. 

"We're done here, get this ship moving, you lugs!" Nazi barked, and the men scurried away, stopping their ogling at the young, fresh boy. They raised the mast, heaving on ropes, and slowly, the ship groaned and moved into the ocean.

Germany lurched as the first ocean wave hit the boat, he had never left the comfort of his town before, and somehow he knew, he would never be returning. A red flag fluttered at the highest mast, with the same black cross thing that was tattooed on the men's arms. 

A bang rang out from behind him, and Germany had to turn around to watch the last glimpse of his home slip away, disappearing into the coast. The bang seemed to echo, nothing he had ever heard before in his short life. It felt scary, and powerful as well. A lingering feeling for his mother suddenly leaped in his heart, and died away. 

Nazi took his son to his cabin, and let him step in. He closed the door, and took of his overcoat, draping it on the rack. 

"Papa...?" Germany asked softly, and Nazi turned to face him, those wide golden eyes of that whore stared back at him. At least the rest of his features were his, the same inky black hair and sharp jawline, he was small, but Nazi reckoned he would grow. "Where are we going? What's happening to Mama?" 

He kneeled down on one knee to be closer to Germany's height, and ran a hand through his soft black hair, looking him in the eye. "My little Deutschland..." He murmured, pulling him into a warm hug. Germany wrapped his arms around his father's neck, burying his face into his shoulder. He was worried, and confused, but at least he had his father, so he didn't feel scared aymore. 

"You'll understand things next time, but for now, you will be safe with me. Don't worry about her." Nazi said, pulling away but keeping both hands on Germany's shoulder. Germany nodded slowly, and his father smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 

"We will be going to my house, they're many people there who are waiting to met you, aren't you excited?" Nazi grinned, clapping him on both shoulders lightly. Germany managed a smile back, starting to feel a bit of excitement for his new adventure. "Is it very big?" He asked.

"Oh yes, it is very big. As big as your town!" He laughed. Germany giggled, and grinned happily. With a happy thought, Nazi noted that his beautiful heir had inherited his famous sharp canine teeth as well. There was not as long as an animal's, but were sharply pointed like vampire fangs. 

"Why couldn't we go live with you then? Mama always said she wanted a big house." Germany asked again, his little voice full of curiosity. Nazi shook his head, and mentally growled at that woman.

"Because you weren't ready yet, Deutschland. I wanted to let you have a bit of a childhood first before you came to me." He said, with a hint of sadness in his voice, looking at his boy. Could he have looked like this when he was a boy himself? He wouldn't know. No one was around to see him as a child. 

Germany opened his mouth again to ask another question. "Ah, no more questions for now, mein sohn. We can talk later when you're settled into you new home." Nazi said, and Germany shut his mouth with a tiny click. Nazi chuckled, and shook up, taking his small hand again. "Come, I had a little present for you."

They walked to his desk, and Nazi opened a drawer, pulling out a bundle of cloth and gave it to Germany. "Open it." He said kindly, moving to sit on his throne of a chair and putting Germany down comfortably on his lap. Germany's eyes sparkled with joy, he loved presents!

His small lithe fingers unwrapped the cloth, pulling it away and revealing a big, shiny, red and gold scale, the colour of a blood red ruby flecked with pure gold. "Its a mermaid scale. I caught a few last week, this one is from the biggest one of them all." Nazi said proudly, as Germany gaped in awe and joy, touching its shiny surface carefully.

"Do you like it?"

"Ja! Thank you Papa!" Germany said, pressing his face into his father's chest as thanks, cradling the scale in his hands. It was as big as his palm, and he promised to himself that he would take very good care of it and treasure it for as long as he could. 

Nazi smiled again, stroking his son's black hair. "Your welcome, mein sohn." 

● ● ● ● ● ●

Russia beat his tail in the water up and down, as fast as he could, turning his head frantically as he swam to watch for anyone or anything that might be chasing him. He was inhaling water so fast, heart beating quickly as adrenaline coursed through his small body. 

There were screams all around him, and he could taste blood in the water. He tried to keep his mouth shut, breathing through his gills, but the coppery tang of blood still stayed in his mouth. An adult merman swam past him, his olive green tail entangled in a net, and he was struggling against it. 

"Help me!!" He yelled at him, trying to pull his tail free. Russia swam to him, tugging at the cords holding on to his limb. The rope that connected the net to the surface of the water grew taunt, and began to pull the entangled merman up. He thrashed even harder, screaming futilely for help.

Russia tried to catch up to him, but the rope pulling the net was too fast, and soon the merman broke the surface of the water, and was hauled up onto a ship, yelling and choking as another rope was put around his neck. 

A spear shot into the water, and Russia screamed and swam down again, dodging the sharp spear. Another had caught a mermaid through her belly, and she wailed in pain as she was dragged up to the surface as well, red blood trailing in her wake. 

"Папа!! Украина!!(4)" Russia screamed, swimming through the water, searching for his family and screaming all their names. He had last been with his brother Ukraine, talking and smiling, sitting beside each other at the edge of the pool with their tails dangling in the water, their family nearby, his younger siblings played in the water. His father was close by as well, watching them all fondly.

Then they came, a huge ship with wide masts and a red fluttering flag. Pirates. They all dove into the water, and then all hell broke loose. The pirates were killing them, capturing them, destroying their secret sanctuary. Their ugly laughter would forever haunt the memories of young little Russia.

He swam through another cloud of blood, gagging and pushing his way through it, rubbing his eyes and searching left and right for his brothers and sisters, his father. Other mermaids were being taken up to the ship, and Russia was frighten, a raw determination to not end up like them. He had to live. 

"Россия!!" A young boy's voice screamed his name, and Russia swiveled in the water, trying to locate the cry. A glint of light blue and golden yellow caught his eye, and he swam as fast as he could to it, his heart beating furiously in panic.

"Казахстан!!(5)" He shouted, reaching out a hand to his younger brother. "Россия, help me!!" Kazakhstan screamed, hopelessly trapped inside a net, one thin arm poking out of the holes in Russia's direction. 

Russia clawed at the net, trying to break the ropes. When that didn't work, he frantically bit at it with his teeth. Kazakhstan cried inside the net, trying to tear his way free as well. Suddenly his eyes widen, and he reached out an arm again to point, alerting Russia, who turned around to see.

The brothers stared in shock as a pirate chased down Ukraine, his deep blue and yellow tail beating fast in the water, a spear stabbed through his tail and trailing blood. The rope had broke, and he was trying to get away as fast as he could, but a human pirate had gotten into the water, and intercepted him.

"Украина(see 4)!!" Russian screamed as his other brother was caught in the humans arms, thrashing and snarling, his every movement pained. The human shouted something, and yanked out the broken spear in his tail, making him cry out in agony.

Ukraine's bright yellow eyes caught sight of them at the last moment, and he opened his mouth to call out. But it was too late. The human brought down the spear to his back, and Russia could see the metal tip glint through his chest, see the light faint out of his brother's eyes and his voice disappeared, as he was dragged limply to the ship in the human's arms.

 Mermaids were not known for crying, and even when they did no one could see it, their tears dissolving into the ocean. Russia felt something in his eyes, it moved constantly out into the water, and that was probably it.

"Россия!!" Kazakhstan's frantic voice brought him out of his shocked daze, and he spun around, only to see the net holding his brother inside moving upwards to the surface, pulled up by a rope in the pirates ship.

"NO!!" He shouted, swimming up and grabbing the net, trying to stop it and pulling at it. Kazakhstan threw his body left and right, sobbing as they both were pulled up.

Russia gasped as his head broke the surface of the water, and coughed to push out the water in his throat, adjusting to the air. He tried once again to free his brother, who was also coughing and shaking. 

A rough shout alerted him, one of the humans had spotted him trying to break the net. Suddenly, Russia spotted a young, attractive woman standing at the deck, looking down at him.

"Svetlana-" He whispered, his voice hushed. Kazakhstan also turned around in surprise, his eyes widening in shock.

A few months ago, their father, Soviet, had met a human female, who was trapped in a current, crying out for help. He had rescued her, and they eventually became a thing. The other mermaids were not very happy about that, because he started bringing her around to places, the mermaid's secret areas where humans had never been to for centuries. 

Russia remembered coming with his family here to the pools with her, and they played here together, Svetlana even took him in her arms like a mother, a mother he never had. He felt hope, maybe they could be a family again.

She was a spy, it was all a lie. Asking his father about their secret places, being nice, just so she could come here with more humans and destroy them. His father, Soviet brought her here. It was his fault their people were killed and captured here today.

She smiled at them from the ship, and yelled something to her pirate friends. She recognized them, Russia realized. A spear launcher were brought in, aiming at him. Russia was in too much shock to even react, gripping on to Kazakhstan's net until his knuckles were white. 

"Россия move!!" Kazachstan screamed at him, moving in front of him and pushing him away, a bright light of bravery in his light blue eyes as Russia fell back into the water with wide eyes.

The spear shot through the air, and pierced through Kazakhstan's shoulder, spurting red blood everywhere. He screamed in pain, his eyes scrunched tightly shut as the net moved once more, pulling him into the ship until he was seen no more. 

Russia fell into the sea with a splash, sputtering and taking big gulps of water, his gills opening and taking in oxygen again. His brother's blood was washed away from his face, dispersing into the sea. 

The water woke him up, and he swam away as fast as he could, going underneath the boat and hiding in its shadow, shaking with terror with his arms wrapped around his chest. He let his brother go, he let the humans capture him. How could he had let that happen, and do nothing?!

Russia broke out of his terror daze as he heard another familiar voice. Out of instinct, he swam out of his hiding spot, to the other side of the boat, were there were still other mermaids screaming and swimming away frantically.

"Папа?!" He cried out, seeing a familiar red tail with a golden patch of scales. Soviet was treading water, looking up at the boat. Russia turned to look as well, hidden in the shadow of the boat, so no one could see him. There was Svetlana again, standing there at the railing, a smirk on her face as she stared back at him.

"Svetlana... я любил тебя...(6)" Soviet said in a voice full of hurt, and Russia saw his eyes were wet, and not from the ocean. Tears. They rolled down his father's cheeks, filled with pain.

She shrugged her shoulders, smiling down at him. "I know. But I do not. You fell right into my trap, your heart was weak." She said, and Russia could see the visible effects her words had on his father, every word a arrow, piercing him again and again, his soul crumbling into dust and shards.

Svetlana grinned, enjoying the suffering she brought him. She gestured behind her, where presumably the other dead and alive mermaids were being kept. "Thank you for showing me all those secret places, Soviet, they were truly an sight to behold. " She jabbed, wounding him further.

"But, I had different things in mind for them. Perhaps, I will go pay the others a visit one day too." She said slyly, Soviet's eyes widen in fear and panic, and he shook in the water. 

She yelled something to the other pirates, and walked away from the deck. Russia slowly swam out from the shadow, and Soviet caught sight of him, terror and fear still making him shake and tremble, and he opened his mouth to call out to him.

Russia noticed a glint of metal, and opened his mouth to shout out a warning to his father, but it was too late. The spear shoot through the air cleanly, and glistened one more time in the sun before burying itself into Soviet's chest, making him gasp, blood spurting out of his wound and into the surrounding water.

This time, Russia screamed. He screamed until his throat was sore, the foreign feeling of tears falling down his face. Soviet grunted as the spear dragged him up fully into the air, his beautiful red and gold tail shimmering in the sun, his chest heaved one last time, and stilled forever.

Russia was frozen to the spot, as he watched a pirate with inky black hair stood over his father's dead body hung on the railing of the ship. He had a hat with a blood red feather on it, the captain of the ship. He grabbed on to Soviet's limp tail, and with a swift yank, pulled out one of his scales. 

The pirate laughed, holding up the beautiful red and gold scale in the light, admiring it. Russia was filled with cold fury, he wanted to kill them. He wanted to kill those humans for taking his father's life, Ukraine's life, Kazakhstan's life. He didn't even know what happened to the rest of his little siblings, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldova, they were all gone. 

Russia screamed in fury, his ice blue eyes like blue flames, intensely hot, and he bared his teeth, trying to get to the ship and tear that human's throat out. He thirsted for revenge.

A clawed and webbed hand clamped over his mouth, preventing him from screaming out again and alerting the humans there were more mermaids still down there. Russia shrugged violently, his senses in red alert and he thought he had been captured by one of the humans.

The person brought him down into the water, swimming deep. "Quiet,  мальчик(7)!" A merman's smooth voice brought him back to the present, and he stopped shrugging. He had clawed at the other's arms, leaving red lines that trailed streams of blood into the water.

"Let me go!! My family is there-" Russia yelled, twisting his body around to watch the ship disappear as they swam further away. "Your family is gone, мальчик(see 7). Dead, or captured." The older merman said, in a kinder voice, cradling him in his arms and continuing to swim strongly, getting away from the scene of disaster. Russia stayed silent, his eyes wide with shock as the water became darker and darker.

Together, they reached the gathering point, there were a few other mermaids there, some wounded, the uninjured ones holding them up by the shoulder. Once there were no other arrivals, they slowly swam away, back to their home, the secret kingdom of the merfolk.

They all kept their heads bowed, all of them shaken and filled with sorrow for the lost lives. Russia was still cradled in the merman's arms, pressed into his chest as he swam for the both of them. He didn't even reach he was shaking until the man ran a hand through his longish white hair, brushing it away from his eyes in calm, soothing movements, rubbing his scalp gently.

Russia stilled, relaxed against his strong chest, and began cry again. "Shh...мальчик(see 7), it's all going to be okay..." The older merman's voice was low and soothing, cradling him tighter. The ocean brushed against them, a gentle touch. Russia let himself to be the little boy he was, pressed into his father for comfort during scary nights.

"I-I want my п-папа..." He whimpered, resting his cheek on to the merman's bare skin, comfortingly soft and laided with muscles. 

He didn't say anything, continuing to stroke his hair while swimming back home. Russia nodded off, the day's ordeal had worn him out. All his family members were dead or in the hands of humans, he would never seen them again.

Somewhere in his heart, a fire had been lit, a blue flame that thirsted and would not quell. It wanted revenge, the blood of those pirates for the ones he lost today. Svetlana, the woman that broke his father's heart, sent him on his knees to death, became fuel that fed the fire. Love was the poison everyone fell for, but craved. 

'One day, he would take revenge, and they will all pay' 


UwU Hope this was better that the previous one-


and👏I 👏suck👏at👏that👏 QwQ

Also I wanna do an ACTUAL oneshot for the next chapter XD

So would y'all be so kind to choose from below-

1) Kinky smut (on scale of 1 being 'ok :)' and 10 being 'holy water will never save me-' this would be a 6.5 XD)

2) Kinky smut (extra special) (this would a 5.5, but y'all might be throw off guard a bit XD)

3) Fluffy af stuff (This would be most benefical for my emotional health right now but its okay :))

Thank you for much for choosing >3 You're amazing!!!


(1) N-Nazi p-please

(2) my dear

(3) my son

(4) Papa, Ukraine

(5) Kazakhstan

(6) ...I loved you...

(7) Boy (Pronounced mann-chik) 

A'right I think imma head out now bye guys have a wonderful day/night/evening- ^^

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